Allocating integers from sequence with transaction in NHibernate - nhibernate

I have some sequence in database, represented by range. It has three fields: beginId, nextId and endId.
The task is to acquire the nextId from this range, and to ensure that it is unique. The code could be ran in highly parallelized environment, with many threads, on many machines.
What I need to do:
var seq = GetSequence()
var acquiredId = seq.NextId;
So I use this code:
using (ISession session = GetSessionFactory().OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead))
var sequence = session.CreateCriteria<Sequence>().Single(); // This line is simplified
var allocatedId = sequence.NextId;
return allocatedId;
But for some reason when I run this code in multi-threading for testing, I received the same id assigned several times. I'm using the transaction with RepeatableRead lock, but that doesn't help.
P.S. Id doesn't mean Id of the table - it just the name agreement we use.

I've used .Lock().Upgrade when the data is taken from DB, and everything worked. Thanks to hazzik for the link.
Now my code have this:


DbUpdateConcurrencyException on inserting a new row in SQL Server using EF Core (expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s))

I am trying to insert data in one table using Ef core 5 with repository pattern and Unit of work.
Code Sample :
var stateData = new State
StateId = state.StateId,
Action = state.Action,
Event = state.Event,
ExecutedOn = DateTime.Now
var result = _unitOfWork.Commit();
GetRepository method used to get respective repo:
return (IRepository<TEntity>)GetOrAddRepository(typeof(TEntity), new
Commit Method :
return Context.SaveChanges();
I am trying to insert data in state table which has Id as primary and identity column. Rest other columns are StateId,Action,Event and ExecutedOn(datatype : datetime2).
Application is running on multiple nodes. So there will be multiple insert request at a same time from multiple node but different data.
I am getting DbUpdateConcurrencyException frequently while inserting the records of states in DB. Sometimes it works but most of time I get DbUpdateConcurrencyException with message "Database operation expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s). Data may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. See for information on understanding and handling optimistic concurrency exceptions".
There is no update operation but still I am getting concurrency exception.
I have tried all others solutions on similar questions but no luck.

Querying over large data under NHibernate transaction

I understand that explicit transactions should be used even for reading data but I am unable to understand why the below code runs much slower under an NHibernate transaction (as opposed to running without it)
var result = session.Query<Order>().Where(o=>o.OrderNumber > 0).Take(100).ToList();
I can post more detailed UT code if needed but if I am querying over 50,000 Order records, it takes about 1 sec for this query to run under NHibernate's explicit transaction, and it takes only about 15/20 msec without one.
Update 1/15/2019
Here is the detailed code
public void TestQueryLargeDataUnderTransaction()
int count = 50000;
using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
Order order;
// write large amount of data
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
order = new Order {OrderNumber = i, OrderDate = DateTime.Today};
OrderLine ol1 = new OrderLine {Amount = 1 + i, ProductName = $"sun screen {i}", Order = order};
OrderLine ol2 = new OrderLine {Amount = 2 + i, ProductName = $"banjo {i}", Order = order};
order.OrderLines = new List<OrderLine> {ol1, ol2};
Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
// read the same data
var result = session.Query<Order>().Where(o => o.OrderNumber > 0).Skip(0).Take(100).ToList();
Your for-loop iterates 50000 times and for each iteration it creates 3 objects. So by the time you reach the first call to Commit(), the session knows about 150000 objects that it will flush to the database at Commit time (or earlier) (subject to your id generator policy and flush mode).
So far, so good. NHibernate is not necessarily optimised to handle so many objects in the session, but it can be acceptable providing one is careful.
On to the problem...
It's important to realize that committing the transaction does not remove the 150000 objects from the session.
When you later perform the query, it will notice that it is inside a transaction, in which case, by default, "auto-flushing" will be performed. This means that before sending the SQL query to the database, NHibernate will check if any of the objects known to the session has changes that might affect the outcome of the query (this is somewhat simplified). If such changes are found, they will be transmitted to the database before performing the actual SQL query. This ensures that the executed query will be able to filter based on changes made in the same session.
The extra second you notice is the time it takes for NHibernate to iterate over the 150000 objects known to the session to check for any changes. The primary use cases for NHibernate rarely involves more than tens or a few hundreds of objects, in which case the time needed to check for changes is negligible.
You can use a new session for the query to not see this effect, or you can call session.Clear() immediately after the first commit. (Note that for production code, session.Clear() can be dangerous.)
Additional: The auto-flushing happens when querying but only if inside a transaction. This behaviour can be controlled using session.FlushMode. During auto-flush NHibernate will aim to flush only objects that may affect the outcome of the query (i.e. which database tables are affected).
There is an additional effect to be aware of with regards to keeping sessions around. Consider this code:
using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
Order order;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// Your code from above.
// The order variable references the last order created. Let's modify it.
order.OrderDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(4);
var result = session.Query<Order>().Skip(0).Take(100).ToList();
What will happen with the change to the order date done after the first call to Commit()? That change will be persisted to the database when the query is performed in the second transaction despite the fact that the object modification itself happened before the transaction was started. Conversely, if you remove the second transaction, that modification will not be persisted of course.
There are multiple ways to manage sessions and transaction that can be used for different purposes. However, by far the easiest is to always follow this simple unit-of-work pattern:
Open session.
Immediately open transaction.
Perform a reasonable amount of work.
Commit or rollback transaction.
Dispose transaction.
Dispose session.
Discard all objects loaded using the session. At this point they can still
be used in memory, but any changes will not be persisted. Safer to just get
rid of them.

