How to select rows by date in sqlite - sql

I have to select all rows from database by just passing date. For example to get all rows that have date 10/23/2012
In sqlite db I store this in DATE column:
01/01/1900 11:00:00 AM
I have tried to get by using date() but I get nothing for date:
select itemId, date(dateColumn) from items
So all I need is to compare only dates but can't find how to do this in sqlite.

Firstly, format your dates to the ISO-8601 standard. Wrap it in Date() to ensure it gets processed as a DATE. Finally, construct your range so that it will include everything from 12:00am onwards until just before 12:00am the next day.
select itemId, dateColumn
from items
where dateColumn >= date('2012-10-23')
AND dateColumn < date('2012-10-23', '+1 day')
SQLite columns are not typed. However, if you compare the column to a DATE as shown, it is sufficient to coerced the column data into dates (null if not coercible) and the comparison will work properly.
Example on SQLFiddle:
create table items (
itemid, datecolumn);
insert into items select
1,'abc' union all select
2,null union all select
3,'10/23/2012 12:23' union all select
4,'10/23/2012' union all select
5,'2012-10-23 12:23' union all select
6,'2012-10-23' union all select
7,'2012-10-24 12:23' union all select
8,'2012-10-24' union all select
9,date('2012-10-24 12:23') union all select
itemid datecolumn
5 2012-10-23 12:23
6 2012-10-23
Note that although rows 3 and 4 appear to be dates, they are not, because they do not conform to ISO-8601 formatting which is the only format recognized by SQLite.

In SQLite, there is no datatype DATE, it's stored as strings. Therefor, the Strings have to match exactly to be equal.
Since we don't want that, you'll want to "cast" the values from the date-column to pseudo-date and also cast your argument to a pseudo-date, so they can be compared:
SELECT itemId FROM items WHERE date(dateColumn) = date("2012-10-22");
Note that the date-command takes dates formated as YYYY-MM-DD, as further explained in an answer to this older question. The question also shows that you can use the BETWEEN x AND y-command to get dates, matching a range.

SELECT itemId,dateColumn FROM items WHERE dateColumn=date('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS');
SQLite Reference

select itemId,dateColumn from items
where dateColumn = #date


Redshift Query BETWEEN returns nothing

Here's the query that returns nothing:
select TOP 10 *
from table
WHERE 'date' BETWEEN '2018-05-01' AND '2018-05-04'
ORDER BY "date";
Nothing is returned.
The following returns 10 rows:
select TOP 10 *
from table
WHERE 'date' = '2018-05-01'
BTW, the date column is TIMESTAMP.
Any thoughts?
Your where clause is always false, because in English it’s:
where the string 'date' is between the string '2018-05-01' and the string '2018-05-04'
which is false.
Change 'date' to "date". You’ll then be comparing the date column (and the date literals will be automatically cast from text to date).
Works fine for me...
CREATE TABLE stackoverflow (foo TIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO stackoverflow VALUES ('2016-01-01 00:11:22'::timestamp);
INSERT INTO stackoverflow VALUES ('2018-01-01 01:02:03'::timestamp);
SELECT * FROM stackoverflow
WHERE foo BETWEEN '2017-02-02' AND '2018-05-04';
Data returned:
2018-01-01 01:02:03
Tip: Be careful when mixing dates and timestamps. A comparison like WHERE date = '2018-05-01' might only find timestamps that are exactly at midnight at the start of that day.

Find data with specific date and month only

I am trying to find a data with specific where clause of date and month but I am receiving an error can anyone help me with this?
select *
from my_data
where date BETWEEN '11-20' AND '12-15'
MS SQL Server Management Studio
I am receving an error
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
Most databases support functions to extract components of dates. So, one way of doing what you want is to convert the values to numbers and make a comparison like this:
where month(date) * 100 + day(date) between 1120 and 1215
The functions for extracting date parts differ by database, so your database might have somewhat different methods for doing this.
The conversion is failing because you are not specifying a year. If you were to specify '11-20-2015' your query would work just insert whatever year you need.
FROM my_data
WHERE date BETWEEN '11-20-2015' AND '12-15-2015'
Alternatively if you wanted data from that range of dates for multiple years I would use a while loop to insert information in a # table then read from that table, depending on the amount of data this could be quick or sloooowww here is an example.
DECLARE #mindatestart date, #mindateend date, #maxdatestart date
SET #mindatestart = '11-20-2010'
SET #mindateend = '12-15-2010'
SET #maxdatestart = '11-20-2015'
SELECT top 0 *, year = ' '
INTO #mydata
FROM my_data
WHILE #mindatestart < #maxdatestart
SELECT *, YEAR(#mindatestart)
FROM my_data
where date between #mindatestart and #mindateend
SET #mindatestart = DATEADD(Year, 1, #mindatestart)
SET #mindateend = DATEADD(Year, 1, #mindateend)
This will loop and insert the data from 2010-2015 for those date ranges and add a extra column on the end so you can call the data and order by year if you want like this
SELECT * FROM #mydata order by YEAR
Hopefully some part of this helps!
FROM my_data
WHERE DAY(RIGHT(date, 5)) between DAY(11-20) and DAY(12-15)
The reason '11-20' doesn't work is because its a character string which is why you have to input it between ' ' What the Month() function does is take whatever you put between the () and convert it to an integer. Which is why you're not getting anything back using the method in the first answer, the '-Year' from the table date field is being added into the numeric value where your value is just being converted from 11-20 you can see by using these queries
SELECT MONTH(11-20) --Returns 12
SELECT MONTH(11-20-2015) -- Returns 6
SELECT MONTH(11-20-2014) -- Returns 6
Using RIGHT(Date, 5) you only get Month-day, then you date the day value of that so DAY(RIGHT(DATE, 5) and you should get something that in theory should fall within those date ranges despite the year. However I'm not sure how accurate the data will be, and its a lot of work just to not add an additional 8 characters in your original query.
Since you only care about month and day, but not year, you need to use DATEPART to split up the date. Try this:
select *
from my_data
AND (DATEPART(m, date) >= 11 AND DATEPART(d,date) >= 20)
AND (DATEPART(m, date) <= 12 AND DATEPART(d,date) <= 15)

