What is the common procedure for rotating DKIM keys? [closed] - dkim

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for roughly how to generate new DKIM keys without effecting existing mail. It sounds like the only concern is mail in transit. Is there a common procedure for doing this?

You would generate a new key pair. Publish it in a new new selector._domainkey.example.com.
Wait for the new selector to propagate in DNS.
Update your e-mail system to use the new selector.
After a week or so, remove the old selector DNS record.


Webrtc for only watching? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is it possible for two customers(users) to have a videochat, so the others only can watch them? Something similar to Deeyoon.com. Deeyoon don't use webrtc.
You should handle this logic by your own.
You can create the peer connection between the speakers. And, also send both these two streams to server.
For all other users, you can just pass these streams. (In this part, you don't need to create a peerview connection)

Deleting Loads of Openfire users [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an OpenFire chat server running for clients. I need to delete all users who have not logged in for about 6 months. I think it will be around ~1500 users that need to be deleted. Clicking delete and confirm is taking a lot of time. Is there any way to do it via a script or command line ?

Can I use Dropbox to back the auto-update feature for my application? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to add an auto-update feature for my application, but I don't have a server or a good host for making this feature. Can I use Dropbox or any other free services to add this feature to my programs?
As far as I can tell, there is nothing in the Dropbox terms and conditions to forbid you from using it to distribute updates for your software. I you want legal advice on what you can and cannot do, then please consult a lawyer, not a bunch of programmers.

if i lose the private key generated with a csr, does that mean i need to have a new certificate issued? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i was in the process of installing a new ssl certificate via plesk and deleted it, i forgot to save the private key that was generated with the csr that was used to issue the certificate. does that mean i now have to generate a new csr, and have the certificate provider re-issue a new one?
Yes, you'd need to start over. Certificate Authorities usually offer a second (backup) try for free (for cases like yours).

Terminal/SSH : How can i track how many people are accessing my site at the moment live? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to connect to ssh and type in a command that will show me live updates such as their ip address as they enter my site. is that possible? simply see what page an ip address entered or just the ip of a person that connected to the site.
Live meaning i see the list updated as it happens.
tail -f /path/to/your/access.log
Usually reading the log is pretty useless though.