Create INSERT statement using parameter - sql

I need to create a INSERT statement using parameters. Say I have two variable name #DestinationFields, #InsertValues.
Here #DestinationFields contain the column name like: product,price and #InsertValues contains the values for those two columns, like: Book,100.
Now, How i create a insert command to insert those values where each value need to add a quotation mark .I already tried as
I already tried as
EXEC('INSERT into tbl_test('+#DestinationFields+')values('+#InsertValues+')')
But it's returning an error.
The name "book" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some
contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.
How do I do it? Thanks in advance.

Pretending there is no problem of SQL injection here*, you can quickly fix your code by adding quotation marks around Book. The value of # InsertValues should be
'Book', 100
instead of simply
Book, 100
You need to add quotation marks around each string value; otherwise, strings are interpreted as names, which is not valid.
EDIT : (in response to a comment) If all columns are of varchar type, you can put quotes around the entire string, and replace all commas with the quote-comma-quote pattern, like this:
* You should not put code like this into production, because it can be manipulated to harm your system rather severely. Here is a good illustration of the problem (link).

DECLARE #DestinationFields VARCHAR(200);
SET #DestinationFields = 'Col1, Col2, Col3'
DECLARE #InsertValues VARCHAR(200);
SET #InsertValues = '1, 2, 3'
SET #SQLString = 'INSERT INTO tbl_test (' + #DestinationFields + ') VALUES (' + #InsertValues + ')';
EXEC (#SQLString)
However, this is very open to SQL Injection attacks. But, it will do what you require.
The Curse and Blessing of Dynamic SQL


Remove NULL values and corresponding column names from SQL Insert statements

I very frequently have to deal with sql written by others.
A typical sql insert statements can hold 5-6 uneeded values (NULL).
An example:
INSERT INTO Texts (Text_EN, Text_NO, Text_DK, Text_SV) VALUES ('English', NULL, NULL, 'Svenska')
I've been looking for a way to transform a line like this into:
INSERT INTO Texts (Text_EN, Text_SV) VALUES ('English', 'Svenska')
So what I want to accomplish is:
Find the NULL values
Find the columns that correspond to those values
Remove those values and the column names
I've been trying various regexes with positive lookbehinds, since I think I'd need to find the NULLs first, but no dice. Perhaps there's another way already?
I've been checking out sql formatters as well, but they doesn't seem to have this very specific functionality.
You can do it by using dynamic SQL. For example, write function for 2 input array type parameters. One of the arrays is for fields and another array for values. Inside the function, you can declare 2 string-type variables, for dynamic SQLs, and use one for-loop operation. In this loop check values by the if operation. If the value is null then don't add to string values and fields, if-else add. After the loop is set to your main string variable 'insert into table' then execute dynamic SQL.
Shortly example:
v_sql varchar(1000);
v_fields varchar(1000);
v_valuesm varchar(1000);
-- for-loop statement
-- if check generate striong variables for fiedls and values
-- end of for-loop statement
v_sql = 'INSERT INTO Texts (' + v_fields + ') VALUES (' + v_values + ')';
-- executing your v_sql

How do you pass values for a parameter by position when you need to check multiple values?

