Select data by date and sum data - SQL Server 2005 - sql

I'm coming from MySQL and trying to code T-SQL on SQL Server 2005, and I'm finding it completely different.
Here's what I want to do (using MySQL)
select sum(datapoint) as sum, date(mytimestamp) as date
from datalog
where datapoint = '27'
group by date
i.e. get a list of data summed and grouped by date.

Answer when sql server 2008 was tagged
select sum(datapoint) as [sum], CAST(mytimestamp AS DATE) as [date]
from datalog
where datapoint = '27'
group by CAST(mytimestamp AS DATE)
For SQL Server 2005
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), timestamp, 111) DATE,
SUM(datapoint) totalDatapoint
FROM table1
GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), timestamp, 111)
SQLFiddle Demo

converting to varchar is not a good solution, simply remove the timepart from your timestamp and group by it like this:
select sum(datapoint) as sum, dateadd(d, 0, datediff(d, 0, mytimestamp)) as date
from datalog
where datapoint = '27'
group by datediff(d, 0, mytimestamp)


How to get DATE from DATETIME Column in SQL? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to return only the Date from a SQL Server DateTime datatype
(46 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have 3 columns in Table TransactionMaster in sql server
1) transaction_amount
2) Card_No
3) transaction_date-- datetime datatype
So, I want to fetch SUM of transaction_amount where Card_No=' 123' and transaction_date= todays date.<----- excluding time IN SQL
Simply cast your timestamp AS DATE, like this:
SQLFiddle Demo
In other words, your statement would look like this:
SELECT SUM(transaction_amount)
FROM mytable
WHERE Card_No='123'
AND CAST(transaction_date AS DATE) = target_date
What is nice about CAST is that it works exactly the same on most SQL engines (SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL), and is much easier to remember how to use it.
Methods using CONVERT() or TO_DATE() are specific to each SQL engine and make your code non-portable.
You can use
select *
from transaction
where (Card_No='123') and (transaction_date = convert(varchar(10),getdate(),101))
Use Getdate()
select sum(transaction_amount) from TransactionMaster
where Card_No=' 123' and transaction_date =convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 102)
use the following
select sum(transaction_amount) from TransactionMaste
where Card_No = '123' and transaction_date = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),111)
or the following
select sum(transaction_amount) from TransactionMaste
where Card_No = '123' and transaction_date = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 120)
Try this:
SELECT SUM(transaction_amount) FROM TransactionMaster WHERE Card_No ='123' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),111)
The GETDATE() function returns the current date and time from the SQL Server.

SQL statement to get a total for a given date range

I am trying to get the number of bookings and their total value by date for every day within a given date range.
My table looks like:
BookingId (int)
BookingFare (decimal)
BookingDateTime (datetime)
I can convert BookingDateTime to a date only by using:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(8), BookingDateTime, 112) as BookingDateOnly
FROM [TaxiBookingOnline].[dbo].[Bookings]
What I'm after is something like this:
Date Bookings Value
2013-07-10 10 256.24
2013-07-11 12 321.44
2013-07-12 14 311.53
I get the feeling I should be aliasing the table, joining it to itself and then using 'GROUP BY' but I am failing to get this to work.
Any help would be much appreciated.
How about
cast(BookingDateTime as date) [Date],
count(*) [Bookings],
sum(BookingFare) [Value]
from t
group by cast(BookingDateTime as date)
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), BookingsDateTime, 112) AS [Date],
COUNT(*) AS [Bookings],
SUM(BookingsFare AS [Value]
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, BookingDateTime))
Group by SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, dateColumn)) which will effectively get the date portion of the datetime, then you can use count or sum as necessary on the grouped values.
EDIT: If you're using SQL Server >= 2008, you can cast to date (like #AlexK has done) otherwise you have to hack around it using DATEADD.
Following is the code. Replace Date1 and Date2 with the date range values:
CONVERT(varchar(8), BookingDateTime, 112) as BookingDateOnly, BookingID Bookings,Sum(BookingFare)Value
WHERE BookingDateTime Between 'Date1' and 'Date2'
CONVERT(DATE,BookingDateTime) BookingDate,
COUNT(BookingID) Bookings,
SUM(BookingFare) BookingFare
FROM TaxiBookingOnline.dbo.Bookings

How can I order by a date in string format properly?

