Is there automation solution like AutoHotKey that uses a c-like language for scripting?
AutoHotKey is very useful but its syntax is strange.
AutoHotkey is written in C++, and is completely open source. You can mix your projects with it, although it's very disorganized.
A more realistic option is to use AutoHotkey.dll direct download. Any languages that can use machine code DLLs, or COM (component object model). It may include C, but it does include all of these. (Readers: feel free to add-on).
AutoHotkey it self
Python has a package called AutoPyGitHub. It is cross-platform, and seems to have similar functionality as AutoHotkey. I have little experience with it, though.
I know that scripting languages don't use a compiler but rather are interpreted. But I can't find information why exactly is it beneficial? What do they gain by being interpreted?
the positives -
easier to create as they piggyback on an existing code system (c/cpp)
syntax easier to work with in most cases as the creators can focus on that rather than writing a compiler.
need to provide the runtime package to use the code as it's not compiled down to native machine code. (it's instead interpreted into c functions, need the runtime to referee this)
not quote as fast as running native machine code
Scripting languages are designed to be interpreted. They are executed sequentially and the source itself is executed. Compare to something like C++ where a compile and link phase are fundamental to the language itself, and by the time you execute it, the source code is long gone.
So the default position is to interpret scripting languages. Interpreters may even compile in the background for optimization purposes.
So what are the advantages of interpretation versus compilation?
Simpler development environment. No compile process vastly simplifies development. Scripting languages don't require the effort of establishing a whole development environment.
Scripting languages can be used in small chunks - for example inline script in a webpage, or a little event handler in an application plugin. C code for example does not stand alone in small chunks like this.
I need to write a cascading shell extension à la 7Zip. It appears that only the .Net 4 framework supports this, but even in March 2012, MS still advises against using a managed language for this purpose.
So what unmanaged languages are available to write shell extensions for Windows (XP, Vista, 7)?
I read that writing a COM DLL is not easy even for seasoned C++ developpers, so it's probably a dead-end for non-pros. VB6 has been deadware for a decade. I looked at PureBasic and PowerBasic but they don't seem good candidates either.
So is there simply no reasonably easy language to write a cascading shell extension?
As a work-around, is there a library that I could call from VB.Net that would handle the hard part?
Thank you.
There is not a lot you can do if you're not willing to go into the unmanaged world. There is a series of articles on codeproject. This is the first of such articles. They helped me quite a bit. It is written in unmanaged c++ using visual studios ATL project which takes care of some other classes that you would otherwise have to deal with.
COM objects may not be the easiest thing to understand but once they're working they are fairly solid. If anything just treat it as a learning experience.
I am a fresher and being hired as a Quality Analyst in a software firm in automation testing
I have been told to study the Selenium tool.
Can you guys help me in knowing that what are the scripting languages I should get in touch so that I can effectively and efficiently use the tool to give the very best output of mine,
Hoping for responses....It would definitely help me a lot in going in proper direction....
Thanks in ADVANCE
Not exactly scripting languages, but be very fluent with HTML and XML/XPath to easily work with pages and understand how they work.
Knowing a little about JavaScript will also come in handy. As for other languages, Selenium natively speaks HTML, but you can write test cases in any of the following languages (list is not exhaustive):
Native HTML test case can be translated easily to the aforementioned languages, pick whichever you like the most.
You can get all these details from site. Please check the documentation section . Also, regardless of the language you choose selenium features remain the same. So choose the language which you are comfortable with.
Adding to what others have already said, to begin programming with your favorite language using Selenium RC, you need to be familiar with the basic Object Orient Programming concepts.
To help you with XPath there are tools like XPather and Firebug which automatically fetch you the XPath of the element.
The perl language binding is quite reliable and up-to-date.
On the CPAN, the current release Test-WWW-Selenium-1.25 is from 28 Apr 2011. It's actively maintained.
Perl's Test Runners and TAP are cool. There are many other testing modules that you can combine with Test-WWW-Selenium.
Using E-P-I-C perl Editor for the Eclipse IDE, you'd get statement completion in your testcase files.
The Perl API calls are written in a slightly different naming convention: for instance, getEval becomes get_eval
but this is a minor point.
IMHO, the perl code template that Selenium IDE generates for you is ok, it can be adapted. (e.g. I prefer Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception.)
Cannot say anything about the other language bindings.
