I'm trying to write a C program for blinking a LED on the Beaglebone. I know I can use the sysfs way...but I'd like to see if it is possible to get the same result mapping the physical address space with /dev/mem.
I have a header file, beaglebone_gpio.h wit the following contents:
#define GPIO1_START_ADDR 0x4804C000
#define GPIO1_END_ADDR 0x4804DFFF
#define GPIO_OE 0x134
#define GPIO_SETDATAOUT 0x194
#define USR0_LED (1<<21)
#define USR1_LED (1<<22)
#define USR2_LED (1<<23)
#define USR3_LED (1<<24)
and then I have my C program, gpiotest.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "beaglebone_gpio.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
volatile void *gpio_addr = NULL;
volatile unsigned int *gpio_oe_addr = NULL;
volatile unsigned int *gpio_setdataout_addr = NULL;
volatile unsigned int *gpio_cleardataout_addr = NULL;
unsigned int reg;
int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
printf("Mapping %X - %X (size: %X)\n", GPIO1_START_ADDR, GPIO1_END_ADDR, GPIO1_SIZE);
gpio_oe_addr = gpio_addr + GPIO_OE;
gpio_setdataout_addr = gpio_addr + GPIO_SETDATAOUT;
gpio_cleardataout_addr = gpio_addr + GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT;
if(gpio_addr == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("Unable to map GPIO\n");
printf("GPIO mapped to %p\n", gpio_addr);
printf("GPIO OE mapped to %p\n", gpio_oe_addr);
printf("GPIO SETDATAOUTADDR mapped to %p\n", gpio_setdataout_addr);
printf("GPIO CLEARDATAOUT mapped to %p\n", gpio_cleardataout_addr);
reg = *gpio_oe_addr;
printf("GPIO1 configuration: %X\n", reg);
reg = reg & (0xFFFFFFFF - USR1_LED);
*gpio_oe_addr = reg;
printf("GPIO1 configuration: %X\n", reg);
printf("Start blinking LED USR1\n");
while(1) {
*gpio_setdataout_addr= USR1_LED;
*gpio_cleardataout_addr = USR1_LED;
return 0;
The output is:
Mapping 4804C000 - 4804DFFF (size: 1FFF)
GPIO mapped to 0x40225000
GPIO OE mapped to 40225134
GPIO SEDATAOUTADDR mapped to 0x40225194
GPIO CLEARDATAOUTADDR mapped to 0x40225190
GPIO1 configuration: FE1FFFFF
GPIO1 configuratino: FE1FFFFF
Start blinking LED USR1
but I can't see the led blinking.
As you can see from the output of the program the configuration is correct, FE1FFFFF,
is coherent since GPIO1_21, GPIO1_22, GPIO1_23 and GPIO1_24 are configured as outputs,
each one driving a LED.
Any idea about the reason?
Be careful. This works at first blush, but it directly writes to a register that the GPIO controller driver believes it owns. It will cause odd and hard to track down side effects, either on this GPIO line or on a GPIO that is in the same bank. For this to work reliably you need to disable the entire bank from the kernel GPIO driver.
The fix is:
The code shown in the original post does not work with the latest Beaglebone Black and its associated 3.12 kernel. The control register offsets appear to have changed; the following code is verified to work properly:
#define GPIO0_BASE 0x44E07000
#define GPIO1_BASE 0x4804C000
#define GPIO2_BASE 0x481AC000
#define GPIO3_BASE 0x481AE000
#define GPIO_SIZE 0x00000FFF
// OE: 0 is output, 1 is input
#define GPIO_OE 0x14d
#define GPIO_IN 0x14e
#define GPIO_OUT 0x14f
#define USR0_LED (1<<21)
#define USR1_LED (1<<22)
#define USR2_LED (1<<23)
#define USR3_LED (1<<24)
int mem_fd;
char *gpio_mem, *gpio_map;
// I/O access
volatile unsigned *gpio;
static void io_setup(void)
// Enable all GPIO banks
// Without this, access to deactivated banks (i.e. those with no clock source set up) will (logically) fail with SIGBUS
// Idea taken from https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/beagleboard/OYFp4EXawiI/Mq6s3sg14HoJ
system("echo 5 > /sys/class/gpio/export");
system("echo 65 > /sys/class/gpio/export");
system("echo 105 > /sys/class/gpio/export");
/* open /dev/mem */
if ((mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC) ) < 0) {
printf("can't open /dev/mem \n");
exit (-1);
/* mmap GPIO */
gpio_map = (char *)mmap(
if (gpio_map == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("mmap error %d\n", (int)gpio_map);
exit (-1);
// Always use the volatile pointer!