I have a table with the following fields in an SQL Server 2005 database:
id, integer
value, string
create_date, datetime
New data is constantly being inserted into this table (tens of thousands of records per day) so I use the following query to compare how much data has been inserted on different days.
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), create_date, 101) as 'Date', COUNT(*) as 'Record Count',
FROM the_table
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(10), create_date, 101)
ORDER BY 'Date' desc
This query returns data looking like this:
12/20/2012 | 48155
12/19/2012 | 87561
12/18/2012 | 71467
However, when running this query today, I noticed the sorting did not work as expected with multiple years worth of data in the database. Instead of the data for this year being at the very top of the result set, it ended up at the bottom (records omitted for clarity)
06/29/2012 | 9987
01/04/2013 | 15768
01/03/2013 | 77586
01/02/2013 | 23566
I understand why this is happening, as my formatted date is simply a string, and sql server can't possibly be expected to sort it as anything but a string. But I would like the ordering to be accurate. How can I achieve this? (the most recent day always appearing first)
Thanks to Oded's suggestion I changed my order by clause and this seems to give me what I want:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), create_date, 101) as 'Date', COUNT(*) as 'Record Count',
FROM the_table
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(10), create_date, 101)
ORDER BY MIN(create_date) desc
You can include the date as a date data type in the GROUP BY and then use it in the ORDER BY
SELECT top 100 CONVERT(varchar, create_date, 101) as 'Date', COUNT(*) as 'Record Count'
FROM constituent
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar, create_date, 101), CONVERT(date, create_date)
ORDER BY CONVERT(date, create_date)
You could truncate the date to 12:00am instead of casting to a string:
SELECT dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, create_date), 0) as 'Date'
, COUNT(*) as 'Record Count',
FROM the_table
GROUP BY dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, create_date), 0)
ORDER BY dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, create_date), 0) desc
You can probably substr then order by year desc, then month asc and date asc.
Does the data have to have only the two columns you specified? If not, you could select the date truncated to midnight (as user1948904 suggested) as well as the formatted-date field, and then order by the date field. Then you can ignore the date field in whatever uses the data.
Edited to correct errors in the original query, and to add the formatted-date field to the GROUP BY, which is required.
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, create_date)) AS raw_date,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), create_date, 101) AS 'Date',
COUNT(*) AS 'Record Count',
FROM the_table
GROUP BY DATEADD(DAY, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, create_date)),
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), create_date, 101)
ORDER BY raw_date DESC
I find the other answers unsuitable for my situation because I don't want an additional redundant date column or have to use a GROUP BY if I'm not really aggregating any information in the query (granted the OP's question includes count(*) - my case is identical except I'm not aggregating).
This solution uses a DATEADD() that doesn't really do anything to force SQL Server to treat it as an actual date and return the right order.
SELECT [Date] = CONVERT(varchar(10), t.[create_date], 101)
[Thing] = t.[other_column] -- that I don't want to aggregate
FROM [db].[dbo].[mytable] t
ORDER BY DATEADD(dd, 0, t.[create_date]) DESC
I don't know anything about sql-server but I'll try to help. You should replace this column with one that is a Date type. I'm sure sql-server will know how to sort that correctly.
If that isn't an option for you, maybe in sql-server you can order by a function that converts the string to a date type.
But it already looks like you're using a date type here. I think you should just expand your query to include the date column in the select as the date type and sort by that column instead of the converted column.

