SQL Server turn off ANSI_WARNING ON A stored procedure - sql

I need to know how to turn off ANSI warnings on my stored procedure please. I keep getting the error
String or binary data would be truncated.
However, I would rather this be turned off so as I expect this and would rather allow it.
I added the statement
right before the stored procedure however, doing this does not seem to suppress the error at all.
For the reason why I have this truncate error to begin with, well one of my stored procs executes dynamic Sql to retrieve values(SQLFIddle showing the code ). And I had to set the length on all of my fields to the length of the max (NVarchar(3072)). When my query is executed however, I need them back to the right size when printing them to the client.
Would appreciate info on how to best deal with this please. Thanks in advance.

I agree with #marc_s -- fix the problem, not the symptom especially if your intent is to truncate. What will another developer think when he comes along and a proc is throwing these errors and a non standard flag was used to suppress the issue?
Code to make your intent to truncate clear.
Identifying your Problem
The fiddle doesn't display the behavior your describe. So I'm still a little confused as to the issue.
Also, your SQL fiddle is way too dense for a question like this. If I don't answer your question below work to isolate the problem to the simplest use case possible. Don't just dump 500 lines of your app into a window.
Note: The Max NVarchar is either 4000 in version of SQL 7 & 2000 or 2 Gigs (nvarchar(max)) in SQL 2005 and later. I have no idea where you came up with 3072.
My Test
If you're truncating at the SPROC parameter level, ANSI Warnings flags is ignored, as this MSDN page warns. If it's inside your procedure, I created a little test proc that displays the ANSI flag allowing truncation:
CREATE Proc DoSomething (#longThing varchar(50)) AS
DECLARE #T1 TABLE ( shortThing VARCHAR(20) );
Print ' I don''t even whimpler when truncating'
INSERT INTO #T1 (ShortThing) VALUES ( #longThing);
Print ' I yell when truncated'
INSERT INTO #T1 (ShortThing) VALUES ( #longThing);
Then calling it the following works as expected:
exec DoSomething 'Text string longer than 20 characters'
Nevertheless, why not just code so your intent to (potentially) truncate data is clear? You can avoid the warning rather than turn it off. I would do one of the following:
make your Procedure parameters long enough to accommodate the input
IF you need to shorten string data use Substring() to trim data.
Use CAST or CONVERT to format the data to your requirement. This page (section headed "Implicit Conversions" should help) details how cast & convert work.
My simple example above can be modified as follows to avoid the need to set any flag.
CREATE Proc DoSomethingBETTER (#longThing varchar(50)) AS
DECLARE #T1 TABLE ( shortThing VARCHAR(20) );
--try one of these 3 options...
INSERT INTO #T1 (ShortThing) VALUES ( Convert(varchar(20), #longThing));
INSERT INTO #T1 (ShortThing) VALUES ( Substring(#longThing, 1, 20));
INSERT INTO #T1 (ShortThing) VALUES ( Cast(#longThing as varchar(20)) );
Print('Ansi warnings can be on when truncating data');
An Aside - Clustered Guids
Looking at your fiddle I noticed that you Uniqueidentifer as the key in your Clustered indexes. In almost every scenario this is a pretty inefficient option. The randomness of GUIDs means your data is constantly being fragmented & re-shuffled.
Hopefully you can convert to int identity, you're using newsequentialid(), or COMB guids as described in Jimmy Nilsson's article.
You can see more about the problem here, here, here, and here.