gpio = (volatile unsigned *)gpio_map;
// Get direction control register contents
unsigned int creg = *(gpio + GPIO_OE);
// Set outputs
creg = creg & (~USR0_LED);
creg = creg & (~USR1_LED);
creg = creg & (~USR2_LED);
creg = creg & (~USR3_LED);
// Set new direction control register contents
*(gpio + GPIO_OE) = creg;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
while (1) {
// Set LEDs
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) | USR0_LED;
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) | USR1_LED;
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) | USR2_LED;
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) | USR3_LED;
// Clear LEDs
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) & (~USR0_LED);
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) & (~USR1_LED);
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) & (~USR2_LED);
*(gpio + GPIO_OUT) = *(gpio + GPIO_OUT) & (~USR3_LED);
return 0;
I post this here as it appears that mmap-ed access stopped working around the 3.8 kernel, and no one has posted a working solution since then. I had to reverse-engineer the control register offsets using the /sys/class/gpio interface; I hope this answer reduces some of the frustration associated with using the BeagleBone GPIOs with the newer kernels.
The code is licensed under a BSD license--feel free to use it wherever.
EDIT: user3078565 is correct in his answer above. You will need to disable the default user LED GPIO drivers either by setting their triggers to none or by completely hiding them from the kernel via editing the device tree. Failure to do this will result in the LEDs flashing as they are supposed to, but also occasionally having their states overridden by the kernel GPIO driver.
This was not an issue for my original application as it uses GPIO bank 0, which is largely ignored by the kernel GPIO drivers.
You might also need to enable the clock for any piece of hardware you are trying to control in user-space. Fortunately, you can use dev/mem and mmap() to fiddle with the clock control register for your particular piece of hardware, like this code I wrote to enable SPI0:
(define values are all from spruh73i.pdf register descriptions)
#define CM_PER_BASE 0x44E00000 /* base address of clock control regs */
#define CM_PER_SPI0_CLKCTRL 0x4C /* offset of SPI0 clock control reg */
#define SPIO_CLKCTRL_MODE_ENABLE 2 /* value to enable SPI0 clock */
int mem; // handle for /dev/mem
int InitSlaveSPI(void) // maps the SPI hardware into user space
char *pClockControl; // pointer to clock controlregister block (virtualized by OS)
unsigned int value;
// Open /dev/mem:
if ((mem = open ("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC)) < 0)
printf("Cannot open /dev/mem\n");
return 1;
printf("Opened /dev/mem\n");
// map a pointer to the clock control block:
pClockControl = (char *)mmap(0, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mem, CM_PER_BASE);
if(pClockControl == (char *)0xFFFFFFFF)
printf("Memory map failed. error %i\n", (uint32_t)pClockControl);
close( mem );
return 2;
value = *(uint32_t *)(pClockControl + CM_PER_SPI0_CLKCTRL);
printf("CM_PER_SPI0_CLKCTRL was 0x%08X\n", value);
*(uint32_t *)(pClockControl + CM_PER_SPI0_CLKCTRL) = SPIO_CLKCTRL_MODE_ENABLE;
value = *(uint32_t *)(pClockControl + CM_PER_SPI0_CLKCTRL);
printf("CM_PER_SPI0_CLKCTRL now 0x%08X\n", value);
munmap( pClockControl, 4096 ); // free this memory map element
Once I have executed this code fragment, I can access SPI0 registers using another mmap() pointer. If I don't enable the SPI0 module clock first, then I get a bus error when I try to access those SPI registers. Enabling the clock is persistent: Once enabled this way it stays on until you disable it, or maybe until you use the spidev and then close it, or reboot. So if your application is finished with the hardware you enabled, you might want to disable it to save power.
for enable GPIO banks....
enableClockModules () {
// Enable disabled GPIO module clocks.
// Wait for the enable complete.
// Wait for the enable complete.
// Wait for the enable complete.
// Wait for the enable complete.
MMAP_OFFSET = 0x44C00000
IDLEST_MASK = (0x03 << 16)
CM_WKUP = 0x44E00400
CM_PER = 0x44E00000
I have written a small library that perhaps you might be interested. At the moment only works with digital pins.
