I'm trying to subscribe a single email to multiple lists with RoR and the official mailchimp-api gem. It works, but the last four values (double_optin, update_existing, replace_interests, and send_welcome) are not updating and I get an error that the email "already exists" even though I'm trying to pass the update_existing as true. I've written Mailchimp several times and they feel they've reached the end of their assistance. They have said they are not experts in the wrapper--even if it is the "official" gem--and cannot help me further. My code looks like this:
responses << mailchimp_lists.each do |ml|
{ "email" => order.customer_email,
"euid" => order.customer_id,
"leid" => ""
{ "FNAME" => order.customer_first_name,
"LNAME" => order.customer_last_name,
"COMPANY" => order.company_name,
"ADDRESS1" => order.billing_address_1,
"ADDRESS2" => order.billing_address_2,
"CITY" => order.billing_city,
"STATE" => order.billing_state,
"POSTALCODE" => order.billing_zip,
I've tried sending the last four params in several different ways such as:
"email_type" => "html",
"double_optin" => false,
{"email_type" => "html"},
{"double_optin" => false}
At times, Mailchimp can see the params arrive in such a way that it seems it should not be triggering an "email already exists" error, but it just won't work. Any help is appreciated.
The mailchimp-api gem's documentation describes the subscribe method as:
#subscribe(id, email, merge_vars = nil, email_type = 'html', double_optin = true, update_existing = false, replace_interests = true, send_welcome = false)
While the batch_subscribe shows:
#batch_subscribe(id, batch, double_optin = true, update_existing = false, replace_interests = true)
Note that the batch method does not include a "send_welcome" param. When I removed it from my list of params for the subscribe method--essentially sending three booleans instead of four as suggested, the update_existing worked perfectly. Seems like an error in the documentation here: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/mailchimp-api/2.0.4/Mailchimp/Lists#subscribe-instance_method
Hopefully this helps someone else!
$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO user VALUES ('',:username,md5(:password),'',1,'','',:email,'',0,0,'',:cover,:dateofbirthYear:dateofbirthMonth:dateofbirthDay,NOW(),:sex,:country)");
':username' => $username,
':password' => $password,
':email' => $email,
':cover' => $cover,
':dateofbirthYear' => $dateofbirthYear,
':dateofbirthMonth' => $dateofbirthMonth,
':dateofbirthDay' => $dateofbirthDay,
':sex' => $sex,
':country' => $country
For some reason this insert statement is not working. I am very new in PDO so I do not know much about it. What am I doing wrong?
this statment gives me this error :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens' in /home/manga/public_html/new/register.php:80 Stack trace:
#0 /home/manga/public_html/new/register.php(80): PDOStatement->execute(Array)
#1 {main} thrown in /home/manga/public_html/new/register.php on line 80
You have prepared your query in the wrong way
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('',:username,md5(:password),'',1,'','',:email,'',0,0,'',
// ^ These need to either single or separated
For what you are trying, you can do it this way
//Prepare the date of birth earlier
$dob = $dateofbirthYear.$dateofbirthMonth.$dateofbirthDay;
//Then pass it as a single $variable
$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO user VALUES ('',:username,md5(:password),'',1,'','',:email,'',0,0,'',:cover,:dob,NOW(),:sex,:country)");
':username' => $username,
':password' => $password,
':email' => $email,
':cover' => $cover,
':dob' => $dob, // <-- Problem solved
':sex' => $sex,
':country' => $country
// Then it will execute
The exact error message you have is:
SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
This means that the number/names of parameters you have passed (the array() in execute) does not match with the number/names of parameters you have in the prepare() SQL-query.
If you compare that with the other questions that contain SQLSTATE[HY093] you will see that it is often related to code that is large and bad formatted which is hard to read. That makes it hard to count. And then you have an oversight of something and then the error happened.
