iOS animate a row on tableview - objective-c

I'm new on iOS programming. My situation is that I try inserting a row into tableview, I've try the function insertRowsAtIndexPath:withRowAnimation but it's animation is so fast.
How can I make it slower?
I've got some answers that iOS does NOT allow to adjust its speed, so it's necessary to do my own animation within a block when calls insertRowsAtIndexPath:withRowAnimation likes
But what exactly must I do in the block? Could anybody show me, I just want to make the animation slower!

There is not method insertRowsAtIndexPath:withRowAnimation:^{.....} thus you have to either accept the fact the the animation is going to fast or write you own animation code.
Which for UITableView will be vary hard to do.


Is it better to layout subviews in layout/layoutSubviews method?

This question is for both cocoa and cocoa touch. But I'll write an example just for cocoa.
As I understood, I can setNeedsLayout to YES multiple times in a cycle and -layout will be called just once. But are there any other benefits of laying out subviews in -layout method?
Explanation / example: At the moment I'm laying out my subviews in custom viewController (that has default NSView) every time I call custom redraw method. And I call redraw method only when user changes some properties so I really want to relayout subviews.
There are plenty of external circumstances not under your direct control that might cause the system to want to lay out your views. For example, device rotation or incoming calls on iOS, or window resizing on OS X. If you have your layout logic in the standard places, then your code accommodates these without any additional effort, and in the places your internal state changes, you can request such a layout explicitly.
To turn your question around: is there a significant benefit to not doing your layout in the standard way? Do you believe that this will be a performance issue? Have you measured it to see whether it is actually a performance issue?

Extend Gesture Length

I've come across a problem to which the simplest solution would be to extend the length of a UIGestureRecognizer. What I mean is that I need the iOS device to still believe the user has their finger on the screen for about 0.1 seconds after they release it. I need the device to think that the finger is in the exact same position for the 0.1 seconds as it was when the user released this.
Any help as to weather this is possible would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!!!
Sorry for the late reply, I've been really busy with work.
To elaborate, I'm using a set of classes made by Alan Quartermain called AQGridView. It's a class that strongly resembles UITableView; however, it displays data in a grid instead of a list. There appears to be a bug where (if I understand correctly, and I may very well not) the data of the grid is reloaded before the delegate method, that is called when a user ends a UIGestureRecognizer, finishes if the user releases their finger while dragging a cell (from one grid index to another) very quickly. This causes a graphical glitch (which can be recreated in the springboard example that comes with the class set) where the dragging cell appears to settle one cell before or after it's appropriate location, and then quickly jumps to it's proper location. I believe this is because there is a brief period, when the user releases their finger, where the grids count is -1 of what it is when the cell settles.
This is a poor explanation of the problem, but the best I could come up with. As well, I'm a relatively new developer and could be way off on the cause of the problem. That is why I believe the most appropriate fix would be to extend the gesture length by a very small amount. If anyone wants to take a look at the AQGridView classes ( I would really appreciate it! But if possible a simpler fix would just be to simulate the touch that the user inputed right before they released their finger so that the desired animation occurs.
Inside touchesEnded delegate method, start timer for 0.1 second and perform your selector.
You can even, subclass UIGestureRecogniser and implement your own gestures, Check the first answer of this question.
See : custom iOS gesture

Best practices when using drawRect

I have recently started creating my own controls and I seem to have a bit of trouble understanding how I should use drawRect.
Basically I have 3 Questions.
Is it a good idea to have conditional drawRect's? ie. different drawing code based on properties or instance variables.
What is the best method for animating changes to the drawRect's drawing? For example, a fuel gauge control with animated fill and un-fill.
And, finally, the examples I have seen for animating with drawRect tend to use timers, is that really a good method in practice? It seems like the heavier apps would have issues with that method.
I guess a 4th would be, is there, perhaps, a better place to do this kind of stuff?
Is it a good idea to have conditional drawRect's? ie. different drawing code based on properties or instance variables.
Sure, why not? If your drawRect: method becomes unwieldy, you could split it into multiple methods that you then call from drawRect: depending on the properties of your view. E.g. you could have methods like drawBackground, drawTitle, etc.
What is the best method for animating changes to the drawRect's drawing? For example, a fuel gauge control with animated fill and un-fill.
That depends. For very small views, you could call setNeedsDisplay from a timer, but for larger views, you'll often run into performance issues with this approach.
Animating changes is often better done by compositing your view out of multiple subviews or layers that can be animated with Core Animation (or the simplified UIView animation methods).