Choose the language you are most familiar with, and start building up your expert knowledge of testing tricks, Selenium and browser idiosyncrasies. this will take a lot of time anyway.
For any kind of strong automation, you should know atleast one scripting language like JavaScript, VBScript etc... and one full fledged programming language like Java, C# etc.. benefit of learning java or #C is ... you are comfortable in developing complex solutions because of their OOP nature and Java,C# are widely used in IT Industry.
Robot Framework is a robust scripting engine and reporting tool for automation testing.
I'm thinking about writing my own little language.
I found a few options, but feel free to suggest more.
A lot of languages are using the JVM, but unless you write a Java-ish language, all the power the stdlib gives you is going to feel ugly; It's not very good at dynamic stuff either.
Parrot seems a good VM for developing languages, but it has a little abandoned/unfinished/hobby project smell to it.
OSA is what powers Applescript, not a particularly well known VM, but I use Mac, and it offers good system integration.
CLR+Mac doesn't seem a good combination...
My language is going to be an object orientated functional concurrent dataflow language with strong typing and a mix of Python and Lisp syntax.
Sounds good, eh?
I accepted Python for now, but I'd like to hear more about OSA and Parrot.
One approach I've played with is to use the Python ast module to build an abstract syntax tree representing the code to run. The Python compile function can compile an AST into Python bytecode, which exec can then run. This is a bit higher level than directly generating bytecode, but you will have to deal with some quirks of the Python language (for example, the fundamental difference between statements and expressions).
In doing this I've also written a "deparse" module that attempts to convert an AST back to equivalent Python source code, just for debugging. You can find code in the psil repository if you're interested.
Have a look at LLVM. It's not a pure VM as such, more a framework with it's own IR that allows you to build high level VMs. Has nice stuff like static code analysis and JIT support
Lua has a small, well-written and fast VM
Python VM - you can really attach a new language to it if you want. Or write (use?) something like tinypy which is a small and simple implementation of the Python VM.
Both options above have access to useful standard libraries that will save you work, and are coded in relatively clean and modular C, so they shouldn't be hard to connect to.
That said, I disagree that Parrot is abandoned/hobby. It's quite mature, and has some very strong developers working on it. Furthermore, it's specifically a VM designed to be targeted by multiple dynamic languages. Thus, is was designed with flexibility in mind.
Have you considered Pypy? From what I've read, in addition to being a Python JIT Compiler, it also has the capability to handle other languages. For example there is a tutorial which explains how to create a Brainfuck JIT compiler using Pypy.
Assuming you can get a dynamic interpreter; can statically compiled languages replace scripting language? I never quite understood why anyone would use a scripting language? I am talking about on PC, not a limited system which needs a simplistic interpreter. I seen some python install scripts and seen similar python and C# solutions to a problem. So why use a scripting language?
NOTE: There are things that bother me about C#, i am not asking why not use C# instead. I am asking why use a scripting language? I find static compiled languages much easier to debug and often easier to code in.
There is very little distinction these days between compiling and interpreting. Look at how an interpreted language is executed - the first step is to convert the script into some kind of internal executable form, like byte code that can be executed by a simpler instruction set. This is essentially compilation to a virtual machine format. This is exactly what modern compiled languages do. And when compiled languages are deployed in server-side web apps, they even recompile from the source on the fly. So there's practically no difference in terms of the compile/execute technique.
The only difference is in the details of the instruction set, specifically in the type system. Scripting languages are usually (but not always) dynamically typed. But many large applications are also written in dynamically typed languages too. So again, there is no clear distinction here.
Personally I think static typing, far from being "extra unnecessary effort" (as it is often described) is actually a huge productivity booster, making it much easier to write short snippets correctly on the first attempt, thanks to intellisense/autocompletion. To underline this, look at how Microsoft has improved the jQuery library simply by adding static type information to it (in specially formatted comments) so we can have intellisense in the IDE.
And meanwhile, static languages (including C# and Java) are bringing in more dynamic typing features.
So I see these categories as eventually merging and the distinction being meaningless.
Wikipedia says that a Scripting Language is a language that controls other software. You can do that with C#, but true scripting languages like Powershell are designed specifically for this.
I tend to think of a scripting language in more "interactive" terms than C#. With a scripting language, you can write a line or two of code, execute it and see the results immediately. That's not so easy in C#, where you have to put your code in a Console Application, or fire it off from a unit test, or type it into the Immediate window where you don't have intellisense.
