Pretty Print JSON generated with a jbuilder template in Rails 3.2.8 - ruby-on-rails-3

Anyone have a way to pretty print JSON output from jbuilder?
I can pretty print JSON generated within a controller action with something like:
but once I pass off to a jbuilder template, I'm not aware of a way to have that output pretty printed.
Right now, my action method's render statement is simple:
render formats: :json
And this successfully forces a rendering with jbuilder, regardless of input format type specified (which is my desired behavior).

I found a way to do this:
json_string = render_to_string formats: :json
json_object = JSON.parse(json_string)
render :json => JSON.pretty_generate(json_object)
Again, this assumes there is a jbuilder template for this action, which will create the initial json, which gets rendered to a string, back into a json object and then passed to pretty_generate().
It's a bit circuitous, but it works. I'm of course, totally open to tighter implementations!

# config/initializers/jbuilder_prettify.rb
require "jbuilder"
class Jbuilder
# Allows you to set #prettify manually in your .jbuilder files.
# Example:
# json.prettify true
# json.prettify false
attr_accessor :prettify
alias_method :_original_target, :target!
# A shortcut to enabling prettify.
# Example:
# json.prettify!
def prettify!
#prettify = true
def target!
#prettify ? ::JSON.pretty_generate(#attributes) : _original_target
# app/views/api/v1/users/show.json.jbuilder
json.prettify! if %w(1 yes true).include?(params["pretty"])
json.( #user, :id, :name, :created_at, :updated_at )

Expanding on Blake Miller's answer...
Here is the code from the gist:
require 'multi_json'
MultiJson.use :yajl
unless Rails.env.production?
MultiJson.dump_options = {:pretty=>true}
I put this into a file called /config/initializers/jbuilder_prettify.rb
In order for this to work you must have the yajl-ruby gem included in your Gemfile. Note that the jbuilder github homepage mentions here how using something like yajl-ruby will speed up your json rendering.

This worked for me, while the accepted answer did not. It's also shorter!
require 'multi_json'
MultiJson.use :yajl
unless Rails.env.production?
MultiJson.dump_options = {:pretty=>true}

config/initializers/jbuilder.rb with:
class Jbuilder
def target!
Result, https://localhost:3000/manifest.json
"name": "Socializus",
"short_name": "Socializus",
"start_url": "http://localhost:3000",
"theme_color": "#ffffff",
"background_color": "#ffffff",
"display": "standalone",
"icons": [
"src": "/android-chrome-192x192.png",
"sizes": "192x192",
"type": "image/png"
"src": "/android-chrome-512x512.png",
"sizes": "512x512",
"type": "image/png"

I think this is simpler,
#package = Package.first
json = JSON.parse(#blog.to_json)
"title"=>"Package Title",
"description"=>"Joe's comment"},
"caption"=>"mountain climbing"},
Or, the quicker one-liner,
PP.pp JSON.parse Blog.first.to_json


Set Active Model serializer adapter per method

I'm trying to build an api-only app in rails 5. I'm using active model serializer (AMS).
On my GET /users (UsersController#index) endpoint, I want the root json to have a "users" keyword before the json array of users.
If I set an initializer with ActiveModelSerializers.config.adapter = :json
value, then I have the desired behavior.
But then, on the GET /users/1 the simple user json comes under the key user. I'd like to get rid of this key (in this case) and simply answer the user json as the root json.
The question is: how can I define the AMS adapter on a specific endpoint/response/method? Is that possible?
I should have read the manual :$
To override the "root" key, you have to provide a root: argument when you call the render method. If you are using the :json adapter on an initializer, it would be like this:
render json: #user, root: "admin"
This would then generate a json like this:
"admin": {
"id": 123,
"email": ""
If you want, you could also provide another key after the root: to set the adapter, like this: adapter: :json
So, the :attributes adapter doesn't have a root key. In order to remove the root key, you could do:
render json: #user, root: "admin", adapter: :attributes
The official documentation is here and here

