WCF Silverlight enabled service "Not Found" error - wcf

I'm struggling with the following scenario (here is the big picture):
I have a WCF Silverlight-enabled service (based on the DomainService class) into my Web project. The service is designed to be called by the Silverlight 5 clients and also by non-Silverlight consumers.
The service displays the WSDL info at the address
"http://localhost/mywebapproot/Services/MailService.svc" and therefore it can
be discovered and implemented by any client within the Web
project (which is fine).
Here are the symptoms:
The service can't be called by any
Silverlight client (here is the problem!) The error returned is "The remote server returned an exception: Not Found". If I change the name of the
service in Web.Config (let's say I change
MyCompany.Web.Services.MailService into MailService), the service can
now be called by any Silverlight client but at that time the service
is no longer discoverable.
I put includeExceptionDetailInFaults at True and tried to inspect the service with Fiddler/HTTPDebuggerPro but they didn't give me any detailed information about the exception. It looks to me that the Silverlight clients, in this configuration and for some reason, aren't able to create the .SVC file on the fly.
Here is the implementation:
MailService.svc implementation
<%# ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="MyCompany.Web.Services.MailService" CodeBehind="MailService.svc.cs" %>
MailService.svc.cs implementation
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public sealed partial class MailService : DomainService, IMailService
IMailService interface
[ServiceContract(ConfigurationName = "MyCompany.Web.Services.IMailService")]
public interface IMailService
//Some public methods flagged as [OperationContract] go here
Web.Config implementation
<behavior name="Secure_Behavior_Configuration">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpsGetEnabled="true" />
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
<binding name="Public_MailService_BasicHttpBinding" transferMode="Streamed"
<readerQuotas maxArrayLength="21400000" maxStringContentLength="21400000" maxBytesPerRead="21400000"/>
<security mode="None"/>
<service name="MyCompany.Web.Services.MailService" behaviorConfiguration="Secure_Behavior_Configuration">
contract="MyCompany.Web.Services.IMailService" />
contract="MyCompany.Web.Services.IMailService" />
<endpoint contract="IMetadataExchange" binding="mexHttpBinding" address="mex" />
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
Thanks a lot for any help!


WCF netTcpBinding issue: Contract requires Duplex, but Binding 'BasicHttpBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it

I'm trying to create a callback in WCF service. Service so far was using basicHttpBinding, so I want to add another end point for netTcpBinding. Service is already hosted in IIS. First It was hosted in IIS 6, but then I installed IIS 7.
So, I'm getting the following error:
The requested service, 'net.tcp://localhost:1801/MyServiceName.svc/NetTcpExampleAddress' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.
When seeing the log, this is the message:
So the main error is:
Contract requires Duplex, but Binding 'BasicHttpBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.
Here are my config files:
My Web.config for the server:
<binding name="demoServiceNetTcpBinding">
<security mode="None"/>
<binding name="demoServiceHttpBinding" receiveTimeout="00:05:00" sendTimeout="00:05:00" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
<security mode="None"/>
<service name="MyServerName.MyServiceName">
<add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:1801/MyServiceName.svc/"/>
<add baseAddress="http://localhost:1800/MyServiceName.svc/"/>
<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexTcpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true"/>
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
My App.config for the client:
<binding name="demoServiceNetTcpBinding">
<security mode="None"/>
<binding name="demoServiceHttpBinding" receiveTimeout="00:05:00" sendTimeout="00:05:00" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
<security mode="None"/>
<endpoint name="NetTcpExampleName"
bindingConfiguration ="demoServiceNetTcpBinding"
binding="netTcpBinding" />
<endpoint name="BasicHttpExampleName"
bindingConfiguration ="demoServiceHttpBinding"
binding="basicHttpBinding" />
Settings in my IIS:
If there are any other pieces of code that you need, please let me know and I'll update the question.
Here are more details from the code, of how I'm calling the service from the client (on client side):
public class MyCommandClass : IMyServiceCallback
public MyCommandClass()
var ctx = new InstanceContext(new MyCommandClass());
DuplexChannelFactory<MyServerName.SharedContract.IMyServiceName> channel = new DuplexChannelFactory<MyServerName.SharedContract.IMyServiceName>(ctx, "NetTcpExampleName");
MyServerName.SharedContract.IMyServiceName clientProxy = channel.CreateChannel();
clientProxy.MyFunction(); //debug point is comming here and then it throws the error
(clientProxy as IClientChannel).Close();
public void Progress(int percentageCompleted)
Console.WriteLine(percentageCompleted.ToString() + " % completed");
where interfaces (on server side) are defined as:
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IMyServiceCallback))]
public interface IMyServiceName
void MyFunction();
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void ProcessReport();
public interface IMyServiceCallback
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void Progress(int percentageCompleted);
and service (on server side) is defined as:
public class MyServiceName: IMyServiceName
public void MyFunction()
//do something
public void ProcessReport()
//trigger the callback method
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
My methods so far are just a demo. Once the error related to this question is fixed, then I'll start with developing the methods.
Your service contract requires duplex connection (you have ServiceCallback attribute). Therefore all endpoints that this service exposes must support duplex connection. Net.tcp does support it, but basicHttp does not, so you cannot use basicHttp with your service now.

