Android WebDriver not able to enter alphanumeric character - selenium

I am trying to automate a mobile website on android device, using Android WebDriver library.
When the script enters some alphanumeric characters , eg Test12345, in a text field the textbox shows "TEST!##$%" as entered text. It is true for any alphanumeric word starting with capital letter.
But, if I make the first character a SMALL character or a number then correct word is inserted.
Here is the code which I am using (same scenario happens on any textbox field)
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
Is it a bug or am I missing something?

It seems that this is a bug. As a workaround you can type any (except NULL U+E000 or "\xEE\x80\x80" in UTF-8) character before your string. E.g. you can start typing with sending two SHIFT (U+E008 or "\xEE\x80\x88" in UTF-8) characters, or one CLEAR (U+E005 or "\xEE\x80\x85" in UTF-8) character. Just anything unprintable, and after that type your string.

FYI: I've confirmed the bug still exists. I'm looking at the android webdriver code to see if I can fathom out why it's occurring. I have some ideas, it's likely to be in one or other of:
and related to mapping keys between Selenium-Webdriver and Android.
I have found another workaround, similar to the one mentioned by Ivan. Mine involves splitting the text into 2 parts, the first capitalized character e.g. the T and use sendKeys to send it; then send the rest of the text e.g. est12345
Ugly, shouldn't be necessary, but a practical option that doesn't involve sending extra (unprintable) characters.


How to determine Thousands Separator using Format in VBA

I would like to determine the Thousand Separator used while running a VBA Code on a target machine without resolving to calling system built-in functions such as (Separator = Application.ThousandsSeparator).
I am using the following simple code using 'Format':
ThousandSeparator = Mid(Format(1000, "#,#"), 2, 1)
The above seems to work fine, and would like to confirm if this is a safe method of doing it without resorting to system calls.
I would expect the result to be a single char string in the form of , or . or ' or a Space as applicable to the locale on the machine.
Please note that I want to only use a language statement such as Format or similar (no sys calls). Also this relates to Thousands Separator not Decimal Separator. This article Using VBA to detect which decimal sign the computer is using does not help or answer my question. Thanks
Thanks in advance.
The strict answer to whether it is safe to use Format to get the thousands separator is No.
E.g. on Windows, it is possible to enter up to three characters into the Thousands Separator field in the regional settings in the control panel.
Suppose you enter asd and click OK.
If you now call Format(1000, "#,#") it will give you 1a000. That is only the first letter of your thousands separator. You have failed to retrieve it correctly.
Reading the registry:
? CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegRead("HKCU\Control Panel\International\sThousand")
you get back asd in full.
To be fair, the Excel international properties do not seem to be of much help either. Application.International(xlThousandsSeparator) in this situation will return the separator originally defined in your computer's locale, not the value you've overridden it to.
Having that said, the practical answer is Yes, because it would appear (and if you happen to know for sure, please post an answer here) that there is no culture with multi-char thousand separator (even in China where scary things like 1億2345万6789 or 1億2345萬6789 exist, they happen to be represented with just one UTF-16 character), and you probably are happy to ignore the people who decided to play with their locale settings in that fashion.

Replacing first and last character of every word using REGEXP_REPLACE

My question is somewhat specific, I'm not using any kind of code compiler to achieve the result in the title, I am using a IRC Client that allows the use of "Quirks" so the users can have specific mannerisms when chatting, like starting every word with an uppercase, or changing every "s" into a "2".
Problem is that I can't see the whole code so even though I'm not familiar with REGEXP_REPLACE it makes things harder to learn.
The client simplifies the whole coding process, here's a screenshot of the
Filling the text boxes with "^(\w)" and "upper(\1)" respectively makes the first character capitalized, "(\w)$" and "upper(\1)" does the same with the last character.
I've discovered that "\b(\w)" will uppercase the first character of every word, i've tried "\b(\w)%" for the last character but it didn't work, as there is some syntax error, probably...
So, how do I get every last character capitalized?