How do I test my JSON API with Sinatra + rspec

I have a post method that accepts JSON:
post '/channel/create' do
content_type :json
#data = JSON.parse(env['rack.input'].gets)
if #data.nil? or !#data.has_key?('api_key')
status 400
body({ :error => "JSON corrupt" }.to_json)
status 200
body({ :error => "Channel created" }.to_json)
As a newbie to rspec I am bewildered trying to figure out how to write a test against that POST with an acceptable JSON payload. The closest I got to is this which is woefully inaccurate but I don't seem to be asking the Google god the right questions to help me out here.
it "accepts create channel" do
h = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
body = { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json
post '/channel/create', body, h
last_response.should be_ok
Any best practice guidance for testing APIs in Sinatra will be most appreciated also.
The code you've used is fine, although I would structure it slightly differently as I don't like to use it blocks the way you normally see them, I think it encourages testing of more than one aspect of a system at a time:
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
subject { last_response }
it { should be_ok }
I've used let because it's better than an instance variable in a before block (kudos to you for not doing that). The post is in a before block because it's not really part of the spec, but a side effect that occurs prior to what you're speccing. The subject is the response and that makes the it a simple call.
Because checking the response is ok is needed so often I put it in a shared example:
shared_examples_for "Any route" do
subject { last_response }
it { should be_ok }
and then call it as such:
describe "Creating a new channel" do
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
it_should_behave_like "Any route"
# now spec some other, more complicated stuff…
subject { JSON.parse(last_response.body) }
it { should == "" }
and because the content type changes so often, I put that in a helper:
module Helpers
def env( *methods )
methods.each_with_object({}) do |meth, obj|
obj.merge! __send__(meth)
def accepts_html
{"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "text/html" }
def accepts_json
{"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" }
def via_xhr
It's easy to add this in where it's needed by including it via the RSpec config:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Helpers, :type => :request
describe "Creating a new channel", :type => :request do
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, env(:accepts_json)
Having said all that, personally, I wouldn't post using JSON. HTTP POST is simple to handle, and every form and javascript library does it easily and well. Respond with JSON by all means, but don't post JSON, HTTP is a lot easier.
Edit: after writing out the Helpers bit above I realised it would be more helpful as a gem.
Looks like the ability to do post :update, '{"some": "json"}' was added to the internal ActionPack test_case.rb used by rspec in this commit:
Since you're using Sinatra I'm not sure the best way to get those changes—you might be able to upgrade ActionPack directly, or patch from the above commit.
If you want to look at last_response as JSON, you could try rack-test-json which makes this trivial:
expect(last_response).to be_json
expect(last_response.as_json['key']).to be == 'value'

Paperclip and Phusion Passenger NoHandlerError

I followed this guide to get drag and drop file uploads through AJAX:
Everything was working fine on my development environment with WebBrick but if I deploy to PhusionPassenger then I get:
Paperclip::AdapterRegistry::NoHandlerError (No handler found for #<PhusionPassenger::Utils::RewindableInput:0x000000041aef38 #io=#<PhusionPassen...
I'm using this in my controller:
before_filter :parse_raw_upload, :only => :bulk_submissions
def bulk_submissions
#submission = Submission.create!(url: "", file: #raw_file, description: "Please edit this description", work_type: "other", date_completed:
def parse_raw_upload
if env['HTTP_X_FILE_UPLOAD'] == 'true'
#raw_file = env['rack.input']
#raw_file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type }
#raw_file.original_filename = env['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME']
#raw_file.content_type = env['HTTP_X_MIME_TYPE']
Looking at the request itself all the headers are set (X_MIME_TYPE, X_FILE_NAME) etc.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
The example you're cribbing from expects the file stream to be a StringIO object, but Passenger is giving you a PhusionPassenger::Utils::RewindableInput object instead.
Fortunately, a RewindableInput is duckalike to StringIO for this case, so Paperclip's StringioAdapter can be used to wrap your upload stream.
Inside the if block in your parse_raw_upload, at the end, do:
if == 'PhusionPassenger::Utils::RewindableInput'
#raw_file =

