autorun.inf file not working on pc - autorun

I created an autorun.inf file for my dvd so that it would display a splash page (just an image), then go directly to and open a pdf. As well as set the icon for the drive. However the icon didn't change, and neither the splash page or pdf opened or displayed upon inserting the disc.
My code in the file is as follows
OPEN=winopen \start_here.pdf filename splash.jpg
The .inf file is sitting in the same folder as the start_here.pdf, the splash.jpg and the icon.ico.

Open statement does not open the associated file, but only executable and html-files. To launch the associated files by their extensions, you must use "ShellExecute" statement.
The shellexecute command is more flexible than the open command and will allow you to open nearly any file on a PC in its native application, so can be used for PDFs, Word files, web pages and movies where the open command would not work.


Photoshop - simple Open File action on MAC

Could anyone send the ATN file with only one action -> opening PSD file on Mac?
I've made an action with a lot of steps, it's working good but only on Windows. There is no relative paths in PS actions, and i have no friend that has Mac. Could anyone prepare ATN file (so i will be able to copy "open psd file" step)?
Short answer: this won't work. Even though Photoshop has "shortcuts" paths that are similar for both OSX and Windown (like ~/Desktop is a shortcut for desktop folder no matter of OS and username), Actions don't seem to recognize them. Furthermore, if you record an Open Action on Windows or Mac and open it in a different OS, you'll get a File or folder not found message for this step:
Here're two examples. In bot cases the top Action was made in Windows and the bottom one on Mac. This is a Mac screenshot:
and Windows:
Notice how Action1 on the Mac screenshot has File or folder not found message and on Windows there's the same message for Action2 from fromMac set.
Here's what you can do though.
insert Open as a Menu Item. This way user will be asked for a file you need every time a user calls the Action.
give the file you need to open as a pattern file (.pat) and ask a user to install it. This way you can fill a document with it using the Fill command.
most powerful: use a script. You can convert your action to a script file using the xtools: there's a script within it called ActionToJavascript: this will give you a .jsx file that you can use in Photoshop and that will work exactly as your action. And in this script you can specify a path for your action. Like here I'm specifying a file on my Desktop:
And this script will work on Mac.

Issue opening pdf from VC++ application

I am currently using
int nRet=(int)ShellExecute(NULL,
to open a pdf file from my VC++ application. The file opens correctly but then if I try to open another file from the explorer it doesn't show up. If I close the previuos opened file then all works correctly, as if the application was "locking" the pdf viewer.
Is this a normal/known behaviour?

Where pdf files are saved when opened in browser?

I have few questions:
Where pdf files are saved when opened in browser?
Is it possible when i open pdf in Chrome, access that file somewhere
in my pc system?
They are stored at this path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ in Windows. Run this command %TEMP% in the run dialog box to visit the folder.

NWJS access external files on FlashDrive

I have a very particular case and I don't know if this is possible to be done.
I'm using NWJS to run a web app as a desktop app. I need to zip/package the source files because my code should not be available to eavesdroppers. This package will be delivered on a flash drive. And this is were my trouble begins.
There are a lot of .pdf file that must be shipped together with the package. The user can browse which pdf he wants to open, and when he clicks it, the pdf is "downloaded" to his pc. The content of the pdf is NOT available on the application. I have a list with the name of each pdf file.
If I zip/package the .pdf together with the source files it becomes a huge .nw file and it takes forever for my application to load. I need to mantain the pdf on a separate folder and they need to be accessible through the source code. This is easy if i run the application directly without packaging it, as nw uses the relative url to it's root, but when I do package nw uses a temp folder for the source files and I can't use relative url to access the pdf folder.
The only approach i can think of is to write a js script to identify where the flash drive was mounted but i don't know if this is possible.
I have to support Windows and Mac for this case.
Searching on NWJS google group i found that the answer was quite simple. These two lines returns the path where the nw bin is running. From there is quite simple to get the pdf folder.
var path = require("path");
pathstr = path.dirname(process.execPath);

Run PPSX or PPT using Sencha touch

I am trying to develop an application for iPad using Sencha touch which needs to run a local PPT or PPSX file on a button click and return to main application after finishing the presentation .I am not sure whether this is possible.Please share your thoughts..Thanks in advance...
If I understand your problem;
With sencha-touch, code runs on browser, so you could not access local files of users file system except he choose files with a file chooser(but in that case you must upload the file to server).
If you want to open a file without closing your app, you may open file in a new window.
I hope, this gives you some idea.