Segmented Control not Working - objective-c

I've been working through a tutorial on called Objectively Speaking: A Crash Course in Objective-C. In the tutorial they use a segmented control, which to my understanding I've connected correctly in IB. I've tried posting my problem but after 5 days I still haven't had any help.
I suspect the problem is something like a connection issue. Could someone please look at my project and let me know where I've gone wrong. The zip files can be found here: Options, Options, Options.

You have two segmented controls in your XIB, one on top of the other.
The problem is that the bottom segmented control is hooked up via the IBOutlet, but you're actually selecting the segmented index of the top one.
To fix it, delete the bottom segmented control (the one with out constraints) and hook up the IBOutlet to the single remaining segmented control.

you need to write your listener yourself.
[urSegmentControl addTarget:self action:#selector(segmentControlValueChangedListener:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];

If You want to do it in interface builder:
First of all - open ViewController.m class file and create function like this - it will be called, when You change segment:
Then open ViewController.xib and with second mouse button tap-and-hold on Segmented Control instance - and pull to File Responder. Release. It will show up a view like this:
Select newly created function name. That's it - now, when value segment value will be changed, quote_opt_touch function will be called, and in debugger You will see "abc".
Also - You had Two segmented controls. Remove one of them.

Do this in appDelegate.m class and it will work. Its happening because you are not below than iOS 5.
#synthesize window;
#synthesize viewController;

Look at your xib file. You have two instances of the segmentedcontrol declared. You need to remove the bottom one and re-connect the top one to the outlet.


Using multiple windows with Storyboards (Mac OS X development)

I have two window controllers (with their own view controllers) on a storyboard.
In one window, I have the main program, a basic text editor with an NSTextView. In the other window, I have a single button.
I found out how to get the window to display by linking it to a menu item. It works.
The main window is linked to my ViewController class by default. The second window is also linked to the ViewController class and has its button linked to an IBAction in the ViewController class.
I have some simple code in the IBAction that basically tells the NSTextView to change its font size to a much bigger font. I have confirmed that the code itself works when called in other methods.
The button works, BUT it is using an entirely different instance of my ViewController class. So in result: the text size doesn't change.
So my main question here is how do I get an IBAction in one window to affect an object in another window.
I hope I did an alright job at explaining myself. Keep in mind this is my first Stack Overflow question:) I tried my best to research this question but mostly found information on iOS development and using XIB files.
It sounds like you have two windows with the same controller class but want what happens in one window to affect the other window. The easiest way is going to be with notifications. When the button is clicked in one window a notification gets posted that all instances of ViewController receive and respond to by changing the font size as needed. You could also look into setting a user default when the button is clicked and using bindings to keep the text field's font size tied to the current default.

UIBarButtonItem created in Interface Builder not working - confused

I am trying to tidy up my UI by consolidating various things in a Tool Bar, and am utterly confused. I am using Interface Builder rather than constructing the controls programmatically, because my UI is fairly simple and not particularly dynamic.
What I did did so far:
Added an empty tool bar.
Dragged two previously existing and working buttons onto the tool bar. They changed their class from UIButton
to UIBarButtonItem, and the inspector now shows them as having no
Sent Actions or Referencing Outlet, but the the previous action &
outlet in the View Controller - responding to taps, setting the
label of the button - still work.
Created a new Button directly
in the tool bar. Wired up its action & outlet by ctrl-drag in the
normal way. The inspector shows the Action and Outlet for this
button as connected, which is nice, but sadly neither of them works.
Clicking the button does not invoke the action; setting the label of
the button does not cause anything to happen on the screen, even
after I tried prodding the tool bar with a setNeedsDisplay.
I'm not sure what to try next. Googling has shown me that I'm not the only person to find using UIToolBar via Interface Bulder difficult and confusing, but I haven't found a solution to my exact problem.
I don't particularly want to resort to creating my entire GUI programmatically just to tidy up a few buttons. Creating all the controls in Interface Builder outside the tool bar, getting them wired up and working, then moving them into the tool bar would presumably also work - but it would be a kludge, and would leave me still none the wiser if anything went wrong later.
Should you try using UIBarButtonItem instead of UIButton? It works for me.
i had a similar issue.
Did you created an extra UITapGestureRecognizer for root view ?
Maybe for something like > When elsewhere than UITextView clicked, resignFirstResponder for all UITextViews !
In my case, on 7.1, that extra UITapGestureRecognizer prevented transfer of event to IBAction of UIBarButtonItem which is inside an UIToolBar.
IBAction was made on Storyboard by Ctrl+Drag.
on 8.1 it was working. Not on 7.1
Read some suggestions to create an extra UIView and putting all visual elements into that extra UIView except UIToolBar

Advantages, problems, examples of adding another UIWindow to an iOS app?

