Redis SET command can't fail, but can? - redis

I'm trying to debug some Redis issues I am experiencing and came by some inconclusive documentation about the SET command.
In my Redis config; I have the following lines (snippet):
# Note: with all the kind of policies, Redis will return an error on write
# operations, when there are not suitable keys for eviction.
# At the date of writing this commands are: set setnx setex append
On the documentation page for the SET command I found:
Status code reply: always OK since SET can't fail.
Any insights on the definitive behaviour?

tl;dr: SET will return an error response if the redis instance runs out of memory.
As far as I can tell from the source code in redis.c, esentially when a command is to be processed the flow goes like this (pseudo code):
IF memory is needed
IF we can free keys
Free keys
Process the command
SET -> process and return OK response
ELSE return error response
Process command
SET -> process and return OK response
It's not exactly written this way, but the basic idea comes down to that: memory is being checked before the command is processed, so even if the command cannot fail, an error response will be returned if there's no memory regardless the actual response of the command.


Redis how to make EVAL script behave like MULTI / EXEC?

One thing I noticed when playing around with Lua scripts is that, in a script containing multiple operations, if an error is thrown halfway through the execution of the script, the operations that completed before the error will actually be reflected in the database. This is in contrast to MULTI / EXEC, where either all operations succeed or fail.
For example, if I have a script like the following:"hset", "mykey", "myfield", "val")
local expiry = someFunctionThatMightThrow()"expire", "mykey", expiry)
I tested this and the results of the first hset call were reflected in redis. Is there any way to make the lua script behave so that if any error is thrown during the script, then all actions performed during that script execution are reverted?
Sample script for my comment above, on error manually rollback. Note: Syntax is not verified."hset", "mykey", "myfield", "val")
local expiry,error = pcall(someFunctionThatMightThrow())
if expiry ~= nil then"expire", "mykey", expiry)
else"hdel", "mykey", "myfield")

attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value)

I use jedis + lua to eval script, here is my lua script:
local second ='TIME')[1]
local currentKey = KEYS[1]..second
if'EXISTS', currentKey) == 0 then'SETEX', currentKey, 1, 1)
return 1
return'INCR', currentKey)
As I use 'Time', it reports error:Write commands not allowed after non deterministic commands.
after searching on internet, I add 'redis.replicate_commands()' as first line of lua script, but it still reports error:ERR Error running script (call to f_c89a6ee8ad732a325e530f4a69226851cde302e2): #user_script:1: user_script:1: attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value)
Does replicate_commands need arguments or is there a way to solve my problem?
redis version:3.0
jedis version:2.9
lua version: I don't know where to find
The error attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value) means replicate_commands() doesn't exists in the redis object. It is a Lua-side error message.
replicate_commands() was introduced until Redis 3.2. See EVAL - Replicating commands instead of scripts. Consider upgrading.
The first error message (Write commands not allowed after non deterministic commands) is a redis-side message, you cannot call write-commands (like SET, SETEX, INCR, etc) after calling non-deterministic commands (like SPOP, SCAN, RANDOMKEY, TIME, etc).
A very important part of scripting is writing scripts that are pure functions.
Scripts executed in a Redis instance are, by default, propagated to
replicas and to the AOF file by sending the script itself -- not the
resulting commands.
This is so if the Redis server is restarted, playing again the AOF log, or also if replicated in a slave, the script should deliver the same dataset.
This is why in Redis 3.2 replicate_commands() was introduced. And starting with Redis 5 scripts are always replicated as effects -- as if replicate_commands() was called when the script started. But for versions before 3.2, you simply cannot do this.
Therefore, either upgrade to 3.2 or later, or pass currentKey already calculated to the script from the client instead.
Note that creating currentKey dynamically makes your script single-instance-only.
All Redis commands must be analyzed before execution to determine
which keys the command will operate on. In order for this to be true
for EVAL, keys must be passed explicitly. This is useful in many ways,
but especially to make sure Redis Cluster can forward your request to
the appropriate cluster node.
Note this rule is not enforced in order to provide the user with
opportunities to abuse the Redis single instance configuration, at the
cost of writing scripts not compatible with Redis Cluster.
Finally, the Lua version at Redis 3.0.0 is Lua 5.1.5, same as all the way up to Redis 6 RC1.

Why are my flows not connecting?

