Objective-C: why a custom object will be a zombie - objective-c

I'm developing an app in Objective-C using ARC.
My simplified code looks like this:
ClassA (.m)
MyCustomClass *obj = [[MyCustomClass alloc] initWithValue1:#"abc" value2:1000];
MyViewController *vc = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithObject:obj];
// "vc" will become the first item of a UITabBarController
MyViewController (.h)
- (id)initWithObject:(MyCustomClass *)obj {
localReferenceToOjbect = obj;
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
// do something with "localRefernceToObject" <---
launching the app will result in a call to a zombie: when the ViewController is shown, the "obj" will be already deallocated and so i can't use it anymore.
my workaround is:
ClassA (.h)
#interface ClassA : UIViewController {
MyCustomClass *obj;
ClassA (.m)
obj = [[MyCustomClass alloc] initWithValue1:#"abc" value2:1000];
MyViewController *vc = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithObject:obj];
// "vc" will become the first item of a UITabBarController
is this the right way?! i don't think so: why i've to store an istance of an object that is useless for ClassA?
i can't get an explanation on what's actually happening. could you help me?

You're right in the fact that it is not logical to keep around a reference to obj in ClassA.
But if you need to keep around the reference to obj for MyViewController to use it, retain it in MyViewController, not in ClassA, because that's MyViewController that will use it.
The easiest way to do this is to transform your localReferenceToObject you use in MyViewController into a #property(retain) propertyToObject; (or #property(strong) propertyToObject if you use ARC) and access it in your MyViewController.m with self.propertyToObject (instead of localReferenceToObject, to be sure to call the property's setter and thus really retain the object).
This way, the object will be retained and kept around while your MyViewController instance is still alive.
[EDIT] If you want this property to be private, you can declare it in the class extension so that it is not accessible from other classes, as in the below example. See here in Apple's documentation for more details.
In your MyViewController.h header file
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController
// Here you write the public API in the .h / public header
// If you don't want your property to be visible, don't declare it there
In your MyViewController.m file
#interface MyViewController ()
// This is the private API, only visible inside the MyViewController.m file and not from other classes
// Note the "()" to declare the class extension, as explained in Apple doc
#property(nonatomic, retain) MyCustomClass* referenceToObject; // Note: use strong (which is a synonym of retain) if you use ARC
#implementation MyViewController
#synthesize referenceToObject = _referenceToObject; // not even needed with modern ObjC and latest LLVM compiler
- (id)initWithObject:(MyCustomClass *)obj
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.referenceToOjbect = obj;
return self;
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
// do something with "self.refernceToObject"
// This memory management code is only needed if you don't use ARC
self.referenceToObject = nil; // release memory
[super dealloc];
Personally, as suggested by Apple in some WWDC sessions, I now really rarely use instance variables and prefer the use of properties instead, either public in the .h or private in the .m.
If you use ARC, you can still use an instance variable instead of a property as ARC will retain it for you, but as long as you make sure your instance variable is declared as strong and not weak.


How to initialize main window objects from custom class during program start?

