Is there a way to find out the SDK version installed on my server? - rally

How can i find out which SDK is being used on my Rally server?
I'm trying to use 2.0p4 but i get a script error mentioning Rally object is undefined.
i checked previous post on SO and found out the App syntax was different in SDK 1.0 where Rally object was not mentioned.
can it be that my Rally server is not supporting SDK 2.0p4 APIs?

Currently is running the latest preview, 2.0p4.
All SDK versions are located at [server]/apps/[version].
For SDK 1 the latest is here:
[server]/apps/1.32/sdk.js (or sdk.js?debug=true)
For SDK 2 preview the latest is here:
[server]/apps/2.0p4/sdk.js (or sdk-debug.js)
If you are running an on prem version of Rally you'll have to just experiment and see what the most recent versions are you have.


Limit Qt API to specific version?

is it possible to reduce/limit the Qt API features to specific earlier versions?
In the API documentation there is e.g. information that methods are introduced with version major.minor.
Can you restrict the API features of an installed newer version to the earlier ones without installing?
I don't think so, because there are no version conditions in the header files.
But maybe you know for sure...
Is there a tool which detects the usage of incompatible API to a specific version?

Worklight 6.1 previous versions

I need to build my project with Worklight version, but I didn't find it. Please who has this version ?
If you absolutely must have this specific build, you can find it here if you use Worklight Consumer Edition, or here if you use Worklight Enterprise Edition, if you are an IBM customer with a valid support entitlement.
However, if there isn't a very specific reason that you absolutely must have this specific build, I strongly agree with Idan's answer that you should use the most recent iFix build available on IBM Fix Central. As of right now, the latest build contains fixes for 93 separate APARs that are not contained in the build you are asking about (from more than 2 years ago).
That is an extremely old build and unless this build was an official iFix release - it will no longer exist. So, if you are an IBM customer you can look for this build number in the IBM Fix Central website.
Note however that you should always use the latest available iFix release... and not a build from more than two years ago, especially for production. If you will request official support, you will be told to use the latest build.

Application cannot be imported; it is either an invalid one or it contains specific features that are not supported

I followed the recommended solution:
IBM Worklight v6.0 - Error while adding an application to the Mobile Test Workbench
still got the error even though my jdk seems to be already correct
I didn't see any errors in the test workbench mobile client log (emulator), which log should I be looking at?
I suppose that you are using Android 4.4 and not Android 4.4W or 4.4L which are not yet supported. And you should have made recently an update of the Android SDK tools to version 23 (you can verify by opening the SDK Manager)
Google has modified in this release the way the tools are organized and this made MTWW regressed when instrumenting.
There is a workaround: copy <android-sdk-dir>/build-tools/20.0.0/zipalign[.exe] to <android-sdk-dir>/tools.
I had same problem. You may need hotfix or uptdate to RTW8.6.

Cannot use Direct Update for Windows 8 in Worklight 5.0.6

I use Worklight 5.0.6 and can't use direct update for a Windows 8 application.
IBM Worklight Information Center tells that windows 8 app can use direct update.
My way to test direct update as follows.
Please tell me how to use direct update in Windows8.
make windows8 env project
change wlInitOptions.connectOnStartup value "true" (in common\js\initOptions.js )
select [Build All and Deploy]
double click .jsproj file run simulator in visual studio 2012 for Windows8
make app "back ground"
change html file and "re [Build All and Deploy]"
make app "foreground"
This documentation page is misleading (I will open a defect to correct it).
Direct Update (as in the process of updating the web resources of the application after it has already been installed on the device) is available ONLY for iOS and Android. In those environments following your steps will indeed trigger a Direct Update.
The update (or rather, upgrade) of Desktop applications has no relation what-so-ever to the Direct Update mechanism mentioned above.
For Desktop enviornments consider it like updating any other desktop application - where you up the version number, and the app detects that there is an update available or so.
In the case of Adobe Air and Windows 7/Vista Gadgets:
Build your application and install it
In application-descriptor.xml, up the value of the version attribute in the envrionment's element (for instance from "1.0" to "1.1")
Build again
I believe that now you need to go to the Worklight Console and re-download the installer, and it will detect that it needs to upgrade rather than install afresh).
Note: iGoogle, Facebook, Windows 7/Vista Gadgets and Dashboard environments will be removed in the next version of Worklight. All have ample replacements with other supported Worklight environments.
In the case of Windows 8:
Direct Update most certainly does not exist for it
The steps above are also not relevant as it is not a downloadable executable

Carbide.c++ 1.2.2 not displaying SDK S60 2nd Edition CW templates

I downloaded Carbide.c++ 1.2 and also downloaded the SDK S60 2nd Edition CW.
I installed the SDK and it is recognized in the Window->Preferences->Carbide C++->SDK preferences.
but when I try to create a new project, the templates related to the SDK aren't displayed.
and the editor seems not to detect the SDK.
has anyone ever experienced this ?
how do you solve it ?
Attilah, these are quite old versions of both the SDK and Carbide. But if you need to develop an app for an S60 2nd edition device this makes sense. I don't have either of this installed currently, so it's hard to diagnose exactly.
You said the SDK is recognized. In the SDK preferences, if the checkbox next to the SDK is turned off then the SDK is disabled. Make sure it's enabled.
One thing you could try is to turn of the "Filter templates based on enabled SDKs" checkbox in the new Symbian OS C++ project wizard.
Also, you could try importing one of the example apps from the SDK to confirm you can import and build the project OK.
If you decide to do any work with 3rd or 5th edition phones then you can get the latest Carbide from