On clicking a tab need to answer an alert before moving into the tab clicked - iPad programming - objective-c

There are many tabs in my screen,I want to give an alert box which says "Do you want to save the changes?" if user changes anything in the page, without clicking on the save button provided in the page,he is clicking on diff tab.
I'm able to get the alert view but the tab click moves the screen to the tab which was clicked. The screen should not change until the alert view is answered.
Can anyone let me know how to suppress the screen change until the alert view is answered ?

This doesn't directly answer your question, but: what you're trying to do sounds like bad UI design. (In general, if it feels like you are fighting against UIKit, you're probably doing it the wrong.)
In this case: if you really want to ensure that a user taps a Save button before moving to a different screen, you should present that screen in a modal view, so that it is impossible to navigate to any other part of the app.
In other words, if you want to prevent a user from navigating away from a screen, don't show them buttons or tabs that would allow them to navigate away. Otherwise, you're just making more work for yourself and frustrating a user.

Implement UITabBarControllerDelegate in your app delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application
self.tabBarController.delegate = self;
[window addSubview:self.tabBarController.view];
Then use the below delegate method,
- (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
This method is called before the tab switch and you can return no here to disable that and show an alert message instead. Once the user has performed the save either he can press on tab again or you can programmatically switch to the new tab as,
self.tabBarController.selectedViewController = [self.tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0];
Add this inside your delegate,
How about this for switching to the tab programmatically,
- (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController {
if () {
//some code
} else {
//some other code
self.tabBarController.selectedViewController = viewController;


applicationDidEnterBackground method not getting called neither did applicationWillResignActive when My application goes in the background iOS 7

I am developing a banking application and the client requirement is not to show/save the screen snapshot when app goes in the background (i.e., when home button is clicked).
I have added an overlay view in background method and removed that view when app again comes in the foreground. Its working perfectly fine when I click home button, wait for 1 or 2 secs and then again click home button twice.
My problem is: If I click home button once, wait for some milliseconds (just before the app icons visible)and then again click home button twice, then the screen snapshot is visible (in multitasker view).
When I analysed the issue, I came to know that my background delegate method doesn't get called in this scenario and hence, no overlay view is added in this case.
Steps to Reproduce:
Add An overlay view (with while color, lets say) in appDidEnterBackground Method of your application.
Add code for removing that overlay view in willEnterForeground Method.
Now, run your application.
Press Home button once.
Just after pressing home button once (and just before your application icon is visible), click home button twice so that you are able to see the Multitasker view.
Instead of your overlay view, you would be seeing the application screenshot there.
Expected Results:
The While overlay view should have been added, and you should have seen that instead of app snapshot.
Actual Results:
You are able to see the application screen shot in Multi tasker view
iOS 7 and above
I've created an app that does exactly what you want. I throw up the shield image view in applicationWillResignActive:
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application {
// ...
self.shieldImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.window.frame];
self.shieldImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"shieldimage"];
self.shieldImageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
[self.window addSubview:self.shieldImageView];
// ...
and get rid of it in applicationDidBecomeActive:
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
// ...
[self.shieldImageView removeFromSuperview];
self.shieldImageView = nil;
// ...

Why UINavigationController keep popping out the top controller

I have UITabBarController, one of the tab points to a UINavigationController. The UINavigationController rootViewController is of class BGProfileView which shows users' profile
At viewDidAppear, I arranged that if users didn't logged in it will push a BGLogin view controller.
[BGLogin alreadyLoggedin:self.navigationController hideBackButton:YES anddoBlock:^{
[self whatToDoAfterLogin];
Now everything is fine but with one minor issue. If I press the tab again, BGLogin will be poped out of UINavigationController.
I have no idea what makes that BGLogin poped out.
If I select a different tab and then click back to the BGProfile tab, this doesn't happen. It just happens when I click the same active tab. So I am in BGProfile tab, and I click that tab again. Basically it happens when I select the active tab that should simply do nothing. In fact, it does do nothing on others.
I put a breakpoint in viewWillDisappear and this is what I see:
As you see, viewDidAppear is called by the main loop. But why the hell the mainloop call viewDidAppear? Usually there is a code saying things like nav popViewController
Chances are there . that your tab bar controller is pushing new navigation controller with root view controller. and you interpreting that it's popping out. When same tab is selected you need to tell your tabBarController to not to do anything explicitly.
- (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
UIViewController *tbSelectedController = self.tabBarController.selectedViewController;
if ([tbSelectedController isEqual:viewController]) {
return NO;
return YES;