I have a main window with a couple of popupbuttons. I want to clear them, then load the lists from a method in a custom class. I've got my view controller working and I know the method in the custom class (newRequest) is working because I added a NSLog command to print "Test" when the method executes. In AppDelegate I'm calling the method via:
[polyAppRequest newRequest];.
As I said, I know the method is executing. Why can't I removeallitems from the popupbutton from this custom class method?
I read that you should use an NSWindowController to manage a window. See here:
Windows and window controllers
Adding views or windows to MainWindow
Then if your window gets complicated enough, the NSWindowController can employ various NSViewControllers to manage parts of the window.
In any case, I used an NSWindowController in my answer.
The image below shows the outlet's for File's Owner, which is my MainWindowController:
I created MainWindowController .h/.m in Xcode6.2 by:
Selecting File>New>File>OS X - Source - Cocoa Class
Selecting NSWindowController for Subclass of:
Checking also create .xib file for user interface
Then I deleted the window--not the menu--in the default MainMenu.xib, and I changed the name of MainWindowController.xib, created by the steps above, to MainWindow.xib.
The following code works for me (but I'm a Cocoa beginner!):
// AppDelegate.m
// PopUpButtons
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "MainWindowController.h"
#interface AppDelegate ()
#property(strong) MainWindowController* mainWindowCtrl;
#implementation AppDelegate
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
[self setMainWindowCtrl:[[MainWindowController alloc] init]];
[[self mainWindowCtrl] showWindow:nil];
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to tear down your application
// MainWindowController.m
// PopUpButtons
#import "MainWindowController.h"
#import "MyData.h"
#interface MainWindowController ()
#property(strong) MyData* data;
#property(weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton* namePopUp;
#property(weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton* agePopUp;
#implementation MainWindowController
-(id)init {
if (self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"MainWindow"]) {
_data = [[MyData alloc] init]; //Get data for popups
return self;
- (void)windowDidLoad {
[super windowDidLoad];
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
[[self namePopUp] removeAllItems];
[[self namePopUp] addItemsWithTitles:[[self data] drinks]];
[[self agePopUp] removeAllItems];
[[self agePopUp] addItemsWithTitles:[[self data] extras]];
// MyData.h
// PopUpButtons
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MyData : NSObject
#property NSArray* drinks;
#property NSArray* extras;
// MyData.m
// PopUpButtons
#import "MyData.h"
#implementation MyData
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_drinks = #[#"coffee", #"tea"];
_extras = #[#"milk", #"sugar", #"honey"];
return self;
I hope that helps. If you need any more screenshots, let me know.
I think I see what you are asking about. Although I don't think it is a very good approach, if I change my code to this:
// MyData.h
// PopUpButtons
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface MyData : NSObject
#property (copy) NSArray* drinks;
#property (copy) NSArray* extras;
// MyData.m
// PopUpButtons
#import "MyData.h"
#interface MyData()
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton* drinksPopUp;
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton* extrasPopUp;
#implementation MyData
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_drinks = #[#"coffee", #"tea"];
_extras = #[#"milk", #"sugar", #"honey"];
return self;
-(void)newRequest {
[[self drinksPopUp] removeAllItems];
[[self drinksPopUp] addItemsWithTitles:[self drinks]];
[[self extrasPopUp] removeAllItems];
[[self extrasPopUp] addItemsWithTitles:[self extras]];
I am unable to populate the NSPopUpButtons. This is what I did:
I dragged an Object from the Object Library to the dock in IB, and in the Identity Inspector, I changed the Object's class to MyData.
Then I clicked on the Connections Inspector, and the two instance variables in MyData, drinksPopUp and extrasPopUp, were listed in the Outlets.
I dragged from the outlets to the respective NSPopUpButtons.
I guess I assumed, like you, that when my program ran, the NSPopUpButtons would be assigned to the instance variables drinksPopUp and extrasPopUp--but that doesn't seem to be the case. According to the Apple docs, you should be able to do that:
An application typically sets outlet connections between its custom
controller objects and objects on the user interface, but they can be
made between any objects that can be represented as instances in
Interface Builder,...
I am able to pass the NSPopUpButtons from my MainWindowController to the newRequest method, and I can use the NSPopUpButtons inside newRequest to successfully populate the data.
I know the method in the custom class (newRequest) is working because
I added a NSLog command to print "Test" when the method executes.
But what happens when you log the variables that point to the NSPopUpButtons? With my code in Edit1, I get NULL for the variables, which means the NSPopUpButtons never got assigned to the variables.
If I add an awakeFromNib method to MyData, and inside awakeFromNib I log the NSPopUpButton variables for the code in Edit1, I get non NULL values. That tells me that the MainWindowController's windowDidLoad method is executing before MyData's awakeFromNib method, and therefore you cannot call newRequest inside MainWindowController's windowDidLoad method because MyData has not been fully initialized.
Okay, I got the code in Edit1 to work. The Apple docs say this:
About the Top-Level Objects
When your program loads a nib file, Cocoa recreates the entire graph
of objects you created in Xcode. This object graph includes all of the
windows, views, controls, cells, menus, and custom objects found in
the nib file. The top-level objects are the subset of these objects
that do not have a parent object [in IB]. The top-level objects typically
include only the windows, menubars, and custom controller objects that
you add to the nib file [like the MyData Object]. (Objects such as File’s Owner, First
Responder, and Application are placeholder objects and not considered
top-level objects.)
Typically, you use outlets in the File’s Owner object to store
references to the top-level objects of a nib file. If you do not use
outlets, however, you can retrieve the top-level objects from the
nib-loading routines directly. You should always keep a pointer to
these objects somewhere because your application is responsible for
releasing them when it is done using them. For more information about
the nib object behavior at load time, see Managing the Lifetimes of
Objects from Nib Files.
In accordance with the bolded line above, I changed this declaration in MainWindowController.m:
#interface MainWindowController ()
#property(strong) MyData* data;
to this:
#interface MainWindowController ()
#property(strong) IBOutlet MyData* data;
Then, in IB I dragged a connection from the MainWindowController data outlet to the MyData Object(the Object I had previously dragged out of the Object Library and onto the doc).
I guess that causes MyData to unarchive from the .xib file and initialize before MainWindowController.