iOS 3 - UITabBarItems disappear from UITabBar after a memory warning occurs

At a great number of requests from people using older iOS hardware, I'm currently refactoring and optimizing my app so it will work on iOS 3. That being said I've got a glitch with my UITabBar that I can replicate on all of the iPhone 3G units I've tested it on.
The glitch appears to have been fixed in iOS 4, but I was wondering if before that time, anyone else had this glitch as well and had figured out a (relatively elegant) workaround for it.
The problem is what you can see below; when a memory warning occurs and all of the views offscreen are released, when I bring a view controller with a tab bar back on screen, all of the UITabBarItems that are supposed to be in it are gone. As far as I can see, they're not being drawn at all; ie tapping the tab bar has no effect. After setting breakpoints and examining the UITabBar and its items in memory, they're all still there (ie not getting released), just that they're not getting redrawn when the UITabBar is re-created in the controller loadView method.
My app works similar to the official Twitter app in that I implemented my own version of UITabBarController so I could control the integration of it with a parent UINavigationController properly. I set it up as closely as possible to the original UITabBarController class though, with all of the child view controllers handling their own respective UITabBarItems and initializing them inside the class' init methods. Once the child view controllers are passed to my TabController object via an accessor method, the tabBarItems are accessed and added to the UITabBar view.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before and know of a way I can fix it? I'm hoping there's a really simple fix for this since it already works in iOS 4, so I don't want to hack it up too badly.
Thanks a lot!
After a bit of research, I think I found a solution to this. It's not the most elegant solution I was after, but it definitely works.
I'm guessing after a memory warning is triggered, something is happening to the UITabBarItem objects that basically renders them corrupt. I tried a lot of things (flushing out the UITabBar, re-creating the controllers array etc), but nothing worked.
I finally discovered that if you completely destroy the UITabBarItems and allocate new ones in their place, then those ones will work. :)
So my final solution to this was to add an extra condition in the viewDidLoad method of my controller that if the detected system was iOS 3, and there was already an array of UITabBarItems, it would go through each one, copy out all of the properties needed, destroy it, allocate a new one and then copy the old properties over to the new one.
I'm still going to keep an eye out for a better solution (I think there's a bit of overhead in this method), but thankfully at this stage, iOS 3 legacy support is becoming less and less of an issue. :)

Why does the execution order of touchesBegan, target-action and touchesEnded change with fast touches of UIButton?

UPDATE: With the blush of shame I discovered that the order had nothing to do with the speed of tapping. I was calling the visual code before the super touchesEnded:withEvent call, which was why if you tapped really fast, the display never got a chance to draw the highlighted state before being dismissed again. Because the code that was actually causing the main thread to block just a few milliseconds, the highlighted state would stay visible until the main thread unblocked again, where as if you tapped really fast, it looked like nothing happened at all. Moving the super call up to the top of the overridden method fixed it all. Sorry, if any moderator sees this post it can be deleted. shame
This problem must have been asked a 1000 times at SO, yet I can't find the explanation to match my specific issue.
I have a UIButton subclass with a custom design. Of course the design is custom enough that I can't just use the regular setSomething:forControlState: methods. I need a different backgroundcolor on touch, for one, and some icons that need to flash.
To implement these view changes, I (counter-intuitively) put the display code in (A) touchesBegan:withEvent and (Z) touchesEnded:withEvent:, before calling their respective super methods. Feels weird, but it works as intended, or so it seemed at first.
After implementing addTarget:action:forControlEvents was used to bind the UIControlEventTouchUpInside to the method (X) itemTapped:, I would expect these methods to always fire in the order (A)(X)(Z). However, if you tap the screen real fast (or the mouse in simulator), they fire in the order (A)(Z)(X). Where (A) and (Z) follow each other in such rapid succession, that the whole visual feedback for tapping is invisible. This is unwanted behavior. This also can't be the way to go, for so many apps need similar behavior, right?
So my question to you is: What am I doing wrong? One thing I'm guessing is that the visual appearance of the buttons shouldn't be manipulated in the touchesBegan:withEvent and touchesEnded:withEvent, but then where? Or am I missing some other well known fact?
Thanks for the nudge,
I don't know why the order is different, but here's 2 suggestions to help deal with it.
What visual changes are you making to the button? If it's things like changing title/image/background image, you can do all this by modifying the highlighted state of the button. You can set a few properties like title and background image per-state. When the user's finger is down on the button, the highlighted state is turned on, so any changes you make to this state will be visible at this time. Do note that if you're making use of the selected state on the button, then you'll need to also set up the visual appearance for UIControlStateHighlighted|UIControlStateSelected, otherwise it will default back to inheriting from Normal when both highlighted & selected are on.
The other suggestion is to ditch touchesBegan:withEvent: and touchesEnded:withEvent: and switch over to using the methods inherited from UIControl, namely beginTrackingWithTouch:withEvent: and endTrackingWithTouch:withEvent:. You may also want to implement continueTrackingWithTouch:withEvent: and use the touchInside property to turn off your visual tweaks if the touch leaves the control.