Objective c : UINavigationViewController unable to load root controller - objective-c

Hello I have a navigation view controller on the Interface builder and have it placed on a window.rootviewcontroller and then I pushed the initialized view controller to it. I used this line here: [window.rootViewController addSubViews:[navigation view]];
The [navigation view] has no view inside.
But if i create a navigation in code and do the same as before, i can have the navigation appears on the screen.
Does anyone know what is wrong? i have linked the navigation with the Interface Builder as well.

Have you set the class correctly for the "viewcontroller" which is visible inside navigationcontroller(in XIB) within the navigationController hierarchy

You should try this
if you want to set RootViewController
self.window.rootViewController = navigationController;
//navigationController its is rOotViewControler.
if You want to add as SubView.
[self.window addSubview:navigationController.view];
i hope it'll help you.


Initializing UINavigationController in AppDelegate with IB rootViewController

I'm working in my AppDelegate to make the app's view return to the first view every time it comes from the background.
First off, I have a navigation controller set up in IB as my initial view controller.
Despite this, if I put
if (!self.window.rootViewController.navigationController)
NSLog(#"null rootview navcontroller");
in appDidFinishLaunching the NSLog happens indicating that my window's navigation controller is null.
So, I figured I would try instantiating it myself with:
self.navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:self.window.rootViewController];
But when I try that I get error:
Pushing a navigation controller is not supported
Which I must confess I don't really understand. I shouldn't be pushing anything?
If the navigation controller is the initial view controller then self.window.rootViewController should be the navigation controller itself.
The type for rootViewController is UIViewController, so you will need to cast as needed.

Setting root view controller in didReceiveLocalNotification: results in black window

I know different versions of this question has been asked before but I'm really stuck here. I'm trying to get my app to push a new view from my app delegate when getting:
-(void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)localNotif {
And I put the following code in there:
MyViewController *myViewController = [[MyViewController alloc]init];
nvcontrol = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:myViewController];
[nvcontrol.navigationBar setTintColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
self.window.rootViewController = nvcontrol;
and from this, I get a black view (which myViewController should not have) with a black navigation bar.
What am I doing wrong here?
As I've outlined above, you can use storyboard to set the initial view controller.
Note that if you have a view controller set up in storyboard and then you create a view controller in the application delegate, the view controller you created won't look like your one in storyboard. This is because you are making an instance of the CLASS, but the program has no way to associate this with your layout.

How to get current viewController class name?

but the problem is that my app has both UInavigationController and UITabBarController
so calling navigaionController.topViewController tells me that i have UItabBarController
self.window.rootViewController returns UINavigationController
thank's a lot
You can check for the kind of class it is using
[VC isKindOfClass:(myVCClass class)]
The tabbarcontroller is designed to be the top/root viewcontroller of your application. From the documentation:
Because the UITabBarController class inherits from the UIViewController class, tab bar controllers have their own view that is accessible through the view property. When deploying a tab bar interface, you must install this view as the root of your window. Unlike other view controllers, a tab bar interface should never be installed as a child of another view controller.
Have the navigationcontroller inside the tabs and have the other view controllers inside the navigationcontrollers on the tabs.
view.class returns a class name as a string:
NSLog (#"Class:%#", view.class);

Can't push view onto stack

I have a view controller:
#interface DetailViewController : UIViewController
It displays a map and pins are dropped onto this map. When the user tap's the accessory button one of the annotation views I want another view to be pushed in front of the user.
For some or other reason the navigation controller is always null when I run the following code.
hotelDetailViewController = [[HotelDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"HotelDetailViewController"
if (![self navigationController])
NSLog(#"navigation controller null");
[self.navigationController pushViewController:hotelDetailViewController animated:YES];
What am I doing wrong? At what point to do I need to alloc and init the navigation controller because it seems to be read only?
At what point to do I need to alloc and init the navigation controller because it seems to be read only?
Well, you don't usually set the navigationController property yourself, you would typically have a navigation controller set up from the start and then pass your DetailViewController to the navigation controller, and that's when the property is set.
The section in the View Controllers programming guide about Navigation Controllers explains how you should set up your navigation controller, either with a nib file or programmatically.

How do I make a reusable XIB with it's own UIViewController?

I am trying to create a reusable "picker". It is basically like a keypad of a phone. Since I will be using this a lot in my iPhone app, I have been frustrated with trying to make it appear.
It is in its own XIB file and has its own UIViewController subclass as the FileOwner.
However, when I instantiate this with:
MonthPickerViewController *mpvc
= [[MonthPickerViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MonthPicker"
Nothing happens on the screen. Yet is does fire the -viewWillAppear methods, etc.
So, what am I doing wrong either in code or in InterfaceBuilder that is preventing my view to appear?
Are you pushing the view controller?
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:mpvc animated:YES];
Or are you adding the view controller's view as a subView of your current view?
First, make sure you've hooked everything up right inside Interface Builder. An easy gotcha is to forget to connect the View object up to the view outlet of your UIViewController subclass.
Then, as Adam says, you need to actually display the view. Assuming you're doing this inside the code of another view controller, you'd need something like the following if you just wanted the new view to appear ontop of your current view:
[self.view addSubview:mpvc.view];
Of if you are using a navigation controller to stack views:-
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:mpvc animated:YES];