OCMock in a block context - objective-c

So I am attempting to throw together a simple test to verify that I am receiving frequency values from my audioController correctly.
In my view I am making a call like this to setup up a block callback:
- (void) registerVolumeCallback {
NSNumberBlock frequencyCallback = ^(NSNumber *frequency) {
self.currentFrequency = frequency;
self.audioController.frequencyCallback = frequencyCallback;
In my audio controller the frequency callback block is called with an nsnumber containing the frequency.
In my tests file I have the following:
- (void) testFrequencyAudioServiceCallbackActive {
OCMockObject *mockEqualizer = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:self.testEqualizer];
[[[mockEqualizer stub] andCall:#selector(mockDidUpdateFrequency:)
onObject:self] setCurrentFrequency:[OCMArg any]];
[self.testEqualizer startAnimating];
[ mockEqualizer verify];
- (void) mockDidUpdateFrequency: (NSNumber *) frequency {
GHAssertTrue((frequency!= nil), #"Audio Service is messing up");
Where test equalizer is an an instance of the aforementioned view. So Im trying to do some swizzling here. Problem is, mockDidUpdateFrequency is never called. I tried putting:
self.currentFrequency = frequency;
outside of the block, and the swizzling does happen and I do get a call to mockDidUpdateFrequency. I also tried:
- (void) registerVolumeCallback {
__block UIEqualizer *blockSafeSelf = self;
NSNumberBlock frequencyCallback = ^(NSNumber *frequency) {
blockSafeSelf.currentFrequency = frequency;
self.audioController.frequency = frequencyCallback;
No luck. Some weird instance stuff is going on here in the block context that I am not aware of. Anyone know whats happening?

You'll need to provide some more details for a definitive answer. For example, how is registerVolumeCallback invoked? And is frequencyCallback your own code, or a third-party API?
With what you've provided, I suspect that frequencyCallback is an asynchronous call. So even though startAnimating might create the condition where it will eventually be invoked, you immediately verify the mock before the callback has had a chance to be invoked. To get your test to do what you want as written, you need to understand what queue that block is executed on, and you need to give it a chance to execute.
If it's invoked asynchronously on the main queue, you can let the main run loop spin before calling verify:
[self.testEqualizer startAnimating];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:.1]];
[mockEqualizer verify];
If it's invoked on a different queue, you have some different options, but it would help to have a clearer picture how your code is structured first.


