WSO2 admin console restriction to localhost - wso2-esb

I have a question about restricting the Admin Console access in version 4.0.3. I would like the admin console to be accessed only from the server in which WSO2 ESB is installed and not from the machines outside.
In tomcat I can do that using the address attribute of the Connector element in the server.xml
like this:
Connector port="8080" address=""
The issue is I am not finding the server.xml within the 4.0.3 directory strcutre.
I found the file catalina-server.xml under wso2esb-4.5.0/repository/conf/tomcat in the latest version. I am not finding a similar file within 4.0.3 however.

Earlier it used mgt-transports.xml file for transport configurations in ESB_HOME/repository/conf. After the improvements for tomcat layer by adding it as a proper OSGi bundle in the new release tomcat configurations are offered directly to the user to adjust


Apache Ignite Web Console

I am inside a corporate firewall that does not allow me to access the free deployed instance at I downloaded the source and tried to build but again the firewall does not allow me to go outside the network to retrieve the dependencies specified in the pom.xml file.
What are my options
You can download binary build of Ignite Web Console from Apache Ignite, deploy it on premise.
You can also deploy paid version of GridGain, deploy it on premise.
You can download WebConsole from the GridGain website by the following link:
You can install it in your environment and use without needing to access external resources.

Enable TLS 1v.2 in mule https connector

I am trying to configure a HTTPS Outbound connector that uses TLS v1.1 or v1.2. Not sure how to achieve that. I am running Mule Studio plugin within STS. Mule runtime is 3.6.2 EE.
I tried putting the tls-default.conf in resources folder, but get exception saying something like "Unsupported Cipher".
I have debug enabled and can see that the Handshake is using TLS V1
How can I make it use TLS v1.1 or v1.2?
You need to configure it at the connector level:
<https:connector name="https">
<spring:property name="sslType" value="TLSv1.2" />
And reference the connector from you http outbound endpoint using connector-ref
Already answered in
Below is the answer I posted.
I resolved it in my system.
When it is not working in the Runtime that is attached in the Anypoint
studio then follow the below steps.
Navigate to the Anypoint studio installation directory
Search for "tls-default.conf" in the folder. This will show you all the files for all the Runtimes that you have installed.
there will be a property "enabledProtocols" make sure that it contains the TLSv1 in it as below
This above should apply to Cloud hub (Most of the times it is already
enabled) or on-premise systems.
It seems you might be affected by this issue. To check this, you can try using 3.6.4 EE which has the fix. You could also try using the HTTP module instead of the transport which is not affected by the issue.
Keep in mind that Studio had a bug where they launched the runtime without taking the tls-default.conf into account, so you will need to add the file in Studio to verify it there.
Another workaround could be adding the following system property -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2. Both this and the tls configuration edit will affect all connections in a runtime.

WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Manager Apache Config

I'm having problems accessing the website of the WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Manager server. I have opened port 9443, but when I type localhost:9443/emm I get page not found.
What configuration do I need to change in the apache server to point it to the correct place. I am unsure what the root directory of the website is.
Debian Jessie 32bit
WSO2-EMM Version 1.1.0
Apache 2.4.10
If you have downloaded the binary version 1.1.0 of WSO2 EMM, localhost:9443/emm should work after you execute {EMM_HOME}/bin/
If it is not working, please check the log file which is located at {EMM_HOME}/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log for the reason of failing.
There is no such specific changes to be done to Apache server when you install & run the WSO2 EMM. Can you log into carbon console?

Configure Apache CXF in Geronimo

I have installed Apache Geronimo 3.0.1 with Tomcat 7 and Axis2 Application server to deploy my application. I made my application work in Geronimo. I want to know what are the components can be configure to Apache geronimo especially Apache CXF, Through this link I come to know about component of Geronimo.
Now I want to configure Apache CXF in Geronimo. The link Configure JAX-WS engine says how to configure Apache CXF in Geronimo. Since I installed Apache Geronimo 3.0.1 with Tomcat 7 and Axis2, Apache Axis2 is bundled with Apache Geronimo as per given link. So, I can't configure cxf in geronimo as per the procedure in Configure JAX-WS engine guide like
1.Remove the condition attribute and add the load="false" attribute to org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis2-deployer/2.0/car module.
2.Remove the condition attribute and add the load="true" attribute to org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf-deployer/2.0/car module.
I did set the environment variable as well as
but no use.
Can any one tell me how can I Configure Apache CXF in Geronimo and how to use this service in my application?
Note: I want to use RESTfull Http and Local Transport service from Apache cxf that's why I wanted to use Apache cxf instead of Apache axis
Go to \var\config directory. Open config.xml file.
check "org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf/3.0.1/car", "org.apache.geronimo.configs/cxf-deployer/3.0.1/car"
Set load="true" if it exist. Otherwise, Download and install it.
Set GERONIMO_OPTS="-Dorg.apache.geronimo.jaxws.provider=cxf"

issues on download Apache Tomcat

I am trying to install Apache Tomcat, but I find to different files:
one is CORE while another is Deployer
which one should I choose?
Download CORE. From the documentation:
the Client Deployer, which is a command shell based script that interacts with the Tomcat Manager but provides additional functionality such as compiling and validating web applications as well as packaging web application into web application resource (WAR) files
The deployer is just a tool. It does not include the Tomcat server.