How to convert UTF16 Character to UTF8 representation in Objective-c [duplicate]

I've been trying to make use of the Unicode symbols for astrology in products for both Apple and iOS. I'm getting inconsistent results, as shown here:
Most of these are coming out as I like, but for some reason the Taurus symbol is appearing one way on the first line, following the Moon, and a very different way, with the Emoji-like purple button, when it follows Mars. These results are consistent for different symbols and across Apple hardware; here's a screen capture from my phone showing the same problem with some other signs - Scorpio comes out all right, but Libra and Cancer are buttons.
The strings are extremely straightforward; "Moon Taurus" in the first image is \u263D for Moon, \u2649 for Taurus, basically assembled as [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", #"\u263D", #"\u2649"]. The "Mars Taurus" image is the same, only with \u2642 for Mars. The string formatting is identical in the different cells of the OSX table, and in the iOS AttributedString.
Any idea what makes these symbols appear one way sometimes, and another way other times?
Unicode uses variation sequences to select between different renderings for certain code points—listed in the StandardizedVariants.txt file. In your case, the astrological symbols have both "text style" and "emoji style" variants that are selected between by a U+FEOE (text style) or U+FE0F (emoji style) following the code point:
U+2650 U+FE0E: ♐︎
U+2650 U+FE0F: ♐️
Note that correct interpretation of the variation selector depends on support from both the application/framework and the fonts being used. On Chrome (42) there doesn't appear to be any difference between my examples above, but on Safari (8) they are distinct.

Scrapy: how to solve the "empty" item in html due to a foreign language symbol?

One of the scrapy-ed items seems contain no content in HTML. In MySQL database, it does have content including a non-regular - (dash) that is slightly longer. It could be a dash symbol from Chinese input, or something similar. I am copy it below, not sure whether it will keep the original form. The web link is here and this non-regular dash is in the title and the beginning of the description.
**Hospitalist – Chattanooga**
To further prove it, the export CVS file from MySQL convert this weird dash to ?€?. Most likely this weird symbol causes the non-display problem.
I want to either delete this weird symbol or replace it with a , or a regular dash. Where can it be done? During Scrapy? Or in MySQL? Sorry this is not a specific coding question. I need some guidance before figuring out any codes for this problem.
The long dash is called an EM dash fileformat - EM dash
The reason you are seeing it is likely due to the chosen encoding.
Try setting a different encoding or replacing the EM dash with the , sign as you mentioned in your question.
In php you can do so with the following code:
str_replace(chr(151), ',' $input);

User input text translation

I'm working on a translator that will take English language text (as user input into a UITextView) and (with a button press) replace specific words with alternatives. I have both the English words in scope plus their alternatives in separate Arrays (englishArray and alternativeArray), indexed correspondingly.
My challenge is finding an algorithm that will allow me to identify a word in the input text (a UITextView) ignoring characters like <",.()>, lookup the word in englishArray (case insensitive), locate the corresponding word in alternativeArray and then use that word in place of the original - writing it back to the UITextView.
Any help greatly appreciated.
NB. I have created a Category extending the NSArray functionality with a indexOfCaseInsensitiveString method that ignores case when doing an indexOfObject type lookup if that helps.
I think that using an NSScanner would be best to parse the string into separate words which you could then pass to your indexOfCaseInsensitiveString method. scanCharactersFromSet:intoString: using a set of all the characters you want to ignore, including whitespace and newline characters should get you to the start of a word, and then you could use scanUpToCharactersFromSet:intoString: using the same set to scan to the end of the word. Using scanLocation at the beginning and end of each scan should allow you to get the range of that word, so if you find a match in your array, you will know where in your string to make the replacement.
Thanks for your suggestion. It's working with one exception.
I want to capture all punctuation so I can recreate the original input but with the substituted words. Even though I have a 'space' in my Character Set, the scanner is not putting the spaces into the 'intoString'. Other characters I specify in the Character Set such as '(' and ';' are represented in the 'intoString'.
Net is that when I recreate the input, it's perfect except that I get individual words running into each other.
UPDATE: I fixed that issue by including:
[theScanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil];
Thanks again.