When will completionBlock be called for dependencies in NSOperation

From the docs:
The completion block you provide is executed when the value returned by the isFinished method changes to YES. Thus, this block is executed by the operation object after the operation’s primary task is finished or cancelled.
I'm using RestKit/AFNetworking, if that matters.
I have multiple dependencies in my NSOperation in a OperationQueue. I use the completion block to set some variables (appending the results to an array) that my child requires.
(task1,...,taskN) -> taskA
taskA addDependency: task1-taskN
Will taskA receive incomplete data since the child can execute before the completion block is fired?
Do NSOperations and their completionBlocks run concurrently?
I did a simple test by adding a sleep in my completion block and I had a different result. The completion block runs in the main thread. While all the completion block are sleeping, the child task ran.
As I discuss below under "a few observations", you have no assurances that this final dependent operation will not start before your other sundry AFNetworking completion blocks have finished. It strikes me that if this final operation really needs to wait for these completion blocks to finish, then you have a couple of alternatives:
Use semaphores within each of the n the completion blocks to signal when they're done and have the completion operation wait for n signals; or
Don't queue this final operation up front, but rather have your completion blocks for the individual uploads keep track of how many pending uploads are still incomplete, and when it falls to zero, then initiate the final "post" operation.
As you pointed out in your comments, you could wrap your invocation of the AFNetworking operation and its completion handler in your own operation, at which point you can then use the standard addDependency mechanism.
You could abandon the addDependency approach (which adds an observer on the isFinished key of the operation upon which this operation is dependent, and once all those dependencies are resolved, performs the isReady KVN; the problem being that this can theoretically happen before your completion block is done) and replace it with your own isReady logic. For example, imagine you had a post operation which you could add your own key dependencies and remove them manually in your completion block, rather than having them removed automatically upon isFinished. Thus, you custom operation
#interface PostOperation ()
#property (nonatomic, getter = isReady) BOOL ready;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *keys;
#implementation PostOperation
#synthesize ready = _ready;
- (void)addKeyDependency:(id)key {
if (!self.keys)
self.keys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:key];
[self.keys addObject:key];
self.ready = NO;
- (void)removeKeyDependency:(id)key {
[self.keys removeObject:key];
if ([self.keys count] == 0)
self.ready = YES;
- (void)setReady:(BOOL)ready {
if (ready != _ready) {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"isReady"];
_ready = ready;
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"isReady"];
- (void)addDependency:(NSOperation *)operation{
NSAssert(FALSE, #"You should not use addDependency with this custom operation");
Then, your app code could do something like, using addKeyDependency rather than addDependency, and explicitly either removeKeyDependency or cancel in the completion blocks:
PostOperation *postOperation = [[PostOperation alloc] init];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < numberOfImages; i++) {
NSURL *url = ...
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
NSString *key = [url absoluteString]; // or you could use whatever unique value you want
AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation = [[AFHTTPRequestOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request];
[operation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
// update your model or do whatever
// now inform the post operation that this operation is done
[postOperation removeKeyDependency:key];
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
// handle the error any way you want
// perhaps you want to cancel the postOperation; you'd either cancel it or remove the dependency
[postOperation cancel];
[postOperation addKeyDependency:key];
[queue addOperation:operation];
[queue addOperation:postOperation];
This is using AFHTTPRequestOperation, and you'd obviously replace all of this logic with the appropriate AFNetworking operation for your upload, but hopefully it illustrates the idea.
Original answer:
A few observations:
As I think you concluded, when your operation completes, it (a) initiates its completion block; (b) makes the queue available for other operations (either operations that had not yet started because of maxConcurrentOperationCount, or because of dependencies between the operations). I do not believe that you have any assurances that the completion block will be done before that next operation commences.
Empirically, it looks like the dependent operation does not actually trigger until after the completion blocks are done, but (a) I don't see that documented anywhere and (b) this is moot because if you're using AFNetworking's own setCompletionBlockWithSuccess, it ends up dispatching the block asynchronously to the main queue (or the defined successCallbackQueue), thereby thwarting any (undocumented) assurances of synchrony.
Furthermore, you say that the completion block runs in the main thread. If you're talking about the built in NSOperation completion block, you have no such assurances. In fact, the setCompletionBlock documentation says:
The exact execution context for your completion block is not guaranteed but is typically a secondary thread. Therefore, you should not use this block to do any work that requires a very specific execution context. Instead, you should shunt that work to your application’s main thread or to the specific thread that is capable of doing it. For example, if you have a custom thread for coordinating the completion of the operation, you could use the completion block to ping that thread.
But if you're talking about one of AFNetworking's custom completion blocks, e.g. those that you might set with AFHTTPRequestOperation's setCompletionBlockWithSuccess, then, yes, it's true that those are generally dispatched back to the main queue. But AFNetworking does this using the standard completionBlock mechanism, so the above concerns still apply.
It matters if your NSOperation is a subclass of AFHTTPRequestOperation. AFHTTPRequestOperation uses the NSOperation's property completionBlock for its own purpose in method setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:failure. In that case, don't set the property completionBlock yourself!