Finding a Specific Date with SQL

I'm trying to search in an database for records with a specific date. I've tried to search in the following ways:
WHERE CAL_DATE=01/01/2015
WHERE CAL_DATE='01/01/2015'
I'm working with an Access database, and in the table, the dates are showing in the same format (01/01/2015). Is there something I'm missing in the SQL statement?
Any of the options below should work:
Format the date directly in your query.
WHERE CAL_DATE=#01/01/2015#;
The DateValue function will convert a string to a date.
WHERE CAL_DATE=DateValue('01/01/2015');
The CDate function will convert a value to a date.
WHERE CAL_DATE=CDate('01/01/2015');
The DateSerial function will return a date given the year, month, and day.
WHERE CAL_DATE=DateSerial(2015, 1, 1);
See the following page for more information on the above functions:
Try using CDATE function on your filter:
WHERE CAL_DATE = CDATE('01/01/2015')
This will ensure that your input is of date datatype, not a string.
SELECT * from Table1 WHERE (CDATE(ColumnDate) BETWEEN #03/26/2015# AND #03/19/2015#)
if this works .. vote for it.. we use above query for searching records from 26th march to 19 the march.. change the dates accordingly..
SELECT * from Table1 WHERE (CDATE(ColumnDate) BETWEEN #03/26/2015# AND #03/19/2015#)
if this works .. vote for it.. we use above query for searching records from 26th march to 19 the march.. change the dates accordingly..

SQL Server: how to select records with specific date from datetime column

I have a table with one column dateX formatted as datetime and containing standard dates.
How can I select all records from this table where this dateX equals a certain date, e.g. May 9, 2014 ?
I tried the following, but this returns nothing even if I have several records with this date.
FROM dbo.LogRequests
WHERE (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dateX, 101) = '09/05/14')
Edit: In the database the above example looks as follows, using SQL 2012: 2014-05-09 00:00:00.000
The easiest way is to convert to a date:
FROM dbo.LogRequests
WHERE cast(dateX as date) = '2014-05-09';
Often, such expressions preclude the use of an index. However, according to various sources on the web, the above is sargable (meaning it will use an index), such as this and this.
I would be inclined to use the following, just out of habit:
FROM dbo.LogRequests
WHERE dateX >= '2014-05-09' and dateX < '2014-05-10';
For Perfect DateTime Match in SQL Server
SELECT ID FROM [Table Name] WHERE (DateLog between '2017-02-16 **00:00:00.000**' and '2017-12-16 **23:59:00.999**') ORDER BY DateLog DESC
FROM LogRequests
WHERE cast(dateX as date) between '2014-05-09' and '2014-05-10';
This will select all the data between the 2 dates

PLSQL 'IN' Operator

I'm trying to select rows based on a range of 'dates' determined by the following PLSQL query, which currently delivers the results I need - being the 'date' object of the last 10 weeks of the day of the week when the script is run. Eg. running it on the 22th of May would yield, 15th May, 8th May and so on.
SELECT SYSDATE-(level*7) as DateRange
This generates a list of dates. Then I try and combine this with a parent select statement to get rows with the dates outputted by the above that are in the 'DAY' (of Oracle type DATE) column.
SELECT SYSDATE-(level*7) as DateRange
Which gives no results, despite knowing that there are rows that have the dates generated by the above.
I've read that when using the 'IN' operator, values must be enclosed in single quotes, but I'm not sure about how to do this with the query above.
Am I going about this the right way by using the IN operator, or should I be doing a different type of nested query?
use trunc for truncate time component from sysdate
SELECT trunc(SYSDATE)-(level*7) as DateRange
Maybe the format of the date returned by nested query does not match with the date format of the column NEM_RM16.DAY
Probably, if the dates are compared after making them of the same format, they will match properly
Like this
'DD/MM/YYYY') as DateRange
Hope it helps