Live chat in Silverlight 4.0 - silverlight-4.0

I am trying to create a live chat and Video Conference and Video messages in silverlight 4.0. I have tried many code but they are not working for me. I am new in this type of can I achieve this all?

You can use WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) for this. It allows you to build a "duplex"-communication between server and (Silverlight) client(s).
Google for wcf chat duplex silverlight - there are many examples out there.
The other way is to use sockets - it's faster but you have to build it on your own. WCF has many build in standards, so it can save you a lot of work.


Multi Client Architecture using Azure Api

I want to build a new mobile app backend. This backend might eventually support other types of clients such as desktop or traditional web application.
In the past for multi client applications I would use this stack of technologies. SQL Server -> Entity Framework -> TCP WCF Service Endpoint -> MVC Web Application or WPF Windows Application
I know I want my mobile client to be consuming a Restful Http Web API like the types you would host in the new Azure API product. But I'm not sure if I should still do the WCF layer or not.
Couldn't all my clients consume just the Web API now? Or would it still be wise to develop the WCF service and the layer Web API on top of that?
It just doesn't seem right to be using 2 different serialization technologies at the same time.
Yes, you could replace that with Web API and create a REST API but as Tim already mentioned on his comment, that is obviously just HTTP and not all the protocols WCF supports.
Having said that, API Apps have Swagger metadata to describe what the REST URIs (endpoints) can do (e.g. methods, content types, descriptions etc.). There are a lot of Swagger SDK generators which can read the Swagger metadata and generate the code you need to consume the REST API in your application for pretty much any language out there. For Visual Studio 2013 with the latest Azure SDK, you have this capability built in as well. This is pure code generation, no tight coupling or anything, we just generate the code you were supposed to write to consume the API.

Can't create Xamarin Portable Class Library due to IExtendableObject

I have some troubles with using Portable Class Library. I develop both iOS and Android app and I want to create shared business layer using PCL. However, I use WCF class. Particularly the problem is when I use IExtendableObject, which isn’t exist in PCL. Is it possible to circumvent this problem?
Sorry, but what is exactly IExtendableObject ? Do you mean IExtensibleDataObject ?
Exposing a WCF service does not requires Xamarin. Use your favorite IDE to designa and develop it. You just have to use basicHttpBinding, because Xamarin can only consume a WCF web service using this kind of binding. Do not create a WCF service with a PCL !
PCL allows you to share code between all your mobile applications. In your case, this is at least the proxy code. To create a Xamarin compatible proxy you will use the Silverlight Service Model Proxy Generation Tool from Silverlight SDK 5 (SLsvcUtil.exe). Unfortunatelly, this type ExtensionDataObject isn't available in Silverlight.
I'm a bit surprised to see this requirement in Xamarin as it's used for Forward-Compatible Data Contracts.
Thank you for advise! It works, but we won't do it in our project. Insteed of it, we now use sharing code method:

WCF Service communication using MonoTouch

Can anyone point me in the right direction for where to start when calling a WCF Service from Monotouch?
I am developing an IPad App using Monotouch and its data needs to be provided by a WCF Service
As igor said in his comment, try for a really good introduction.
Also, this video may help
And there are also articles available on how to do cross platform wcf clients - eg

WP7 Callbacks From WCF

I'm working on a project that relies heavily on communication between multiple WP7 devices. I wanted to use WCF callback contracts to create a subscribe/unsubscribe architecture for my services however I have recently found out that I can't use wsDualHttpBinding on Windows Phone 7 but only basicHttpBinding.
Can anyone suggest any approaches using basicHttpBinding which might allow for a similar approach?
You could always use Push Notifications to send the data to the phone (the other option would be polling the server at a predetermined interval which would kill battery life on the device).
You could look at using (raw) Push Notifications to tell the app that there is a new message on the server to retrieve.

Tutorial on Consuming a WCF service in ASP.Net web site?

I'm attempting to create my first WCF service.
I've created the service and now I'm trying to call it from a (vb) web site and I've tried adding a web reference to it and using the scvutil.exe to consume the service.
So far neither have worked. It's not letting me declare the service in my code. If someone could point me to a good tutorial on how to consume a WCF service in an ASP.Net web site that would be great.
I've found numerous on how to use them with AJAX or silverlight or windows apps but nothing on using it in just a plain old website.
Please see Beginner's Guide to Windows Communication Foundation. It's part of the WCF Developer Center on MSDN, which is full of good resources.
The link above is broken. Some other links I've found while searching for it:
Developing Service-Oriented Applications
Windows Communication Foundation
Conceptual Overview
Getting Started Tutorial
How to: Create a Windows Communication Foundation Client
Basic WCF Programming
Just add service reference, use the service reference as using "reference1.xxxx" and then use the client code.
That's all after the initialization. It works for me. Let me know if you require any help.