Get current view

I have an app which has split view inside a tab bar, and these split views often have navigation hierarchy and then sometimes modal views are presents on top of them, and it all works fine, but...
I am trying to display a passcode lock whenever the app goes into background, so I put
[self.window.rootViewController presentModalViewController:lockView animated:YES];
in my AppDelegate's method
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
...which works fine unless a modal view is displayed.
the passcode does not display if a modal view is open.
Is there a way to retrieve the currently active view controller so I can present this lock view?
Thanks in advance
Code that worked was as follows:
BOOL hasKids = YES;
UIViewController *topViewController = (UIViewController*)[[(UITabBarController*)self.window.rootViewController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:((UITabBarController*)self.window.rootViewController).selectedIndex];
while (hasKids) {
if (topViewController.presentedViewController) {
hasKids = YES;
topViewController = topViewController.presentedViewController;
} else {
hasKids = NO;
[topViewController presentModalViewController:lockView animated:YES];`
I think the easiest way is to keep track of which tab is currently active (there are a number of ways to do this, but I'd recommend implementing the UITabBarControllerDelegate and handling its tabBarController:didSelectViewController: method).
Once that's done, you'll probably need to manage a property in each view controller that holds any modal view controllers you present. If, however, you're on iOS 5 or higher, look into the UIViewController property presentedViewController. It appears that this is a new way to do exactly what you want.

How do I hide the master part of a UISplitViewController programatically?

In my UISplitViewController, I want the "master" part of the view to hide itself and the "detail" part take over the full screen when the user clicks a button in landscape. Likewise, clicking the button again takes the user back the standard, split screen view. Is it possible to do this with the built-in class?
There's a method you can implement from UISplitViewControllerDelegate in iOS5:
- (BOOL)splitViewController:(UISplitViewController*)svc
shouldHideViewController:(UIViewController *)vc
return YES;
MGSplitViewController has that functionality built in for pre-ios5 work.

Why is it that my UITableViewController setEditing:animated: method is not called?

I must be doing stupid, but I can't see what: my UITableViewController subclass is never called when the edit button of my navigation is pressed.
What could be causing that?
My view hierarchy is loaded from a Nib file and put inside a popover. The [+] button is connected to the insertNewObject action of my UITableViewController subclass. It works fine.
The [Edit] button however has no action to connect to. The doc says it will automatically call the setEditing:animated: method of the view controller, which I override.
The nib file is set up pretty much as usual AFAICT. And in fact, I'm not sure what additional detail I can give that would suggest my mistake.
What is the control flow from the click on the [Edit] button to the call of the setEditing:animated method?
I feel like we must be missing the same thing.
Whatever the case, I made it work by doing the following.
IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *editButton;
-(IBAction)editButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[self setEditing:YES animated:YES];
- (void)setEditing:(BOOL)editing animated:(BOOL)animate
self.editButton.style = UIBarButtonItemStylePlain;
self.editButton.title = #"Edit";
//self.editButton.style = UIBarButtonSystemItemDone;
self.editButton.style = UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit;
self.editButton.title = #"Done";
// Toggle table view state
[super setEditing:!self.tableView.isEditing animated:animate];
I hooked the editButton up to the button I added to the nav bar and it's action to the editButtonPressed IBAction. After doing that my setEditing: is called (obviously) and the super call toggles the table view's editing state.
I'd like to use the system defined button styles, but the appropriate one is commented out because while it did change style I couldn't figure out how to change the text from "Edit" to "Done" so I had to do it all manually (that only worked if I left the button as Custom and set the style generically). This has the downside of not being localized (for free), etc.