What is the meaning of #[object1, object2]? [duplicate] - objective-c

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What kind of object does #[obj1, obj2] create?
Looking at the Master-Detail Template in Xcode, in the App Delegate the SplitViewController's view controllers are set like so:
self.splitViewController.viewControllers = #[masterNavigationController, detailNavigationController];
I don't know what the purpose of the # sign is before the square brackets. Is this just how NSArrays are made when not using [NSArray arrayWithObjects:]?

It's a new syntax feature. It's syntactic sugar for creating an array (NSArray) with the given objects.


Creating an NSDictionary by writing values inside curly braces [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can the new Clang Objective-C literals be redirected to custom classes?
(2 answers)
Objective-C at sign and curly braces, #{ ... } what does it mean?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
The NSDictionary class allows me to initialise it like this:
NSDictionary* attributes =
NSFontAttributeName: font
What is this construction method called, and how I can implement it in my own class? I want to have a class with properties that have default values, and I'd like to only set the ones I need during construction (in C++ I would have done this with default parameter values, but Objective-C does not have that), so this seemed like a legitimate approach. Or is this something NSDictionary specific?

Create Objective-C literal object like NSString [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can the new Clang Objective-C literals be redirected to custom classes?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I want to know if it's possible to create Objective-C literals like NSString, where instead of [[Object alloc] init], and then assigning you can just assign a value to it, such as #"A string".
Obviously NSString is an object because it has methods to manipulate the data in addition, so in theory there should be a way to do it yourself, but I'm not sure where to even go about finding stuff like this.
Objective-C is C. The primitive (what I would call scalar) data types are all numbers and are completely defined by the language; you cannot add to them (though you can rename them using typedef. The corresponding literals, such as 1 and "hello", are also part of C.
Similarly, literals like #"howdy" and #[#"howdy"], though defined by Objective-C rather than C, are part of the language and you cannot change or add to them, as the literal syntax is built into the language.

Objective C expression not understood [duplicate]

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Weird objective-c syntax - square brackets and # sign
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I come from a C++ background and am learning Objective-C.
One expression that I've encountered is not clear for me. It is as follows:
[tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:#[indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationNone];
What I don't understand is "#[indexPath]". Why do i need [] and #?
The method is...
- (void)reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:...
and takes an array as the parameter (i.e. multiple index paths).
The code...
uses objective-c literals to create an array.
The equivalent in "old" code is...
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:indexPath, nil];

Where to store strings for iOS app [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Constants in Objective-C
(14 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have an iOS app that requires me to have a "bank" of multiple strings. What I mean is that I need to have several strings that I can call upon at any time. Here is what I am thinking of.
// Strings.h
#define STR_ONE #"1"
#define STR_TWO #"2"
// ...
And when I need to use these strings, I simply include the header file. I chose to go with a header file because there will be many of these strings, and I just wanted to keep them separate.
So the question: Is this the best approach to solve my problem? Are there any alternate (and better) ways that I am missing?
Side notes: Is there any memory management I need to be thinking about here?
Should this be written to a file, and drawn upon from there?
NSArray: you can store a fixed amount of string insiden an array
NSArray* nameArr = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: #"Jill Valentine", #"Peter Griffin", #"Meg Griffin"
NSMutableArray: this type of array can expand and decrease in size.
NSMutableArray *names = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self.names addObject:#"Harry Potter"];
If the amount of Strings is not enorm, a simple Plist will work for you. But i also would recommend you to read about core data.
Property List Link

Creating a Map<Object,Array<Object>> in objective c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the Java equivalent of Objective-C's NSDictionary?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am interested in creating the java equivalent of a Map data structure that looks as follows:
Map <Object ---> NSMutableArray of objects>
Can anyone provide guidance on what would be the best way of doing this in objective c as I am fairly new to the language.
Objective-c does not have typed collections. You just create NSMutableDictionary instance, and put NSMutableArray into the values.