how to insert data in master data services programmatically - crud

I'm trying out Microsoft Master Data Services and I would like to add data to the database programmatically. I'm starting to get the model/entity/member structure but I'm not yet sure. If you have a nice explanation for this structure, please share.
Say somebody added a new employee in an ERP system and I would like to send that to the MDS. How would I do that? Is the data that I want to add a new member? Because if I look at the following information (, the only way to import data is through entities?
Thanks in advance for any useful information about this!

Lets start with the basics.
Entities in Master Data Services (MDS) are roughly analogous to tables in a regular database.
Every entity must live in a model.
A model can contain any number of entities.
The Metadata* methods you see on that page can be used to create, read and update models and entities. Once you have modeled your ERP tables as an MDS model, you can use the EntityMembersCreate API (with the relevant model/entity information) to create a member (roughly analogous to a row in a table). You can use EntityMembersUpdate to update members and EntityMembersDelete to delete them.
Another way to get large amounts of data into MDS is by using Entity Based Staging. Entity Based Staging allows you to use tools like SSIS to get bulk data into MDS. A good primer here:
I hope this helps. Feel free to ask more questions.

I like using a generic data-access-object that classes in my model inherit from. Each class has a one to one relationship with tables in the database.

We're using SSIS to replicate data from our CRM (as well as other data sources) into our MDS (for the time-being). If you're not familiar with the tool, I'd recommend in terms of moving data around - it's relatively easy to pickup the basics. If you go this route, here's a great resource I followed to push data into our MDS system:


I'm a new CDS/Dataverse user and am wondering why there are so many columns in new tables?

I'm new to CDS/Dataverse, coming from the SQL Server world. I created a new Dataverse table and there are over a dozen columns in my "new" table (e.g. "status", "version number"). Apparently these are added automatically. Why is this?
Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to view a grid of data (like I can with SQL Server) for quick review/modification of the data. Is there a way to view data visually like this?
Any tips for a new user, coming from SQL Server, would be appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: clarified the main question with examples (column names). (thanks David)
I am also new to CDS/Dataverse, so the following is a limited understanding from what I have explored so far.
The idea behind Dataverse is that it gives you a pre-built schema that follows best-practice for you build off of, so that you spend less time worrying about building a comprehensive data schema, creating tables, and how to relate them all together, and more time building applications in Power Apps.
For example, amongst the several dozen tables it generates from the get-go is Account and Contact. The former is for organisational entities and the latter is for single-person entities. You can go straight into adding your user records in one of these tables and take advantage of bits of Power Apps functionality already hooked up to these tables. You do not have to spend time thinking up column names, creating the table, making sure it hooks up to all the other Dataverse tables, testing whether the Power Apps functionality works with it correctly etc.
It is much the same story with the automatically generated columns for new tables: they are all there to maintain a best-practice schema and functionality for Power Apps. For example, the extra columns give you good auditing with the data you add, including when a row was created, modified, who created the row etc. The important thing is to start from what you want to build, and not get too caught up in the extra tables/columns. After a bit of research, you'll probably find you can utilise some more tables/columns in your design.
Viewing and adding data is very tedious -- it seems to take 5 clicks and several seconds to load the bit of data you want, which is eons in comparison to doing it in SQL Server. I believe it is how it is due to Microsoft's attempt to make it "user friendly".
Anyhow, the standard way to view data, starting from the main Power Apps view is:
From the right-hand side pane, click Data
Click Tables
From the list of tables, click your table
Along the top row, click Data
There is an alternative method that allows you to view the Dataverse tables in SSMS – see link below:
To import data in bulk:
Click on Data from the top drop-down menu > Get data.
Importing data from Excel is free. To import from other sources, including SQL Server, I believe is a paid service (although I think you may be able to do this on the free Community Plan).

Trying to wrap my head around Custom Identity tables with a DB first approach

My entire group is new to ASP.Net Core and I was the lucky one tasked with Authentication/Authorization. We have always used a DB first approach, and this is no different, we already have our DB all set up. The higher ups want to use our specific tables for all things Identity, but they also want to leverage the tools that ASP.Net Core gives.
This will be a multi-site app where there is one central database. Our current setup is close to what the scaffolding adds, but has some small differences.
I have read a ton of resources, but the vast majority all focus on the code first approach and I currently don't fully understand what I need and what is there for the code first approach. I have seen a couple of answers that recommend using the .ToTable and .Property inside of OnModelCreate. Is this the best option or am I better off creating my own stores and methods? I currently have a user model created and a store to go with it (based on this site). Is it best for me to try to expand that all the way out (don't full understand how to have it pull in roles and claims).
This is what our DB Schema currently looks like.
At this point we are creating our Roles and Claims via a db script. The only thing we will be using UI's for right now is a page that will let a site admin add users, and assign them roles, and any singular claims they need.
Any help or input would be greatly appreciated as I try to wrap my head around all of this. If I have left out any pertinent information please let me know. As I said with what I have now I can create a user and login, I just have no idea where to go from here (how to add roles and claims).
Here's how I think about it and the steps I would take to approach in solving this problem.
So Microsoft's implementation of Identity is an abstraction of the problem.
The Models that they provide and the Tables that are derived from them is their choice for the default implementation of the abstraction.
So essentially what you want to do is to plug in your models in to this abstraction.
To quickly generate these models from your database you might want to use scaffolding this will generate the DbContext and the Models, you will then have to configure the dbcontext to plug in your design.
And if you look at how you can create your own Identity Tables providing your own objects
here this can give you an idea of how to plug in your models/functions in to this abstraction.
You will most likely have to override the OnModelCreating method to configure the relationship of your tables.