REF: madscientist159
// OE: 0 is output, 1 is input
#define GPIO_OE 0x14d
#define GPIO_IN 0x14e
#define GPIO_OUT 0x14f
should be
// OE: 0 is output, 1 is input
#define GPIO_OE 0x4d
#define GPIO_IN 0x4e
#define GPIO_OUT 0x4f
unsigned int offset address derived from the unsigned char address
This anomaly appears to be an artifact of incomplete address decoding in the AM335x chip. It makes sense that 0x4D, 0x4E, and 0x4F work as offsets from the base address for accessing these registers. C/C++ pointer arithmetic multiplies these offsets by 4 to produce true offsets of 0x134, 0x138, and 0x13C. However a 'shadow' copy of these registers can be accessed through 0x14D, 0x14E, and 0x14F. I have verified that both sets of offsets work. I didn't bother trying 0x24D etc.
The GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT register can be accessed using offset 0x64 and the GPIO_SETDATAOUT register can be accessed using offset 0x65.
I'm trying to connect to an STM8 using uart. The STM seems to transmit data OK, but what it receives seems to be mostly junk, and often seems to receive 2 bytes at once. Here's the code:
#include "../stm8.h"
// Setup the system clock to run at 16MHz using the internal oscillator.
void InitialiseSystemClock()
CLK_ICKR = 0; // Reset the Internal Clock Register.
CLK_ICKR |= CLK_ICKR_HSIEN ; // Enable the HSI.
CLK_ECKR = 0; // Disable the external clock.
while ((CLK_ICKR & CLK_ICKR_HSIRDY) == 0); // Wait for the HSI to be ready for use.
CLK_CKDIVR = 0; // Ensure the clocks are running at full speed.
CLK_PCKENR1 = 0xff; // Enable all peripheral clocks.
CLK_PCKENR2 = 0xff; // Ditto.
CLK_CCOR = 0; // Turn off CCO.
CLK_HSITRIMR = 0; // Turn off any HSIU trimming.
CLK_SWIMCCR = 0; // Set SWIM to run at clock / 2.
CLK_SWR = 0xe1; // Use HSI as the clock source.
CLK_SWCR = 0; // Reset the clock switch control register.
CLK_SWCR |= CLK_SWCR_SWEN; // Enable switching.
while ((CLK_SWCR & CLK_SWCR_SWBSY) != 0); // Pause while the clock switch is busy.
// Setup the UART to run at 115200 baud, no parity, one stop bit, 8 data bits.
// Important: This relies upon the system clock being set to run at 16 MHz.
void init_uart()
// Clear the Idle Line Detected bit in the status register by a read
// to the UART1_SR register followed by a Read to the UART1_DR register.
//unsigned char tmp = UART1_SR;
//tmp = UART1_DR;
//UART1_SR = 0xC0; // mcarter set to default value
// Reset the UART registers to the reset values.
UART1_CR1 = 0;
UART1_CR2 = 0;
UART1_CR4 = 0;
UART1_CR3 = 0;
UART1_CR5 = 0;
UART1_GTR = 0;
// Now setup the port to 115200,n,8,1.
// clear certain bits
UART1_CR1 &= ~UART1_CR1_M ; // 8 Data bits.
UART1_CR1 &= ~UART1_CR1_PCEN; // Disable parity
// stop bits
UART1_CR3 &= 0b11001111; // unmask the stop bit to default (1 stop bit)
//UART1_CR3 |= 0b00100000; // two stop bits
//UART1_CR3 |= 0b00110000; // 1.5 stop bits
//UART1_CR3 &= ~UART1_CR3_STOP; // 1 stop bit.
#if 1 //115200 baud
//UART1_BRR2 = 0x0a; // given in original example
UART1_BRR2 = 0x0b; // Set the baud rate registers to 115200 baud
UART1_BRR1 = 0x08; // based upon a 16 MHz system clock.
#else // 9600 baud, but seems to be worse than 115200
UART1_BRR2 = 0x03;
UART1_BRR1 = 0x69;
// Disable the transmitter and receiver.
//UART1_CR2_TEN = 0; // Disable transmit.
//UART1_CR2_REN = 0; // Disable receive.
// Set the clock polarity, lock phase and last bit clock pulse.