How can I group by date time column without taking time into consideration

I have a bunch of product orders and I'm trying to group by the date and sum the quantity for that date. How can I group by the month/day/year without taking the time part into consideration?
3/8/2010 7:42:00 should be grouped with 3/8/2010 4:15:00
Cast/Convert the values to a Date type for your group by.
GROUP BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, MyDateTimeColumn), 0)
Or in SQL Server 2008 onwards you could simply cast to Date as #Oded suggested:
In pre Sql 2008 By taking out the date part:
GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(8),DateTimeColumn,10)
CAST datetime field to date
select CAST(datetime_field as DATE), count(*) as count from table group by CAST(datetime_field as DATE);
GROUP BY DATE(date_time_column)
Here's an example that I used when I needed to count the number of records for a particular date without the time portion:
select count(convert(CHAR(10), dtcreatedate, 103) ),convert(char(10), dtcreatedate, 103)
FROM dbo.tbltobecounted
GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(10),dtcreatedate,103)
ORDER BY CONVERT(CHAR(10),dtcreatedate,103)
Here is the example works fine in oracle
select to_char(columnname, 'DD/MON/yyyy'), count(*) from table_name group by to_char(createddate, 'DD/MON/yyyy');
Well, for me it was pretty much straight, I used cast with groupby:
Select cast(created_at as date), count(1) from dbname.tablename GROUP BY cast(created_at as date)
Note: I am using this on MSSQL 2016.
I believe you need to group by , in that day of the month of the year .
so why not using TRUNK_DATE functions .
The way it works is described below :
Group By DATE_TRUNC('day' , 'occurred_at_time')

SQL query to group by day

I want to list all sales, and group the sum by day.
Sales (saleID INT, amount INT, created DATETIME)
NOTE: I am using SQL Server 2005.
if you're using SQL Server,
dateadd(DAY,0, datediff(day,0, created)) will return the day created
for example, if the sale created on '2009-11-02 06:12:55.000',
dateadd(DAY,0, datediff(day,0, created)) return '2009-11-02 00:00:00.000'
select sum(amount) as total, dateadd(DAY,0, datediff(day,0, created)) as created
from sales
group by dateadd(DAY,0, datediff(day,0, created))
For SQL Server:
GROUP BY datepart(year, datefield),
datepart(month, datefield),
datepart(day, datefield)
or faster (from Q8-Coder):
GROUP BY dateadd(DAY, 0, datediff(day, 0, created))
For MySQL:
GROUP BY year(datefield), month(datefield), day(datefield)
or better (from Jon Bright):
GROUP BY date(datefield)
For Oracle:
GROUP BY to_char(datefield, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
or faster (from IronGoofy):
GROUP BY trunc(created);
For Informix (by Jonathan Leffler):
GROUP BY date_column
GROUP BY EXTEND(datetime_column, YEAR TO DAY)
If you're using MySQL:
DATE(created) AS saledate,
If you're using MS SQL 2008:
CAST(created AS date) AS saledate,
CAST(created AS date)
For PostgreSQL:
GROUP BY to_char(timestampfield, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
or using cast:
GROUP BY timestampfield::date
if you want speed, use the second option and add an index:
CREATE INDEX tablename_timestampfield_date_idx ON tablename(date(timestampfield));
actually this depends on what DBMS you are using but in regular SQL convert(varchar,DateColumn,101) will change the DATETIME format to date (one day)
the magix number 101 is what date format it is converted to
If you're using SQL Server, you could add three calculated fields to your table:
Sales (saleID INT, amount INT, created DATETIME)
and now you could easily group by, order by etc. by day, month or year of the sale:
SELECT SaleDay, SUM(Amount)
FROM dbo.Sales
Those calculated fields will always be kept up to date (when your "Created" date changes), they're part of your table, they can be used just like regular fields, and can even be indexed (if they're "PERSISTED") - great feature that's totally underused, IMHO.
For oracle you can
group by trunc(created);
as this truncates the created datetime to the previous midnight.
Another option is to
group by to_char(created, 'DD.MM.YYYY');
which achieves the same result, but may be slower as it requires a type conversion.
The simplest and intuitive solution for MySQL is:
GROUP BY day(datefield)
use linq
from c in Customers
group c by DbFunctions.TruncateTime(c.CreateTime) into date
orderby date.Key descending
select new
Value = date.Count().ToString(),
Name = date.Key.ToString().Substring(0, 10)