It seems, AFHTTPRequestOperation's success and failure handler will run on the main thread.
Otherwise, the execution context of NSOperation's completion block is "undefined". That means, the completion block can execute on any thread/queue. In fact it executes on some private queue.
IMO, this is the preferred approach, unless the execution context shall be explicitly specified by the call-site. Executing completion handlers on threads or queues which instances are accessible (the main thread for example) can easily cause dead locks by an unwary developer.
If you want to start a dependent operation after the completion block of the parent operation has been finished, you can solve that by making the completion block content itself a NSBlockOperation (a new parent) and add this operation as a dependency to the children operation and start it in a queue. You may realize, that this quickly becomes unwieldy, though.
Another approach would require an utility class or class library which is especially suited to solve asynchronous problems in a more concise and easy way. ReactiveCocoa would be capable to solve such (an easy) problem. However, it's unduly complex and it actually has a "learning curve" - and a steep one. I wouldn't recommend it, unless you agree to spend a few weeks in learning it and have a lot other asynchronous use cases and even much more complex ones.
A simpler approach would utilize "Promises" which are pretty common in JavaScript, Python, Scala and a few other languages.
Now, please read carefully, the (easy) solution is actually below:
"Promises" (sometimes called Futures or Deferred) represent the eventual result of an asynchronous task. Your fetch request is such asynchronous task. But instead specifying a completion handler, the asynchronous method/task returns a Promise:
-(Promise*) fetchThingsWithURL:(NSURL*)url;
You obtain the result - or the error - with registering a success handler block or a failure handler block like so:
Promise* thingsPromise = [self fetchThingsWithURL:url];
thingsPromise.then(successHandlerBlock, failureHandlerBlock);
or, the blocks inlined:
thingsPromise.then(^id(id things){
// do something with things
return <result of success handler>
}, ^id(NSError* error){
// Ohps, error occurred
return <result of failure handler>
And shorter:
[self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil);
Here, parseAsync: is an asynchronous method which returns a Promise. (Yes, a Promise).
You might wonder how to get the result from the parser?
[self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil)
.then(^id(id parserResult){
NSLog(#"Parser returned: %#", parserResult);
return nil; // result not used
}, nil);
This actually starts async task fetchThingsWithURL:. Then when finished successfully, it starts async task parseAsync:. Then when this finished successfully, it prints the result, otherwise it prints the error.
Invoking several asynchronous tasks sequentially, one after the other, is called "continuation" or "chaining".
Note that the whole statement above is asynchronous! That is, when you wrap the above statement into a method, and execute it, the method returns immediately.
You might wonder how to catch any errors, say fetchThingsWithURL: fails, or parseAsync::
[self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil)
.then(^id(id parserResult){
NSLog(#"Parser returned: %#", parserResult);
return nil; // result not used
}, nil)
.then(/*succes handler ignored*/, ^id (NSError* error){
// catch any error
NSLog(#"ERROR: %#", error);
return nil; // result not used
Handlers execute after the corresponding task has been finished (of course). If the task succeeds, the success handler will be called (if any). If the tasks fails, the error handler will be called (if any).
Handlers may return a Promise (or any other object). For example, if an asynchronous task finished successfully, its success handler will be invoked which starts another asynchronous task, which returns the promise. And when this is finished, yet another one can be started, and so force. That's "continuation" ;)
You can return anything from a handler:
Promise* finalResult = [self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil)
.then(^id(id parserResult){
return #"OK";
}, ^id(NSError* error){
return error;
Now, finalResult will either eventually become the value #"OK" or an NSError.
You can save the eventual results into an array:
array = #[
[self task1],
[self task2],
[self task3]
and then continue when all tasks have been finished successfully:
[Promise all:array].then(^id(results){
}, ^id (NSError* error){
Setting a promise's value will be called: "resolving". You can resolve a promise only ONCE.
You may wrap any asynchronous method with a completion handler or completion delegates into a method which returns a promise:
- (Promise*) fetchUserWithURL:(NSURL*)url
Promise* promise = [Promise new];
HTTPOperation* op = [[HTTPOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request
success:^(NSData* data){
[promise fulfillWithValue:data];
failure:^(NSError* error){
[promise rejectWithReason:error];
[op start];
return promise;
Upon completion of the task, the promise can be "fulfilled" passing it the result value, or it can be "rejected" passing it the reason (error).
Depending on the actual implementation, a Promise can also be cancelled. Say, you hold a reference to a request operation:
self.fetchUserPromise = [self fetchUsersWithURL:url];
You can cancel the asynchronous task as follows:
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animate {
[super viewWillDisappear:animate];
[self.fetchUserPromise cancel];
self.fetchUserPromise = nil;
In order to cancel the associated async task, register a failure handler in the wrapper:
- (Promise*) fetchUserWithURL:(NSURL*)url
Promise* promise = [Promise new];
HTTPOperation* op = ...
[op start];
promise.then(nil, ^id(NSError* error){
if (promise.isCancelled) {
[op cancel];
return nil; // result unused
return promise;
Note: you can register success or failure handlers, when, where and as many as you want.
So, you can do a lot with promises - and even more than in this brief introduction. If you read up to here, you might get an idea how to solve your actual problem. It's right there - and it's a few lines of code.
I admit, that this short introduction into promises was quite rough and it's also quite new to Objective-C developers, and may sound uncommon.
You can read a lot about promises in the JS community. There are one or three implementations in Objective-C. The actual implementation won't exceed a few hundred lines of code. It happens, that I'm the author of one of it:
Take it with a grain of salt, I'm probably totally biased, and apparently all others ever dealt with Promises, too. ;)

