Is it bad to call views inside a View in sql - sql

I have created 8 different views and i am using all these views inside a view.
So i was wondering before i go any further with this idea. i want to know does it affects performance too badly or not.

No, it's fine. In many cases I personally consider it preferable to writing one view with a giant and difficult to understand definition. In my opinion, using multiple views allows you to:
Encapsulate discrete logic in individual views.
Re-use logic in the individual views without having to repeat the logic (eliminating update problems later).
Name your logic so that it's easier for the next programmer to understand what you were trying to accomplish.

Views get "compiled" away during execution plan creation. Therefore there is only a very small penalty for using them: The extra time it takes SQL Server to look up the definition. Usually this delay is not measurable.
That means using views for the purposes mentioned by Larry Lustig is perfectly fine and encourage-able.
HOWEVER: Make sure that you do not introduce unnecessary JOINs using this technique. While SQL Server has mechanisms to eliminate unneeded tables from a query it quickly gives up if the query becomes to complex. Executing those additional JOINs can cause a significant slowdown. This is the reason that many companies have a no-view-rule in place.
So: Use views, but make sure to not misuse them.

It's not bad for performance just for being a view. It may add some complexity to maintain, and cause additional consideration when you want to change the schema of the underlying tables. If you were using views and they joined to the same tables, I think that would be less efficient than joining to the table once in one view.

I favour using nested views, with each view encapsulating and naming some cross section of data.
As for performance, it can actually improve performance if the alternative required that same data to be queried multiple times: A nested view is a bit like a temporary table - fired once.
The best, and recommended, way to discover performance implications is to try both options and examine the explain output.

The pure fact of querying a view from within a view does not have any negative performance implications. It is not different from querying a table from within a view.


SQL View From a View Running Slow

I created a view that pulls data from another view and it is running extremely slow. The original view runs fine so I'm not sure what the hold up would be. Is this typically an issue when querying off a view?
I did some brief research and can conclude that you'll have a hard time maintaining efficient nested views. In short, your SQL Server query optimizer is going to have a near-impossible time figuring out how to quickly execute your query. At best it has to execute three statements: Source statement, View 1, View 2 (Nested). Without indexes on the tables and views performance is going to continually be slow because it's running so many operations.
You'd be much better off by searching for an alternate solution to your nested view, such as replicating your SELECT statement from your first view within your nested view. The duplication is also less than ideal, but it means that your optimizer won't have to work so hard. You can also look into applying indexes to your views. When done properly, you will improve SELECT performance while sacrificing speed when you perform INSERT operations. This should be done if you don't expect your source table to change too often, but is probably the best solution available if you can't restructure view layout.
Probably you use some filters on both internal (fast) and external (slow) views.
Make sure that filters used on the external view are best 'linked' to the internal view. Best 'linked' means that if e.g. at the external view you use some more tables and join the internal view, try to join with filter columns as well or with the lower detail base table.

Optimisation of Views

I have a windows service that gets data from views and for each view, a table has been defined in which the data is filled.
The views are made such that there are views inside views may be upto three level deeper.
Can you give me some tips how to improve performance of the outer most views ?
Or how to improve performance overall.
EDIT : I have also heard its not good strategy to use view inside view, is it true ?
Views are macros
They expand at run time
They do not encapsulate or pre-calculate queries **
They are not optimisations
DRY doesn't always apply to databases (the case for views as presented by client developers)
Basically, remove the views. You usually don't need them.
For general performance tuning, this is a different and complex question and it usually starts with a bad design and bad code and bad practices.
** indexed or materialised views do, but these have usage limitations
Performance in overall is not affected with the structure of views
if you use some aggregates processing inside(or anything not just selecting the fields) or forces query optimizer NOT to expand views.
What about strategy of views inside views - tastes matters, I think that it is not beautiful, but I cannot name it as a strategy 8-)
And a few words about improve performance overall - it is the MOST complicated area to answer it within one message, I think you should start to tune your DB for performance gain without special focusing on views or views inside others or whatever.
I think here it is explained very well View Performance Question
SQL Server resolves the total query at run time, so the query plan
will be like you wrote joins and selected the columns you wanted. If
the views contain only the joins that are appropriate for your query,
the performance should be no worse than writing the select statement.
If the view has joins that are not appropriate for the query you are
running, it can cause a performance problem.
Also, SQL Server spends some time on "looking into the view" (e.g. selecting data from the system tables), so execution time of view will be a little greater than of the same query, although their execution plans will be identical.

Is there a reason not to use views in Oracle?