//UART1_CR3 |= UART1_CR3_LBCL; // this seems to cause problems
UART1_CR2 |= UART1_CR2_TEN; // enable transmit
UART1_CR2 |= UART1_CR2_REN; // enable receive
UART1_CR3 |= UART1_CR3_CLKEN; // unable uart clock
char uart_getc()
while((UART1_SR & UART1_SR_RXNE)==0); // Block until char rec'd
//char c = UART1_DR;
//return c;
return UART1_DR;
void uart_putc(char c)
while((UART1_SR & UART1_SR_TXE)==0); // Wait for transmission complete
UART1_DR = c; // transmit char
void UARTPrintf(char *message)
char *ch = message;
while (*ch)
void main()
UARTPrintf("Uart example: you type, I echo\n\r");
while (1)
char c = uart_getc();
//UARTPrintf("Hello from my microcontroller....\n\r");
//for (long counter = 0; counter < 2500000; counter++);
Relevant declaration headers are:
#define UART1_SR *(uchar*)(0x5230)
#define UART1_DR *(uchar*)(0x5231)
#define UART1_BRR1 *(uchar*)(0x5232)
#define UART1_BRR2 *(uchar*)(0x5233)
#define UART1_CR1 *(uchar*)(0x5234)
#define UART1_CR2 *(uchar*)(0x5235)
#define UART1_CR3 *(uchar*)(0x5236)
#define UART1_CR4 *(uchar*)(0x5237)
#define UART1_CR5 *(uchar*)(0x5238)
#define UART1_GTR *(uchar*)(0x5239)
#define UART1_PSCR *(uchar*)(0x523A)
#define UART1_CR1_M (1<<4)
#define UART1_CR1_PCEN (1<<2)
#define UART1_CR2_TEN (1<<3)
#define UART1_CR2_REN (1<<2)
#define UART1_CR3_STOP 4
#define UART1_CR3_CPOL (1<<2)
#define UART1_CR3_CPHA (1<<1)
#define UART1_CR3_LBCL (1<<0)
#define UART1_CR3_CLKEN (1<<3)
#define UART1_SR_TXE (1<<7)
#define UART1_SR_TC (1<<6)
#define UART1_SR_RXNE (1<<5)
I'm not really sure about stop bits, and all that. It's just "regular" serial communication.
I found that if I uncommented the line
//UART1_CR3 |= UART1_CR3_LBCL; // this seems to cause problems
then the stm8 prints out a continuous stream of junk. But with it commented out, the mcu seems to correctly know that there has been a transmission. There doesn't seem to be any pattern as to what it sees, though.
Hmm. The offending line seems to be
It's purpose seem to be to "enable the SCLK pin". I don't really understand what's going on here, but according to a pinout diagram, one of the purposes of pin PD4 is UART1_CK. So you can attach a UART clock to the STM8 and this enables it?? And thereby causes problems if a clock isn't attached. It doesn't make that much sense, really; I didn't know uarts could have external clocks.
Anyway, commenting out the line seems to have fixed things.
I'm working on Keil software and using LM3S316 microcontroller. Usually we address registers in microcontrollers in form of:
#define GPIO_PORTC_DATA_R (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x400063FC))
My question is how can I access to single pin of register for example, if I have this method:
char process_key(int a)
{ PC_0 = a ;}
How can I get PC_0 and how to define it?
Thank you
Given say:
#define PIN0 (1u<<0)
#define PIN1 (1u<<1)
#define PIN2 (1u<<2)
// etc...
char process_key(int a)
if( a != 0 )
// Set bit
// Clear bit
A generalisation of this idiomatic technique is presented at How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit?
However the read-modify-write implied by |= / &= can be problematic if the register might be accessed in different thread/interrupt contexts, as well as adding a possibly undesirable overhead. Cortex-M3/4 parts have a feature known as bit-banding that allows individual bits to be addressed directly and atomically. Given:
volatile uint32_t* getBitBandAddress( volatile const void* address, int bit )
__IO uint32_t* bit_address = 0;
uint32_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(address);
// This bit maniplation makes the function valid for RAM
// and Peripheral bitband regions
uint32_t word_band_base = addr & 0xf0000000u;
uint32_t bit_band_base = word_band_base | 0x02000000u;
uint32_t offset = addr - word_band_base;
// Calculate bit band address
bit_address = reinterpret_cast<__IO uint32_t*>(bit_band_base + (offset * 32u) + (static_cast<uint32_t>(bit) * 4u));
return bit_address ;
Then you can have:
char process_key(int a)
static volatile uint32_t* PC0_BB_ADDR = getBitBandAddress( &GPIO_PORTC_DATA_R, 0 ) ;
*PC0_BB_ADDR = a ;
You could of course determine and hard-code the bit-band address; for example:
#define PC0 (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x420C7F88u))
char process_key(int a)
PC0 = a ;
Details of the bit-band address calculation can be found ARM Cortex-M Technical Reference Manual, and there is an on-line calculator here.
