XAMPP apache server not using the ports I desire, not certain why - apache

So, I've been setting up this HTTP server for a school project that has to be able to maintain multiple domains through virtual hosts. Using XAMPP I have my server set up, I thought I'd done it properly but perhaps not.
I had heaps of issues with not being able to listen to a port, to solve this I used (in httpd.conf under apache/conf/)
ServerName localhost:8080
If I used 80/81/8080/321/any combination that did not have the prefix it told me the port could not be listened or whatever (sorry, a little rusty with my syntax).
I set up my first virtual host up like so (under apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf):
NameVirtualHost *:8080
<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot "H:/xampp2/xampp/htdocs"
ServerName localhost:8080
<Directory "H:/xampp2/xampp/htdocs">
Option Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
I thought this seemed all good and well and I don't believe I've modified anything else. To me, I would expect that this means my Apache server would use port 8080 for the server? However, when I start Apache in XAMPP it states quite clearly
Apache started [Port 80]
Why would this be port 80?
In conjunction, localhost:8080 doesn't navigate me to the documents, but localhost:80 or localhost do. I presume that this just means it's still on port 80. I've tried resetting my computer and XAMPP.
If you need any more information, please let me know. I tried following guides such as this one: http://ailoo.net/2008/07/set-up-multiple-virtual-hosts-on-xampp-for-windows/
Oh, I also edited my Windows HOSTS file; it looks like so:
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost
::1 localhost localhost:8080
Edit: New error... Now getting this when I init, doesn't seem to be affecting it though:
ERROR: Status Check Failure [3]
This program must be run from your XAMPP root directory.
It is being run from teh root directory as far as I can tell.

Ok Im not advanced in this area either. However after much playing around with XAMPP and following a few different guides I got mine working.
The Host under drivers seems abit weird. I declared mine as: test.localhost.com test2.localhost.com
Back up you Xampp, then extract a clean install to C: - Just because that Status check failure sounds like bad news.
!Remember to run setup_xampp.bat from the xampp directory and install the apache service!
Then under you httpd.conf add:
ServerRoot C:\xampp\apache
Listen 7070
Listen 8080
Listen 9090
Apache might not like that at first but meh.
The ServerRoot may already be declared above the Listen spot so just double check.
After that head to C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra.
Edit the httpd-vhosts.conf.
Under the section Name-based virtual hosting add:
NameVirtualHost *:7070
NameVirtualHost *:8080
NameVirtualHost *:9090
There will be a couple of examples of virtual hosts below that. Add:
<VirtualHost *:7070>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/www/YOURWEBSITEDIR1"
ServerName test.localhost.com
<Directory "C://xampp/www/YOURWEBSITEDIR1">
Allow from all
<VirtualHost *:9090>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/www/YOURWEBSITEDIR2"
ServerName test2.localhost.com
<Directory "C://xampp/www/YOURWEBSITEDIR2">
Allow from all
Not the double slash in the Directory tag. Now ensure there is an index.html under each of those directories. Restart the apache (Stop, start).
I cant navigate to the test.localhost.com URLs, probably due to the fact they are terribly wrong in the HOSTs config. Though I can connect to, and access the webpages from there.
Also connects me to the xampp welcome panel that localhost used to connect you too.
Hope this helps and good luck!

I'm pretty sure that saying 'listening on port 80' is hard-coded into XAMPP, regardless of the port you use. Thus, your code should work fine.
In my .conf file, it just says "listen 80" instead of Listen


How can I change all my links on my Apache site to look for port 8080 instead of 80 after changing my site from 80?

My local Apache environment, on XAMPP, was set up to listen on port 80. I now changed it to listen to port 8080. my site now works on port 8080. I have to go to mysite.local:8080 to make it work, which is fine. The only problem is when I click a link it goes to mysite.local/page instead of mysite.local:8080/page and the page does not work. Also, some of my pages that use a log in require me to NOT use 8080 in the url so I have to use mysite.local/admin instead of mysite.local:8080/admin so I am constantaly swithing between adding the port number in the url and taking it away for some other pages. Is there a way where I can make it where I don't have to specify port number on any of the pages. This happened after installing IIS by the way.
My vhost page now looks like the below:
<VirtualHost mysite.local:8080>
DocumentRoot "C:\repos\www.mysite.org\web"
ServerName mysite.local
ErrorLog "logs/mysite-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/mysite-access.log" common
<Directory "C:\repos\www.mysite.org\web">
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require all granted
The problem is, that after you changed Apache to listen on 8080 Apache does not even see traffic on :80 (and that's where default HTTP traffic goes).
As you said that you have IIS listening on :80, the only way to solve your problem is to make IIS act as a reverse proxy that would forward all the traffic that should be meant for Apache to Apache.

Apache vhost config on non-standard port - only the first vhost is ever served

I am trying to serve 2 sites via Apache (v2.4.7 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS) on a non-standard port (8787). This is to accommodate a proxy setup (I have nginx serving other sites on port 80 on the same dedicated server). I am pretty confident the proxy configuration is fine but the vhosts seem to not be getting respected at the level of Apache (i.e. when I hit port 8787 directly, which nginx is not touching). The set up I have is seemingly very straightforward and as follows:
<VirtualHost *:8787>
ServerName site1.com
ServerAlias www.site1.com;
DocumentRoot "/var/www/site1.com"
<Directory "/var/www/site1.com">
AllowOverride All
<VirtualHost *:8787>
ServerName site2.com;
ServerAlias www.site2.com;
DocumentRoot "/var/www/site2.com"
<Directory "/var/www/site2.com">
AllowOverride All
I also have a "Listen 8787" line replacing the "Listen 80" line in my top level /etc/apache2/ports.conf file. This is the sum total of the custom configuration I have done. Both sites have been enabled with a2ensite and the 000-default vhost has been disabled. I double checked that this worked by looking at the symlinks in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. I've restarted Apache several times (w/ sudo) and rebooted the whole machine several times. No matter what, when I hit http://site2.com:8787 (and also http://site1.com:8787) I am served site1.
I have looked around everywhere to try and surface the specific thing that might be causing this and I am completely out of ideas. If anybody has dealt with this please let me know and I will follow up with a status on the fix right away.
Updating this: I resolved the problem. It was actually the trailing semicolons on certain lines of the vhost conf which I'd accidentally inserted (I guess I'd been editing too many Nginx conf files). I think perhaps they were being treated as part of the hostname by Apache

