My own method isn't being found by the compiler - objective-c

I recently started learning Objective-C and Cocos-2D. I tried to define my own method for automating the creation of sprites.
I added my own class where I'll create other automation methods as well. Anyhow my .h file looks like this:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cocos2d.h"
#interface ActionsClass : CCNode {
#property (nonatomic, strong) CCSprite* createSprite;
#property (nonatomic, strong) CCSprite* spriteName;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* pngName;
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint* spriteCoordinate;
- (CCSprite *)createSprite: (CCSprite *)spriteName: (NSString *)pngName: (CGPoint *)spriteCoordinate;
And the .m is:
#import "ActionsClass.h"
#implementation ActionsClass
#synthesize createSprite = _createSprite;
#synthesize spriteName = _spriteName;
#synthesize pngName = _pngName;
#synthesize spriteCoordinate = _spriteCoordinate;
- (CCSprite *)createSprite: (CCSprite *)spriteName: (NSString *)pngName: (CGPoint *)spriteCoordinate
if (!_createSprite)
_createSprite = [[CCSprite alloc] init];
_spriteName = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:_pngName];
_spriteName.position = ccp(_spriteCoordinate->x, _spriteCoordinate->y);
[self addChild:_spriteName];
return _createSprite;
In the main .m file where I want to call the method:
[self createSprite: saif: #"saif.png": ccp(100,100)];
This would give the warning that xcode didn't find the instance method createSprite and defaults it to id
Thanks a lot and sorry if the font or the formatting of the question aren't super neat.

Your method declaration is wrong, so you wont be able to call it.
It should be:
- (CCSprite *)createSprite:(CCSprite *)spriteName pngName:(NSString *)pngName coord:(CGPoint *)spriteCoordinate;
And called like:
[self createSprite:someSprite pngName:somePNGName coord:someCoord];
Edit: I didn't see that you were trying to call this from another class. To do that you will need to import the ActionsClass header file, and call this method on an instance of ActionsClass, e.g.
ActionsClass *actionsClassObject = [[ActionsClass alloc] init];
[actionsClassObject createSprite:someSprite pngName:somePNGName coord:someCoord];


Obtaining the string value from separate window to be used on another. Objective C

I have a window with a large NSTextFeildCell, where text can be modified. Upon clicking a button another window appears where the text from the original window can be used some how. The issue I am having is when I attempt to retrieve that text the log spits out...
" -[NSTextView stringValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x100151860"
Fallowed by a long trace...
I have tried to solve this several different ways but with no luck.
First window controller
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class NextWindowController;
#interface TextViewWindowController : NSWindowController
#property (nonatomic, weak) NextWindowController *NextWindow;
#property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet NSTextFieldCell *txtTextView;
- (IBAction)btnClicked:(id)sender;
- (NSString*)getText;
#import "TextViewWindowController.h"
#import "NextWindowController.h"
#implementation TextViewWindowController
#synthesize NextWindow;
- (IBAction)btnClicked:(id)sender{
[NextWindow setCallingWindow:self];
[NextWindow showWindow:self];
- (NSString*)getText{
return [_txtTextView stringValue];// there is a problem with the view...
Next Window controller
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class TextViewWindowController;
#interface NextWindowController : NSWindowController{
NSMutableString* str;
#property (nonatomic, weak) TextViewWindowController *callingWindow;
#import "NextWindowController.h"
#import "TextViewWindowController.h"
#implementation NextWindowController
#synthesize callingWindow;
- (IBAction)btnEnterClicked:(id)sender{
[str setString:callingWindow.txtTextView.stringValue];
- (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window{
self = [super initWithWindow:window];
if (self) {
str = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
return self;
I have also tried str = [callingWindow getText] with the same result.
Any help would be very appreciated!
It's not super intuitive to figure out from Apple's documentation, but to get the raw string value of a NSTextView (which inherits from NSText), just use:
[_txtTextView string];
And since you're using properties, it might be smarter to use the accessor in your function, like this:
- (NSString*)getText{
return [self.txtTextView string];