Just fix it and done, for example you can not make one parameter out of three names:
Instead just pass one parameter for the birthday:
, :dateofbirth,
You can also make your code a bit more readable:
$stmt = $conn->prepare(
'', :username, md5(:password), '', 1, '', '', :email, '', 0, 0, '',
:cover, :dateofbirth, NOW(), :sex, :country
':username' => $username,
':password' => $password,
':email' => $email,
':cover' => $cover,
':dateofbirth' => $dateofbirthYear . $dateofbirthMonth . $dateofbirthDay,
':sex' => $sex,
':country' => $country
And then you have a security problem with the password hash:
Instead do proper password hashing, see the PHP FAQ about Safe Password Hashing.
Corrected prepared query:
$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO user VALUES ('',:username,md5(:password),'',1,'','',:email,'',0,0,'',:cover,:dateofbirthYear,:dateofbirthMonth:,dateofbirthDay,NOW(),:sex,:country)");
//:dateofbirthYear,:dateofbirthMonth:,dateofbirthDay place holders are seprated
':username' => $username,
':password' => $password,
':email' => $email,
':cover' => $cover,
':dateofbirthYear' => $dateofbirthYear,
':dateofbirthMonth' => $dateofbirthMonth,
':dateofbirthDay' => $dateofbirthDay,
':sex' => $sex,
':country' => $country
Using rails 3, How could one do multiple where statements without complicated stuff or extra gems?
Im having this column "accepted" and would like to get all the values where accepted == false and accepted == null
Both of examples below fail:
#scholars = Scholars.where(:scholar_id => current_user.id).where(["accepted = ? or accepted = ?", true, null])
#scholars = Scholars.where(:scholar_id => current_user.id).where(:accpeted => true).where(:accepted=> null)
#scholars = Scholars.where(:scholar => current_user, :accepted => true).all +
Scholar.where(:scholar => current_user, :accepted => nil).all
Did you name your model "Scholars"? Models are traditionally singular... if you named it properly, this should be Scholar.where(...).
The correct answer should be
#profiles = Profile.where(:user_id => current_user.id, :accepted => [true, nil]).order(:accepted)
I had write the following code in my Zend Form:
$newpassword = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('newpassword');
$newpassword->setLabel("Enter your New Password :")
array('messages' => array(
'isEmpty' => 'Please enter new password.'
array('messages' => array(
'alnumInvalid' => 'Please enter a valid new password.',
'notAlnum' => 'Please enter a valid new password.',
'alnumStringEmpty' => 'Please enter a valid new password.'
->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(4, 25))
->getValidator('StringLength')->setMessage("Should be 4-25 characters long.");
$retypepassword = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('retypepassword');
$retypepassword->setLabel("Retype-Password :")
array('messages' => array(
'isEmpty' => 'Please enter confirm password.'
new Zend_Validate_Identical('newpassword'),
array('messages' => array(
'notSame' => 'New password and confirm password are not matching. They must be same.',
'missingToken' => 'New password and confirm password are not matching. They must be same.'
->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(4, 25))
->getValidator('StringLength')->setMessage("Should be 4-25 characters long.");
As you can see that I had override the error messages for Zend_Validate_Identical i.e. for notSame and missignToken, but still the form is showing the default error message i.e. "The two given tokens do not match"
Can anyone please help me.
Thanks In Advance...
The $options parameter to Zend_Form_Element::addValidator gets ignored completely if you pass it a validator object (which you're doing by passing new Zend_Validate_Identical).
Instead, you want to do something closer to the way you've added your other validators:
array('token' => 'newpassword',
'messages' => array(
'notSame' => 'New password and confirm password are not matching. They must be same.',
'missingToken' => 'New password and confirm password are not matching. They must be same.'
Let's say we have the following code:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.fix_published_times
where(:published => true, :published_at => nil).limit(5).each do |post
How should I spec Post#fix_published__at! with should_receive?
Something along this lines of this should work:
mock_posts = [mock("post 1"), mock("post 2")]
Post.should_receive(:where).with(:published => true, :published_at => nil).and_return(mock_posts)
mock_posts.each do |mp|