Xampp vhost cannot load the virtualhost without port number

I am not sure if this is a repost but I couldn't find a solution.
I have an application setup in my local environment which the name I added in my hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) as follows, skeletonpage.lk
Also I added a record in httpd-vhosts.conf as below.
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/skeleton/public"
ServerName skeletonpage.lk
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/skeleton/public">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
When I run the application on browser I can only load the homepage with the port number tagged with the site name. Ex: http://skeletonpage.lk:83/
I have both XAMPP and WAMP in my machine and my site runs in XAMPP for which the port 83 is given, If I remove :83 it loads the homepage of wamp server which has port 80.
I tried removing and modifying above code snippet but still cant get rid of port 83. I know this is something simple, but would be glad if someone can help.
I modified as <VirtualHost *:83> also <VirtualHost> and restarted XAMPP also modified NameVirtualHost *:83 but no use.

WAMP - World Wide Access

I have installed WAMP on my computer running Windows 7. The Apache is running on port 80. I am searching here and there and everybody has its own solution. None of it fulfil the requirement.
Local IP:
External IP: (Collected from whatsmyip.org)
Changed httpd.conf file:
DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www"
<Directory "c:/wamp/www">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
I have also added some rule for port 80 in Windows Firewall and also forward port for my LAN IP. Here is the pic:
Nothing happens after all that. Clicking "Put Online" and watching it to go green, nothing happens. I can access www directory by either localhost IP address ( or my LAN IP address (
Is it really possible to put WAMP for world wide access?
If it is possible, then how?
I have been searching around but none of them works. I have also searched SO:
Unable to access wamp server from outside my computer
How can i put my WAMP online for someone to access?
Some external sites:
It is possible, yes.
I would suggest momentarily disabling the firewalls, trying the connection and seeing if it works. If it does, you know it's firewall - turn windows one on and the other one by one to eliminate them. If it doesn't, you know you have issues.
Remember to run httpd -t from the command prompt to verify that your config is free of errors and of course make sure you restart apache and the W is green in the task bar. Make sure it actually is restarting, too - as some times things like mail servers (hMailServer I am particularly aware of) can stop it happening. In this case you need to restart the wampapache service from the services control panel (Start > services.msc).
Here's some extra info though, as you might be better setting up dynamic DNS. I use DynDNS and have the following vhosts conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName mysite.dyndns.org
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
DocumentRoot /home/mysite/
<Directory /home/mysite/>
AllowOverride All
Allow from All
# some logging stuff I cut out here
Put that in mysite.conf inside c:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.21/conf/virtual. The mysite.dyndns.org is the host I have set up at dyndns. Finally, to make virtual hosts work, add this to your httpd.conf:
NameVirtualHost *:80
Include "c:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.21/conf/virtual/*.conf"
Now, if it still doesn't work you you probably have other issues. Can you telnet on port 80 to that above address? See above firewall issues.

XAMPP Apache site-root-relative links work locally, fail when accessing dev site via remote machine over LAN

Am trying to set up multiple site development areas on a single server machine, then work on content from other computers over LAN. (Excuse the general wording of my questions, the site keeps preventing me from entering example URLs, etc.)
When I work directly on the server machine, entering
as the URL everything works beautifully. It correctly resolves all links, image references, etc, as being relative to the site root.
When I connect from a different machine, over our Lan, entering
I get automatically redirected to a default XAMPP welcome page (So I am at least connecting to the server)
I figured how to setup an Alias statement, so that, for example something like
gets me to the home page for my site. But subsequently when I click on links, for example
which I would want to go to
it instead resolves to
Relevant settings on the computer running the Apache server
IP Address:
In Windows Host file: localhost mySiteName
In httpd-vhosts.conf:
NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs"
ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "D:\companysites\newproducts\mysite"
ServerName mySiteName
<Directory "D:\companysites\newproducts\mysite">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
In httpd.conf (assigning alternate port to Apache, since 80 is otherwise used):
Listen 3399
Have tried a bunch of things not detailed here, trying to figure out how to correctly define some combination of server machine and remote machine virtual host definitions and url settings, as well as much web searching and zero luck so far!
At present you've set it up so all Virtual Hosts are listening for the same connection. Same ip from all ports. *
I figured it out, finally! Hopefully this will be useful and clear to someone else! (I am new to this, so may be obvious to others - there were some basic things I didn't understand and now do...)
In httpd-vhosts.conf file, you can:
Create any number of "Listen" statements, each with a unique port number. So, for example.
Listen 8885
Listen 8886
Listen 8887
Then you can create any number of VirtualHost definition sections, associating one of the above ports with each, for example:
NameVirtualHost *
DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs"
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "file-system/path"
ServerName mySiteName
<Directory "file-system/path">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
When connecting to the server from a remote computer, it is not possible to use any combination of alias server names and/or alias file path names (at least, didn't work for me - if there is a way, I'd be interested to know). Instead, always enter ip-address:port#, for example, enter, as the URL to one of the defined sub-domains on the server machine: