Does Apple Provide default implementation of isEqual: - objective-c

In C there is a default implementation of equality operator. Go through all the member and verify that they satisfy the equality operator. The default is somewhat stupid because if an object contains pointer then the equality operator of the member would be performed on the pointer.
Still, it's good enough for my purpose.
So does it?
Or are we expected to implement isEqual and the corresponding hash for everytime we create a custom object that may we want to use isequal for.
It seems to me the "default" implementation is to simply compare the pointer of the object and not it's member. Am I correct here? It's even worse than C++ standard comparison. That's what I want to verify.
It seems to me if our class is the immediate children of NSObject then isEqual will simply call it's parent's isEqual and that simply compare pointers.
Am I correct here? I am just wanting to make sure of that.

I think that NSObject’s implementation does pointer comparison, and various other classes from the SDK do what’s most appropriate, ie. NSString does comparison on string contents, NSArray compares content equality, and so on. If you want to have “better” equality defined for your custom objects, you have to decide about the semantics and implement it yourself.

Its a little confusing because of the way Apple separates their docs between protocols and interfaces.
#protocol NSObject
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object;
This is a required method to be implemented so NSObject (the class) definitely implements this although you wouldnt know it from looking at the class definition on apples dev site. This is directly from the headers in xcode.
In general without implementing a custom isEqual you will expect to only get pointer identity and thats ok in many cases. Systems need to be designed around the way you identify unique instances regardless of the peculiarity of a particular feature such as hash and isEqual. If you need to test for object equality beyond the pointer then you just have to do that.

As NSObject provides isEqual:, and all your objects are descendants of NSObject, then the the simple answer is that a default implementation is provided.
Now you are concerned over the algorithm this default uses, and in a comment write "I wouldn't be sure simply by testing". Let's look at testing, just for fun ;-)
Now isEqual: is a rather fundamental method, if Apple decided to change its semantics the consequences could be significant and not good. So while Apple is free to change how it is implemented provided the semantics remain the same, which means the same objects compare equal after the change as before. Now you've mentioned three possible algorithms isEqual: could use:
Pointer comparison - is it the exact same object
Shallow comparison - do the fields of the object have the same value compared directly
Deep comparison - do the non-pointer-valued fields compared directly have the same value, and do the pointer-valued fields compare equal using isEqual:
These all have different semantics, whichever one Apple has chosen it can't change without breaking a lot of code. And different semantics means you can test...
Coding as I type, errors expected! Only important bits included:
#implementation A
- (BOOL) isEqual:(id)other
NSLog(#"A.isEqual called");
return self == other; // true iff same object
#interface B
#property (readwrite) int anInteger;
#property (readwrite) A *anA;
#implementation B
#synthesize anInteger, anA;
// Let's test the algorithm
A *myA = [A new];
B *bOne = [B new];
B *bTwo = [B new];
bOne.anInteger = 42;
bOne.anA = myA;
bTwo.anInteger = 42;
bTwo.anA = myA;
// What output is produced (all of it!)
NSLog(#"[bOne isEqual:bTwo] -> %#", [bOne isEqual:bTwo] ? #"Yes" : #"No");
HTH a little.


