reStructuredText - How to create table styles used by rst2odt? - stylesheet

From the document:
The default table style -- Optionally, alter and customize the style applied by default to tables in your document by modifying table "rststyle-table-0" in your stylesheet (styles.odt or a copy). Caution: Do not change the name of this table.
As I understand it, I need to create a table named "rststyle-table-0" and format it the way I want, then save it as styles.odt. The command line to translate rst to odt:
rst2odt --stylesheet=styles.odt rst.txt rst.odt
This raises an exception:
TypeError: cannot serialize None (type NoneType)
Exiting due to error. Use "--traceback" to diagnose.
Please report errors to <>.
Include "--traceback" output, Docutils version (0.8.1 [release]),
Python version (2.7.3), your OS type & version, and
the command line used.
Deleting the table "rststyle-table-0", the command works fine.
First, I found out I did it the wrong way. I should have used a copy of the file styles.odt (writers/odf_odt/styles.odt in the installation directory) for my custom stylesheet.
Second, the cause of the exception was because my custom table had no border. If you want have a border-less table, you can create a table with white borders.


tcolorbox in RMarkdown with shortcuts

I'm using the LaTex library tcolorbox in a RMarkdown document to list R code with tbclisting{...}. It works fine when I use the full command is used in the document
\begin{tcblisting}{colback=red!5!white, colframe=red!50!black,listing only,before skip=5 cm,
title=R code for finding and plotting frequencies from sorted data - Figure 3.5,hbox, enhanced, drop fuzzy shadow, listing options={language=R,keywordstyle=\color{blue}},before=\begin{center}, after=\end{center}}
some text
Due to the length of the command and the multiple use of similar boxes, changing each box to reflect, say, a new color, is tedious and error prone. I'd like to create a short cut using
\newtcblisting{mybox}[1]{%colback=red!5!white, colframe=red!50!black,listing only,before skip=5 cm,title={#1},hbox, enhanced, drop fuzzy shadow, listing options={language=R,keywordstyle=\color{blue}}, before=\begin{center}, after=\end{center}}
in the preamble as in the LaTex documentation, then implemented using
when I refer to the predefined box using
\begin{mybox}{my box title}
some text
but the compiler-to-pdf gives me an error message
**!Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tcb/[' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.**
I'm thinking that 1) RMarkdown/tcolorbox doesn't support this or 2) something is wrong with my syntax. For 2) I've tried putting the newtcblisting definition in the preamble header-includes: section with the "-" preceding it (no good) and in the main body of the document w/o the "-". Also no good.
Can anyone help with this?

Wrong "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" while migrating Azure DevOps Work Items

I am testing the azure-devops-migration-tools and have create a project using (Parts Unlimited). I have generated the configuration.json and changed the Source and Target so I can test a migration, but I'm getting errors while migrating Work Items.
[15:14:41 ERR] Error running query
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.ValidationException: TF51005: The query references a field that does not exist. The error is caused by «ReflectedWorkItemId».
I've tried different options on the "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" field, Scrum, Basic, Agile, Custom, empty but am still unable to migrate the work items.
How can I get the value to put on this field for the specific project?
Quick Solution: Most ADO instances use the prefix 'custom' for new fields. Try "Custom.ReflectedWorkItemId" in your configuration.json to see if that resolves the problem.
More details: It's hard to tell without an actual configuration.JSON file to review. One possible problem is that you need to use the actual and full internal 'Name' of the ReflectedWorkItemID field. This doesn't show in ADO, or the Process Template when created. The recommendation is that you create a query referencing your custom field, and export the WIQL file (query file). Once you export the WIQL file, you can then open the file and see the full syntax of the custom field.
Exporting Queries: If you don't know how to do this, it can be done with VisualStudio. If you don't know how to do that, you can install this extension. It's a handy WIQL import/Export and editor. Install, and your ADO Queries with have an Edit in WIQL Editor option. Create a query that exposes your 'ReflectedWorkItemID' as a column, then edit that query in the WIQL editor and see the full names of the Reflected Work Items ID Feild.
FROM workitems
I found a possible solution. I have created a custom process, change the process from the projects to this new one and add a new field. This is the field I'm using on the configuration.json and now I'm able to migrate work items
To make the migration in the "ReflectedWorkItemIDFieldName" you must do:
"Organization Settings" -> Process -> Select the process where you project are (Basic, Scrum, Agil, or CMMI).
then click on the 3 dots and create a new Inherited process.
Then with the inherited process, you are able to create a new field for each work item type. The name that you type (could be "IronMan") that name will be in your configuration file.

