Migration of japanese data to Oracle - sql

I am into data migration team, right now we got a project of Japanese database migration. We need to migrate all japanese data to our Oracle database. After which we need to compare Japanese data between source and target database. I just want to know is it possible to write normal SQL queries for Japanese data in SQL server, will it work and What are the risks associated with this?

It should be no problem - SQL Querys in Japan are the same as in the other parts of the world.
There may occur some problems in case of data formating + converting (string format, datetime, collation) + string comparison so I suggest some testing before the whole migration process.


Convert German Text into English using Oracle SQL [duplicate]

I want to convert the data in one of my columns to another language ... is there any function in sql for translating it?
No, there are no SQL functions/procedures for translating between languages built into the Oracle database.
Oracle Text has features for multi-language indexes; but that is for indexing documents and not for translating them.
Oracle 12c and later also has features for translating between different SQL dialects; but that is not for translating data.
If you want to translate data then you will need 3rd party solution that you can import into the database or external software that you can call from the database.

is there any function for translating data in sql

I want to convert the data in one of my columns to another language ... is there any function in sql for translating it?
No, there are no SQL functions/procedures for translating between languages built into the Oracle database.
Oracle Text has features for multi-language indexes; but that is for indexing documents and not for translating them.
Oracle 12c and later also has features for translating between different SQL dialects; but that is not for translating data.
If you want to translate data then you will need 3rd party solution that you can import into the database or external software that you can call from the database.

How to insert LONG BINARY from SQL Server to Oracle

I need to get a copy of a SQL Server 2008 table into an Oracle RDBMS. I have database link for SQL Server, database has a table which contains LONG BINARY type column.
When I issue
create table test_ora as select * from mssqltable#dblink
I get the error
Can't convert LONG
I tried to use to_lob, to_char, hextoraw and a ream of Oracle conversion function but still hasn't defeated the issue. Do you have any ideas?
p.s. I'm out of work now so can't tell exact ORA- error number.
There is a way to do that with undocumented Oracle's package:
I would recommend tool called Pentaho Data Integration. This is free, small and superb ETL tool.
Download page: community(.)pentaho(.)com
It will recreated all tables and types for you. How to do it:

How to do a search and replace of a part of a string in all columns in all tables in an sql database

Is it possible to search and replace all occurrences of a string in all columns in all tables of a database? I use Microsoft SQL Server.
Not easily, though I can thing of two ways to do it:
Write a series of stored procedures that identify all varchar and text columns of all tables, and generate individual update statements for each column of each table of the form "UPDATE foo SET BAR = REPLACE(BAR,'foobar','quux')". This will probably involve a lot of queries against the system tables, with a lot of experimentation -- Microsoft doesn't go out of its way to document this stuff.
Export the entire database to a single text file, do a search/replace on that, and then re-import the entire database. Given that you're using MS SQL Server, this is actually the easier approach. Microsoft created the Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard for other reasons, but it makes a fine tool for exporting all of the tables of a SQL Server database as a text file containing pure SQL DDL and DML. Run the tool to export all of the tables for a database, edit the resulting file as you need, and then feed the file back to sqlcmd to recreate the database.
Given a choice, I'd use the second method, as long as the DPW works with your version of SQL Server. The last time I used the tool, it met my needs (MS SQL Server 2000 / 2005) but it had some quirks when working with database Roles.
In MySQL, you can do it very easily like this:
update [table_name] set [field_name] = replace([field_name],'[string_to_find]','[string_to_replace]');
I have personally tested this successfully on a production server.
update users set vct_filesneeded = replace(vct_filesneeded,'.avi','.ai');
Ref: http://www.mediacollege.com/computer/database/mysql/find-replace.html
A good starting point for writing such a query is the "Search all columns in all the tables in a database for a specific value" stored procedure. The full code is at the link (not trivial, but copy/paste it and use it, it just works).
From there on it's relatively trivial to amend the code to do a replace of the found values.

UNDEFINED data type when reading SQL database from Lotus Notes using ODBC: nvarchar

This is the second time it happens to me and before modifying a 3rd party Database structure I wanted to know if anyone knew a better solution:
I'm accessing a MS SQL Server 2008 from a Lotus Notes Agent (Notes 7) to retrieve some data. I use LSXODBC and my "Select" statement works perfect... Except that my agent cannot "understand" Nvarchar SQL Field types. Any other data types work ok (can get the values from number and dates fields without a problem).
It took me a while to figure it out, and I couldn't find a solution (other than modifying the field types on the SQL table to Varchar instead of nVarchar)
I could replicate this both in MS SQL 2005 and 2008.
Last "elegant" solution was to create an SQL view -instead of modifying table structure- with the varchar types instead of nvarchar. Works ok but I have to create a view for each table I'm retrieving data from.
I tried to set the Field type using FieldExpectedDataType Method but didn't work. Still got a DB_TYPE_UNDEFINED.
I thought there might be some configuration issues? or maybe I'm using an old LN Version / ODBC Driver version?
Any hint would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
An old ODBC driver may not support unicode. It was not added until SQL Server 2000 (I'm fairly sure)