Access Class without initializing

I want to create a class in objective-c with its methods, so that for accessing the data I don't want to instantiate the class. how can I do it?
Either you can use singleton, or if you are planning to use only static methods, you can just add it in the class and use it directly with class name.
Create methods as static,
then use it as,
[MyClass method];
This is helpful only if you are creating some utility classes which has only some utility method like processing an image or so. If you need to have property variables, you will need singleton.
For eg:-
Go to new file and create MySingleton class which will create MySingleton.h and MySingleton.m files.
In .h file,
#interface MySingleton : NSObject
UIViewController *myview;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIViewController *myview;
+(MySingleton *)sharedSingleton;
In .m file,
+ (MySingleton*)sharedSingleton {
static MySingleton* _one = nil;
#synchronized( self ) {
if( _one == nil ) {
_one = [[ MySingleton alloc ] init ];
return _one;
- (UIViewController *)myview {
if (!myview) {
self.myview = [[[UIViewController alloc] init] autorelease]; //you can skip this, but in that case you need to allocate and initialize the first time you are using this.
return myview;
Then use it as,
[[MySingleton sharedSingleton] myview] anywhere in your project. Remember to import MySingleton.h though. Similarly you can create any object in singleton and use it. Just implement the getter or setter method accordingly.
One thing you have to be careful is that the object created in a singleton has only a single memory space allocated and hence it is the same object whenever you are using anywhere in your project. The above code will not create multiple copies of myview object in the class. So whenever you are modifying a property of myview that will be reflected everywhere. Use this approach only if it is absolutely needed and you need to have access to a single object from all over the project. Normally we use this only for situations like storing a sessionID which needs to be accessed from different classes etc..
You may use singleton pattern, check this question.
Like this:
+(MySingleton *)sharedInstance {
static dispatch_once_t pred;
static MySingleton *shared = nil;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
shared = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
shared.someIvar = #"blah";
return shared;
Or if you want to just access methods, you may use factory methods (those with +, not with -)
#interface MyClass
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger value;
+ (void) factoryMethod;
- (void) instanceMethod;
// then in code
[MyClass factoryMethod]; // ok
[[MyClass sharedInstance] instanceMethod]; // ok
[MyClass sharedInstance].value = 5; // ok
You may add a property to appDelegate
// in your app delegate.h
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIViewController* view;
// in your app delegate.m
#synthesize view;
and get appDelegate from almost any place like:
myapp_AppDelegate* appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplicaton] delegate];
appDelegate.view = ...; // set that property and use it anywhere like this
Note, that you'll need to #import your UIViewController subclass and your appDelegate.h to make autocomplete work and sometimes avoid warnings.
// someFile.m
#import "appDelegate.h"
#import "myViewController.h"
myapp_AppDelegate* appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplicaton] delegate];
appDelegate.view.myLabel.text = #"label text";