Test code with dispatch_async calls

Following TDD I'm developing an iPad app that downloads some info from the internet and displays it on a list, allowing the user to filter that list using a search bar.
I want to test that, as the user types in the search bar, the internal variable with the filter text is updated, the filtered list of items is updated, and finally the table view receives a "reloadData" message.
These are my tests:
- (void)testSutChangesFilterTextWhenSearchBarTextChanges
// given
sut.filterText = #"previous text";
// when
[sut searchBar:nil textDidChange:#"new text"];
// then
assertThat(sut.filterText, is(equalTo(#"new text")));
- (void)testSutReloadsTableViewDataAfterChangeFilterTextFromSearchBar
// given
sut.tableView = mock([UITableView class]);
// when
[sut searchBar:nil textDidChange:#"new text"];
// then
[verify(sut.tableView) reloadData];
NOTE: Changing the "filterText" property triggers right now the actual filtering process, which has been tested in other tests.
This works OK as my searchBar delegate code was written as follows:
- (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText
self.filterText = searchText;
[self.tableView reloadData];
The problem is that filtering this data is becoming a heavy process that right now is being done on the main thread, so during that time the UI is blocked.
Therefore, I thought of doing something like this:
- (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSArray *filteredData = [self filteredDataWithText:searchText];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
self.filteredData = filteredData;
[self.tableView reloadData];
So that the filtering process occurs in a different thread and when it has finished, the table is asked to reload its data.
The question is... how do I test these things inside dispatch_async calls?
Is there any elegant way of doing that other than time-based solutions? (like waiting for some time and expect that those tasks have finished, not very deterministic)
Or maybe I should put my code on a different way to make it more testable?
In case you need to know, I'm using OCMockito and OCHamcrest by Jon Reid.
Thanks in advance!!
There are two basic approaches. Either
Make things synchronous only while testing. Or,
Keep things asynchronous, but write an acceptance test that does resynchronizing.
To make things synchronous for testing only, extract the code that actually does work into their own methods. You already have -filteredDataWithText:. Here's another extraction:
- (void)updateTableWithFilteredData:(NSArray *)filteredData
self.filteredData = filteredData;
[self.tableView reloadData];
The real method that takes care of all the threading now looks like this:
- (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSArray *filteredData = [self filteredDataWithText:searchText];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self updateTableWithFilteredData:filteredData];
Notice that underneath all that threading fanciness, it really just calls two methods. So now to pretend that all that threading was done, have your tests just invoke those two methods in order:
NSArray *filteredData = [self filteredDataWithText:searchText];
[self updateTableWithFilteredData:filteredData];
This does mean that -searchBar:textDidChange: won't be covered by unit tests. A single manual test can confirm that it's dispatching the right things.
If you really want an automated test on the delegate method, write an acceptance test that has its own run loop. See Pattern for unit testing async queue that calls main queue on completion. (But keep acceptance tests in a separate test target. They're too slow to include with unit tests.)
Albite Jons options are very good options most of the time, sometime it creates less cluttered code when doing the following. For example if your API has a lot small methods that are synchronised using a dispatch queue.
Have a function like this (it could be a method of your class as well).
void dispatch(dispatch_queue_t queue, void (^block)())
dispatch_async(queue, block);
Then use this function to call the blocks in your API methods
- (void)anAPIMethod
dispatch(dispQueue, ^
// dispatched code here
You would usually initialise the queue in your init method.
#implementation MyAPI
dispatch_queue_t dispQueue;
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
dispQueue = dispatch_queue_create("myQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
return self;
Then have a private method like this, to set this queue to nil. It is not part of your interface, the API consumer will never see this.
- (void) disableGCD
dispQueue = nil;
In your test target you create a category to expose the GCD disabling method:
#interface TTBLocationBasedTrackStore (Testing)
- (void) disableGCD;
You call this in your test setup and your blocks will be called directly.
The advantage in my eyes is debugging. When a test case involves a runloop so that blocks are actually called, the problem is that there has to be a timeout involved. This timeout is usually quite short because you don't want to have tests that last long if the they run into the timeout. But having a short timeout means your test runs into the timeout when debugging.