Create a generic procedure, which inserts data into any table

I'm currently working on a .NET application and want to make it as modular as possible. I've already created a basic SELECT procedure, which returns data by checking inputted parameters on SQL Server side.
I want to create a procedure that parses structured data as string and inserts its' contents to corresponding table in database.
For example, I have a table as
CREATE TABLE ExampleTable (
id_exampleTable int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
exampleColumn1 nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
exampleColumn2 int NULL,
exampleColumn3 int NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_exampleTable PRIMARY KEY ( id_exampleTable )
And my procedure starts as
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertDataIntoCorrespondingTable
#dataTable nvarchar(max), --name of Table in my DB
#data nvarchar(max) --normalized string parameter as 'column1, column2, column3, etc.'
IF #dataTable = 'table'
/**Parse this string and execute insert command**/
ELSE IF /**Other statements**/
So basically, I'm looking for a solution that can help me achieve something like this
EXEC InsertDataIntoCorrespondingTableByID(
#dataTable = 'ExampleTable',
#data = '''exampleColumn1'', 2, 3'
Which should be equal to just
INSERT INTO ExampleTable SELECT 'exampleColumn1', 2, 3
Sure, I can push data as INSERT statements (for each and every 14 tables inside DB...), generated inside an app, but I want to conquer T-SQL :)
This might be reasonable (to some degree) on an RDBMS that supports structured data like JSON or XML natively, but doing this the way you are planning is going to cause some real pain-in-the-rear support and, more importantly, a sql injection attack vector. I would leave this to the realm of the web backend server where it belongs.
You are likely going to invent your own structured data markup language and parser to solve this as sql server. That's a wheel that doesn't need to be reinvented. If you do end up building this, highly consider going with JSON to avoid all the issues that structured data inherently bring with it, assuming your version of sql server supports json parsing/packaging.
Your front end that packages your data into your SDML is going to have to assume column ordinals, but column ordinal is not something that one should rely on in a database. SQL Amateurs often do, I know from years in the industry and dealing with end users that are upset when a new column is introduced in a position they don't want it. Adding a column to a table shouldn't break an application. If it does, that application has bad code.
Regarding the sql injection attack vector, your SP code is going to get ugly. You'll need to parse out each item in #data into a variable of its own in order to properly parameterize your dynamic sql that is being built. See here under the "working with parameters" section for what that will look like. Failure to add this to your SP code means that values passed in that #data SDML could become executable SQL instead of literals and that would be very bad. This is not easy to solve in SP language. Where it IS easy to solve though is in the backend server code. Every database library on the planet supports parameterized query building/execution natively.
Once you have this built you will be dynamically generating an INSERT statement and dynamically generating variables or an array or some data structure to pass in parameters to the INSERT statement to avoid sql injection attacks. It's going to be dynamic, on top of dynamic, on top of dynamic which leads to:
From a support context, imagine that your application just totally throws up one day. You have to dive into investigate. You track the SDML that your front end created that caused the failure, and you open up your SP code to troubleshoot. Imagine what this code ends up looking like
It has to determine if the table exists
It has to parse the SDML to get each literal
It has to read DB metadata to get the column list
It has to dynamically write the insert statement, listing the columns from metadata and dynamically creating sql parameters for the VALUES() list.
It has to execute sending a dynamic number of variables into the dynamically generated sql.
My support staff would hang me out to dry if they had to deal with that, and I'm the one paying them.
All of this is solved by using a proper backend to handle communication, deeper validation, sql parameter binding, error catching and handling, and all the other things that backend servers are meant to do.
I believe that your back end web server should be VERY aware of the underlying data model. It should be the connection between your view, your data, and your model. Leave the database to the things it's good at (reading and writing data). Leave your front end to the things that it's good at (presenting a UI for the end user).
I suppose you could do something like this (may need a little extra work)
declare #columns varchar(max);
select #columns = string_agg(name, ', ') WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY column_id )
from sys.all_columns
where object_id = object_id(#dataTable);
declare #sql varchar(max) = select concat('INSERT INTO ',#dataTable,' (',#columns,') VALUES (', #data, ')')
exec sp_executesql #sql
But please don't. If this were a good idea, there would be tons of examples of how to do it. There aren't so it's probably not a good idea.
There are however tons of examples of using ORMs or auto-generated code in stead - because that way your code is maintainable, debugable and performant.

How to use OPENROWSET to execute a stored procedure with parameters and insert result into a temp table

