Rails 310 Redirect Loop - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm going back to write a basic app with projects that have tasks. In my show view of a project I want to list the tasks and also include a form. When I wire this all up I get 310 Redirect loop. It's been a while since I've written anything from scratch so would appreciate some help looking at my code.
controller code:
def show
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
#task = #project.tasks.new(params[:task])
if #task.save
redirect_to #project, :notice => "Task added"
render action: :show
view code:
<%= #project.project_name %>
<%= form_for(#task) do |m| %>
<%= m.label :Task %>
<%= m.text_field :task_name %>
<%= m.button :submit %>
<% end %>
<% #project.tasks.each do |t| %>
<%= t.task_name %>
<% end %>
has_many :tasks
belongs_to :project

You are redirecting to #project, which is interpreted as meaning, redirect to the show page for #product. But you are calling redirect from the show page, hence the redirect loop:
request routed to show page
find project
task instantiated
task saved
redirect to show (loop back to 2)
Normally you don't create records in show, you do it in create. Any reason you're doing it this way?


Best steps for trouble shooting rails app

What's the best (simplest) way to walk through MVC and check if everything is set up right?
I get a bit frazzled and I feel like there must be a really simple fix to error messages like these:
undefined method `invitations_path' for #<#<Class:0x00000105ad5cb8>:0x00000105820b30>
After adding small amounts of code to my app things break and I want to trouble shoot them myself.
Thanks for the tips!
Perhaps troubleshooting the specific issue will lead way to a generalized approach,
Link_to is not linking Used <%= %> instead of <% %>.
The above error is generated when visting localhost:3000/invitation/new
view (in home/index.erb.html)
<% if #user.invitation_limit > 0 %>
<% link_to 'Send Invitations', new_invitation_path %>
(<%= #user.invitation_limit %> left)
<% end %>
view (in invitation/new.erb.html)
<%= error_messages_for :invitation %>
<% form_for #invitation do |f| %>
<%= f.label :recipient_email, "Friend's email address" %><br />
<%= f.text_field :recipient_email %>
<p><%= f.submit "Invite!" %></p>
<% end %>
class InvitationController < ApplicationController
def new
#invitation = Invitation.new
def create
#invitation = Invitation.new(params[:invitation])
#invitation.sender = current_user
if #invitation.save
if logged_in?
Mailer.deliver_invitation(#invitation, signup_url(#invitation.token))
flash[:notice] = "Thank you, invitation sent."
redirect_to projects_url
flash[:notice] = "Thank you, we will notify when we are ready."
redirect_to root_url
render :action => 'new'
class Invitation < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sender, :class_name => 'User'
has_one :recipient, :class_name => 'User'
attr_accessible :recipient_email, :sender_id, :sent_at, :token
resources :home, :only => :index
resources :invitation
You can create request specs for each of your controller actions. Request specs follow the request all the way from the controller to rendering the view, and if there is an error it will show up in the request spec.
This may take time to set up, but will save you lots of time in the future, as you don't have to manually test every page when you want to roll out a new version of your website.

Nested routes and dot in url in Rails

I'm building a simple todo app for some practice. I have projects which has_many tasks and tasks belongs_to projects.
So that I can display url/projects/1/tasks I'm nesting the route:
resources :projects do
resources :tasks
In my project show view I have the following form:
Add a task:
<%= form_for [#project, #task] do |f| %>
<%= f.label :Task_name %>
<%= f.text_field :name, :placeholder => "Task Name" %>
<%= f.submit 'Create Task' %>
<% end %>
In my tasks controller I'm doing the following:
def create
#project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
#task = #project.tasks.new(params[:task])
if #task.save
redirect_to projects_path(#project)
redirect_to projects_path(#project)
It seems on task.save when I redirect and pass in the project instance variable it redirects me to http://todoapp.dev/projects.5 (5 being the id of the project) instead of http://todoapp.dev/projects/5.
Could the problem be in my controller with the redirect_to method or possibly the nested route?
I have a basic understanding of Rails routing but could use some advice.
Looks like in the redirect_to in my controller I was using the pluralized version of the path. projects_path(#project) instead of project_path(#project).
def create
#project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
#task = #project.tasks.new(params[:task])
if #task.save
redirect_to project_path(#project)
redirect_to project_path(#project)
This ended up working.

Rails - how do I show an Add Favourite button to users who are not logged in?

I'd like to display an "Add to Favourites" button to users that are not logged in so that they can see that logged in users can add posts (in this case) to their favourites.
Here's the current code:
resources :users do
resources :favourites
resources :favourites, only: [:create, :destroy]
posts_helper.rb (I'll move this application_helper once I get it working)
def new_favourite
if signed_in?
return current_user.favourites.build
return Favourite.new
<%= render :partial => 'shared/favourites/favourite_form', :locals => { :object => #post } %>
<% if signed_in? && current_user.favourited?(object) %>
<%= render partial: 'shared/favourites/unfavourite', locals: { object: object } %>
<% else %>
<%= render partial: 'shared/favourites/favourite', locals: { object: object } %>
<% end %>
<%= form_for(new_favourite, remote: signed_in?) do |f| %>
<%= f.hidden_field :object_id, :value => object.id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :object_type, :value => object.class.name.demodulize %>
<%= button_tag(:type => 'submit', :id => 'add_favourite') do %>
Add to Favourites
<% end %>
<% end %>
I want it to not do an ajax call (ie submit the add favourite form using a page reload) if the user is not signed in so that it will see the user is trying to access a protected page, will redirect them to login and upon success [when it redirects them back to where they were originally trying to go] it will add the favourite.
Can someone advise what I would need to change to make this possible.
Code updated to reflect current state.
After signing in it redirects back to No route matches [GET] "/favourites" because favourites are a nested resource under users.
The redirect works pretty much the same as in Rails Tutorial:
Redirect user to sign in page (signed_in_user):
Store location to redirect user back to:
The only difference is that on my signin page I use a facebook omniauth link for the user to login but the redirection after logging in still works as expected.
Use a helper method instead of current_user.favourites.build?
<%= form_for(new_favourite, remote: true) do |f| %>
def new_favourite
if signed_in?
return current_user.favourites.build
return Favourite.new