NSCollectionView implementation

I have looked at the documentation yet I still haven't successfully implemented a CollectionView. Here is what I have.
My KVO/KVC compliant NSMutableArray.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ProjectModel.h"
#interface KVOMutableArray : NSMutableArray
#property NSMutableArray* projectModelArray;
- (id)init;
- (void)insertObject:(ProjectModel *)p inProjectModelArrayAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (void)removeObjectFromProjectModelArrayAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (void)setProjectModelArray:(NSMutableArray *)a;
- (NSArray*)projectModelArray;
ProjectModel.h file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface ProjectModel : NSObject {
NSString *applicationName;
NSString *projectPath;
NSImage *image;
#property(retain, readwrite) NSImage *image;
#property(retain, readwrite) NSString *applicationName;
#property(retain, readwrite) NSString *projectPath;
#import "ProjectModel.h"
#implementation ProjectModel
#synthesize image;
#synthesize projectPath;
#synthesize applicationName;
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"xcodeproject.png"];
return self;
I also put #property KVOMutableArray *projectsManager; in my AppDelegate.h file and
projectsManager = [[KVOMutableArray alloc] init];
ProjectModel *pm1 = [[ProjectModel alloc] init];
pm1.projectPath = #"path here";
pm1.applicationName = #"Crittercism Example App";
[projectsManager addObject: pm1];
in my awakeFromNib method.
I get the following exception and then it terminates:
[<NSCollectionViewItem 0x1001c2eb0> addObserver:<NSAutounbinderObservance 0x1001e2a20> forKeyPath:#"representedObject.applicationName" options:0x0 context:0x103111690] was sent to an object that is not KVC-compliant for the "representedObject" property.
Not sure what is the problem. Any help is appreciated I know I've written a lot here.
The problem seems to be that it can't find representObject.image or any of the other properties for that matter. How can I fix this?
It worked after I implemented these methods (turns out the documentation lied about only needing the 4 methods they suggested there):
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ProjectModel.h"
#interface KVOMutableArray : NSMutableArray {
NSMutableArray *projectModelArray;
#property (readonly, copy) NSMutableArray* projectModelArray;
- (id)init;
- (void)insertObject:(ProjectModel *)p;
- (void)insertObject:(id)p inProjectModelArrayAtIndex:(NSUInteger )index;
- (void)removeObjectFromProjectModelArrayAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (void)setProjectModelArray:(NSMutableArray *)array;
- (NSUInteger)countOfProjectModelArray;
- (id)objectInProjectModelArrayAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (void)insertProjectModelArray:(NSArray *)array atIndexes:(NSIndexSet *) indexes;
- (NSArray *)projectModelArrayAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;
- (NSArray*)projectModelArray;
- (void)removeProjectModelArrayAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;
- (NSUInteger)count;
- (void)insertObject:(id)object atIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
Set the mode of your array controller Class and the class name to ProjectModel

is this "property not found" error an XCode bug or a coding mistake on the part of a newbie? [duplicate]

Right before my model class sends the variable stringToDisplay, NSLog shows me that it has a value. But when I try to use it in my ViewController, I just get (null). Any thoughts about what I'm doing wrong?
(The good news is that, while working on this, I had sort of a breakthrough in understanding how models and controllers relate to each other. I'm still a complete newbie, but I don't feel quite as lost as I did.)
Here's what I think is the relevant code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface CalculatorBrain : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) NSMutableString *stringToAdd;
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSString *stringForDisplay;
- (double)performOperation:(NSString *)operation withArray:(NSMutableArray *)particularStackYouNeedToPopOff;
#implementation CalculatorBrain
#synthesize stringToAdd = _stringToAdd;
#synthesize stringForDisplay = _stringForDisplay;
#synthesize whatHappenedSinceLastClear = _whatHappenedSinceLastClear;
- (double)performOperation:(NSString *)operation withArray:(NSMutableArray *)particularStackYouNeedToPopOff
<long code that I think doesn't matter because this NSLog produces exactly what I want it to:>
return result;
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface CalculatorViewController : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic) NSArray *arrayOfDictionaries;
#property (nonatomic) NSDictionary *dictionary;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *variablesUsed;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *operation;
#import "CalculatorViewController.h"
#import "CalculatorBrain.h"
#interface CalculatorViewController ()
#property (nonatomic,strong) CalculatorBrain *brain;
#implementation CalculatorViewController
#synthesize display = _display;
#synthesize history = _history;
#synthesize brain = _brain;
#synthesize operation = _operation;
- (IBAction)operationPressed:(UIButton *)sender
NSString *otherString=[self.brain stringForDisplay];
if (self.userIsEnteringNumber) [self enterPressed];
NSString *operation = sender.currentTitle;
double result = [self.brain performOperation:operation withArray:[self.brain whatHappenedSinceLastClear]];
self.display.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%g",result];
self.history.text = otherString;
And the NSLog in that last line of code give me (null).
Any thoughts?
Maybe I'm missing something but your property is declared in the class extension of CalculatorBrain so nobody outside CalculatorBrain.m knows about this property.
So if you want to expose this property to other objects, you will have to declare it in CalculatorBrain.h instead.
Oh - your declaration of the property whatHappenedSinceLastClear isn't exposed to other classes that import CalculatorBrain.h because you put the property declaration in an interface extension in the .m file, which other classes will not see.
To make it publicly accessible move the #property line for whatHappenedSinceLastClear to CalculatorBrain.h, not the .m file.
I can guess that problem lies in the way you assign your stringForDisplay, eg.:
if you use something like
stringForDisplay_ = anotherString;
setter for property doesn't fire, so you have to retain your variable yourself otherwise it'll live just until your method finishes;
If so - use property setters, eg.:
self.stringForDisplay = anotherString;
that way ARC will do all the memory management.
It really depends how you set stringForDisplay inside the performOperation:withArray: method.
for a blind guess, try using
NSString *otherString = self.brain.stringForDisplay;
after this line
double result = [self.brain performOperation:operation withArray:[self.brain whatHappenedSinceLastClear]];

Why is my NSDictionary not initializing my specific keys and values when in my model, but works within my controller?