I want to insert the results of a stored procedure into a temp table using OPENROWSET. However, the issue I run into is I'm not able to pass parameters to my stored procedure.
This is my stored procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[N_spRetrieveStatement]
#PeopleCodeId nvarchar(10),
#StatementNumber int
DECLARE #PersonId int
SELECT #PersonId = [dbo].[fnGetPersonId](#PeopleCodeId)
INTO #tempSpRetrieveStatement
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=PCPRODDB01;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
'EXEC Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement #StatementNumber, #PersonId');
--2577, 15084
FROM #tempSpRetrieveStatement;
OpenRowSet will not allow you to execute Procedure with input parameters. You have to use INSERT/EXEC.
INTO #tempSpRetrieveStatement(Col1, Col2,...)
EXEC PCPRODDB01.Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement #StatementNumber, #PersonId
Create and test a LinkedServer for PCPRODDB01 before running the above command.
The root of your problem is that you don't actually have parameters inside your statement that you're transmitting to the remote server you're connecting to, given the code sample you provided. Even if it was the very same machine you were connecting to, they'd be in different processes, and the other process doesn't have access to your session variables.
LinkedServer was mentioned as an option, and my understanding is that's the preferred option. However in practice that's not always available due to local quirks in tech or organizational constraints. It happens.
But there is a way to do this.
It's hiding in plain sight.
You need to pass literals into the string that will be executed on the other server, right?
So, you start by building the string that will do that.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[N_spRetrieveStatement]
#PeopleCodeId nvarchar(10),
#StatementNumber int
#PersonId INT,
#TempSQL VARCHAR(4000) = '';
SELECT #PersonId = [dbo].[fnGetPersonId](#PeopleCodeId);
SET #TempSQL =
'EXEC Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement(''''' +
FORMAT(#StatementNumber,'D') +''''', ''''' +
FORMAT(#PersonId,'D') + ''''')';
--2577, 15084
Note the seemingly excessive number of quotes. That's not a mistake -- that's foreshadowing. Because, yes, OPENROWSET hates taking variables as parameters. It, too, only wants literals. So, how do we give OPENROWSET what it needs?
We create a string that is the entire statement, no variables of any kind. And we execute that.
SET #TempSQL =
'SELECT * INTO #tempSpRetrieveStatement ' +
'FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', ''Server=PCPRODDB01;Trusted_Connection=yes;'', ' + #TempSQL +
'EXEC Campus.dbo.spRetrieveStatement #StatementNumber, #PersonId';
EXEC (#TempSQL);
FROM #tempSpRetrieveStatement;
And that's it! Pretty simple except for counting your escaped quotes, right?
Now... This is almost beyond the scope of the question you asked, but it is a 'gotcha' I've experienced in executing stored procedures in another machine via OPENROWSET. You're obviously used to using temp tables. This will fail if the stored procedure you're calling is creating temp tables or doing a few other things that -- in a nutshell -- inspire the terror of ambiguity into your SQL server. It doesn't like ambiguity. If that's the case, you'll see a message like this:
"Msg 11514, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1
The metadata could not be determined because statement '…your remote EXEC statement here…' in procedure '…name of your local stored procedure here…' contains dynamic SQL. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set."
So, what's up with that?
You don't just get data back with OPENROWSET. The local and remote servers have a short conversation about what exactly the local server is going to expect from the remote server (so it can optimize receiving and processing it as it comes in -- something that's extremely important for large rowsets). Starting with SQL Server 2012, sp_describe_first_result_set is the newer procedure for this, and normally it executes quickly without you noticing it. It's just that it's powers of divination aren't unlimited. Namely, it doesn't know how to get the type and name information regarding temp tables (and probably a few other things it can't do -- PIVOT in a select statement is probably right out).
I specifically wanted to be sure to point this out because of your reply regarding your hesitation about using LinkedServer. In fact, the very same reasons you're hesitant are likely to render that error message's suggestion completely useless -- you can't even predict what columns you're getting and in what order until you've got them.
I think what you're doing will work if, say, you're just branching upstream based on conditional statements and are executing one of several potential SELECT statements. I think it will work if you're just not confident that you can depend on the upstream component being fixed and are trying to ensure that even if it varies, this procedure doesn't have to because it's very generic.
But on the other hand you're facing a situation in which you literally cannot guarantee that SQL Server can predict the columns, you're likely going to have to force some changes in the stored procedure you're calling to insist that it's stable. You might, for instance work out how to ensure all possible fields are always present by using CASE expressions rather than any PIVOT. You might create a session table that's dedicated to housing what you need to SELECT just long enough to do that then DELETE the contents back out of there. You might change the way in which you transmit your data such that it's basically gone through the equivalent of UNPIVOT. And after all that extra work, maybe it'll be just a matter of preference if you use LinkedServer or OPENROWSET to port the data across.
So that's the answer to the literal question you asked, and one of the limits on what you can do with the answer.

How can I ignore 'Arithmetic Overflow' related errors from within a data view?