Key-Value-Coding with arbitrary methods, not only properties

It seems that -valueForKey: and -valueForKeyPath: work with arbitrary methods, not only with properties. This seems very convenient:
I first stumbled upon it in Interface Builder, and then made some experiments:
// Thing.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Thing : NSObject
- (BOOL) alwaysYES;
- (BOOL) alwaysNO;
// Thing.m
#import "Thing.h"
#implementation Thing
- (BOOL) alwaysYES
return YES;
- (BOOL) alwaysNO
return NO;
I can call these methods via -valueForKey: and -valueForKeyPath: despite the fact that they are normal methods and no properties:
Thing *aThing = [[Thing alloc] init];
id result;
result = [aThing valueForKey:#"alwaysYES"];
NSLog(#"result is: %#", result);
result = [aThing valueForKeyPath:#"alwaysNO"];
NSLog(#"result is: %#", result);
Compiles, runs and gives the correct results. Is this documented anywhere? Can I safely use it? How can i understand it?
Cocoa's key-value coding (KVC) system is older than support for explicit properties (declared with #property) in Objective-C, so KVC is defined in terms of methods, not properties.
“Default Search Pattern for valueForKey:” in the Key-Value Coding Programming Guide spells out how valueForKey: decides what to do. It starts by looking for (amongst other things) a method whose name is exactly the key you passed to valueForKey:. Here is the full search pattern, quoted from the documentation:
Searches the class of the receiver for an accessor method whose name matches the pattern get<Key>, <key>, or is<Key>, in that order. If such a method is found it is invoked. If the type of the method's result is an object pointer type the result is simply returned. If the type of the result is one of the scalar types supported by NSNumber conversion is done and an NSNumber is returned. Otherwise, conversion is done and an NSValue is returned. Results of arbitrary types are converted to NSValue objects, not just NSPoint, NSRange, NSRect, and NSSize types).
Otherwise (no simple accessor method is found), searches the class of the receiver for methods whose names match the patterns countOf<Key> and objectIn<Key>AtIndex: (corresponding to the primitive methods defined by the NSArray class) and <key>AtIndexes: (corresponding to the NSArray method objectsAtIndexes:).
If the countOf<Key> method and at least one of the other two possible methods are found, a collection proxy object that responds to all NSArray methods is returned. Each NSArray message sent to the collection proxy object will result in some combination of countOf<Key>, objectIn<Key>AtIndex:, and <key>AtIndexes: messages being sent to the original receiver of valueForKey:. If the class of the receiver also implements an optional method whose name matches the pattern get<Key>:range: that method will be used when appropriate for best performance.
Otherwise (no simple accessor method or set of array access methods is found), searches the class of the receiver for a threesome of methods whose names match the patterns countOf<Key>, enumeratorOf<Key>, and memberOf<Key>: (corresponding to the primitive methods defined by the NSSet class).
If all three methods are found, a collection proxy object that responds to all NSSet methods is returned. Each NSSet message sent to the collection proxy object will result in some combination of countOf<Key>, enumeratorOf<Key>, and memberOf<Key>: messages being sent to the original receiver of valueForKey:.
Otherwise (no simple accessor method or set of collection access methods is found), if the receiver's class method accessInstanceVariablesDirectly returns YES, the class of the receiver is searched for an instance variable whose name matches the pattern _<key>, _is<Key>, <key>, or is<Key>, in that order. If such an instance variable is found, the value of the instance variable in the receiver is returned. If the type of the result is one of the scalar types supported by NSNumber conversion is done and an NSNumber is returned. Otherwise, conversion is done and an NSValue is returned. Results of arbitrary types are converted to NSValue objects, not just NSPoint, NSRange, NSRect, and NSSize types.
If none of the above situations occurs, returns a result the default implementation invokes valueForUndefinedKey:.
This is parallel to the fact that you can call these methods using property syntax:
BOOL ok = aThing.alwaysYES
In that case and in your case, exactly the same thing happens: the first thing the runtime tries is to treat this as a getter method. What you've written is a getter method.
As for your question "can I safely use it", safely yes, but what you're doing is kind of silly, since you know (and have declared) that these methods exist. KVC is about probing to see whether methods exist. If you have a reason to specify one of these methods by string name, there are better ways to call it than using KVC.
Properties are nothing special at runtime; they generate a getter and setter (if not readonly) which conforms to KVC; for example:
#property NSString *aString;
will generate:
- (NSString)aString {
- (void)setAString(NSString *string) {
just as if you had declared those methods in the header (which itself is optional).
See the Key Value Coding Fundamentals documentation.

Why does [NSLocale currentLocale] return id?

