How to sum a set of values that lie between a start date and an end date? - qlikview

I have created two dropdown list
1. start date
2. end date
I am using MySQL database as a source and I have a table called generation
having columns like (date , generation, turbine_id).
After selecting the start date and end date, I need to sum the corresponding values that lie between the two dates:
sum({<Date= {"<=$(=vStartDate)>=$(=vEndDate)"}> } Target)

I see that you already made two variables, vStartDate and vEndDate, So you can manipulate them using a Calendar or an Input Box.
In this case your set expression is almost good. It sould look like this:
Sum({$<Date = {">=$(=vStartDate)<=$(=vEndDate)"}>} Target)
So in the curly bracket it starts with a $ sign, which represents the current selection, which will be filtered by the expression. In the double quotes you tell that the value of Date should be bigger or equal than the evaluated =vStartDate expression (evaluation is done by using a dollar-sign expression), and less than vEndDate. This is how it works.


Trouble with an Access Query searching within a date range

I have a query that searches saved records and creates a report based on the record(s). Some of the fields are searchable either independently or in association with other parts of the saved record (e.g., one could search the ID, location, and/or whether or not police were notified). However, I run into problems when searching by date.
I have fields for the user to input Start Date and End Date of their desired date range. When ONE or NEITHER field are filled, the search pulls up all records AFTER the Start Date, BEFORE the end date, or ALL the records. When BOTH fields are filled, the search pulls up a record where all fields are blank (which does not exist in the table).
Each searchable field uses the same criteria in the Query:
Like Nz([field that you're searching],"*")
But the date range uses a modified version (sorry if it's SUPER clunky):
Like Nz(([Data_Input_Table].[Day_Current])>=[Forms]![Search_Form]![Start_Date_Lookup_text] And ([Data_Input_Table].[Day_Current])<=[Forms]![Search_Form]![End_Date_Lookup_text],"*")
Ideally, I'd like the user to search by NEITHER, ONE, or BOTH Start Date and End Date.
Please help!
You can't use Like on dates. Try this:
[Data_Input_Table].[Day_Current] >= Nz([Forms]![Search_Form]![Start_Date_Lookup_text], [Data_Input_Table].[Day_Current]) And [Data_Input_Table].[Day_Current] <= Nz([Forms]![Search_Form]![End_Date_Lookup_text], [Data_Input_Table].[Day_Current])

Copying only certain values from one row into another table

I am trying to copy data from one table to another table, which works fine, but I only want to copy certain data from one the of the columns.
Insert Into Period (Invoice_No, Period_Date)
Select Invoice_Seq_No, Inv_Comment
From Invoices
Where INV_Comment LIKE '%November 2015';
The Inv_Comment column contains free-form comments and the date in different formats, e.g. "paid on November 2015 or "paid on Aug" or "July 2015". What I am trying to do is to copy only the "November 2015" part of the comment into the new table.
The above code only copies the entire data of the Inv_Comment field and I only want to copy the date. The date part can be in one of three formats: MON YYYY, DD.MM.YYYY or only the month i.e. MON
How can I extract only the date part I am interested in?
For your very simple example query you can use the substr() function, using the length of your fixed value to count back from the end of the string, as that document describes:
If position is negative, then Oracle counts backward from the end of char.
So you can do:
select invoice_seq_no, substr(inv_comment, -length('November 2015'))
from invoices
where inv_comment like '%November 2015';
But it's clear from the comments that you really want to find all dates, in various formats, and not always at the end of the free-form text. One option is to search the text repeatedly for all the possible formats and values, starting with the most specific (e.g. DD.MM.YYYY) and then going down to least specific
(e.g. just MON). You could insert just the sequence numbers into your table start with, and then repeatedly update the rows that do not yet have values set:
insert into period (invoice_no) select invoice_seq_no from invoices;
update period p
set period_date = (
select case when instr(i.inv_comment, '15.09.2015') > 0 then
substr(i.inv_comment, instr(i.inv_comment, '15.09.2015'), length('15.09.2015'))
from invoices i
where i.invoice_seq_no = p.invoice_no
where period_date is null;
then repeat the update with another date, or a more generic November 2015 pattern, etc. But specifying every possible date isn't going to be feasible, so you could regular expressions. There are probably better patterns for this but as an example:
update period p
set period_date = (
select regexp_substr(i.inv_comment, '[[0-3][0-9][-./][0-1][0-9][-./][12]?[901]?[0-9]{2}')
from invoices i
where i.invoice_seq_no = p.invoice_no
where period_date is null;
which matches (or attempts to match) anything looking like DD.MM.YYYY, followed by maybe:
update period p
set period_date = (
select regexp_substr(i.inv_comment,
|| 'Sep(tember)?|Oct(ober)?|Nov(ember)?|Dec(ember)?)([[:space:]]+[12]?[901]?[0-9]{2})?')
from invoices i
where i.invoice_seq_no = p.invoice_no
where period_date is null;
which matches any short or long month name. You may have mixed case though - aug, Aug, AUG - so you might want to use the match parameter to make it case-insensitive. This isn't supposed to be a complete solution though, and you may need further formats. There are some ideas on other questions.
You may really want actual dates, which means breaking down a bit more, and then assuming missing years - perhaps taking the year from another column (order date?) if it isn't available in the comments, though that gets a bit messy around year-end. But you can essentially do the same thing, just passing each extracted value through to_date() with a format mask matching the search expression you're using.
There will always be mistakes, typos, odd formatting etc., so even if this approach identified most patterns, you'll probably end up with some that are left blank, and will need to be set manually by a human looking at the comments; and some that are just wrong. But this is why dates shouldn't be stored as strings at all - having them mixed in with other text is just making things even worse.
Here you're dealing with strings containing disparate date information. Several string operations may be needed.