overwriting a method via stubbing with OCMock

I am trying to test that a timer object is stopped after a level is completed.. I have the following code:
-(void)advanceLevel {
int nextLevelId = self.currentLevel.id + 1;
self.currentLevel = [[Level alloc] initWithIdentifier:nextLevelId];
[self.timer stop];
[self prepareLevel];
The prepareLevel method resets the timer value and calls "start" on it--- so in order to test that advanceLevel actually stops the timer, I need to overwrite the prepareLevel method.
So in my unit test, I did the following:
-(void)testItStopsTheTimer {
[timer start];
id mockGame = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:game];
[[[mockGame stub] andReturn:nil] prepareLevel];
[game advanceLevel];
STAssertFalse(timer.active, nil);
Which results in XCode saying "testItStopsTheTimer (Gametests) failed. Ended up in subclass forwarder for Game-0x12383060......."
So, is it not possible to stub out an existing method and replace it with nothingness?
What you're trying to do is definitely possible with OCMock.
What is the method signature for prepareLevel? If it returns void, your mock setup should be:
[[mockGame stub] prepareLevel];
[[[mockGame stub] andReturn:nil] prepareLevel];
What you are trying to do is possible with OCMock. In your test code one lines stands out:
id mockGame = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:game];
The question is, where does "game" come from? Is the same instance used in multiple tests? The error you are seeing can be caused by the following sequence: you are using expect on a partial mock, the expected method is called, then you are called the method again, but now there's no expectation left and the partial mock doesn't know what to do.
UPDATE: I have just changed OCMock so that in such cases the mock simply forwards the method to the real object. See: https://github.com/erikdoe/ocmock/commit/e03d4fe74465b4fe3fa33552e036de8986f8dec2

Async call in Objective-C

I'm trying to get data from a website- xml. Everything works fine.
But the UIButton remains pressed until the xml data is returned and thus if theres a problem with the internet service, it can't be corrected and the app is virtually unusable.
here are the calls:
AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
if(!appDelegate.XMLdataArray.count > 0){
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES;
[appDelegate GetApps]; //function that retrieves data from Website and puts into the array - XMLdataArray.
XMLViewController *controller = [[XMLViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MedGearsApps" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
[controller release];
It works fine, but how can I make the view buttons functional with getting stuck. In other words, I just want the UIButton and other UIButtons to be functional whiles the thing works in the background.
I heard about performSelectorInMainThread but I can't put it to practice correctly.
You don’t understand the threading model much and you’re probably going to shoot yourself in the foot if you start adding asynchronous code without really understanding what’s going on.
The code you wrote runs in the main application thread. But when you think about it, you don’t have to write no main function — you just implement the application delegate and the event callbacks (such as touch handlers) and somehow they run automatically when the time comes. This is not a magic, this is simply a Cocoa object called a Run Loop.
Run Loop is an object that receives all events, processes timers (as in NSTimer) and runs your code. Which means that when you, for example, do something when the user taps a button, the call tree looks a bit like this:
main thread running
main run loop
// fire timers
// receive events — aha, here we have an event, let’s call the handler
// use tapped some button, let’s fire the callback
Now yourCode does what you want to do and the Run Loop continues running. But when your code takes too long to finish, such as in your case, the Run Loop has to wait and therefore the events will not get processed until your code finishes. This is what you see in your application.
To solve the situation you have to run the long operation in another thread. This is not very hard, but you’ll have to think of a few potential problems nevertheless. Running in another thread can be as easy as calling performSelectorInBackground:
[appDelegate performSelectorInBackground:#selector(GetApps) withObject:nil];
And now you have to think of a way to tell the application the data has been loaded, such as using a notification or calling a selector on the main thread. By the way: storing the data in the application delegate (or even using the application delegate for loading the data) is not very elegant solution, but that’s another story.
If you do choose the performSelectorInBackground solution, take a look at a related question about memory management in secondary threads. You’ll need your own autorelease pool so that you won’t leak autoreleased objects.
Updating the answer after some time – nowadays it’s usually best to run the code in background using Grand Central Dispatch:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// No explicit autorelease pool needed here.
// The code runs in background, not strangling
// the main run loop.
[self doSomeLongOperation];
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// This will be called on the main thread, so that
// you can update the UI, for example.
[self longOperationDone];
Use NSURLConnection's connectionWithRequest:delegate: method. This will cause the specified request to be sent asynchronously. The delegate should respond to connection:didReceiveResponse: and will be sent that message once the response is completely received.
You can make use of a background operation that gets pushed into the operation queue:
BGOperation *op = [[BGOperation alloc] init];
[[self operationQueue] addOperation:op];
[op release];
I've created specific "commands" that get executed in the background:
#implementation BGOperation
# pragma mark Memory Management
- (BGOperation *)init
if ((self = [super init]) != nil)
/* nothing */;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
self.jobId = nil;
[super dealloc];
# pragma mark -
# pragma mark Background Operation
- (void)main
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[appDelegate GetApps];
[pool release];
After completion it might be a good idea to send a notification to the main thread because the internal database has been changed.
It looks as if you might be using NSURLConnection inside your getApps method. If so, you should convert it to an asynchronous call.

