Unable to sending complex object through WCF - wcf

I have a ServiceContract as such :
bool CreateSlideshow(Slideshow current, string path, string name);
When I run my program calling the service, I get the following exception :
There was an error while trying to serialize parameter
http://tempura.org/:current. The InnerException message was 'Type
'System.DelegateSerializationHolder+DelegateEntry' with data contract
is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any
types not known statically to the list of known types.....
Apparently the problem lies in Slideshow. My class Slideshow has the following members :
private String name;
private String path;
private List<Slide> slides;
and the class Slide has the following members :
private String title;
private ContentTypeEnum contentType;
private String textContent;
private String pictureContextPath;
where ContentTypeEnum is an enumeration.
Any idea how to resolve the exception? Hope for some advice/suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Your used types have to be marked with the [DataContract] attribute. The properties have to be marked with the [DataMember] attribute.
Furthermore your fields should be public properties, because a datacontract doesn't make any sense with private fields only.
public class Slideshow
public String Name { get; set; }
public String Path { get; set; }
public List<Slide> Slides { get; set; }
public class Slide
public String Title { get; set; }
public ContentTypeEnum ContentType { get; set; }
public String TextContent { get; set; }
public String PictureContextPath { get; set; }


How to set [DataMember] on an autogenerated proxy property

I am working on a wcf webservice. This service uses a third party webservice which I have added as a service reference.
Now I want to publish some properties of this proxyclient to clients who uses my wcfservice, without defining an own class and doing the mapping.
The auto generated code is done as partial class.
public partial class Person : object,
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
I tried to override these properties by using the MetadataType-Attribute and adding the [DataMember]-Attribute to properties. But this seams to work only for EF.
public partial class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class PersonMetaData
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
Trying to implement an interface didn't help, the properties are invisible on client.
public partial class Person : IPerson
public interface IPerson
string FirstName { get; set; }
string LastName { get; set; }
Any idea?
On my service XmlSerializer failed to serialize the auto-generated class cause of PropertyChanged-event.
If I work with DataContractSerializer and decorate my auto-generated class with [DataContract], I'm not able to decorate the properties by inheritance with [DataMember] because the attibute is not inheritable.
So I extended this partial class by wrapper properties.
public partial class Person
public string FirstNameWrapper
return this.FirstName;
this.FirstName = value;

I am using complex type as datamember of a datacontract

I am using complex type as datamember of a datacontract. But the service is throwing an exception if i set [DataMember] to the complextype. What might be the reason. KIndly suggest. Below is the code snippet
public class GetDetailsFromCardNumberResponseBody
public GetDetailsFromCardNumberResponseBody()
public GetDetailsFromCardNumberResponseBody
(PatronAccountCardValidation GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult)
this.GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult = GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult;
public PatronAccountCardValidation GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult { get; set; }
public class PatronAccountCardValidation
public Patron Patron { get; set; }
public Card Card { get; set; }
public string BonusDollarLocal { get; set; }
public string BonusDollarRemote { get; set; }
public bool Valid { get; set; }
public string MessageText { get; set; }
Check the parameter PatronAccountCardValidation.
Check property Card. It is causing an issue. Please help.
Error received:
An unhandled exception of type
'System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: An error occurred while receiving the HTTP
response to localhost:9090/DoorAccessAndVendingMachineService. This
could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP
protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being
aborted by the server (possibly due to the service shutting down). See
server logs for more details
Have you consider to apply Data Contract Know types? It allows you to specify, in advance, the types that should be included for consideration during deserialization. And by default during deserialization, an uninitialized object is first created, without calling any constructors on the type. Then all data members are deserialized. See more details here.
public class GetDetailsFromCardNumberResponseBody
public GetDetailsFromCardNumberResponseBody()
public GetDetailsFromCardNumberResponseBody
(PatronAccountCardValidation GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult)
this.GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult = GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult;
public PatronAccountCardValidation GetDetailsFromCardNumberResult { get; set; }
public class PatronAccountCardValidation
public Patron Patron { get; set; }
public Card Card { get; set; }
public string BonusDollarLocal { get; set; }
public string BonusDollarRemote { get; set; }
public bool Valid { get; set; }
public string MessageText { get; set; }

howto initialize a wcf class

Im trying to use a Class in a WCF service. When im calling the
i get:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
If create the classes in the client application it's working.
UpdateChanges Class
public class UpdateChanges
private void Initialize()
this.attributeChanges = new List<AttributeChanges>();
public UpdateChanges()
public string objectGuid { get; set; }
public Utilities.ObjectTypes objectType { get; set; }
public Utilities.ChangeType changeType{ get; set; }
public List<AttributeChanges> attributeChanges { get; set; }
public void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext ctx)
AttributeChanges class
public class AttributeChanges
public string attributeName { get; set; }
public string attributeValue { get; set; }
Client Code:
Service.DirsyncServiceClient proxyClient;
proxyClient = Utilities.GetProxy("");
Service.UpdateChanges u = new Service.UpdateChanges();
Service.AttributeChanges a = new Service.AttributeChanges();
a.attributeName = "Attribute1";
a.attributeValue = "Value1";
Anyonw know how to solve this?
You're using a generated client code.
The problem is that the client generates this code on base of the WSDL xlm. The code in the CTOR doesn't generated in the client because the client can't be aware of this code.
You have a few options-
1. Use a shared DLL with the data contract instead of generating it via a web reference.
2. Implement it yourself in a 'partial' class.

Consuming WCF Service with DataContract

I do have a simple WCF service in which If I put the method with simple Data Type then I can access that service in the MVC project which is in same Solution. But if I change the Data Type of the Service method even to array or list of string or any other simple Data Type, I cannot access the service. Do I need to make any config changes.
public class Property
public int Id { get; set; }
public string PropertyPost { get; set; }
public string PropertyType { get; set; }
public string DealType { get; set; }
public string Department { get; set; }
public string ProjectName { get; set; }
I actually want to return the List from the WCF service for which I have created the Datacontract, but it is not working even with simple List Type.
Do we need to specify anything in Service like WebInvoke?
Can any one help?

How to setup a DataContract to match the complex XML input in WCF 4.0 REST Service

I have a XML structure like this:
and I want upload this XML to WCF 4.0 my rest service:
public string Enroll(Message instance)
// TODO: Add the new instance of SampleItem to the collection
return "success";
the Message is a DataContract type, I setup it like below:
[DataContract(Namespace = "")]
public class Message
public MessageHead MessageHead { get; set; }
public MessageBody MessageBody { get; set; }
public class MessageHead
public OSType OSType { get; set; }
public string RouteDest { get; set; }
public Action Action { get; set; }
public class MessageBody
public string RawRequestContent { get; set; }
but when I get the Message instance from the server side, all the property is null, except the OSType, can anybody tell me why? How could I solve this problem?
Besides being a really bad name for a class (since it's already used in the WCF runtime), your Message class also has some flaws:
Your <Messagehead> has a lower-case h in the middle - yet your class defines it to be upper case:
[DataContract(Namespace = "")]
public class Message
public MessageHead MessageHead { get; set; }
This will not work - case is important and relevant in a WCF message! If your XML has a lower-case h, so must your DataContract class!
Your XML also requires a <Raw> tag inside your <MessageBody>
yet your data contract doesn't respect that:
public class MessageBody
public string RawRequestContent { get; set; }
Again - those don't line up! Names are important - and they must match between your XML representation of the message, and the C# class representing that message.....