I have a complex data view that recursively links and summarizes information.
Each night a scheduled task runs a stored procedure that selects all of the data from the data view, and inserts it into a table so that users can query and analyze the data much more quickly than running a select statement on the data view.
The parent table consists of a few hundred thousand records and the result set from the export is well over 1,000,000 records in size.
For most nights the exportation process works without any trouble, however, if a user enters an incorrect value within our master ERP system, it will crash the nightly process because one of the decimal fields will contain a value that doesn't fit within some of the conversions that I have to make on the data. Debugging and finding the specific, errant field can be very hard and time consuming.
With that said, I've read about the two SQL settings NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT and ARITHABORT. These sounds like the perfect options for solving my problem, however, I can't seem to get them to work with either my data view or stored procedure.
My stored procedure is nothing more than a TRUNCATE and INSERT statement. I appended...
... to the beginning of the SP and that didn't help. I assume this is because the error is technically taking place from within the code associated with the data view.
Next, I tried adding two extended properties to the Data View, hoping that that would work. It didn't.
Is there a way that I can set these SQL properties to ignore rounding errors so that I can export my data from my data view?
I know for most of us, as SO answerers, our first inclination is to ask for code. In this case, however, the code is both extremely complex and proprietary. I know fixing the definitions that cause the occasional overflow is the most ideal solution, but in this circumstance, it is much more efficient to just ignore these type of errors because they happen on such a rare basis and are so difficult to troubleshoot.
What can I do to ignore this behavior?
By chance, I believe I might have found the root cause of the issue, however, I have no idea why this would be occurring. It just doesn't make since.
Through out my table view, I have various fields that are calculated. Since these fields need to fit in fields within the table that are defined as decimal (12, 5), I always wrap the view field statements in a CAST( ... AS DECIMAL(12, 5)) clauses.
By chance, I stumbled upon an oddity. I decided to see how SSMS "saw" my data view. In the SSMS Object Explorer, I expanded the Views->[My View]-Columns section and I saw that one of the fields was defined as a decimal (13, 5).
I assumed that I must have made a mistake in one of my casting statements but after searching throughout the code for the table view, there is no definition for a decimal(13, 5) field?! My only guess is that the definition that SSMS sees of the view field must be derived from resulting data. However, I have no clue how this could happen since I each field to a decimal(12, 5).
I would like to know why this is happening but, again, my original question still stands. How and what SET statement can I define on a table view that will ignore all of thee arithmetic overflows and write a null value in the fields with errant data?
I've marked HeavenCore's response as the answer because it does address my question but it hasn't solved my underlying problem.
After a bit of troubleshooting and attempts at trying to get my export to work, I'm going to have to try a different approach. I still can't get the export to work, even if I set the NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT and ARITHABORT properties to OFF.
i think ARITHABORT is your friend here.
For instance, using SET ARITHABORT OFF & SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF will NULL the values it fails to cast (instead of throwing exceptions)
Here is a quick example:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_OverflowExample](
[Value] [decimal](12, 2) NULL
INSERT [dbo].[tbl_OverflowExample] ([Value]) VALUES (CAST(9999999999.00 AS Decimal(12, 2)))
INSERT [dbo].[tbl_OverflowExample] ([Value]) VALUES (CAST(1.10 AS Decimal(12, 2)))
--#### Select data without any casting - works
FROM dbo.tbl_OverflowExample
--#### With ARITHABORT and ANSI warnings disabled - Returns NULL for 999999 but 1.10 as expected
FROM dbo.tbl_OverflowExample
--#### With defaults - Fails with overflow exception
FROM dbo.tbl_OverflowExample
Personally though - i'd prefer to debug the view and employ some CASE /.../ END statements to return NULL if the underlying value is greater than the target data type - this would ensure the view works regardless of the connection options.
EDIT: Corrected some factual errors