OCUnit test for protocols/callbacks/delegate in Objective-C

Using OCUnit, is there a way to test delegate protocols?
I'm trying this, which doesn't work.
-(void) testSomeObjDelegate {
SomeObj obj = [[SomeObj alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[obj executeMethod];
-(void) someObjDelegateMethod {
//test something here
I'm going to try calling the obj method on a different thread and have the test sleep until the delegate is called. It just seems like there should be an easier way to test this.
Testing a delegate is trivial. Just set an ivar in the test in your callback method, and check it after what should be triggering the delegate callback.
For example, if I have a class Something that uses a delegate of protocol SomethingDelegate and sends that delegate -something:delegateInvoked: in response to some message, I can test it lik ethis:
#interface TestSomeBehavior : SenTestCase <SomethingDelegate>
Something *_object;
BOOL _callbackInvoked;
#implementation TestSomeBehavior
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
_object = [[Something alloc] init];
_object.delegate = self;
- (void)tearDown {
_object.delegate = nil;
[_object release];
[super tearDown];
- (void)testSomeBehaviorCallingBack {
[_object doSomethingThatShouldCallBack];
#"Delegate should send -something:delegateInvoked:");
- (void)something:(Something *)something delegateInvoked:(BOOL)invoked {
_callbackInvoked = YES;
I think you already understand this, however, from the way you've phrased your question. (I'm mostly posting this for other readers.) I think you're actually asking a more subtle question: How do I test something that may occur later such as something that spins the runloop. My cue is your mention of sleeping and threading.
First off, you should not just arbitrarily invoke a method on another thread. You should only do so if it's documented to be safe to use in that way. The reason is that you don't know what the internals of the class do. For example, it might schedule events on the run loop, in which case running the method on a different thread will make them happen on a different run loop. This would then screw up the class's internal state.
If you do need to test something that may take a little time to happen, you can do this just by running the current run loop. Here's how I might rewrite the individual test method above to do that:
- (void)testSomeBehaviorCallingBack {
NSDate *fiveSecondsFromNow = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:5.0];
[_object doSomethingThatShouldCallBack];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:fiveSecondsFromNow];
#"Delegate should send -something:delegateInvoked:");
This will spin the current run loop in the default mode for 5 seconds, under the assumption that -doSomethingThatShouldCallBack will schedule its work on the main run loop in the default mode. This is usually OK because APIs that work this way often let you specify a run loop to use as well as a mode to run in. If you can do that, then you can use -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] to run the run loop in just that mode instead, making it more likely that the work you're expecting to be done will be.
Please, review Unit Testing Asynchronous Network Access. I think can help you.
In short what it does is:
Add the following method which will take care of the synchronization
between the unit test code and the asynchronous code under test:
- (BOOL)waitForCompletion:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutSecs {
NSDate *timeoutDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:timeoutSecs];
do {
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:timeoutDate];
if([timeoutDate timeIntervalSinceNow] < 0.0)
} while (!done);
return done;