Just starting with noflo, I'm baffled as why I'm not able to get a simple flow working. I started today, installing noflo and core components following the example pages, and the canonical "Hello World" example
Read(filesystem/ReadFile) OUT -> IN Display(core/Output)
'package.json' -> IN Read
works... so far fine, then I wanted to change it slightly adding "noflo-rss" to the mix, and then changing the example to
Read(rss/FetchFeed) OUT -> IN Display(core/Output)
'' -> IN Read
Running like this
$ /node_modules/.bin/noflo-nodejs --graph graphs/rss.fbp --batch --register=false --debug
... but no cigar -- there is no output, it just sits there with no output at all
If I stick a console.log into the sourcecode of
parser.on 'readable', ->
while item = #read()
console.log 'ITEM', item ## Hack the code here
out.send item
then I do see the output and the content of the RSS feed.
Question: Why does out.send in rss/FetchFeed not feed the data to the core/Output for it to print? What dark magic makes the first example work, but not the second?
When running with --batch the process will exit when the network has stopped, as determined by a non-zero number of open connections between nodes.
The problem is that rss/FetchFeed does not open a connection on its outport, so the connection count drops to zero and the process exists.
One workaround is to run without --batch. Another one I just submitted as a pull request (needs review).

How redis pipe-lining works in pyredis?

I am trying to understand, how pipe lining in redis works? According to one blog I read, For this code
Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
pipeline.set("" + i, "" + i);
List<Object> results = pipeline.execute();
Every call to pipeline.set() effectively sends the SET command to Redis (you can easily see this by setting a breakpoint inside the loop and querying Redis with redis-cli). The call to pipeline.execute() is when the reading of all the pending responses happens.
So basically, when we use pipe-lining, when we execute any command like set above, the command gets executed on the server but we don't collect the response until we executed, pipeline.execute().
However, according to the documentation of pyredis,
Pipelines are a subclass of the base Redis class that provide support for buffering multiple commands to the server in a single request.
I think, this implies that, we use pipelining, all the commands are buffered and are sent to the server, when we execute pipe.execute(), so this behaviour is different from the behaviour described above.
Could someone please tell me what is the right behaviour when using pyreids?
This is not just a redis-py thing. In Redis, pipelining always means buffering a set of commands and then sending them to the server all at once. The main point of pipelining is to avoid extraneous network back-and-forths-- frequently the bottleneck when running commands against Redis. If each command were sent to Redis before the pipeline was run, this would not be the case.
You can test this in practice. Open up python and:
import redis
r = redis.Redis()
p = r.pipeline()
p.set('blah', 'foo') # this buffers the command. it is not yet run.
r.get('blah') # pipeline hasn't been run, so this returns nothing.
r.get('blah') # now that we've run the pipeline, this returns "foo".
I did run the test that you described from the blog, and I could not reproduce the behaviour.
Setting breakpoints in the for loop, and running
redis-cli info | grep keys
does not show the size increasing after every set command.
Speaking of which, the code you pasted seems to be Java using Jedis (which I also used).
And in the test I ran, and according to the documentation, there is no method execute() in jedis but an exec() and sync() one.
I did see the values being set in redis after the sync() command.
Besides, this question seems to go with the pyredis documentation.
Finally, the redis documentation itself focuses on networking optimization (Quoting the example)
This time we are not paying the cost of RTT for every call, but just one time for the three commands.
P.S. Could you get the link to the blog you read?

CTest build ID not set

I have a CDash configured to accept posts for automatic builds and tests. However, when any system attempts to post results to the CDash, the following error is produced. The result is that each result gets posted four times (presumably the original posting attempt plus the three retries).
Can anyone give me a hint as to what sets this mysterious build ID? I found some code that seems to produce a similar error, but still no lead on what might be happening.
Build::GetNumberOfErrors(): BuildId not set
Build::GetNumberOfWarnings(): BuildId not set
Submit failed, waiting 5 seconds...
Retry submission: Attempt 1 of 3
Server Response:
The buildid for CDash is computed based on the site name, the build name and the build stamp of the submission. You should have a Build.xml file in a Testing/20110311-* directory in your build tree. Open that up and see if any of those fields (near the top) is empty. If so, you need to set BUILDNAME and SITE with -D args when configuring with CMake. Or, set CTEST_BUILD_NAME and CTEST_SITE in your ctest -S script.
If that's not it, then this is a mystery. I've not seen this error occur before...
I'm having the same issue though Site and Buildname are available in test.xml and are visible on cdash (4 times). I can see the jobs increment by refreshing between retries so it seems that the submission succeeds and reports a timeout.
Update: This seems to have started when I added the -j(nprocs) switch to the ctest command. changing CtestSubmitRetryDelay: 20 (was 5) allowed a server response through that indicates the cdash version may not be able to handle the multi-proc option I'll have to look into that for my issue. Perhaps setting CtestSubmitRetryDelay to a larger number will get you back a server response as it did for me. g'luck!
Out of range value for column 'processorclockfrequency'