SQL Server silently truncates varchar's in stored procedures

According to this forum discussion, SQL Server (I'm using 2005 but I gather this also applies to 2000 and 2008) silently truncates any varchars you specify as stored procedure parameters to the length of the varchar, even if inserting that string directly using an INSERT would actually cause an error. eg. If I create this table:
[testStringField] [nvarchar](5) NOT NULL
then when I execute the following:
INSERT INTO testTable(testStringField) VALUES(N'string which is too long')
I get an error:
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
Great. Data integrity preserved, and the caller knows about it. Now let's define a stored procedure to insert that:
#testStringField [nvarchar](5)
INSERT INTO testTable(testStringField) VALUES(#testStringField)
and execute it:
EXEC spTestTableInsert #testStringField = N'string which is too long'
No errors, 1 row affected. A row is inserted into the table, with testStringField as 'strin'. SQL Server silently truncated the stored procedure's varchar parameter.
Now, this behaviour might be convenient at times but I gather there is NO WAY to turn it off. This is extremely annoying, as I want the thing to error if I pass too long a string to the stored procedure. There seem to be 2 ways to deal with this.
First, declare the stored proc's #testStringField parameter as size 6, and check whether its length is over 5. This seems like a bit of a hack and involves irritating amounts of boilerplate code.
Second, just declare ALL stored procedure varchar parameters to be varchar(max), and then let the INSERT statement within the stored procedure fail.
The latter seems to work fine, so my question is: is it a good idea to use varchar(max) ALWAYS for strings in SQL Server stored procedures, if I actually want the stored proc to fail when too long a string is passed? Could it even be best practice? The silent truncation that can't be disabled seems stupid to me.
It just is.
I've never noticed a problem though because one of my checks would be to ensure my parameters match my table column lengths. In the client code too. Personally, I'd expect SQL to never see data that is too long. If I did see truncated data, it'd be bleeding obvious what caused it.
If you do feel the need for varchar(max) beware a massive performance issue because of datatype precedence. varchar(max) has higher precedence than varchar(n) (longest is highest). So in this type of query you'll get a scan not a seek and every varchar(100) value is CAST to varchar(max)
UPDATE ...WHERE varchar100column = #varcharmaxvalue
There is an open Microsoft Connect item regarding this issue.
And it's probably worthy of inclusion in Erland Sommarkog's Strict settings (and matching Connect item).
Edit 2, after Martins comment:
SELECT #sql = 'B', #nsql = 'B';
DECLARE #t table(c varchar(8000));
INSERT INTO #t values (replicate('A', 7500));
SELECT LEN(c) from #t;
LEN(#sql + c),
LEN(#nsql + c),
DATALENGTH(#sql + c),
DATALENGTH(#nsql + c)
FROM #t;
Thanks, as always, to StackOverflow for eliciting this kind of in-depth discussion. I have recently been scouring through my Stored Procedures to make them more robust using a standard approach to transactions and try/catch blocks. I disagree with Joe Stefanelli that "My suggestion would be to make the application side responsible", and fully agree with Jez: "Having SQL Server verify the string length would be much preferable". The whole point for me of using stored procedures is that they are written in a language native to the database and should act as a last line of defence. On the application side the difference between 255 and 256 is just a meangingless number but within the database environment, a field with a maximum size of 255 will simply not accept 256 characters. The application validation mechanisms should reflect the backend db as best they can, but maintenance is hard so I want the database to give me good feedback if the application mistakenly allows unsuitable data. That's why I'm using a database instead of a bunch of text files with CSV or JSON or whatever.
I was puzzled why one of my SPs threw the 8152 error and another silently truncated. I finally twigged: The SP which threw the 8152 error had a parameter which allowed one character more than the related table column. The table column was set to nvarchar(255) but the parameter was nvarchar(256). So, wouldn't my "mistake" address gbn's concern: "massive performance issue"? Instead of using max, perhaps we could consistently set the table column size to, say, 255 and the SP parameter to just one character longer, say 256. This solves the silent truncation problem and doesn't incur any performance penalty.
Presumably there is some other disadvantage that I haven't thought of, but it seems a good compromise to me.
I'm afraid this technique is not consistent. Further testing reveals that I can sometimes trigger the 8152 error and sometimes the data is silently truncated. I would be very grateful if someone could help me find a more reliable way of dealing with this.
Update 2:
Please see Pyitoechito's answer on this page.
The same behavior can be seen here:
declare #testStringField [nvarchar](5)
set #testStringField = N'string which is too long'
select #testStringField
My suggestion would be to make the application side responsible for validating the input before calling the stored procedure.
Update: I'm afraid this technique is not consistent. Further testing reveals that I can sometimes trigger the 8152 error and sometimes the data is silently truncated. I would be very grateful if someone could help me find a more reliable way of dealing with this.
This is probably occurring because the 256th character in the string is white-space. VARCHARs will truncate trailing white-space on insertion and just generate a warning. So your stored procedure is silently truncating your strings to 256 characters, and your insertion is truncating the trailing white-space (with a warning). It will produce an error when said character is not white-space.
Perhaps a solution would be to make the stored procedure's VARCHAR a suitable length to catch a non-white-space character. VARCHAR(512) would probably be safe enough.
One solution would be to:
Change all incoming parameters to be varchar(max)
Have sp private variable of the correct datalength (simply copy and paste all in parameters and add "int" at the end
Declare a table variable with the column names the same as variable names
Insert into the table a row where each variable goes into the column with the same name
Select from the table into internal variables
This way your modifications to the existing code are going to be very minimal like in the sample below.
This is the original code:
create procedure spTest
#p1 varchar(2),
#p2 varchar(3)
This is the new code:
create procedure spTest
#p1 varchar(max),
#p2 varchar(max)
declare #p1Int varchar(2), #p2Int varchar(3)
declare #test table (p1 varchar(2), p2 varchar(3)
insert into #test (p1,p2) varlues (#p1, #p2)
select #p1Int=p1, #p2Int=p2 from #test
Note that if the length of the incoming parameters is going to be greater than the limit instead of silently chopping off the string SQL Server will throw off an error.
You could always throw an if statement into your sp's that check the length of them, and if they're greater than the specified length throw an error. This is rather time consuming though and would be a pain to update if you update the data size.
This isn't the Answer that'll solve your problem today, but it includes a Feature Suggestion for MSSQL to consider adding, that would resolve this issue.
It is important to call this out as a shortcoming of MSSQL, so we may help them resolve it by raising awareness of it.
Here's the formal Suggestion if you'd like to vote on it:
I share your frustration.
The whole point of setting Character-Size on Parameters is so other Developers will instantly know
what the Size Limits are (via Intellisense) when passing in Data.
This is like having your documentation baked right into the Sproc's Signature.
Look, I get it, Implicit-Conversion during Variable Assignments is the culprit.
Still, there is no good reason to expend this amount of energy battling scenarios
where you are forced to work around this feature.
If you ask me, Sprocs and Functions should have the same engine-rules in place,
for Assigning Parameters, that are used when Populating Tables. Is this really too much to ask?
All these suggestions to use Larger Character-Limits
and then adding Validation for EACH Parameter in EVERY Sproc is ridiculous.
I know it's the only way to ensure Truncation is avoided, but really MSSQL?
I don't care if it's ANSI/ISO Standard or whatever, it's dumb!
When Values are too long - I want my code to break - every time.
It should be: Do not pass go, and fix your code.
You could have multiple truncation bugs festering for years and never catch them.
What happened to ensuring your Data-Integrity?
It's dangerous to assume your SQL Code will only ever be called after all Parameters are Validated.
I try to add the same Validation to both my Website and in the Sproc it calls,
and I still catch Errors in my Sproc that slipped past the website. It's a great sanity-check!
What if you want to re-use your Sproc for a WebSite/WebService and also have it called from other
Sprocs/Jobs/Deployment/Ad-Hoc Scripts (where there is no front-end to Validate Parameters)?
MSSQL Needs a "NO_TRUNC" Option to Enforce this on any Non-Max String Variable
(even those used as Parameters for Sprocs and Functions).
It could be Connection/Session-Scoped:
(like how the "TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED" Option affects all Queries)
Or focused on a Single Variable:
(like how "NOLOCK" is a Table Hint for just 1 Table).
Or a Trace-Flag or Database Property you turn on to apply this to All Sproc/Function Parameters in the Database.
I'm not asking to upend decades of Legacy Code.
Just asking MS for the option to better manage our Databases.