writing a caching version of Mechanize

I'd like a caching version of Mechanize. The idea is that #get(uri...) checks to see if that uri has been previously fetched, and if so, fetch the response from the cache rather than hitting the web. If not in the cache, it hits the web and saves the response in the cache.
My naive approach doesn't work. (I probably don't need to mention that CachedWebPage is a subclass of ActiveRecord::Base):
class CachingMechanize < Mechanize
def get(uri, parameters = [], referer = nil, headers = {})
page = if (record = CachedWebPage.find_by_uri(uri.to_s))
super.tap {|contents| CachedWebPage.create!(:uri => uri, :contents => contents)}
yield page if block_given?
This fails because the object returned by Mechanize#get() is a complex, circular structure that neither YAML nor JSON want to serialize for storage into the database.
I realize that what I want is to capture the low-level contents before Mechanize parses it.
Is there clean way to do this? I think I can use Mechanize's post_connect hook to access the raw page coming in, but I don't see how to subsequently pass the cached raw page to Mechanize for parsing.
Is there some package I should be using that does web page caching already?
It turns out the solution was simple, albeit not entirely clean. It's a simple matter to cache the results of Mechanize#get() like this:
class CachingMechanize < Mechanize
def get(uri, parameters = [], referer = nil, headers = {})
WebCache.with_web_cache(uri.to_s) { super }
... where with_web_cache() uses YAML to serialize and cache the object returned by super.
My problem was that by default, Mechanize#get() returns a Mechanize::Page object containing some lambda object, which cannot be dumped and loaded by YAML. The fix was to eliminate those lambdas, which turned out to be rather simple. Full code follows.
class CachingMechanize < Mechanize
def initialize(*args)
def get(uri, parameters = [], referer = nil, headers = {})
WebCache.with_web_cache(uri.to_s) { super }
# private
def sanitize_scheme_handlers
scheme_handlers['http'] =
scheme_handlers['https'] = scheme_handlers['http']
scheme_handlers['relative'] = scheme_handlers['http']
scheme_handlers['file'] = scheme_handlers['http']
class SchemeHandler
def call(link, page) ; link ; end
the moral: don't try to YAML.dump and YAML.load objects containing lambda or proc
This goes beyond just this example: if you see a YAML error that reads:
TypeError: allocator undefined for Proc
Check to see if there's a lambda or proc in the object you're trying to serialize and deserialize. If you are able (as I was in this case) to replace the lambda with a method call to an object, you should be able to work around the problem.
Hope this helps someone else.
In response to #Martin's request for the definition of WebCache, here 'tis:
# Simple model for caching pages fetched from the web. Assumes
# a schema like this:
# create_table "web_caches", :force => true do |t|
# t.text "key"
# t.text "value"
# t.datetime "expires_at"
# t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
# t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
# end
# add_index "web_caches", ["key"], :name => "index_web_caches_on_key", :unique => true
class WebCache < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :value
# WebCache.with_web_cache(key) {
# ...body...
# }
# Searches the web_caches table for an entry with a matching key. If
# found, and if the entry has not expired, the value for that entry is
# returned. If not found, or if the entry has expired, yield to the
# body and cache the yielded value before returning it.
# Options:
# :expires_at sets the expiration date for this entry upon creation.
# Defaults to one year from now.
# :expired_prior_to overrides the value of 'now' when checking for
# expired entries. Mostly useful for unit testing.
def self.with_web_cache(key, opts = {})
serialized_key = YAML.dump(key)
expires_at = opts[:expires_at] || 1.year.from_now
expired_prior_to = opts[:expired_prior_to] ||
if (r = self.where(:key => serialized_key).where("expires_at > ?", expired_prior_to)).exists?
# cache hit
# cache miss
yield.tap {|value| self.create!(:key => serialized_key, :value => value, :expires_at => expires_at)}
# Prune expired entries. Typically called by a cron job.
def self.delete_expired_entries(expired_prior_to =
self.where("expires_at < ?", expired_prior_to).destroy_all

Paperclip- validate pdfs with content_type='application/octet-stream'

I was using paperclip for file upload. with validations as below:
validates_attachment_content_type :upload, :content_type=>['application/pdf'],
:if => { |module_file| !module_file.upload_file_name.blank? },
:message => "must be in '.pdf' format"
But, my client complained today that he is not able to upload pdf. After investigating I come to know from request headers is that the file being submitted had content_type=application/octet-stream.
Allowing application/octet-stream will allow many type of files for upload.
Please suggest a solution to deal with this.
Seems like paperclip doesn't detect content type correctly. Here is how I was able to fix it using custom content-type detection and validation (code in model):
VALID_CONTENT_TYPES = ["application/zip", "application/x-zip", "application/x-zip-compressed", "application/pdf", "application/x-pdf"]
before_validation(:on => :create) do |file|
if file.media_content_type == 'application/octet-stream'
mime_type = MIME::Types.type_for(file.media_file_name)
file.media_content_type = mime_type.first.content_type if mime_type.first
validate :attachment_content_type
def attachment_content_type
errors.add(:media, "type is not allowed") unless VALID_CONTENT_TYPES.include?(self.media_content_type)
Based on the above, here's what I ended up with which is compatible with PaperClip 4.2 and Rails 4:
before_post_process on: :create do
if media_content_type == 'application/octet-stream'
mime_type = MIME::Types.type_for(media_file_name)
self.media_content_type = mime_type.first.to_s if mime_type.first
For paperclip 3.3 and Rails 3, I did this a bit differently
before_validation on: :create do
if media_content_type == 'application/octet-stream'
mime_type = MIME::Types.type_for(media_file_name)
self.media_content_type = mime_type.first if mime_type.first
validates_attachment :media, content_type: { content_type: VALID_CONTENT_TYPES }
By the way, i needed to do this because testing with Capybara and phantom js using attach_file did not generate the correct mime type for some files.