In the header for NSLocale, currentLocale is declared like this:
+ (id /* NSLocale * */)currentLocale; // an object representing the user's current locale
It's obvious that they are returning id on purpose, but I'm curious why that would be necessary. Could this method ever return anything other than an NSLocale instance?
Back in the day, one used NSDictionary objects for locale information. See, for example, the "Special Considerations" documented for -[NSString compare:options:range:locale:]:
Special Considerations
Prior to OS X v10.5, the locale argument was an instance of NSDictionary. On OS X v10.5 and later, if you pass an instance of NSDictionary the current locale is used instead.
Some methods, such as -[NSDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString:locale:] still take an NSDictionary.
Other methods, such as many classes' -descriptionWithLocale:, can take either.
Anyway, with the introduction of NSLocale the types of various locale parameters was generalized to id to accommodate either kind of object without breaking source compatibility. The return type of +[NSLocale currentLocale] is similar generic so that it can be passed to methods that used to only take NSDictionary objects.
Initializers (even convenience initializer) traditionally return id. This prevents problems when you subclass. For instance, imagine this scenario:
#interface Foo : NSObject
- (Foo *)initWithBar:(Bar *)bar;
#interface Baz : Foo
- (Baz *)initWithBar:(Bar *)bar;
This would be a compiler error. You are redefining initWithBar: to return a different type. But if you always return Foo*, then Baz *baz = [Baz initWithBar:bar] would fail because initWithBar: returns a superclass.
To get yourself out of this problem, all initializers have historically returned id if there's any chance the class will be subclassed (which is to say, you should really always do this).
Recently, clang added instancetype, which solves this problem more elegantly by representing "the type of the current class." This is only useable in the interface. You can't declare variables to be of type instancetype (I've actually wanted this in some cases…) id is automatically promoted to instancetype for methods that begin with init…. Otherwise, you need to use it manually. Many older Cocoa interfaces haven't been updated yet, but they're slowly moving over to instancetype.

Declaring and implementing a method that itself executes one line of code

I've many times seen a case where a programmer needs to assign some value (Object or primitive type, does not matter). And let's say this value is an NSString and can be obtained from the following expression
[myObject description]// returns NSString
But for some reason I've seen many people declare another method that itself returns an NSString and executes the above command only. Like:
return [myObject description];
Is this just a matter of preference, or is is there some benefit from it?
Is this just a matter of preference, or is is there some benefit from it?
Those one line wrappers are often used to:
introduce behavior of a method that is meant to be overridden
or (more frequently) to simplify the program. If the method did not exist, you may find the complexity of the program grows. It serves to demonstrate intent, for clarity, documentation, and to minimize redundant implementations (simplifying the program).
There is definitely some "benefit" of creating a method or even better, overriding the "standard" NSObject description method..
If you have a custom NSObject for example and override the +(NSString *)description method you can then return information directly inside that object.
Take for example the following was overwritten in the NSObject we called foo.
+ (NSString *)description {
return #"Hello there";
Now, if you ever called [foo description] it would return the string "Hello there".
However, if you just returned description without overwriting the description method, it'd return something like <foo>0x12234 or something.
So yeah, it definitely has a lot of benefit to overriding a custom NSObject description.

What's the difference between KVC and Properties?