SQL Server 2005 Determine Stored Procedure Output Type

I'm working on a legacy system, and I need to call a stored procedure to retrieve the data I need. The problem is, I don't have any idea as to what the output column format is. Short of going into the stored procedure and figuring out the output column format from the SQL, is there a way for me to see what the output column types are? I can run the stored procedure just fine, but the code is a mess, and I'd prefer to treat it as a black box if I could.
EDIT: I know that its not possible for me to determine this from the database metadata, since the procedure may return different results based upon what the input is. I guess I should rephrase my question: given the result set from a stored procedure, how can I determine the column types?
As you already know, you cannot determine that information from any database metadata (since there is none) - and unfortunately, you cannot determine that from the result set, either - at least not in any reliable, deterministic way.
When you call a stored procedure, all you get back is a bunch of columns and a bunch of rows. There's no inherent information available about the types of those columns. Best you can do is guess - if the data contains alphanumeric characters, it's a VARCHAR/string field. If it has only numeric digits, and possibly a decimal separator, it's likely to be a INT or DECIMAL (or MONEY or SMALLMONEY - can't really tell for sure). If it looks like a DATE and can be converted to a DATE, it's probably a DATE, DATETIME, DATETIME2 or something like that.
The only reliable way is to have some documentation on the output values that the stored procedure generates. Anything else is guesswork at best.
what will you do if the stored proc outputs different resultsets depending on what is passed in...for example
create procedure Test
#var int
if #var =1
select col1,col2 from table1
else if #var =2
select col4,col2 ,col5,col1 from table2
select * from table3
There is a SET options but it is being deprecated
exec YourProc