That rapid cycle of write, execute allows rapid prototyping of complete "scripts" in a scripting language, because it gives you immediate feedback on each line of code.
This kind of question often starts flame wars as people are passionate about their respective camps.
In the computer olden days, Unix command line tools and console shells provided a rich scripting environment where all sorts of processing could be done. You didn't need to be an expert programmer in any specific language and could string (pun intended) various programs (other people wrote) together using the pipe structure to massage your data which was mostly text not binary related. It is quick and easy to make changes to your batch command file. You don't have a source file that has to be edited, compiled linked with external static or shared libries/DLLS in the case of Windows.
One thing scripting does not have normally have is speed. You don't write device drives and live internet trading AI systems in scripting. But if you run a script once a day on some data received via e-mail or ftp you don't normally care how long it takes as it can run it background anyway.
Rewind back to the present and the waters become muddy. Some scripting enviroments offer a kind of speed up facility where they will read you script and almost compile and link in modules the same a normal C++ or VB program might use for speed puposes. But this very iffy and can't be relied on.
So how do you choose which route to go. Start doing tasks using scripting. If it runs too slow or you are having to do stuff every 5 minutes then parts of your script might benifit from a section written in a traditional language or the whole thing could be written in a language.
Like anything dabble and learn
Each is used for different purposes. Programs written in scripting languages are often not self-contained; they often function as "glue code" or (as Robert Harvey mentions) to automate a task. You often find scripting language interpreters embedded within an application (cf Python in Blender; Guile, Perl and Python in GIMP; JS in umpteen different browsers; Lua in countless games). Compiled languages, on the other hand, are used to produce self-contained applications. Scripts are mostly cross-platform; compiled applications usually aren't.
Note that a scripting language doesn't necessarily use an interactive interpreter (e.g. Perl), and an interpreted language isn't necessarily use for scripts (e.g. games made using PyGame). Note also that there's nothing about the languages themselves that make them interpreted or compiled. You could have a C# interpreter or a Ruby compiler. There have been a number of Lisp systems that offered both interpreters and compilers.
I would call my shell (bash) a scripting language, and I don't see a replacement comming, which is compiled.
I like to use scala, which is a statically typed language which comes with an interpreter-like REPL-interface, and due to type interference looks pretty much like a scripting language; have a look here: .
But it isn't meant to be the glue between other programs as the shell is, so for small jobs, which are easily verified by hand and eye, which are just a few lines of code, I prefer to use the shell. And jumping from directory to directory is comfortable in a shell, where the prompt shows where I am.
Before we begin, I don't think that I've ever met a static language user who "got" scripting language without trying them, including myself. It is a different experience.
So no. Basically, you can add features to static languages which makes them superficially seem like scripting languages (like simple type inference), but its not the same:
Many scripting language users hate static languages. They feel constrained. Scripting languages are typically very good at not getting in the users way, which is sacrificed in static languages for speed/correctness.
Duck typing will not appear in static languages.
Scripting language users don't like type annotations. Its not really possible to provide a type-inference system for scripting languages, and the simple type inference appearing in some languages now only works for static types.
Techniques like monkey patching (which to my mind is a very bad idea) is pervasive in Ruby, and allows for very powerful techniques, which won't become available soon in static languages either.
Which isn't to say that a yet-to-be-designed language can't handle scripting language features in a relatively static way, but it would be difficult for it to become popular relative to the entrenched Python/PHP/Perl/Ruby/Javascript set. Factor is the closest thing, AFAICT.
What will happen is that scripting language implementations will get faster by using JITs.
Can a screw driver replace a hammer ? No, because you just don't use them for the same purpose. And if both exist, and if such a lot of people use either one or the other, there must be a reason...
Same anwser for :
class inheritance vs prototype;
imperative vs oo;
static vs dynamic typing;
strongly vs weakly typed;
manual memory management vs GC;
C# vs Java;
blue vs red;
man vs woman;
batman vs superman (but I do think superman would win... wait, there is kryptonite... oh man, I don't know...)
Because it is shorter to write since it is a higher level language, and it doesn't need the compilation cycle which also makes thing shorter.
I am asking why use a scripting
language? I find static compiled
languages much easier to debug and
often easier to code in.
Because I find loosely-typed dynamic languages without an explicit compile-run cycle much easier to debug and generally easier to code in.