Cannot create cloudbees project using eclipse - eclipse-plugin

I'm trying to follow CloudBees Toolkit for Eclipse How-to Guide to create a Hello World on cloudbees using a brand new Eclipse Juno that I just set up (with Subclipse). I have also followed step 3 to "Create a new SVN repository on CloudBees".
I'm up to step 4 where I was trying to create a new Project but when I'm the step to create new Jenkins job, there was a warning that says "Enable hosting in Forge to configure Jenkins job SCM automatically". If I next select to Host at Forge SVN, I can an empty repository combobox which I can't move on.
Anything that I missed out here?

Can you please try again now - there was a unexpected regression in one of our internal APIs.


Azure DevOps Plugin in Intellij IDEA only show one repsitory

I'm trying to clone a project from the Team Foundation Server, but I have only access to one repository from the server and I can't switch to another repository. I also tryed to refrech the plugin.
I'm using Intellij IDEA 2020.1.1 with Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 and the plugin:Azure DevOps.
I would appreciate when I get some tips to fix this problem.
In Intellij IDEA with the Azure DevOps extension installed, the repositories are not shown as a tree structure . They are shown in the same level in the Select repositorypage when trying to select a repository to clone. We can filter the repositories by specifying a key word.
For example, in below screenshot I have a project called LCgGit and it has three git repositories (LCGit, LCGit2, LCGit3). So, we can filter by Project name, then select the specific repository to clone.
It will automatically open the project once we cloned the repository. And we cannot switch repositories such as in the Team Explorer in VS. We have to clone another repository again and open the project which located in that repository. We can open it in a New Window or This Window.
To switch the repositories, we can navigate to File -> Open/Open recent -> Select a project to open.
Besides, there's a blog which talking about Working with IntelliJ for your reference. It's still available for the Intellij IDEA 2020.1.1. But the plugin name is changed to Azure DevOps. So you can search Azure DevOps in the Marketplace.

Not able to launch apache apex cli

I am trying to launch Apache Apex cli but not able to do so.
the document says just type apex on command prompt but that says No command 'apex' found
Are there some pre steps which i need to perform before start using it?
I have all prerequisites available like, Hadoop, JDK 7, Git and Maven.
apex cli is an interface provided to users to interact (launch, monitor, manage ec.) with the Apache Apex Applications. You can find short information about how to build and use it at : Apex Core git repository
Detailed information can be found here: Documentation
Did you build apex-core? If not please run mvn clean install in apex-core directory

Deploying appfuse app on cloudbees as war

I have appfuse maven project , is it better to deploy it using Click start Tomcat or as a Jenkin Maven project? I have tried both but it does not seem to be working in any ways. I have created database and bound it to the app. still it gives error for spring bean creation etc. Can anyone help in this scenario?
If I would need to deploy my appfuse maven application on CloudBees platform, I will try two different ways:
Use the Tomcat 7 Maven ClickStart as a template changing the SCM to your repo.
Use the CloudBees SDK to deploy your application.
In this last case, you just need to generate your .war file, in case you use maven, launching:
mvn clean package
And then you can deploy your application from the CLoudBees SDK using:
bees app:deploy -t tomcat7 -a APPID MYFILE.war
You say that when you deploy your application it gives error for spring bean creation. However, you don't attach any stacktrace to your question, so it is difficult to do any kind of diagnosis on our end.

Installing CloudBees SDK and running - Error : cannot create configration

I have installed the cloudbees eclipse plugin and then run the cloudbees project on localhost...but I see this:
Installing plugin: org.cloudbees.sdk.plugins:ant-plugin:1.3.0
You have not created a CloudBees configuration profile, let's create one now...
Enter your default CloudBees API end point [us | eu]: us
Enter your CloudBees account email address:
ERROR: Cannot create configuration
kindly guide me how to fix this issue ?
I suggest you download and install cloudbees SDK, so you can try to initialize from command line and maybe get more details on actual (permission ?) issue to write configuration.

How to install "WST Server Adapter Plug-in Developer Resources" for eclipse Juno?

I tried to do some web search and also go to Eclipse marketplace, but I couldn't find this package.
I also tried to go to the update site, but I couldn't find this package. All I find is the WST Server Adapter package.
For Developer Resources and SDKs, you need the specific project's update site: .