So, I've already read up on the documentation which notes
Objective-C 2.0’s dot syntax and key-value coding are orthogonal technologies. You can use key-value coding whether or not you use the dot syntax, and you can use the dot syntax whether or not you use KVC. Both, though, make use of a “dot syntax.” In the case of key-value coding, the syntax is used to delimit elements in a key path. It is important to remember that when you access a property using the dot syntax, you invoke the receiver’s standard accessor methods.
It then provided an example that supposedly showed the difference between the two. However, I still don't get, what's the difference between KVC and property accessor methods? Aren't they the same? And how do I distinguish between dots that call setValue:forKeyPath: and simple accessors?
However, I still don't get, what's the difference between KVC and property accessor methods?
KVC is a way to call property accessor methods, or otherwise access a property.
What do I mean by “otherwise access”? For KVC purposes, an instance variable with no accessor methods counts as an informal property. It'll get or set the value of the instance variable directly if no matching accessor pair can be found. (Yes, this is not worth using in modern code. Always declare an #property for anything you intend to access elsewhere, and, inversely, don't use KVC to access anything that isn't a public property.)
Property accessor methods are what KVC will call if they exist (preferred, both by KVC and by every sane programmer, over direct ivar access). An accessor may get or set an instance variable, as synthesized accessors do, or access some other storage.
Accessors are implementation, properties are interface, and KVC is one way to use them.
And how do I distinguish between dots that call setValue:forKeyPath: and simple accessors?
A key path is a string, whereas a property-access expression is an expression. The compiler evaluates a property-access expression and translates it into one or more Objective-C messages, whereas a key path is evaluated by KVC at run time.
So, when you use a key path:
[someObject setValue:theValue forKeyPath:#""];
You know it's a key path because (1) it's a string, as indicated in this case by the string-literal syntax #"…", and (2) you're passing the key-path string to setValue:forKeyPath: for it to evaluate.
Using a key path is using KVC to access the named properties. It will send any relevant accessor messages on your behalf.
When you use a property-access expression: = theValue;
You know it's a property access expression because you are not identifying the properties with a string. You are accessing them (sending the accessor messages) yourself, in your own code.
There isn't much reason to use KVC in any form; when you know the property at authorship/compile time, it's best to have an #property declared and to access the property yourself, whether with property-access expressions or message expressions ([[[someObject foo] bar] setBaz:theValue]). The time to use KVC is when you don't know what property you want to access until run time, which is pretty rare. It's mainly a building-block technology behind KVO, Cocoa Bindings, parts of Core Animation, etc.
Mostly, you'll only want to access properties yourself.
Key value coding allows you to set and get the value of properties through code using the string name of the property. For example, if I had a property named foo which is of type NSString:
[self setValue:#"mystring" forKey:#"foo"];
// read the value by key
NSString *s = [self valueForKey:#"foo"];
Dot syntax is compile syntax sugar. As a personal preference (as some don't agree - fine) I don't use dot syntax but I still use KVC:
[myObj setFoo: #"someString"]
equals: = #"someString";
They are orthogonal, different concepts but both dealing with how you interact with properties
Finally, you mention property syntax. Yet another orthogonal concept but related to dealing with properties.
With objective-c, convention is important. Follow them. Properties are the name of the property for the get and set[Name] for the assignment:
- (NSString*)foo
return _foo; // defined as (NSString*)_foo in header
- (void) setFoo: (NSString*)foo
if (foo == _foo)
NSString* curr = _foo;
_foo = [foo retain];
[curr release];
Now, who wants to write something like that every time. So, enter #property syntax:
In header:
#property (retain) NSString *foo;
Then in .m:
#synthesize foo;
That's the equivalent of the hand written property accessors. It's compiler syntax sugar which expands the property code based on how you attribute the properties.

What is the NSObject isEqual: and hash default function?

I have a database model class that is a NSObject. I have a set of these objects in a NSMutableArray. I use indexOfObject: to find a match. Problem is the model object's memory address changes. So I am overriding the hash method to return the model's row ID. This however does not fix it. I also have to override the isEqual: method to compare the value of the hash method.
What does the isEqual: method use to determine equality by default?
I'm assuming it uses the memory address. After reading the isEqual: documentation I thought it used the value from the hash method. Obviously, that is not the case as my attempt to override that value did not solve my initial problem.
As you've correctly guessed, NSObject's default isEqual: behaviour is comparing the memory address of the object. Strangely, this is not presently documented in the NSObject Class Reference, but it is documented in the Introspection documentation, which states:
The default NSObject implementation of isEqual: simply checks for pointer equality.
Of course, as you are doubtless aware, subclasses of NSObject can override isEqual: to behave differently. For example, NSString's isEqual: method, when passed another NSString, will first check the address and then check for an exact literal match between the strings.
The answer about default implementation of isEqual: is comprehensive one. So I just add my note about default implementation of hash. Here it is:
-(unsigned)hash {return (unsigned)self;}
I.e it's just the same pointer value which is used in isEqual:. Here's how you can check this out:
NSObject *obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
NSLog(#"obj: %#",obj);
NSLog(#"hash: %x",obj.hash);
The result will be something like this:
obj: <NSObject: 0x16d44010>
hash: 16d44010
Best Regards.
BTW in iOS 8 hash became a property not a method, but it's there.
I would assume that NSObject isEquals uses the == operator, and hash uses the memory address.
isEquals method should never uses hash as an absolute test for equality. It is guaranteed to have two objects having similar hashCode, if you search for enough objects (just create more than 2^32 different objects, and at least two of them will have the same hash).
In other words, hash requires the following spec: If two objects are equals, then their hash needs to be equal; however, if two objects' hash values are equals, they are not necessarily equal.
As a tip, you always should override isEquals and hashCode together.