Sorry about a newbie question. Trying to port this code to msp430f5529. It does not compile, says "Identifier CCTL0 undefined". Am I using a wrong clock? A wrong .h? Both?
// MSP430 Timer Blink LED Demo - Timer A Software Toggle P1.0 & P1.6
// Description; Toggle P1.0 and P1.6 by xor'ing them inside of a software loop.
// Since the clock is running at 1Mhz, an overflow counter will count to 8 and then toggle
// the LED. This way the LED toggles every 0.5s.
// ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO
// MSP430G2xx
// -----------------
// /|\| XIN|-
// | | |
// --|RST XOUT|-
// | P1.6|-->LED
// | P1.0|-->LED
// Aldo Briano
// Texas Instruments, Inc
// June 2010
// Built with Code Composer Studio v4
//#include <msp430g2231.h>
//#include <msp430.h>
#include <msp430f5529.h>
#define LED_0 BIT0
#define LED_1 BIT6
#define LED_OUT P1OUT
#define LED_DIR P1DIR
unsigned int timerCount = 0;
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
LED_DIR |= (LED_0 + LED_1); // Set P1.0 and P1.6 to output direction
LED_OUT &= ~(LED_0 + LED_1); // Set the LEDs off
TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2; // Set the timer A to SMCLCK, Continuous
// Clear the timer and enable timer interrupt
__bis_SR_register(LPM0 + GIE); // LPM0 with interrupts enabled
// Timer A0 interrupt service routine
#pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A(void)
timerCount = (timerCount + 1) % 8;
if (timerCount == 0)
P1OUT ^= (LED_0 + LED_1);
I haven't worked with the F5529, but I have worked with other F5x family, namely F5437 & F5438 in A and non-A versions.
You have to port the example to your device, so the CCTL0 & TACTL registers have to be replaced with YOUR microcontroller registers. Take a look at you device's datasheet.
It will surely be something in the form of:
Where x is the timer you are using.
From what I can see in the code you will be using TimerA0, so that will make them TA0CCTL0 and TA0CTL.
Hope this helps.
Trying to get an ATmega162 USART up and running. This code does exactly what I expect it to:
#define F_CPU 14745600UL
#define UBRR_1 F_CPU / 16 / 9600 - 1
#define UBRR_2 F_CPU / 16 / 31250 - 1
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main(){
uint16_t ubrr1 = UBRR_1;
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(ubrr1 >> 8);
UBRR0L = (uint8_t)ubrr1;
UCSR0C = _BV(URSEL0) | _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
uint16_t ubrr2 = UBRR_2;
UBRR1H = (uint8_t)(ubrr2 >> 8);
UBRR1L = (uint8_t)ubrr2;
UCSR1C = _BV(URSEL1) | _BV(UCSZ10) | _BV(UCSZ11);
DDRB = _BV(PB0) | _BV(PB1);
PORTB |= _BV(PB0);
while (1){
PORTB ^= _BV(PB0);
// byte received on usart 1
if ((UCSR1A & _BV(RXC1)) != 0){
// usart 0 ready to write
if ((UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)) != 0){
uint8_t b = UDR1;
UDR0 = b;
return 0;
That is, initializes the two USARTs at different baud rates, reads from USART1 and writes to USART0. Works great. Yes, I know that _delay_ms() is messing with the timing, but it works fine for this example. Now, as soon as I enable the RX interrupt on USART1 and add the appropriate vector, the main loop stops running (the LED isn't blinking, at least):
#define F_CPU 14745600UL
#define UBRR_1 F_CPU / 16 / 9600 - 1
#define UBRR_2 F_CPU / 16 / 31250 - 1
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main(){
uint16_t ubrr1 = UBRR_1;
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(ubrr1 >> 8);
UBRR0L = (uint8_t)ubrr1;
UCSR0C = _BV(URSEL0) | _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
uint16_t ubrr2 = UBRR_2;
UBRR1H = (uint8_t)(ubrr2 >> 8);
UBRR1L = (uint8_t)ubrr2;
UCSR1C = _BV(URSEL1) | _BV(UCSZ10) | _BV(UCSZ11);
DDRB = _BV(PB0) | _BV(PB1);
// enable usart1 rx interrupt
PORTB |= _BV(PB0);
// enable interrupts
while (1){
PORTB ^= _BV(PB0);
return 0;
uint8_t byte = UDR1;
if ((UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)) != 0){
UDR0 = byte;
The weirdest part is that it's not the sei(); and UCSR1B |= _BV(RXCIE1); lines that make the program stop working -- it's the existence of the ISR. As soon as I comment out that function, the main loop executes normally. Did I miss a flag somewhere?
