highlight lines of code - rst2pdf

Does rst2pdf supports line highlighting in source code? Like this:
.. code-block:: c
:include: example.c
:emphasize-lines: 12,15-18
There is default style named pygments-hll that should be used but don't know how.

Currently, no, there isn't one. It doesn't seem trivial to do using reporlab, perhaps setting a fixed background for those lines could work.


Pocketspinx, russian language and keywordspotting

The goal is:
Control smart house via predefined text commands. Without any activation word like okay google, it always listening.
What's done:
pocketsphinx_continuous -inmic yes -hmm /path/zero_ru.cd_cont_4000 -dict /path/my_dictionary_out -lm /path/lmbase.lm.DMP
Where my_dictionary_out has using words one by one. And it works, but I think KWS mode might be better. So I've written a text file like:
включи свет комнате /1e-50/
выключи свет комнате /1e-50/
and trying to run sphinx without language model (-lm option), but got nothing. It doesn't recognize commands from keywords file.
What's wrong?

How to include .iuml path to generate PlantUML diagram in Doxygen

I'm working on the documentation of a component using Doxygen and I want to include UMLdiagrams in between the text.
I know how to do most of it, as I simply need to copy the .tuml source into my .dox file and run doxygen. However, one of my diagrams is a class diagram that includes other .iuml files, like explained in the PlantUML site.
So, basically, I do:
#mainpage main_page MyDoxygen
!include iuml_files/Class01.iuml
!include iuml_files/Class02.iuml
MainClass <|-- Class01
MainClass <|-- Class02
Long story short, I don't know how to make Doxygen understand it must look for the .iuml files in the directory (relative path) I'm giving as argument to the include directive.
If I wasn't clear enough as to what I need, please let me know and I will try make it clearer.
Can I please get some help?
I had a similar problem (I own the Word Add-in for plantuml)
You can specify the java property "plantuml.include.path" in the command line :
java -Dplantuml.include.path="c:/mydir" -jar plantuml.jar atest1.txt
(see http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/preprocessing.html)
I expect it'll work when you modify the batch file for calling Plantuml
I had a similar request for my Word Addin for Plantuml and here it worked.
The Real Answer
Use the PLANTUML_INCLUDE_PATH = ./someRelativeDir configuration, visible in the Doxygen wizard's DOT panel.
The include path is relative to your Doxygen config, ie the starting directory from which the doxygen config is taken.
A Red Herring
I'm leaving the rest of this answer here in case anyone found it previously.
I wrongly reported a bug because I needed new reading glasses and didn't notice a stray character in my path.
This was resolved as not a Doxygen bug
For any interested parties, this is what I saw.
Running PlantUML on generated file /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/inline_umlgraph_1.pu
Preprocessor Error: Cannot include /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/handDrawnStyle.iuml
Error line 2 in file: /Users/andydent/dev/touchgramdesign/doxygeneratedTG4IM/html/inline_umlgraph_1.pu
Some diagram description contains errors
error: Problems running PlantUML. Verify that the command 'java -jar "/Library/Java/Extensions/plantuml.jar" -h' works from the command line. Exit code: 1
This is using the configuration setting
Sharper eyes than mine (at the time) noticed the extra character in the path iuml t ToCopy

OCLint rule customization

I am using OCLint static code analysis tool for objective-C and want to find out how to customize rules? The rules are represented by set of dylib files.
In lieu of passing configuration as arguments (see Jon Boydell's answer), you can also create a YML file named .oclint in the project directory.
Here's an example file that customizes a few things:
- LongLine
- /etc/rules
- key: LONG_LINE
value: 20
output: filename
report-type: xml
max-priority-1: 10
max-priority-2: 20
max-priority-3: 30
enable-clang-static-analyzer: false
The answer, as with so many things, is that it depends.
If you want to write your own custom rule then you'll need to get down and dirty into writing your own rule, in C++ on top of the existing source code. Check out the oclint-rules/rules directory, size/LongLineRule.cpp is a simple rule to get going with. You'll need to recompile, etc.
If you want to change the parameters of an existing rule you need to add the command line parameter -rc=<rulename>=<value> to the call to oclint. For example, if you want the long lines rule to only activate for lines longer than 150 chars you need to add -rc=LONG_LINE=150.
I don't have the patience to list out all the different parameters you can change. The list of rules is here http://docs.oclint.org/en/dev/rules/index.html and a list of threshold based rules here http://docs.oclint.org/en/dev/customizing/rules.html but there's no list of acceptable values and I don't know whether these two URLs cover all the rules or not. You might have to look into the source code for each rule to work out how it works.
If you're using Xcode script you should use oclint_args like this:
oclint-json-compilation-database oclint_args "-rc LONG_LINE=150" | sed
's/(..\m{1,2}:[0-9]:[0-9]*:)/\1 warning:/'
in that sample I'm changing the rule of LONG_LINE to 150 chars

Space in path in a shell script

I have a variable
android="/media/New Volume_/android-sdk-linux_86"
I get an error saying that it cannot find the directory
I changed it to android="/media/New\ Volume_/android-sdk-linux_86"
I still get the same error. I even tried
android="/media/'New Volume_'/android-sdk-linux_86"
and I am using "$android" everywhere ...
I am not able to find the error, can someone help me..
Take it this is bash? You assign variables with spaces like this:
android="/media/New Volume_/android-sdk-linux_86"
(Note you don't use the $ notation when setting a value.)
And reference them like this:
cd "$android"

How can I change the margins on a PDF document created by Doxygen?

I am using doxygen to generate a PDF of my code documentation. The PDF has very big margins when using PAPER_TYPE = letter. It looks OK when using a4wide but I would like to have more control over it. I want to use a package called geometry but can't figure out where to add code like this:
I would like to not have to change the doxygen-generated tex files if possible.
In your Doxyfile, add or edit the EXTRA_PACKAGES line:
Then create a new file called mydoxy.sty:
\ProvidesPackage{mydoxy}[2009/12/29 v1.0.0 csmithmaui's Doxygen style]
% any other custom stuff can go here
Drop that mydoxy.sty where LaTeX can find it.
The EXTRA_PACKAGES line will tell Doxygen to add \usepackage{mydoxy} to the preamble of the .tex files it generates. This will cause LaTeX to look for a file named mydoxy.sty. In the mydoxy.sty file that we've created, we can add whatever LaTeX code we like (before the \endinput line). Feel free to drop any other customizations you like in this style file.
Note that I haven't tested this, and I'm making a number of assumptions that may be false. But it should at least get you started.