In this example my NSDictionary initializes with 0 key/value pairs, as shown in my debugger. It will initialize properly when I do the exact same thing in my ViewController but I would much prefer to stick to MVC design and have the NSDictionary in my model.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface ShakespeareViewController : UIViewController
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *sonnetDisplay;
#import "ShakespeareViewController.h"
#import "ShakespeareModel.h"
#interface ShakespeareViewController ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) ShakespeareModel *sonnet;
#implementation ShakespeareViewController
#synthesize sonnetDisplay = _sonnetDisplay;
#synthesize sonnet = _sonnet;
- (IBAction)sonnetButton:(UIButton *)sender
self.sonnetDisplay.text = [self.sonnet grabSonnet:#"19"];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface ShakespeareModel : NSObject
-(NSString *)grabSonnet:(NSString *)atNumber;
#import "ShakespeareModel.h"
#interface ShakespeareModel()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *sonnets;
#implementation ShakespeareModel
#synthesize sonnets = _sonnets;
-(NSDictionary *)sonnets
if (!_sonnets)
_sonnets = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:#"19", #"19", nil];
return _sonnets;
-(NSString *)grabSonnet:(NSString *)atNumber
NSString *chosenSonnet = [self.sonnets objectForKey:#"19"];
return chosenSonnet;
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong are greatly appreciated. I can't see why this wouldn't initialize with the object 19 at key value 19.
I don't see any place where you set the view controller's sonnet property to an instance of ShakespeareModel -- so when you call grabSonnet: you're sending a message to nil (and thus getting nothing back.
You should put self.sonnet = [[ShakespeareModel alloc] init] in your view controller some time before you call grabSonnet:... probably in the initializer or in -viewDidLoad.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when synthesizing a 'global' object

this is a follow-up question to my last one here: iOS: Initialise object at start of application for all controllers to use .
I have set my application up as follows (ignore the DB Prefix):
DBFactoryClass // Built a DataManaging Object for later use in the app
DBDataModel // Is created by the factory, holds all data & access methods
DBViewControllerA // Will show some of the data that DBDataModel holds
moreViewControllers that will need access to the same DBDataModel Object
i will go step by step through the application, and will then in the end post the error message i get when building.
#import "DBFactoryClass.h"
- (BOOL)...didFinishLaunching...
DBFactoryClass *FACTORY = [[DBFactoryClass alloc ]init ];
return YES;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "DBDataModel.h"
#interface DBFactoryClass : NSObject
#property (strong) DBDataModel *DATAMODEL;
#import "DBFactoryClass.h"
#implementation DBFactoryClass
#synthesize DATAMODEL;
self = [super init];
[self setDATAMODEL:[[DBDataModel alloc]init ]];
return self;
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "DBDataModel.h"
#class DBDataModel;
#interface todayViewController : UIViewController
#property (strong)DBDataModel *DATAMODEL;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *testLabel;
#import "todayViewController.h"
#implementation todayViewController
#synthesize testLabel;
#synthesize DATAMODEL;
- (void)viewDidLoad
todaySpentLabel.text = [[DATAMODEL test]stringValue];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface DBDataModel : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber* test;
#import "DBDataModel.h"
#implementation DBDataModel
#synthesize test;
test = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithInt:4];
return self;
when i build it, i get the following error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS in this line:
#synthesize DATAMODEL;
of DBFactoryClass.m
What #synthesize does is to automatically generate implementations of the accessors for a property. EXC_BAD_ACCESS there means that you're accessing garbage when one of the accessors is executed.
That's probably happening here:
[self setDATAMODEL:[[DBDataModel alloc]init ]];
Make sure that DBDataModel's implementation of init actually returns a legitimate object.
As far as I can tell, your DBFactoryClass class is never stored anywhere, and therefore released right after the allocation if you use ARC (Since you use the strong keyword I assumed you do).
- (BOOL)...didFinishLaunching... {
DBFactoryClass *FACTORY = [[DBFactoryClass alloc ]init ];
// If you use ARC this might be released right afterwards
return YES;
If you want the factory to be a singleton, use something like this
+ (id)sharedInstance {
static dispatch_once_t once;
static MyFoo *instance;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
instance = [[self alloc] init];
return instance;