How to get the workflow authentication to work in Aviarc - authentication

We are trying to roll out authentication into my app and it’s not working for us.
We have set up the Current Authority and Current Authorizer and have even set the login query to be just select ‘a’ so we are guaranteed to get a result set.
We have copied the Login workflow to workflows/system directory.
It doesn’t look like it’s even trying to run the login query.
start.xml workflow:
<authenticate error-screen="login-error" dataset="login">
<show-screen name="login" />
<call-workflow name="home"/>
login.xml screen:
<screen xmlns:action="urn:aviarc:widget:com.aviarc.toronto.widget.core.action:1"
<group-box visible="y" left="10" right="4" top="10" bottom="4" class="blue">
<image height="80" width="245" left="10" top="5" class="mfcologo" />
<line height="5" left="0" right="0" top="120" class="myerblue" />
<text-static visible="y" left="74" top="151" width="80" height="20" text="User name:" />
<text-static visible="y" left="234" top="151" width="80" height="20" text="Password:" />
<text-edit name="username" left="74" top="182" width="100" height="20" field="login.user_name" />
<text-edit name="password" left="234" top="182" width="100" height="20" field="login.user_password" datatype="password" />
<button left="376" top="182" width="60" height="20" label="Login" action="Next"/>
system/Login.xml workflow:
<workflow xmlns:au-security="">
<au-security:hash-text text="{$login.user_password}" result-field="login.hashed-password" />
<dataset name="cslogin" databroker="loginqry" query="get-all">
<param name="username" value="{$login.user_name}" />
<param name="password" value="{$login.hashed-password}" />
<if test="dataset-empty" value1="cslogin">
<set-field field="login.authenticated" value="n"/>
<set-field field="login.authenticated" value="y"/>

The Workflow authentication requires "username" field to be populated prior to entering it, otherwise the authentication would fail immediately and login error screen will be displayed.
In your example it is fairly easy to fix, changing the line in login.xml screen from:
<text-edit name="username" left="74" top="182" width="100" height="20" field="login.user_name" />
to be:
<text-edit name="username" left="74" top="182" width="100" height="20" field="login.username" />
and updating reference to it in the system/Login workflow.


Something went wrong page after after pressing on DeleteButton

Everytime I click on a delete button in a List component, the page shows this error page.
The deletion works though.
The error page
export const MaterialList = props => (
<List {...props}>
<Datagrid rowClick="edit">
<NumberField source="REGEL_ID" />
<DateField source="STAND" />
<NumberField source="MaterialID" />
<NumberField source="DruckstufenID" />
<TextField source="Bezeichnung" />
<TextField source="Bezeichnung2" />
<TextField source="pA_Artikel" />
<TextField source="Menge" />
<NumberField source="DefaultHaken" />
<NumberField source="Verdichten" />
<TextField source="pA_Artikel_Original" />
<EditButton />
<DeleteButton />
Is there someone who atleast understands the error message?
We noticed this bug a few days ago and it has been fixed in v3.3.3.

Disable browser's autocomplete credentials in input type password in ZKoss

I would ask you a question...
I want to disable browser's autocomplete credentials in input type password in ZKoss.
My ZK version is 6.5
Here is my zul code
<grid width="344px">
<label value="Username" />
<textbox id="username" name="j_username" focus="true" hflex="true" />
<label value="Password" />
<textbox id="password" type="password" name="j_password" hflex="true" />
Do you have any ideas? solutions?
Thank you!
Try this
<zk xmlns:ca="client/attribute">
<!-- removed for brevity -->
<textbox ca:autocomplete="off" />

