Grails spring-security-ldap plugin is not working - grails-plugin

I am trying to use Grails spring-security-ldap plugin for LDAP authentication with my Grails 2.0.1 application. I followed the instructions for this plugin. Now how can I start the login page?
Should I run s2-quickstart from spring-secuity-core plugin to generate user/roles?


Google-analytics integration with grails 4.x app

I am new to grails and I was working on the grails demo app from . Now this app is using grails version 4.0.1 and I want to use google-analytics plugin with the app.
The problem is I can't find "grails install-plugin [plugin-name]" also I am not sure if the google-analytics plugin works with grails 4.x. Is there any way I can integrate the google-analytics plugin with my app.
Note: I am using a macbook pro and Intellij IDEA as the ide.
The problem is I can't find "grails install-plugin [plugin-name]" also
I am not sure if the google-analytics plugin works with grails 4.x.
There is no install-plugin command in Grails 4 (or Grails 3). The way to install plugins is to add a dependency on the plugin to build.gradle.
Also, the plugin you linked ( is not a Grails 4 plugin.

Migrate the existing custom Cordova plugin written in version 6.3 to 8.0. (MFP)

I would like to know what are the prerequisites to migrate plugin from v6.3 to 8.0. The code written for the plugin is in Java, should we any additional steps? or the same code(6.3) will continue to work for migration?
Can any one suggest any tool for plugin migration (like how we have for MFP Cordova application)?
As of MFP 8.0, MFP client SDK is a Cordova plugin. If you have developed a custom Cordova plugin, this should work fine with MFP 8.0 as well. You can add your custom plugin to the Cordova project and use it as you would any other plugin.
Custom plugins are developed to meet specific requirements and the native implementation is specific to respective platforms. This is outside of MFP and there is no tool for custom plugin migration. Developer needs to do it themselves if a code change to their custom plugin is warranted.

grails version update from 3.1.11 to 3.1.16

I have a grails 3.1.16 application. In that i'm using some plugins of grails 3.1.11. When i'm running my application with grails run-app command its working fine.But when i make the war file and deploy it to tomcat it is picking wrong version of some files.
Initially my app is in grails 3.1.11. But i need some improvements that are done in 3.1.16(BeforeValidateHelper implements serializable). So i have updated the version my grails-app to 3.1.16. .But my plugins are made in 3.1.11 version. When i'm running grails run-app its working fine(BeforeValidateHelper implemented serializable). But when i'm deplying it as war file to tomcat, its showing BeforeValidateHelper is not serializable.
when i open http://localhost:8080 its showing grails 3.1.16 version(which is correct).
But its picking files of grails 3.1.11(BeforeValidateHelper)

Grails 3.0 adding an inline plugin

I created simple grails 3.0 applications using commands below:
create-app admin --profile=web
create-plugin core --profile=plugin
Now, I wanted to use core as an inline plugin in admin build, which is a web application.
We can easily do that in grails version < 3.0 in buildconfig. Where can I do that in grails 3.0. Every help is worth appreciated.
Recently I used an inline plugin in my grails 3 application. here is how I did it-
Make sure that your application and your plugin are on same parent directory.
Now go to build.gradle file of your application.
Add this line in dependencies:
compile project(':plugin_name')
Now go to settings.gradle file on your application and append these lines:
include 'plugin_name'
project(':plugin_name').projectDir = new File('absolute_path_of_pluin')
Inplace plugins have been replaced by multi project Gradle builds. See the Grails 3 functional test suite for an example

Deploying appfuse app on cloudbees as war

I have appfuse maven project , is it better to deploy it using Click start Tomcat or as a Jenkin Maven project? I have tried both but it does not seem to be working in any ways. I have created database and bound it to the app. still it gives error for spring bean creation etc. Can anyone help in this scenario?
If I would need to deploy my appfuse maven application on CloudBees platform, I will try two different ways:
Use the Tomcat 7 Maven ClickStart as a template changing the SCM to your repo.
Use the CloudBees SDK to deploy your application.
In this last case, you just need to generate your .war file, in case you use maven, launching:
mvn clean package
And then you can deploy your application from the CLoudBees SDK using:
bees app:deploy -t tomcat7 -a APPID MYFILE.war
You say that when you deploy your application it gives error for spring bean creation. However, you don't attach any stacktrace to your question, so it is difficult to do any kind of diagnosis on our end.