SMSS: text qualifier in the Tasks > Data Import?

I am trying to import a file, source here and selections here (select all fields and select "Pilkkueroteltu (otsikollinen)" and then click Jatka to download), with two header rows, " as text qualifier, comma as a field separator and with UTF-8 format. I am unable to do this in Micsosoft Server SQL Management Studio. I will focus now only on the text qualifier where " does not work (only reading the first quote as text qualifier).
where I am unable to specify the column separator, no idea why this is occurring.
Update 1
Refresh/Reset buttons fixed the initial preview but I am getting the following preview error in the step Select Source Tables and Views later.
Update 2
I get the LocaleID error The LocaleID 11 is not installed on this system.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard). I am getting the same error despite Locale/Code page settings, what is causing this?
How to specify the text qualifier in the MSMM?
I tried to replicate your scene. Very first, I had to delete first heading entry eg : "Kuntien avainluvut 1987-2016"
Please see : sample image
Column delimited is: ,
Might not be accurate answer or different from something which you expect, but by applying above settings, I could import data through SSMS2012
edit : based on comments.
Here is the detailed steps :
next, you need to change column width of first column as it gave me data truncate error
I have also got a dtsx package for the same, but I don't know how can I share it with you here.

Global variables in Intellij templates

I am trying to create some variables similar to the predefined ones that come with the IntelliJ templating system. I am looking to create a variable called $MY_NAME_AND_EMAIL where I can define it once and then reference it in different templates. Is this possible?
I have tried creating an include called AuthorName.txt:
#set($MY_NAME_AND_EMAIL = "Name <>")
Then, in one of my templates, I put the following line at the top:
Further down the file, I use ${MY_NAME_AND_EMAIL} in the header. However, when I create a new file base on that template, it still prompts me for the name and email field, even though I set it in an include file and added the #parse directive. What am I doing wrong?

WiX: How to create file name from a property value

I have a working WiX installer that correctly writes properties to certain INI files, which works fine, but I have a need to generate the name of an INI file on the fly, from the computer name, eg.
where xxx is my computer name.
I have tried all sorts of combinations of properties and I just can't seem to get it working. Can anyone put me right ?
This is my latest attempt that doesn't work:
<Property Id="MACHINEINI" Value="MACHINE([%COMPUTERNAME]).ini" />
<IniFile Id="IniPermissions"
Value="TEST" />
I never see the value of MACHINEINI, as the filename that gets created is actually called
The value it writes in is correct, so I see the contents as follows:
[xxx] Permissions=TEST
(where xxx is my machine name)
I have tried using [ComputerName], [COMPUTERNAME], [%COMPUTERNAME]
When I build the installer, I get the following error:
C:\Source\blah\BLAH.wxs(50) : warning CNDL1077 : The 'MACHINEINI' Pro
perty contains '[COMPUTERNAME]' in its value which is an illegal
reference to an other property. If this value is a string literal,
not a property reference, pl ease ignore this warning. To set a
property with the value of another property, use a CustomAction with
Property and Value attributes.
The underlying Windows Installer table doesn't support this. Note that the FileName column is of type FileName. Only the Formatted type can take a [PROPERTY].
IniFile Table
You could need a custom action to write temporary records to the IniFile table to transform the file name. The advantage versus using a custom action to literally write the INI file is that rollback would be automatically handled for you.
It's not possible to tell you how to do this exactly since I don't know what language you'd want to use to write the custom action.
A simpler approach (from the installers perspective) would be to transform the [KEY] name inside a single INI instead of writing to different INI files.