I created a stored procedure (spBalanceRange) with 2 optional parameters. They've been set to a default value and the sp works fine when I pass only 1 value per parameter by position. However, I have a situation where I'm trying to pass, by position, two strings immediately followed by a wildcard. I want the user to be able to search for Vendor names that start with either 'C%' or 'F%'. Here's the gist of the CREATE PROC statement:
CREATE PROC spBalanceRange
#VendorVar varchar(40) = '%',
#BalanceMin money = 1.0
Here's what I've tried so far, but doesn't work:
EXEC spBalanceRange '(C%|F%)', 200.00;
EXEC spBalanceRange 'C%|F%', 200.00;
Is there a way to check for 2 or more string values with a wildcard when passed by position? Thanks.
EDIT: According to your comments you are looking for the first letter of a vendor's name only.
In this special case I could suggest an easy, not well performing but really simple approach. CHARINDEX returns a number greater than zero, if a character appears within a string. So you just have to pass in all your lookup-first-characters as a simple "chain":
DECLARE #DummyVendors TABLE(VendorName VARCHAR(100));
('Camel Industries')
,('Fritz and Fox')
,('some other');
DECLARE #ListOfFirstLetters VARCHAR(100)='CF';
SELECT VendorName
FROM #DummyVendors AS dv
WHERE CHARINDEX(LEFT(dv.VendorName,1),#ListOfFirstLetters)>0
This was the former answer
Checking against more than one value needs either a dedicated list of compares
WHERE val=#prm1 OR val=#prm2 OR ... (you know the count before)
...or you use the IN-clause
WHERE LEFT(VenoderName,1) IN ('C','F', ...)
...but you cannot pass the IN-list with a parameter like ... IN(#allValues)
You might think about a created TYPE to pass in all your values like a table and use an INNER JOIN as filter: (and a lot of other examples there...)
Or you might think of dynamic SQL:
And last but not least you might think of one of the many split string approaches. This is one of my own answers, section "dynamic IN-statement":
I'm answering my own question, and maybe other solutions exist but here is what had to happen with my stored procedure in order to pass variables by position:
CREATE PROC spBalanceRange
#VendorVar varchar(40) = '%',
#BalanceMin money = 1.0
IF (#VendorVar = '%' AND #BalanceMin IS NULL OR #BalanceMin = '')
PRINT 'BalanceMin cannot be null.';
IF (#VendorVar = % AND #BalanceMin IS NOT NULL)
(sql statement using parameters)
EXEC spBalanceRange '[C,F]%', 200.00;
That's what I know.

How to concatenate variables into SQL strings

I need to concatenate a variable table name into my SQL query such as the following...
ALTER FUNCTION fn_myfunction(#KeyValue text)
SELECT #KeyValue AS fld1
FROM tbl + #KeyValue + KeyValue.fld1
I also attempted the following but it told me I had to declare the table variable?
ALTER FUNCTION fn_myfunction(#KeyValue text, #KeyTable text)
FROM #KeyTable.fld1
You can accomplish this (if I understand what you are trying to do) using dynamic SQL.
The trick is that you need to create a string containing the SQL statement. That's because the tablename has to specified in the actual SQL text, when you execute the statement. The table references and column references can't be supplied as parameters, those have to appear in the SQL text.
So you can use something like this approach:
SET #stmt = 'INSERT INTO #tmpTbl1 SELECT ' + #KeyValue
+ ' AS fld1 FROM tbl' + #KeyValue
EXEC (#stmt)
First, we create a SQL statement as a string. Given a #KeyValue of 'Foo', that would create a string containing:
'INSERT INTO #tmpTbl1 SELECT Foo AS fld1 FROM tblFoo'
At this point, it's just a string. But we can execute the contents of the string, as a dynamic SQL statement, using EXECUTE (or EXEC for short).
The old-school sp_executesql procedure is an alternative to EXEC, another way to execute dymamic SQL, which also allows you to pass parameters, rather than specifying all values as literals in the text of the statement.
EBarr points out (correctly and importantly) that this approach is susceptible to SQL Injection.
Consider what would happen if #KeyValue contained the string:
'1 AS foo; DROP TABLE students; -- '
The string we would produce as a SQL statement would be:
'INSERT INTO #tmpTbl1 SELECT 1 AS foo; DROP TABLE students; -- AS fld1 ...'
When we EXECUTE that string as a SQL statement:
DROP TABLE students;
-- AS fld1 FROM tbl1 AS foo; DROP ...
And it's not just a DROP TABLE that could be injected. Any SQL could be injected, and it might be much more subtle and even more nefarious. (The first attacks can be attempts to retreive information about tables and columns, followed by attempts to retrieve data (email addresses, account numbers, etc.)
One way to address this vulnerability is to validate the contents of #KeyValue, say it should contain only alphabetic and numeric characters (e.g. check for any characters not in those ranges using LIKE '%[^A-Za-z0-9]%'. If an illegal character is found, then reject the value, and exit without executing any SQL.
You could make use of Prepared Stements like this.
set #query = concat( "select name from " );
set #query = concat( "table_name"," [where condition] " );
prepare stmt from #like_q;
execute stmt;

SQL Server 2008 query to find rows containing non-alphanumeric characters in a column