Error In consuming WCF services at client side end-point not found

I am working on ASP.NET WCF simple HelloWorld Example. I have successfully completed server side but I am getting issue while working on client side. I have used SVCUTIL.exe to generate proxy classes for me.
On debug I am getting following error;
An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.ServiceModel.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Could not find endpoint element with name 'WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldService' and contract 'IHelloWorldService' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the client element.
another thing, can I use Channel Factory if I don't access to dll file from server, say If I got access to WSDL url link
On Client Side app.config
<binding name="WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldService" />
<binding name="WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldServiceAsyn" />
<endpoint address="http://localhost:8087/CreditUnionServices/HelloWorldServices/HelloWorldService"
binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldService"
contract="IHelloWorldService" name="WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldService">
<userPrincipalName value="DESKTOP-G6LE8I4\Khurram Zahid" />
<endpoint address="http://localhost:8087/CreditUnionServices/HelloWorldServices/HelloWorldServiceAsyn"
binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldServiceAsyn"
contract="IHelloWorldServiceAsyn" name="WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldServiceAsyn">
<userPrincipalName value="xyz\abc" />
Client Proxy Channel Factory
public class HelloWorldClient
public string SendTestMessage(string name)
ChannelFactory<IHelloWorldService> _HelloWorldClientService = new ChannelFactory<IHelloWorldService>("WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldService");
IHelloWorldService _HelloWorldChannelService = _HelloWorldClientService.CreateChannel();
var _returnMessage = _HelloWorldChannelService.GetMessage(name);
return _returnMessage;
Server side config file
<service name="App.Services.Managers.HelloWorldManager" behaviorConfiguration="DefaultServiceBehavior">
<add baseAddress="http://localhost:8087/CreditUnionServices/HelloWorldServices"/>
<endpoint address="HelloWorldService" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="App.Services.Contracts.IHelloWorldService"></endpoint>
<endpoint address="HelloWorldServiceAsyn" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="App.Services.Contracts.IHelloWorldServiceAsyn"></endpoint>
<behavior name="DefaultServiceBehavior">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True" httpsGetEnabled="true"/>
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="False" />
Update Code
public static class HelloWorldClient
public static string SendTestMessage(string name)
HelloWorldServiceClient _helloWorldService = new HelloWorldServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_IHelloWorldService");
var _returnMessage = _helloWorldService.GetMessage("mr kz ....");
return _returnMessage;

WCF Windows authentication issue with REST service

I'm having some difficulty setting up a WCF service to run under Windows authentication. The service is only consumed via jQuery using ajax.
IIS (version 6 on server 2003) is set to only allow Windows Authentication.
web.config has the <authentication mode="Windows" /> tag.
Here's the service section of the web.config:
<behavior name="AspNetAjaxBehavior">
<webHttp />
<behavior name="ServiceBehavior">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>
<service name="SearchService" behaviorConfiguration="ServiceBehavior">
<endpoint address="http://localhost:9534/SearchService.svc" behaviorConfiguration="AspNetAjaxBehavior"
binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="webWinBinding"
name="searchServiceEndpoint" contract="MyApp.Services.ISearchService">
<binding name="webWinBinding" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
<transport clientCredentialType="Windows"/>
<readerQuotas maxArrayLength="100000" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" />
The interface looks like this:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://MyService.ServiceContracts/2012/02", Name = "SearchService")]
public interface ISearchService
[WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, UriTemplate = "GetSomeData?filter={filter}")]
[OperationContractAttribute(Action = "GetSomeData")]
string GetSomeData(string filter);
And the implementation:
[ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
public class SearchService : ISearchService
public string GetSomeData(string filter)
// Call Database and get some results
// return the results
return "";
When I navigate to the service in Internet Explorer, it prompts me for my username and password, despite having Windows Authentication turned on.
As soon as I enable Anonymous Authentication, the service loads just fine and everything works. Problem is, I have other things going on in the web application that require anonymous to be turned off.
I've scoured the web and can't find anything on this problem.