Outlook Add-ins OWA ios not loading

I'm a little stump with what's wrong with my manifest that my add-in won't load on the web version of Outlook 365. It loads just fine on the native iOS outlook and on desktop web browsers in I followed the samples provided on how to Add MobileFormFactor, but can't get the icon to appear when I read an email.
My manifest validator says i'm ok so far.
Manifest Validation
here is my manifest.
<ExtensionPoint xsi:type="MobileMessageReadCommandSurface">
<Group id="mobileMsgRead">
<Label resid="groupLabel" />
<Control xsi:type="MobileButton" id="TaskPaneBtn">
<Label resid="restpaneReadButtonLabel" />
<Icon xsi:type="bt:MobileIconList">
<bt:Image size="25" scale="1" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="25" scale="2" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="25" scale="3" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="32" scale="1" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="32" scale="2" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="32" scale="3" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="48" scale="1" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="48" scale="2" resid="mobile-32" />
<bt:Image size="48" scale="3" resid="mobile-32" />
<Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
<SourceLocation resid="readTaskPaneUrl" />
Try adding the following at the end of your <Form> element:
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="" />
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="" />
Does that help?

Allowing user to edit WIX Burn variable

I am using WIX 3.8 and have a Burn project that installs an MSI.
I have a string variable in the Burn project that has a default value that is passed to the MSI. I want to allow the user to edit this at install time but can't get it to work. How do you allow a user to edit a Burn string variable?
My current code is as below. The EditBox is shown but the default value is not displayed and the value entered is not passed to the MSI.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="" xmlns:netfx="" xmlns:bal="">
<Bundle Name="My Bundle"
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.HyperlinkLargeLicense">
<bal:WixStandardBootstrapperApplication ShowVersion="yes" LicenseUrl="" LogoFile="logo_64x64.jpg" ThemeFile="Theme.xml" />
<Variable Name="ADDRESS" bal:Overridable="yes" Type="string" Value="" />
<MsiPackage Id="Installer" SourceFile="$(var.Installer.TargetPath)">
<MsiProperty Name="ADDRESS" Value="[ADDRESS]" />
<Page Name="Options">
<Text X="11" Y="80" Width="-11" Height="30" FontId="2" DisablePrefix="yes">#(loc.OptionsHeader)</Text>
<Editbox Name="ADDRESS" X="11" Y ="120" Width="100" Height="21" TabStop="yes" FontId="3" />
<Button Name="OptionsOkButton" X="-91" Y="-11" Width="75" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">#(loc.OptionsOkButton)</Button>
<Button Name="OptionsCancelButton" X="-11" Y="-11" Width="75" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">#(loc.OptionsCancelButton)</Button>
Hope you've already found an answer to this question, if not, here's my stab at it.
It looks like your EditBox element is just missing the ADDRESS property reference. e.g.:
<Editbox Name="ADDRESS" X="11" Y ="120" Width="100" Height="21" TabStop="yes" FontId="3" >[ADDRESS]</EditBox>
Hope this helps!

When are property-based values resolved?

I have a wix install file defined with a Property, IniFile inside a Component, and a custom dialog with a RadioButtonGroup that changes the value of said property. The property is used as a value for one of the IniFile's entries. Problem is it seems that IniFile value gets resolved prior to the property getting set via the radio buttons, as I always get the property's default value in my ini file. So my question is - how do I get it to resolve the IniFile's value (a property) later, after it's been altered.
Here's a rough outline of what I have:
<Property Id="SlpStatic" Value="STATIC" />
<Component Id="UpdateSlpStatic" Guid="aa8867b4-129c-42f3-85cc-06b588c29a40" Directory="TARGETDIR">
<CreateFolder />
<IniFile Id="IniSlpStatic" Action="addLine" Section="Overrides" Name="config.ini" Directory="INSTALLDIR" Key="type" Value="[SlpStatic]" />
<Control Type="RadioButtonGroup" Property="SlpStatic" Id="SlpStaticChoice" Width="200" Height="42" X="112" Y="68">
<RadioButtonGroup Property="SlpStatic">
<RadioButton Text="SLP" Height="17" Value="SLP" Width="300" X="0" Y="0" />
<RadioButton Text="Static" Height="17" Value="STATIC" Width="200" X="0" Y="25" />
I know that the SlpStatic property is getting set properly (I have another control that enables/disables based on its value), so the problem is that IniFile's value is getting resolved too early.