I have recently noticed that nobody uses views in my company (and it's a big company).
I want to create a few views largely because they make my queries simpler to the eye, and these views are on somewhat big tables that don't get very frequent updates (once a day).
My alternative is to create a type table of type record an populate it each time a SP is called. Is this better than using a view? (my guess is no)
PS: database is oracle 10g and
- yes i have asked around but no one could give me a reason.
- both the views and the queries that will be using them are heavy on joins.
Aesthetics doesn't have a place in SQL, or coding in general, when there's performance implications.
If the optimizer determines that predicate pushing can occur, a view will be as good as directly querying the table(s) the view represents. And as Justin mentions, because a view is a macro that expands into the underlying query the view represents -- a soft parse (re-use of the query from cache) is very likely because the cache check needs to match queries exactly.
But be aware of the following:
layering views (one view based on another) is a bad practice -- errors won't be encountered until the view is run
joining views to other tables and or views is highly suspect -- the optimizer might not see things as well if the underlying query is in place of the view reference. I've had such experiences, because the views joined to were doing more than what the query needed -- sometimes, the queries from all the views used were condensed into a single query that ran much better.
I recommend creating your views, and comparing the EXPLAIN plans to make sure that you are at least getting identical performance. I'd need to see your code for populating a TYPE before commenting on the approach, but it sounds like a derived table in essence...
It's possible you would benefit from using materialized views, but they are notorious restricted in what they support.
It certainly sounds like creating some views would be helpful in this case.
Have you asked around to see why no one uses views? That seems quite odd and would certainly tend to indicate that you're not reusing your SQL very efficiently. Without views, you'd tend to put the same logic in many different SQL statements rather than in a single view which would make maintenance a pain.
One reason not to use views which may or may not be valid... is that they have the potential to create complexity where there isn't any
For example I could write
then later I could write
CREATE Procedure UseFoo as
So now I'm creating to objects that need to be deployed, maintained, version controlled etc...
Or I could write either
CREATE Procedure UseFoo as
CREATE Procedure UseFoo as
And now I only need to deploy, maintain, and version control a single object.
If <SOME COMPLEX QUERY> only exists in one context maintaining two separate objects creates an unnecessary burden. Also after deployment any changes to requires evaluating things that rely on UseFoo. When two object you need to visit anything that evaluating on UseFoo and Foo
Of course on the other hand if Foo represents some shared logic the evaluation is required anyway but you only have to find and change a single object.
It has been my experience that when you have a large/complex database and some complex queries and no views, it is just because the users just don't know what views are, or how to use them. Once I explained the benifits of using a view, most people used them with out any problems.
From your description, I would just make a view, not a new table.
Views are great for hiding complexity -- if your users can just run the views you create as-is (as opposed to writing a query against the view), this is good.
But views also come with performance issues -- if your users know how to write sql, and they understand the tables they're using, it might be better to let them keep doing that.
Consider also that stored procedures are less prone to (the same) performance issues that views are.
here is a link to and a snippet from a nice article that describes views as well as how to tune them for better peformance.
Uses of Views
Views are useful for providing a horizontal or vertical subset of data
from a table (possibly for security reasons) ; for hiding the
complexity of a query; for ensuring that exactly the same SQL is used
throughout your application; and in n-tier applications to retrieve
supplementary information about an item from a related table......

Performance of Tables vs. Views

Recently started working with a database in which the convention is to create a view for every table. If you assume that there is a one to one mapping between tables and views, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the performance impacts of doing something like this. BTW, this is on Oracle.
Assuming the question is about non-materialized views -- Really depends on the query that the view is based on, and what is being done to it. Sometimes, the predicates can be pushed into the view query by the optimizer. If not, then it wouldn't be as good as against the table itself. Views are built on top of tables -- why would you expect that the performance would be better?
Layering views, where you build one view on top of another, is a bad practice because you won't know about issues until run time. It's also less of a chance that predicate pushing will occur with layered views.
Views can also be updateable -- they aren't a reliable means to restricting access to resources if someone has INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE privileges on the underlying tables.
Materialized views are as good as tables, but are notoriously restrictive in what they support.
You don't explain what you're doing in the views? A 1:1 with the tables sounds like you are using the views more like synonyms than a view. IOW, are the views = "SELECT * FROM table", then you'll see no performance hit except on hard parse.
If you are joining to other tables or placing filter clauses in them which prevent predicate pushing than you're bound to see a major hit sometime.
The only pain I have had with views is a distributed query over a DB link. The local optimizer gets some details about the remote object, but the view doesn't tell it about any indexes so you can get some kooky plans.
I've heard about some places that use it as a standard since they can easily 're-order' the columns in a view. Not a big benefit in my opinion by YMMV

View or User Defined Function?

I have a scenario where I combine two tables into one (using UNION) and also JOIN data from some other tables.
I can do this either with a VIEW or a UDF/User Defined Function.
Considering that I have no view so far at all in my database, but quite a few UDF's for fulltext search and the like, I'm tempted to use a UDF for this scenario as well to keep it "clean".
However, this is entirely subjective and I wondered if there is a better objective reason to go for either a VIEW or a UDF in this scenario.
I did compare query plans for both and they are the exact same so I don't believe there is a performance penalty or advantage for using either one.
Is there other reason to choose one over the other or does it not matter?
I would always use features in order of sophistication. A view is relatively straightforward in terms of performance profile and security management. I would probably use it first.
I'm assuming you are talking about an inline table-valued UDF, which will pretty much have identical performance characteristics. Security on a UDF is a little different and you cannot have instead of triggers to be able to do "inserts" on the view. A benefit of the UDF would be that you can force parameters to be supplied, thereby ensuring usage patterns are as expected, whereas a view can be queried without any criteria (perhaps accidentally).
If you did end up wanting to have a UDF for parameterization, you could layer it on top of the view (so no code duplication) and you should find that the performance is not affected significantly, because the optimizer can combine views and inline TVF fairly successfully.
One advantage i see by using this scenario as view is to index them and use them as "indexed views" where unlike a traditional view there is physical file that is created and therefore querying is faster where there are considerable amount of rows in it. The very effect of using this is to bypass the joins and unions for all the rows instead only build them for new rows.
As our friend Cade suggested, you cud use a view inside a UDF to keep it clean and it isn't a lot different.
Hope this helps !