TFS 2010 WorkItem Client - Method not found exception - wcf

I have deployed a custom TFS eventpoint to our production webserver. The server does not have the TFS sdk installed so I had to find and bin deploy all dependant dlls. For some reason, when the application tries to contact TFS using the TFS client, it is thrown a missing method exception only on the server. Does anyone know how to get this web service running on a system without installing the full SDK?
The bin deployed TFS dlls
The Exception
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsConnection.HandleUnauthorizedException(Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TeamFoundationServerUnauthorizedException)'.
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.DataStore.HandleComException(Int32 hr)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.DataStore.DatastoreClass.ConnectEx(String connectionString, String defaultCachePath, String instanceId, String userSamName, String userFriendlyName, String userSid, WorkItemServer clientService)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore.InitializeInternal()
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore.Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.ITfsTeamProjectCollectionObject.Initialize(TfsTeamProjectCollection teamProjectCollection)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.WorkItemStore..ctor(TfsTeamProjectCollection teamProjectCollection)

Looks like partly connected to that problem:
unfortunately I'm still unable to locale where to find proper version of "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Proxy.dll" library.


ASP.NET Core 3.0 project fails to run under IIS Express: HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure // ERROR: Unknown command '%LAUNCHER_ARGS%'

I migrated a project from core 2.2 to 3.0 following the migration guide.
After a couple issues were resolved, starting it with dotnet run worked fine.
However when I try to run/debug with IIS Express, I get the following error:
HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure
Common solutions to this issue:
The application failed to start
The application started but then stopped
The application started but threw an exception during startup
Troubleshooting steps:
Check the system event log for error messages
Enable logging the application process' stdout messages
Attach a debugger to the application process and inspect
For more information visit:
The output window for "ASP.NET Core Web Server" in Visual Studio shows the follwing error:
ERROR: Unknown command '%LAUNCHER_ARGS%'
As does an error entry in the windows event viewer
<Data>Application '/LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT' with physical root 'C:\Path\To\Project\' has exited from Program.Main with exit code = '1'. First 30KB characters of captured stdout and stderr logs: ERROR: Unknown command '%LAUNCHER_ARGS%'</Data>
<Data>Process Id: 7092.</Data>
<Data>File Version: 13.0.19258.0. Description: IIS ASP.NET Core Module V2 Request Handler. Commit: aee5e4080331553ea9dfb7fb388b6d72f715bf6a</Data>
Immediately followed by:
<Data>Application '/LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT' with physical root 'C:\Path\To\Project\' failed to load coreclr. Exception message: CLR worker thread exited prematurely</Data>
<Data>Process Id: 7092.</Data>
<Data>File Version: 13.0.19258.0. Description: IIS ASP.NET Core Module V2 Request Handler. Commit: aee5e4080331553ea9dfb7fb388b6d72f715bf6a</Data>
My initial thought was that there was an issue with my system setup, but a fresh ASP.NET Core 3.0 project runs without issues in IIS Express. I compared the two applicationhost.config files of the projects and they're identical (except differences like the project name). I also can't find any meaningful differences in the other project files (Project.csproj, appsettings.json, launchSettings.json). I also tried deleting the .vs folder and .user files .
The error messages suggests that it's not a problem with my code. As does the fact that there's no exception the attached debugger breaks at and that everything seems to work fine using dotnet run. Yet a fresh project created via template runs without those issues.
I was able to identify the issue. One mistake I made was to attribute the ERROR: Unknown command message to ASP.NET, when it was actually our application that complained.
The %LAUNCHER_ARGS% parameter is still passed to the application, but it's no longer set in an in-process hosting context.
More details here:

Office Addin VSTO install error on a specific system

Our VSTO for installing our Office Word Addin works correctly on all systems tested so far, both in-house and on (almost) all customer systems.
However, on one customer system it is failing.
An attempt to manually install the VSTO results in this error message being displayed: 'Store metadata "ApplicationSourceUri" is not valid'.
We have checked for all the known requirements on the system (Addin certificate, trusted publisher flags in the registry, Office 2010 runtime, etc), but we have yet to find a cause. Online research has so far has not returned an answer.
Any help would be much appreciated!
A VSTO install log generated by Windows gives this error information:
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* An exception occurred while downloading the manifest. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Store metadata "ApplicationSourceUri" is not valid.
Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [27.04.2018 20:57:19] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentException (SubscriptionState)
- Store metadata "ApplicationSourceUri" is not valid.
- Source: System.Deployment
- Stack trace:
at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentStore.GetPropertyString(DefinitionAppId appId, String propName)
at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentStore.GetPropertyUri(DefinitionAppId appId, String propName)
at System.Deployment.Application.ComponentStore.GetSubscriptionStateInternal(DefinitionIdentity subId)
at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.GetSubscriptionStateInternal(SubscriptionState subState)
at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.CheckAndReferenceApplication(SubscriptionState subState, DefinitionAppId appId, Int64 transactionId)
at System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager.BindCore(Boolean blocking, TempFile& tempDeploy, TempDirectory& tempAppDir, FileStream& refTransaction, String& productName)
Try to remove a corresponding to your application a windows registry key (associated with application):
Then try to re-build and publish it anew.

SonarQube MSBuild Runner and TFS 2013 in VisualStudio Remote server returns unauthorized

I have edited a build definition from TFS 2013 inside of Visual Studio following the steps from Setup of the MSBuild SonarQube Runner on the Build Agent Machine and Install the SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild. I am getting the exact same errors as the question from this post as well as one that reads:
Exception Message: TF270015: 'MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe' returned an unexpected exit code. Expected '0'; actual '255'. See the build logs for more details. (type UnexpectedExitCodeException)
Exception Stack Trace: at System.Activities.Statements.Throw.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)
I've updated the SonarQube.Analysis.xml file with the correct information and followed the steps of the aforementioned post, updating the Global Permissions for Execute Analysis inside of SonarQube. I have tried updating IIS AppPool info for the service I am trying to build as well as updating Network Service access permissions, but to no avail. Anyone's advice is greatly appreciated!

Installing Office Customizations System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range

I'm trying to deploy my Outlook Add-In to a Windows 10 Machine, but I always get this error after installation:
From: file:///C:/Users/Public/MycompanyOutlookAddIn.vsto
************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Runtime.Interop.VSTOEENativeMethods.GetValidCompatibleFramework(String compatibleFrameworkXml)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Runtime.CompatibleFrameworksValidation.ParseFirstValidFramework(String compatibleFrameworksXml)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Office.Runtime.OfficeAddInDeploymentManager.OnAddInManifestsDownloaded(AddInManifestsDownloadedArgs args)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.RaiseOnAddInManifestsDownloadedEvent(IClickOnceAddInInstaller addInInstaller, Uri deploymentManifestUri, AddInInstallationStatus addinSolutionState, String productName, String deploymentManifestXml, String applicationManifestXml, String hostManifestXml, String logFilePath, String version, Uri supportUri)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.InstallAddIn()
Some questions from years ago suggested that the path was too long, so I changed mine to the Public directory but I still get this error.
Another thing that I tried was running this:
rundll32 %windir%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache
but after reinstalling I get the same error.
Weird thing is that When I deploy to Windows 7 machines it works flawlessy. The Add-In was developed without much problems in Windows 8.1. I only get this error on Windows 10. Could somebody please tell me what is going on?
You must install the extension Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime

Subsonic T4 TextTemplatingService Exception on VS 2005

I have a VS2005 web application I am using the MySQL active record templates and is perfectly working in VS2008 however I get this error:
Custom tool error: An Exception was thrown while running the transformation code. The process cannot continue. The following Exception was thrown:
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost.TextTemplatingService' in Assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' is not marked as serializable.
View Full Exception Details:
I have the following packages installed to make it work for vs2005:
Guidance Automation Toolkit for Visual Studio 2005 - February 2008 Release
Guidance Automation Extensions - February 2008 Release
Subsonic 3.0 doesn't work for VS2005 as it requires .NET framework 3.5
Previous answer is not correct. The T4 system now runs out of process and sets up an Ipc channel back to the Host. This transport channel ( based on remoting ) uses a Binary serializer and cannot transport the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost.TextTemplatingService over that channel because it is not marked as serializable, exactly as the exception message says.
Incidently, you can get access to this service by changing the template directive hostspecific="true" and accessing the "Host" property.
There are also some parts of the EnvDTE.DTE that cannot be accessed via T4 templates for the same reason ( like DTE.Windows or DTE.WindowConfiguration ).