Using SQL dB column as a lock for concurrent operations in Entity Framework

We have a long running user operation that is handled by a pool of worker processes. Data input and output is from Azure SQL.
The master Azure SQL table structure columns are approximated to
[UserId, col1, col2, ... , col N, beingProcessed, lastTimeProcessed ]
beingProcessed is boolean and lastTimeProcessed is DateTime. The logic in every worker role is as shown below and with multiple workers processing (each with their own Entity Framework layer), in essence beingProcessed is being used a lock for MutEx purposes
Question: How can I deal with concurrency issues on the beingProcessed "lock" itself based on the above load? I think read-modify-write operation on the beingProcessed needs to be atomic but I'm open to other strategies. Open to other code refinements too.
[Update]: I wonder if TransactionScope is what's needed here ...
public void WorkerRoleMain()
dbContext db = new dbContext();
// Read
foreach (UserProfile user in db.UserProfile
.Where(u => DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(u.lastTimeProcessed)
> TimeSpan.FromHours(24) &
u.beingProcessed == false))
user.beingProcessed = true; // Modify
db.SaveChanges(); // Write
// Do some long drawn processing here
user.lastTimeProcessed = DateTime.UtcNow;
user.beingProcessed = false;
catch(Exception ex)
} // while ()
What we usually do is this:
At the beginning of a long operation we start a transaction:
Then we select a row from the table we would like to update/delete using these hints:
Then we check that we have the row. If the row is locked by another process there will be an SQL Error. In this case we rollback the transaction and advise the user.
If the record is locked we process the record, and do the required updates, using the same transaction object we used to lock the record:
UPDATE Table SET Col1='value' WHERE ID = 123;
Then we COMMIT the transaction.
This is just the Pseudo-code of the process. You will have to implement it in your program.
One small note regarding the above process. When you lock the record in SQL Server (or Azure), use the primary key in your WHERE Clause, otherwise the SQL Server will decide to use a Page lock, or Table lock

NHibernate - pessimistic locking not working

Follow up of this other question.
I'm trying to implement pessimistic locking for a concurrency issue as I described in the question above (please, feel free to add to that one). But it's not working for me.
I do a very simple test: I have two seperate sites running that both increase a counter 500 times. I run them simultaneously. In the end, I expect that a certain column in my table has, you guess it, a value of 1000.
Here is the code. It's no production code of course, but test code or not, it should still work, right?
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
var tx = this.userRepo.Session.BeginTransaction();
var user = this.userRepo.GetById(42);
The GetById method uses LockMode.Upgrade:
public T GetById(int id)
T obj = Session.Get<T>(id, LockMode.Upgrade);
return obj;
Now, using NHProfiler I see the following SQL statement:
SELECT Id FROM 'User' WHERE Id = 42 for update
but the result is a value of around 530, so that's about half of the updates lost due to concurrency. What am I doing wrong? I disabled second level cache in this test. Am I using the wrong lock mode? Should I specify an isoliation level? Anything else? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: FluentNhibernate config:
.Mappings(m => assemblyTypes.Select(t => t.Assembly).ToList().ForEach(a => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssembly(a)))
.ExposeConfiguration(c => c.Properties.Add("hbm2ddl.keywords", "none"));
For the LockMode.Upgrade to work, all transactions have to be enclosed in a transaction because what LockMode.Upgrade does is lock it into the current transaction.
Your problem will most likely be due to the statements not being enclosed in a transaction.
Optimistic locking does not apply to a single statement, but to multiple transactions that are separated from each other. An example:
Begin a transaction;
Get record by Id = 42;
End the transaction.
Then, outside of the transaction, increase Counter.
After that:
Begin a transaction;
Get record by Id = 42;
Check whether counter has been unchanged from the value received in the first transaction;
a. If it hasn't changed, update the counter with the increased value;
b. If it has changed, handle the changed value.
End the transaction.
Optimistic locking means that you "hope" the Counter hasn't changed between the two transactions and handle the case where it has changed. With pessimistic locking, you ensure that all changes are done within a single transaction with all required records locked.
B.t.w.: the checking mechanism (whether Counter has changed in the mean time) can be automatically handled by NHibernate.

LINQ Insert Into Database resulted in duplicates

I have a linq query running in a WCF Web Service that looks for a match and if one is not found then it creates one.
my code looks like
//ReadCommitted transaction
using (var ts = CreateTransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
Contract contract = db.Contracts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.txtBlah == str);
if (contract == null)
contract = new Contract();
contract.txtBlah = str;
The problem is that I am getting duplicates. I thought the transaction would have locked the database to ensure no duplicates would be found (and supply the ability to rollback). How can I ensure that there are no duplicates?
In a ReadCommited transaction the data can be changed before the end of the transaction. But you can use Serializable transaction which will do table locking.
using (db.Transaction = db.Connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable))
//your code here
Ok, if you don't want to use Serializable tran then you should write a sproc for atomic insert, the logic should look like this SQL in code:
db.ExecuteCommand("INSERT INTO Contract (txtBlah) SELECT {0} WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Contract WITH (TABLOCK) WHERE txtBlah={0})", str);
note this will also lock the whole table during the insert.
Read more on how to create a sproc without a race condition at