Objective-c: Singleton - passing variables

I have a singleton that I'd like to use to manage the onscreen animation of my views. Here's my.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface OAI_AnimationManager : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary* sectionData;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableDictionary* sectionData;
+(OAI_AnimationManager* )sharedAnimationManager;
- (void) checkToggleStatus : (UIView* ) thisSection;
.m file
#import "OAI_AnimationManager.h"
#implementation OAI_AnimationManager
#synthesize sectionData;
+(OAI_AnimationManager *)sharedAnimationManager {
static OAI_AnimationManager* sharedAnimationManager;
#synchronized(self) {
if (!sharedAnimationManager)
sharedAnimationManager = [[OAI_AnimationManager alloc] init];
return sharedAnimationManager;
- (void) checkToggleStatus : (UIView* ) thisSection {
//get the section data dictionary
NSLog(#"%#", sectionData);
You'll see in the .h file I added a NSMutableDictionary and am using #property/#synthesize for it's getter and setter.
In my ViewController I instantiate the animation manager as well as a series of subclasses of UIView called Section. With each one I store the data (x/y w/h, title, etc.) in a dictionary and pass that to the dictionary delcared in animation manager. In the Section class I also instantiate animation manager and add a UITapGestureRecognizer which calls a method, which passes along which section was tapped to a method (checkToggleStatus) in animation manager.
As you can I see in the method I am just logging sectionData. Problem is I am getting null for the value.
Maybe my understanding of singletons is wrong. My assumption was the class would only be instantiated once, if it was already instantiated then that existing object would be returned.
I do need all the other Section classes data as if one animates others animate in response and I can get around it by passing the tapped Section to the animation manager and doing [[Section superview] subviews] and then looping and getting the data from each that way but it seems redundant since that data is available in the ViewController when they are created.
Am I doing something wrong in trying to transfer that data? Is there a better solution? I am open to suggestions and criticisms.
h file
#interface OAI_AnimationManager : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableDictionary* sectionData;
+(OAI_AnimationManager* )sharedAnimationManager;
- (void) checkToggleStatus : (UIView* ) thisSection;
m file
static OAI_AnimationManager* _sharedAnimationManager;
#implementation OAI_AnimationManager
#synthesize sectionData = _sectionData;
+(OAI_AnimationManager *)sharedAnimationManager {
#synchronized(self) {
if (!_sharedAnimationManager) {
_sharedAnimationManager = [[OAI_AnimationManager alloc] init];
return _sharedAnimationManager;
- (void) checkToggleStatus : (UIView* ) thisSection {
//get the section data dictionary
NSLog(#"%#", _sectionData);
Notice I moved your sectionData variable from the header and moved it to the implementation file. A while back, they changed it to where you can synthesize properties and specify their instance variable names along side it... hence:
sectionData = _sectionData;
I also added and underscore to the instance variable... this is a universal convention for private variables and it also will throw a compile error now if you try to type just sectionData as you did in the return statement of checkToggleStatus:. Now you either have to type self.sectionData or _sectionData.
You didn't include the code that creates an instance of your dictionary but I bet you didn't set it as self.sectionData = [[NSDictionary alloc] init] which means it would not retain the value and you would get null the next time you called it. Classic memory management mistake... I know it well because I learned the hard way hehehe

In Objective-C, what happens to the original object when the init method sets self?