Multiple Bindings on WCF Service

I want to host a WCF 4.0 Service in IIS 7.5, and be able to bind to it with basicHttpBinding and also RESTfully with webHttpBinding.
I need to be able to access it like so:
http://server/wcf/service/method/parameters (REST)
and also like so:
http://server/wcf/service.svc (Basic HTTP)
So far, I have this for my Web.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<behavior name="json">
<webHttp defaultOutgoingResponseFormat="Json" helpEnabled="true" />
<service name="SAIF.Services.WCF.Services.CustomerContactService">
<endpoint address="CustomerContact" behaviorConfiguration="json" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="SAIF.Services.WCF.Contracts.ICustomerContactService" />
<endpoint address="CustomerContact.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="SAIF.Services.WCF.Contracts.ICustomerContactService" />
<service name="SAIF.Services.WCF.Services.OnlineLoginService">
<endpoint address="OnlineLogin" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="SAIF.Services.WCF.Contracts.IOnlineLoginService" />
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true">
<add relativeAddress="CustomerContact.svc" service="SAIF.Services.WCF.Services.CustomerContactService" />
I also have this in my global.asax file for the extension less activation's:
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when the application is started
Routing.RouteTable.Routes.Add(New ServiceRoute("CustomerContact", New ServiceHostFactory, GetType(SAIF.Services.WCF.Services.CustomerContactService)))
Routing.RouteTable.Routes.Add(New ServiceRoute("OnlineLogin", New ServiceHostFactory, GetType(SAIF.Services.WCF.Services.OnlineLoginService)))
End Sub
I have decorated the service's with this:
And my Service Interface's with the UriTemplates
Don't seem to be able to access them both RESTfully and over SOAP.
Just decorate your method with both OperationContract and WebGet attributes. Now add the following to system.serviceModel element in your servers web.config
Configure the WCF REST service base address via the global.asax.cs file and the default endpoint
via the attributes on the <standardEndpoint> element below
<standardEndpoint name="" helpEnabled="true" automaticFormatSelectionEnabled="true">
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="5242880" maxArrayLength="16384" maxBytesPerRead="4096" />
You can remove the json endpoint from the above(as we would achieve a clear URL concept using the new REST Api), And in your global.asax just replace the following:
Routing.RouteTable.Routes.Add(New ServiceRoute("CustomerContactService", New WebServiceHostFactory, typeof(SAIF.Services.WCF.Services.CustomerContactService)));
Now once you do the above you should be able to access the same service via SOAP and REST and the URLs would be as follows:
SOAP --> http://localhost/virtualdirectoryname/CustomerContactService.svc
REST --> http://localhost/virtualdirectoryname/CustomerContactService/method/parameters
Now browse to your service in IE and you should see the SOAP server when you browse to .svc file and when you browse to the rest URL you should see either xml coming up in the browser of a file should be downloaded that contains the response in json format.

AspNetCompatibilityRequirement error when hosting a WCF service with AppFabric Endpoint in SharePoint 2010

I am trying to host a WCF service within SharePoint 2010 with an AppFabric endpoint. I am using the basicHttpRelayBinding. When I host the service with a standard endpoint using the basicHttpBinding (not a service bus endpoint), the service works fine. However, as soon as I add the endpoint using the basicHttpRelayBinding, I receive the following error in the event log and the service does not register with the service bus.
WebHost failed to process a request.
Sender Information: System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpRequestAsyncResult/58154627
Exception: System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException: The service '/_vti_bin/FirstServiceFarmSolution/ListAccessService.svc' cannot be activated due to an exception during compilation. The exception message is: The ChannelDispatcher at 'sb://cliffwahl-trial.servicebus.windows.net/ListAccessService' with contract(s) '"IListAccessService"' is unable to open its IChannelListener.. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The ChannelDispatcher at 'sb://cliffwahl-trial.servicebus.windows.net/ListAccessService' with contract(s) '"IListAccessService"' is unable to open its IChannelListener. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The service cannot be activated because it does not support ASP.NET compatibility. ASP.NET compatibility is enabled for this application. Turn off ASP.NET compatibility mode in the web.config or add the AspNetCompatibilityRequirements attribute to the service type with RequirementsMode setting as 'Allowed' or 'Required'.
at System.ServiceModel.Activation.AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute.System.ServiceModel.Description.IServiceBehavior.Validate(ServiceDescription description, ServiceHostBase serviceHostBase)
I have tried the ws2007HttpRelayBinding and netTcpRelayBinding with the same behavior.
Here are the pertinent parts of code:
public interface IListAccessService
List<Lead> GetLeads();
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class ListAccessService : IListAccessService
Service File:
<%# ServiceHost Debug="true"
Service="FirstServiceFarmSolution.Code.ListAccessService, FirstServiceFarmSolution,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=625bdee8db8847ef" %>
Web Config:
<service name="FirstServiceFarmSolution.Code.ListAccessService"
<endpoint name="BasicHttpEndPoint"
<dns value="sp2010" />
<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
<endpoint name="RelayEndPoint"
contract="FirstServiceFarmSolution.Code.IListAccessService" />
<binding name="BasicHttpBindingConfig" />
<binding name="HttpRelayBindingConfig">
<security relayClientAuthenticationType="None" mode="Transport"/>
<behavior name="ListAccessServiceBehavior">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" httpHelpPageEnabled="false" httpsHelpPageEnabled="false"/>
<behavior name="sharedSecretClientCredentials">
<transportClientEndpointBehavior credentialType="SharedSecret">
<sharedSecret issuerName="<my issuer name>" issuerSecret="<my issuer secret>"/>
<serviceRegistrySettings discoveryMode="Public" />
Does anyone see an issue with the setup or can someone point me to a SharePoint specific example of hosting a WCF service with a service bus endpoint?