Conditional mean calculation in excel

I have a dataset organized as following :
The column A is the name
The column B is the date
The column C is the value registered for that person in that day
How can i calculate for the whole dataset a mean of the value of that person in the 30 past days without manually ordering for name and making the mean checking the date?
Try the AVERAGEIFS function with the EDATE function giving you a one month window.
=AVERAGEIFS(C:C, A:A, "Jack", B:B, ">"&EDATE(TODAY(), -1), B:B, "<="&TODAY())
You can use a nested array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of Enter):
Add columns for these two fomulas:
That will give you the count, and it will give you the sum. With those two you can calculate the mean.
That's the basic idea, anyway.
Of course, you can add another count for the date ranges. It's all the same sort of thing.

ssrs dynamic value in text box and title

I have a report which runs weekly and in one of the tables it says week1, week2 etc all the way to the recent week (e.g. week28 currently)
This table is in the report and I would like the week28 value to be in the title. The title reads "summary report for" I want to place the week number at the end so every week the report is run it changes.
There are also a couple of other places I would like to place the dynamic value but i'm guessing the code will be the same.
Assuming you have a sorted dataset called "MyDataset" with a column that contains the week names called "Week", you could simply use the following expression:
=Last(Fields!Week.Value, "MyDataset")
This returns the last value in the Week column of MyDataset.
Alternatively, you could construct the week number using some of the date functions, for example the datepart function

adding months to a date SQL

I am trying to add months to an existing date in SQL. The new column displayed will have a followup column instead of a days column. Im getting an error in the select statement.can u help?
Create table auctions(
item varchar2(50),
datebought date,
datesold date,
days number
Insert into auctions values (‘Radio’,’12-MAY-2001’,’21-MAY-2001’,9);
Select item,datebought,datesold,ADD MONTHS(datesold,3)”followup” from auctions;
Your usage of the add_months() function is incorrect. It's not two words, it's just one (with an underscore)
add_months(datesold, 1)
note the underscore _ between ADD and MONTHS. It's function call not an operator.
Alternatively you could use:
datesold + INTERVAL '1' month
Although it's worth noting that the arithmetics with intervals is limited (if not broken) because it simply "increments" the month value of the date value. That can lead to invalid dates (e.g. from January to February). Although this is documented behaviour (see below links) I consider this a bug (the SQL standard requires those operations to "Arithmetic obey the natural rules associated with dates and times and yield valid datetime or interval results according to the Gregorian calendar")
See the manual for details:
Another thing:
I am trying to add months to an existing date in SQL.
Then why are you using an INSERT statement? To change the data of existing rows you should use UPDATE. So it seems what you are really after is something like this:
update auctions
set datesold = add_months(datesold, 1)
where item = 'Radio';
Your SQL has typographical quotation marks, not standard ones. E.g. ’ is not the same as '. Instead of delimiting a string value, those quotes become part of the value, at least for the particular SQL I have here to test with.
If this doesn't fix your problem, try posting the error you're getting in your question. Magical debugging isn't possible.
This can be used to add months to a date in SQL:
select DATEADD(mm,1,getdate())
This might be a useful link.