On my site, moderators can flag spammy comments. When these comments are flagged, they get quarantined so they no longer appear in regular views, though they can still be seen in the administrative control panel. At the moment, I exclude them from regular views like so:
#comments = Comment.where(:flagged => false)
I do this in every controller that has comments in it, of which there are many. I get the feeling that there's a cleaner way to handle this in Rails. Perhaps somewhere in the comments model I can specify that when querying for comments, only retrieve those that aren't flagged. If so, how is that done? And even if that's not possible, is there some other way to dry this code?
u can use a default scope
default_scope where(:flagged => false)
see http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Base/default_scope/class
the default scope can be ignored using unscoped. See http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Base/unscoped/class
i would prefer using a scope rather a default scope since i dont have to override it when all the records are needed. Depends upon the frequency of fetching all/unflagged records.
Make a scope (named 'clean' for this example):
class Comment < ActiveRecord
scope :clean, where(:flagged => false)
Then use:
#comments = Comment.clean
For future-proofing, you may may want to add a class method called default_view which just calls clean and use that instead. As your 'default' needs change, just modify the default_view method.
Let's say you're in your user controller and you want to change the name a #user based on some params you have available to you.
I want to know if there is any difference between the following:
#user.name = params[:user][:name]
#user.assign_attributes({:name=> params[:user][:name]})
Thanks in advance!
A great way to figure out questions like this is to dive into the source. I found the method in activerecord/lib/active_record/attribute_assignment.rbCheck it out here.
The assign_attributes method will actually just loop through the parameters given and sends the :name= message to your model. However, because you are possibly assigning many attributes, it takes into account mass-assignment precautions. (ie. make sure that the attribute is listed as attr_accessible).
The = (e.g. #user.name = params[:user][:name]) directly calls the attribute setter with no security check. The assign_attributes checks security for the values passed in.
From the Rails API for assign_attributes:
Allows you to set all the attributes for a particular mass-assignment
security role by passing in a hash of attributes with keys matching
the attribute names (which again matches the column names) and the
role name using the :as option.
Source for assign_attributes
I have a big ass collection which uses the same collection which needs to be filter in different ways
class PaymentLog < ActiveRecord::Base
include MongoMapper::Document
set_collection_name "logs"
# default scope for payment activity
And for example this.
class SuspiciousActivityLog < ActiveRecord::Base
include MongoMapper::Document
set_collection_name "logs"
# default scope search for suspicious activity
Both use the same logs, but each needs a default search on the type field.
MongoMapper does not support default scope. As explain on the MongoMapper mailing list when hamin wanted to discuss how to add default scopes...
"I personally don't use default scopes. Every time I tried, it ended up biting me." - Brandon Keepers
"I agree with Brandon. I've never had default_scope be useful. It always burns you in the long run. Much better to create a scope/method and always use that method." - John Nunemaker
"I've talked to a few other people and they seem to share your
sentiments John and Brandon. I'll file this one away then as
unnecessary :)" - Haris Amin
If you know that a default scope is the right solution for your problem, you can hack it using MongoMapper's Single Collection Inheritance module as a model:
class PaymentLog
# ...
def self.query(options={})
super.tap { |query| query[:type] = "payment" unless options.key?(:type) }
I find it quite retarded that MongoMapper does not support default scopes, but only because by default it does not sort documents by anything. SQL databases at least have a incremental id which is naturally used. This is the one reason I believe a default scope is very important.
Find doesn't descope the default_scope anymore, what should I do now? I need to find entries that are out of the default scope on so many places and I also need the scoped arrays of entries for so many lists in my application.
Why did they changed it? :(
Take a look at this article as what has been deprecated in Rails3 here.
So if you want to use the model without the default_scope on it, then you can use the following as in the snippet below.(This is extracted from the article I mentioned)
with_scope and with_exclusive_scope
with_scope and with_exclusive_scope are now implemented on top of Relation as well. Making it possible to use any relation with them :
with_scope(where(:name => 'lifo')) do
Or even use a named scope :
with_exclusive_scope(Item.red) do
I've just checked the man page of CDbCriteria, but there is not enough info about it.
This property is available since v1.1.7 and I couldn't find any help for it.
Is it for dynamically changing Model->scopes "on-the-fly"?
Scopes are an easy way to create simple filters by default. With a scope you can sort your results by specific columns automatically, limit the results, apply conditions, etc. In the links provided by #ldg there's a big example of how cool they are:
Somebody is retrieving all the recently published posts in one single line. They are easier to maintain than inline conditions (for example Post::model()->findAll('status=1')) and are encapsulated inside each model, which means big transparency and ease of use.
Plus, you can create your own parameter based scopes like this:
public function last($amount)
'order' => 't.create_time DESC',
'limit' => $amount,
return $this;
Adding something like this into a Model will let you choose the amount of objects you want to retrieve from the database (sorted by its create time).
By returning the object itself you allow method chaining.
Here's an example:
Gets the last 3 items. Of course you can expand the example to almost any property in the database. Cheers
Yes, scopes can be used to change the attributes of CDbCriteria with pre-built conditions and can also be passed parameters. Before 1.1.7 you could use them in a model() query and can be chained together. See:
Since 1.1.7, you can also use scopes as a CDbCriteria property.
See: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.arr#relational-query-with-named-scopes
I have a big, flat table:
Here is how I want users to get to products:
See a list of unique values for attribute1.
Clicking one of those gets you a list of unique values for attribute2.
Clicking one of those gets you a list of unique values for attribute3.
Clicking one of those gets you a list of unique values for attribute4.
Clicking one of those shows you the relevant products.
I have been coding Rails for about 4 years now. I just can't unthink my current approach to this problem.
I have major writer's block. Seems like such an easy problem. But I either code it with 4 different "step" methods in my controller, or I try to write one "search" method that attempts to divine the last level you selected, and all the previous values that you selected.
Both are major YUCK and I keep deleting my work.
What is the most elegant way to do this?
Here is a solution that may be an option. Just off the top of my head and not tested (so there is probably a bit more elegant solution). You could use chained scopes in your model:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :with_capacity, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:capacity=>args.first) }
scope :with_weight, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:weight=>args.first) }
scope :with_color, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:color=>args.first) }
scope :with_manufacturer, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:manufacturer=>args.first) }
products.collect{|product| product.send(attribute)}.uniq
The code above will give you a scope for each attribute. If you pass a parameter to the scope, then it will give you the products with that attribute value. If the argument is nil, then the scope will return the full set (I think ;-). You could keep track of the attributes they are drilling down in in the session with 2 variables (page_attribute and page_attribute_value) in your controller. Then you call the entire chain to get your list of products (if you want to use them on the page). Next you can get the attribute values by passing in the set of products and the attribute name to Product.available_attributes. Note that this method (Product.available_attributes) is a total hack and would be inefficient for a large set of data, so you may want to make this another scope and use :select=>"DISTINCT(your_attribute)" or something more database efficient instead of iterating thru the full set of products as I did in the hack method.
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
def show
session[params[:page_attribute].to_sym] = params[:page_attribute_value]
#products = Product.all.with_capacity(session[:capacity]).with_weight(session[:weight]).with_color(session[:color]).with_manufacturer(session[:manufacturer])
#attr_values = Product.available_attributes(#products,params[:page_attribute])
Again, I want to warn you that I did not test this code, so its totally possible that some of the syntax is incorrect, but hopefully this will give you a starting point. Holla if you have any questions about my (psuedo) code.