Issues getting a profile to update and show newly submitted form item

Following up on a previous question, I have a few issues to resolve before I have a comment form showing and submitting securely on my profile. I'm a beginner to programming so thinking across multiple controllers seems to have me lost.
What I'm doing is posting comments in a form, then listing them.
Background: The _comment_form and _comment reside as partials in the Profile about. (My next task is toggling from about to other Profile information, but that's another question altogether.)
Using the help provided in my last question I feel like I'm almost there but am getting an error.
CreateComments migration:
t.integer :profile_id
t.integer :author_id
t.string :body
My Comment model:
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :profile
belongs_to :author, :class_name =>"User", :foreign_key => "author_id"
def create
#comment = Comment.new(params[:comment].merge(:author_id => current_user.id))
redirect_to profile_path(#comment.profile)
def create
#profile = Profile.new(params[:profile])
if #profile.save
redirect_to profile_path(#profile), :notice => 'User successfully added.'
render :action => 'new'
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#profile = #user.profile
#comment = #profile.comments.new
Comment partials inside Profile partial:
<div id="commentEntry">
<%= render :partial => 'comment', :collection => #profile.comments %>
<div id="newitem">
<%= render :partial => 'comment_form' %>
resources :users do
resources :profiles
resources :comments
<%= form_for #comment do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :body %>
<%= f.submit 'Add new' %>
<% end %>
<li class="comment" title="<%= #comment.author.profile.first_name %> <%= #comment.author.profile.last_name %>">
<%= #comment.body %>
So, Issue #1: Wrapping the _comment.html.erb in a loop <% for #comment in #user.profile.comments %> shows the profile but when I try and submit a new comment I get "Unknown action The action 'update' could not be found for CommentsController". If I take away the loop, the profile doesn't show and I get "NoMethodError in Profiles#show undefined method `profile' for nil:NilClass". Can anyone help me out and explain what I'm doing wrong?
Issue #2: I created a sample comment in rails console and when I get the profile to show, the input field for comment :body repopulates with the comment's body. Any ideas on what could be going on?
Short explanation of your problem:
The #comment you're getting in your _comment_form partial is one that's already saved in your database, hence the call to the update action and the body that's already filled.
You're creating the new comment just fine with #comment = #profile.comments.new in your show action, but it gets overridden somewhere else.
You're mentioning that you wrapped the _comment render in a loop with <% for #comment in #user.profile.comments %>, the problem is most likely there.
The only thing you should have to change is the _comment partial to (without the for loop that you added):
<li class="comment" title="<%= comment.author.profile.first_name %> <%= comment.author.profile.last_name %>">
<%= comment.body %>
When you do the render :partial => 'comment', :collection => #profile.comments, rails is smart enough to loop over #profile.comments and give the comment (not #comment) variable to the partial.
How to avoid this the next time:
I'll give you two rules of thumb to avoid getting in this situation:
Try to name your variables more precisely. #new_comment would have been a better name for the variable to store the new comment. #comment is a bit ambigous as you've got a boatload of those in your view.
Avoid creating and modifying instance variables (# variables) in your views, try to do this only in your controller. I'll admit your particular case was a bit harder to detect because of the <% for #comment in #user.profile.comments %>. The view got its name for a good reason, it's only supposed to let you view the data you've defined in your controller.
Hope this helps.

Rails appends id to singular route when render edit after errors

I have the following singular route:
scope '/seller' do
resource :seller_profile, :path => "/profile", :only => [:show, :edit, :update]
and the following controller:
class SellerProfilesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :validate_user_as_seller
def show
#seller_profile = current_user.seller_profile
def edit
#seller_profile = current_user.seller_profile
def update
#seller_profile = current_user.seller_profile
if #seller_profile.update_attributes(params[:seller_profile])
redirect_to(seller_profile_path, :notice => 'Profile was successfully updated.')
render :action => "edit"
I use a singular route given that the user must be authenticated before gaining access to the controller and therefore I can get the seller_profile from the user logged in.
This works like a charm, with only one problem. When I edit the seller_profile and validation error happen, the form is edited again and the errors are displayed correctly. The problem is that rails appends to the url the id of the edited record. For instance,
when I first edit the record, the url is:
but if the form is submitted with validation errors, the form itself is redisplayed under
where 2 is the ID of the record being edited.
The form is the following:
<%= simple_form_for #seller_profile do |f| %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.input :description %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
Everything, as said, works great but I would totally mask the ID in the url. What should I do?
I have not really worked too much with simple_form_for. But it looks like it is guessing your url always as if they were not single resources. You can provide a custom one:
<%= simple_form_for #seller_profile, :url => seller_profile_path do |f| %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.input :description %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>