Recently I've been wondering about the fact that that an iOS app only has one UIWindow.
It does not seem to be an issue to create another UIWindow and place it on screen.
My question is kind of vague, but I'm interested in:
What could I potentially achieve with a second UIWindow that cannot be done in other ways?
What can go wrong when using multiple UIWindow instances?
I have seen that people use a 2nd UIWindow to display popover like views on iPhone. Is this a good way of doing it? Why? Why not?
Are there other examples where it is making perfectly sense to have another UIWindow?
It's not that I'm missing something. I have never felt the need to create another UIWindow instance but maybe it would allow doing amazing things I'm not aware of! :-)
I'm hoping that it might help me solve this problem:
I need to add a "cover view" over whatever is currently displayed. It should also work if there are already one or more modal controllers presented. If I add a UIView to the root controller's view, the modal controllers sit on top, so do the popover controllers.
If I present the cover view modally and there is already a modal controller, only part of the screen is covered.
Starting with Rob's answer I played around a bit and would like to write down some notes for others trying to get information on this topic:
It is not a problem at all to add another UIWindow. Just create one and makeKeyAndVisible. Done.
Remove it by making another window visible, then release the one you don't need anymore.
The window that is "key" receives all the keyboard input.
UIWindow covers everything, even modals, popovers, etc. Brilliant!
UIWindow is always portrait implicitly. It does no rotate. You'll have to add a controller as the new window's root controller and let that handle rotation. (Just like the main window)
The window's level determines how "high" it gets displayed. Set it to UIWindowLevelStatusBar to have it cover everything. Set its hidden property to NO.
A 2nd UIWindow can be used to bring views on the screen that float on top of everything. Without creating a dummy controller just to embed that in a UIPopoverController.
It can be especially useful on iPhone where there is no popover controller but where you might want to mimic something like it.
And yes, it solved of course my problem: if the app resigns activation, add a cover window over whatever is currently shown to prevent iOS from taking a screenshot of your app's current content.
A UIWindow can float above other UI elements like the system keyboard.
To address your last paragraph: Make a UIWindow with the same frame as your main window. Set its windowLevel property to UIWindowLevelStatusBar. Set its hidden property to NO.
Here is Apple's Documentation for better understanding UIWindow:
One good though specific reason to use multiple instances of UIWindow is when you need to video record the app screen. You may not want to include certain elements (recording button, recording status, etc.) in the final recorded video, so you can put those elements in a separate UIWindow on top.
In fact, if you are using ReplayKit, you will have to use a separate UIWindow for these excluded UI elements. More info here:

Add a second image to a custom UIButton

I've got an Custom UIButton. It's got
a "static" background image
a variable text (the Title) which gets set in the code
Now I would like to add an icon (UIImage/UIImageView) inside the button on the left of the text. (I use the indent to move the text slightly to the right). Is there an easy way of adding that icon (and referencing it from code, so I can change it) or would you recommend creating a completely new button e.g. based on a UIView? (e.g. a view, that responds to touches)?
I'm just trying to get a feel for what the best approach would be for this. Any experience?
Two ways:
I prefer doing this by subclassing a UIView and (as you mention) implement the UITouch-responder methods. You're also able to override drawRect: what I really like because it makes your app soooooo much faster!
Since UIButton is a subclass of UIView, you can add a UIImageView to your button by using addSubview:. If you save it in your main-class (#property (...) UIButton *button) you can always access it by calling [self button]. You can also subclass your UIButton and add this #property. That's up to you.
It's totally up to you. However I prefer the first way!

viewDidLoad not being called by parent UITabBarController

I've created a minimal set of files that highlight the issue here:
If viewDidLoad/viewInitWithNibName are called, a message box is displayed. The message box is not displayed, therefore, the methods are not being called.
I have an application that is attempting to use a UITabBarController to switch between multiple views.
The views are linked up to the UITabBarController using interface builder (select the tab page, open Attributes (Option-1), and fill in the NIB Name field), and so are displayed "automatically" with no extra code-behind to make them appear.
Is it intended behaviour that views loaded like this do not have their viewDidLoad method executed? If not, how am I doing it wrong, and what do I need to change.
If it is intended behaviour, I can think of a few work-arounds, but any suggestions are appreciated:
Scrap the UITabBarController and implement the view switching myself (using initWithNibName and add/insert/push/Subview).
Call each of the children's viewDidLoad method manually in the UITabBarController's own viewDidLoad method.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
OK, I've managed to solve this.
Linking the NIB to the TabBarController isn't enough - you also need to link the code beind file, it is not implicitly linked by the NIB even if you set the file owner correctly.
Open IB, and select the relevent page. Click in the middle to select the view controller. Enter the NIB name of the sub view, then go to the last page (option 4). In 'class identity', enter the name of the code-behind file for the sub-view NIB.
Everything will now work nicely.
I've uploaded a correct version of the sample code:
You're not instantiating ImportedView anywhere in your project, so it's not calling either initXXX or viewDidAnything. If you put your alert code in -[FirstViewController viewDidLoad], it'll fire as expected.