It's possible this has been caused by the M161C fuse bit (in the extended fuse byte) becoming programmed. This puts the ATmega162 into ATmega161 compatibility mode which causes the device to have a different layout of the interrupt vector table (which the compiler won't know about.) See enter link description here Page 57 for the details. You could test this by compiling with -mmcu=atmega161 and seeing if it fixes the problem.
The other thing which would cause similar behaviour is if this code is run on an (almost identical-looking) ATmega16 instead of an ATmega162 as the UDR1 register is in a different place in the IO register map, meaning that the RXC interrupt flag would never get cleared and the handler would re-enter forever. You can check the register values the compiler is using by disassembling with avr-objdump.
I have to interface my GSM module with the AM1808 based on ARM9.
I have assigned all the GPIO pins to the Da850.c as well as mux.h files. I successfully created a uImage and inserted that image in my flash.
I need to handle some of that GPIO from User application.
I know that we can handle the GPIO from the Kerel space but i need to handle from the user space.
As for example I have assigned a GPIO for power key to GSM module. I need to change the pin means (HIGH or LOW) through application.
Ok i have written a following code to access it from the User Space,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "GSMpwr.h"
#define BS_GSM_PWR_REGISTER 0x01E26014
#define BS_DCDS_MASK 0x00000004
int fd; // Memory device descriptor
unsigned long *pPWR;
unsigned short GetGSMpwr(void)
#if defined __HOST_ARM
unsigned long dcd_value = *pPWR;
return (pwr_value >> 7) & 0x01;
void InitializeGSMpwr(void)
#if defined __HOST_ARM
int page_size = getpagesize();
unsigned int MAP_addr;
unsigned int reg_addr;
unsigned char *pTemp; // Pointer to GSMpwr register
* Open memory and get pointer to GSMpwr register in the FPGA
if((fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC)) < 0)
printf("failed to open /dev/mem");
MAP_addr = (BS_GSM_PWR_REGISTER & ~(page_size - 1));
pTemp = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL, page_size,(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE),MAP_SHARED,fd,MAP_addr);
if((pTemp == MAP_FAILED) || (pTemp == NULL))
printf("failed to map /dev/mem");
printf(“Memory Mapped at Address %p. \n”,pTemp);
virt_addr = map_base + (control & MAP_MASK);
reg_addr = (BS_GSM_PWR_REGISTER & (page_size - 1));
pPWR = (unsigned long*)(pTemp + reg_addr);
printf("GSM PWR PIN mapped in Application\n");
I can only read that pin through this code, Now i want to use that pin as an output and want to go high and low with the time interval of 3sec.
The easiest way is to utilize GPIO support in sysfs, where you could control all the exported GPIO's. Please have a look at the Linux kernel GPIO documentation, in particular, Sysfs Interface for Userspace part.
After you have enabled GPIO support in sysfs (GPIO_SYSFS), the GPIO control would be as easy as:
cd /sys/class/gpio
echo $GPIO > /sys/class/gpio/export
Notice on the first ls that gpio22 doesn't exist, but does after you export GPIO 22 to user space.
cd /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIO
There are files to set the direction and retrieve the current value.
echo "in" > direction
cat value
You can configure the GPIO for output and set the value as well.
echo "out" > direction
echo 1 > value
Example is taken from here.
I got it please find following code for that,I got the Specific pin address and i have accessed that pin like,
unsigned short GetGSMpwr(void)
unsigned long pwr_value = *pPWR;
printf("GSM_PWR:check Start : %ld",pwr_value);
return (pwr_value >> 1) & 0x01;
unsigned short SetGSMpwr(void)
unsigned long pwr_value = *pPWR;
printf("GSM_PWR:check Start : %ld",pwr_value);
*pPWR = ~((pwr_value >> 1) & 0x01);
unsigned short ClrGSMpwr(void)
unsigned long pwr_value = *pPWR;
printf("GSM_PWR:check Start : %ld",pwr_value);
*pPWR = 256;