I have three Objective-C classes:
#interface ClassA : NSObject{
IBOutlet id<ClassAProtocol>delegate
//other instance variables
#interface ClassB : ClassA{
//instance variables
#interface ClassC : ClassA{
//instance variables
My objective is so that when an instance of ClassA is called for in either code or InterfaceBuilder, an instance of ClassB or ClassC is actually created. Whether it will be ClassB or ClassC depends on a return value of a method in ClassAProtocol as implemented by the delegate object.
#implementation ClassA
static BOOL _initFromSubclass = NO;
_initFromSubclass = NO;
self = [super init];
}else {
_initFromSubclass = YES;
if([delegate shouldInitClassB]){
self = [[ClassB alloc] init];
self = [[ClassC alloc] init];
return self;
//other methods
This doesn't work the way I wanted because at the init call, the delegate (set in Interface Builder) is still nil, and so the object created is always ClassC. Also, a ClassA object is created first, then, in its init call, creates a new ClassC object, with a different memory address, and no ClassA object is dealloced. I have three questions:
1)What happens to the original ClassA object? (I think it's leaked, but I want to know).
2)How do I avoid the leak?
3)How do I accomplish what I actually want? By the time the delegate is set (say, in awakeFromNib method), it's too late to reset the object.
Yes I think it will be leaked because it has a retain count of +1 after the alloc but nothing will release it.
You can use [self release] before reassigning the value of self. Some argue that it should be [self dealloc] directly, but I personally prefer the former.
Objects instantiated from nibs are sent initWithCoder: messages I think, so override that instead of init. Although, at this point, I'm still not sure whether delegate will be set.

Problem with NSObject init method

I have a problem with the init() method of a standard NSObject. I wrote a class (EFAPersistence) which is a subclass of NSObject. EFAPersistance has a attribute called efaDatabase.
#interface EFAPersistence : NSObject {
FMDatabase * efaDatabase;
#property (assign) FMDatabase * efaDatabase;
Everytime an instance of EFAPersistance is created I want to assign efaDatabase a value from my AppDelegate.
#implementation EFAPersistence
#synthesize efaDatabase;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
efaDatabase = [[NSApp delegate] efaDatabase];
return self;
This way of assigning does not work. But it works if I put the code in a normal method. So I am sure that efaDatabase is correctly instantiated in my AppDelegate. It's just not working in my init() method. That's why I have the feeling that NSApp is not working inside the init() method.
That's how the important AppDelegate code looks like.
#interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
FMDatabase * efaDatabase;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
NSString * databasePath =
[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"efa" ofType:#"sqlite"];
self.efaDatabase = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:databasePath];
if (![efaDatabase open]) {
NSLog(#"Couldn't open database: %#", databasePath);
// TODO: Create a database here
self.db = [[EFAPersistence alloc] init];
return self;
As you can see I am calling the init method. I also affirmed this by using NSLog(). init() is called. The attribute I am trying to assign in EFAPersistence is also created before init() is called.
To sum everything up:
How can I make this work within the init() method so I do not have to write boiler plate code in all my methods of EFAPersistence?
It looks to me that your AppDelegate is unset when you try to create the EFAPersistance object the first time. This is on below line in AppDelegate.m
self.db = [[EFAPersistence alloc] init];
I imagine the app delegate is set after the init is done (returned).
This way of assigning does not work. But it works if I put the code in a normal method. So I am sure that efaDatabase is correctly instantiated in my AppDelegate. It's just not working in my init() method. That's why I have the feeling that NSApp is not working inside the init() method.
NSApp works fine.
Quoting epatel:
I imagine the app delegate is set after the init is done (returned).
Correct. The nib loader completely instantiates each object (including the app delegate, if it's in a nib), then sets it as the value of any properties it's connected to. These are two separate operations; it will not set a not-yet-initialized object as the application delegate.
Quoting you (Jens) again:
The question is how to assign efaDatabase in EFAPersistences only once . There are other methods like awakeFromNib and viewDidLoad etc. But those are not available in a plain NSObject subclass.
Incorrect. awakeFromNib is sent to every object in a nib after the object has been initialized.
That said, I'm curious as to why you have EFAPersistence in a nib. From its name, it doesn't sound interface-related. Shouldn't the app delegate own the EFAPersistence, and the EFAPersistence own the database directly?