I was actually asked this myself a few weeks ago, whereas I know exactly how to do this with a SP or UDF but I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of doing this without these methods. I'm assuming that there is and I just can't find it.
A point I need to make is that although we know what characters are allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) we don't want to specify what is not allowed (##!$ etc...). Also, we want to pull the rows which have the illegal characters so that it can be listed to the user to fix (as we have no control over the input process we can't do anything at that point).
I have looked through SO and Google previously, but was unable to find anything that did what I wanted. I have seen many examples which can tell you if it contains alphanumeric characters, or doesn't, but something that is able to pull out an apostrophe in a sentence I have not found in query form.
Please note also that values can be null or '' (empty) in this varchar column.
Won't this do it?
use tempdb
create table mytable ( mycol varchar(40) NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('abcd')
insert into mytable VALUES ('ABCD')
insert into mytable VALUES ('1234')
insert into mytable VALUES ('efg%^&hji')
insert into mytable VALUES (NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('')
insert into mytable VALUES ('apostrophe '' in a sentence')
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mycol LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'
drop table mytable
apostrophe ' in a sentence
Sql server has very limited Regex support. You can use PATINDEX with something like this
Have a look at PATINDEX (Transact-SQL)
and Pattern Matching in Search Conditions
I found this page with quite a neat solution. What makes it great is that you get an indication of what the character is and where it is. Then it gives a super simple way to fix it (which can be combined and built into a piece of driver code to scale up it's application).
DECLARE #tablename VARCHAR(1000) ='Schema.Table'
DECLARE #columnname VARCHAR(100)='ColumnName'
DECLARE #counter INT = 0
WHILE #counter <=255
SET #sql=
'SELECT TOP 10 '+#columnname+','+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+' as CharacterSet, CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') as LocationOfChar
FROM '+#tablename+'
WHERE CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') <> 0'
PRINT (#sql)
EXEC (#sql)
SET #counter = #counter + 1
and then...
UPDATE Schema.Table
SET ColumnName= REPLACE(Columnname,CHAR(13),'')
Credit to Ayman El-Ghazali.
SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE COL_NAME LIKE '%[^0-9a-zA-Z $#$.$-$''''$,]%'
This works best for me when I'm trying to find any special characters in a string

T-SQL: Cannot pass concatenated string as argument to stored procedure

Need to pass n arguments to a stored procedure. One of the arguments is of type varchar(x). That varchar argument needs to be constructed from a handful of other varchar variables. This problem uses SQL Server 2005, but this behaviour applies to all versions of SQL Server.
DECLARE #MyString varchar(500), #MyBar varchar(10), #MyFoo varchar(10)
SELECT #MyBar= 'baz '
SELECT #MyFoo= 'bat '
-- try calling this stored procedure!
EXEC DoSomeWork #MsgID, 'Hello ' + #MyBar + '" world! "' + #MyFoo + '".'
This produces the exception in SQL Server: Incorrect syntax near '+'. Typically you might think that the datatype would be wrong (i.e. the variables are of different types, but that would produce a different error message).
Here's a correct implementation that compiles without error:
SELECT #MyString= 'Hello ' + #MyBar + '" world! "' + #MyFoo + '".';
EXEC DoSomeWork #ID, #MyString
Question: Why is it that T-SQL can't handle the concatenation of a varchar as an argument? It knows the types, as they were declared properly as varchar.
The EXECUTE statement simply has a different grammar then other statements like SELECT and SET. For instance, observe the syntax section at the top of the following two pages.
EXECUTE statement:
SET statement:
The syntax for EXECUTE only accepts a value
[[#parameter =] {value | #variable
Whereas the syntax for SET accepts an expression
{#local_variable = expression}
A value is basically just a hard coded constant, but an expression is going to be evaluated. It's like having the varchar 'SELECT 1 + 1'. It's just a varchar value right now. However, you can evaluate the string like this:
EXEC('SELECT 1 + 1')
I suppose all I'm pointing out is that the EXEC command doesn't allow expressions by definition, which you apparently found out already. I don't know what the intention of the developers of T-SQL where when they made it that way. I suppose the grammar would just get out of hand if you where allowed to throw subqueries within subqueries in the parameter list of a stored procedure.
T-SQL Expression:
You cannot do something like this either
exec SomeProc getdate()
you have to put all that stuff in a param like you are doing at your bottom query
It might be because it is non deterministic (at least for functions)
It's a limitation on the EXEC statement. See The curse and blessings of dynamic SQL for more information.