How to use Master Data Services data then? The MDS lifecycle

So I know that we need to create Master Data Services db to make data clean, right, consistent, etc. We can import some data there, then process it.. and then? We should then export it to another db, is it so? So MDS is like a set of tools to clean and make your data right, and it is for only one use, right? I mean: we have our data -> we load it in MDS db with SSIS -> we process it, apply business rules, etc. -> we export it to our SQL Server db with SSIS -> then we can use it as we like.
Am I right?
I want to understand how MDS are using in practice, where data is going after MDS processes and where from data is got.
Thanks and sorry if it is dump question.
Using Master Data Services in conjunction with Data Quality Services and Integration Services, enables you to clean & normalize a data set, store it as your master (trusted) set of data, and enable others in your organization to view/share this master/trusted data set.
You may find this tutorial, last updated for SQL Server 2014, helpful in better understanding how to use these three technologies together --

PET technology Fluent Nhibernate

For a web application (with some real private data) we want to use privacy enhancing technology to prevent big risks when someone gets permission to our database.
The application is build with different layers, and we use (as said in the topic title) Fluent NHibernate to connect to our database and we've created our own wrapper class to create query's.
Security is a big issue for the kind of application we're building. I'll try to explain the setting by a simple example:
Our customers got some clients in their application (each installation of the application uses its own database), for which some sensitive data is added, there is a client table, and a person table, that are linked.
The base table, which links to the other tables (there will be hundreds of them soon), probably containing sensitive data, is the client table
At this moment, the client has a cleint_id, and a table_id in the database, our customer only knows the client_id, the system links the data by the table_id, which is unknown to the user.
What we want to ensure:
A possible hacker who would have gained access to our database, should not be able to see the link between the customer and the other tables by just opening the database. So actually there should be some kind of "hidden link" between the customer and other tables. The personal data and all sensitive other tables should not be obviously linked together.
Because of the data sensitivity we're looking for a more robust solution then "statically hash the table_id and use this in other tables", because when one of the persons is linked to the corresponding client, not all other clients data is compromised too.
Ultimately, the customer table cannot be linked to the other tables at all, just by working inside the database, the application-code is needed to link the tables.
To accomplish this we've been looking into different methods, but because of the multiple linked tables to this client, and further development (thus probably even more tables) we're looking for a centralised solution. That's why we concluded this should be handled in the database connector. Searching on the internet and here on Stack Overflow, did not point us in the right direction, perhaps we couldn't find this because of wrong search terms (PET, Privacy enhancing technology, combined with NHibernate did not give us any directions.
How can we accomplish our goals in this specific situation, or where to search to help us fix this.
We have a similar requirement for our application and what we ended up with using database schema's.
We have one database and each customer has a separate schema, where all the data for that customer is stored. It is possible to link from the schema to the rest of the database, but not to different schema's.
Security can be set for each schema separately so you can make the life of a hacker harder.
That being said I can also imagine a solution where you let NHibernate encrypt every peace of data it will send to the database and decrypt everything it gets back. The data will be store savely, but it will be very difficult to query over data.
So there is probably not a single answer to this question, and you have to decide what is better: Not being able to query, or just making it more difficult for a hacker to get to the data.

What are the Best Practices to follow while creating a data-dictionary?

I have large and complex SQL Server 2005 DB used by multiple applications. I want to create a data-dictionary for maintaining not only my DB objects but also cross-reference them against applications that use a specific object.
For example, if a stored procedure is used by 15 diffrent applications I want to record that additional data too.
What are the key elements to be kept in mind so that I get a efficient and scalable Data Dictionary?
So, I recently helped to build a data dictionary for a very large product. We were dealing with documenting more than one-thousand tables using a change request process. I can send you a scrubbed version of the spreadsheet we used if you want. Basically, we captured the following:
Column Name
Data Type
Scale (for decimals)
Whether the column is custom for the application(s) or a default column
Which application(s)/component(s) the column is used in
Release the column was introduced in
Business definition
We also captured information about who requested the addition, their contact information, etc. Our primary focus was on business definition, and clearly identifying why a column was being used or created.
We didn't have stored procedures in our solution, but bear in mind that these would be pretty easy to add to the system.
We used Access for our front-end, even though SQL Server was on the back end. It made it pretty easy for us to build out a rich user interface without much work, using the schema we had already built out.
Hope this helps you get started--feel free to ask if you have additional questions.
I've always been a fan of using the 'extended properties' within SQL Server for storing this kind of meta data. In this way the description of each object lives alongside the object and is accessible by anyone with access to the database itself. I'm sure there are also tools out there that can read these extended properties and turn them into a nicely formatted document.
As far as being "scalable", I don't know of any issues related to adding large amounts of data as extended properties; or I should say I've never had any issues with this.
You can set these extended properties using SQL Server Management Studio 'property' dialog for each table/proc/function/etc and can also use the 'sp_addextendedproperty'.