Empty value to system properties in IDEA Run/Debug configuration - intellij-idea

I want to have "Run" configuration inside IntellJ IDEA with some java system properties predefined (ordinary and easy task). But by some reasons I need to set some properties to empty string -- which is not so easy in IDEA:
if I enter this in "system properties" input, it will be converted to
IDEA removed "unused" whitespaces. This is not desirable. Currently I can solve this only by moving empty property to th end of list. Is there any other way to enter emtpy property value?

I don't see that there is a problem with that.
I created a little test program and it works well even if the properties are converted.
package com.stackoverflow;
* #author maba, 2012-10-24
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String property = System.getProperty("my-property");
System.out.println("property = " + property);
String property2 = System.getProperty("my-property2");
System.out.println("property2 = " + property2);
String property3 = System.getProperty("my-property3");
System.out.println("property3 = " + property3);
And with the following in IntelliJ:
When running I will get this output:
property = abc
property2 =
property3 = afd
The formatted system properties will be correct when you run because the command line will be like this:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_33\bin\java" -Dmy-property=abc -Dmy-property2= -Dmy-property3=afd <lots of jars> com.stackoverflow.Main
I.e. the -Dmy-property2= will be empty string.


Vue.JS object attribute has 2 values

I'm working on a Vue.JS project and I'm facing a strange error.
I got a WidgetDTO object filled by an axios.get request, it contains a WidgetParametersDTO object and it's defined like so:
export class WidgetParametersDTO {
public coverage: number = 0;
public colorOK: string = "";
public colorKO: string = "";
public constructor(parameters: any) {
this.coverage = parameters.coverage
this.colorOK = parameters.colorOK;
this.colorKO = parameters.colorKO;
export class WidgetDTO {
public id: string = null!;
public parameters: WidgetParametersDTO = null!;
public constructor(widgetDTO: any) {
this.id = widgetDTO.id;
this.parameters = new WidgetParametersDTO(widgetDTO.parameters);
When I print the full object widget.parameters, all attributes are correct, when I use widget.parameters.colorOK or widget.parameters.colorKO it works properly, but if I try to use widget.parameters.coverage, it shows 0 instead of the value printed earlier.
The type is correct (number) and I already tried several things to ensure the presence and correctness of the data, it's only acting like that when I use the attribute directly.
There's even more, I'm using npm run dev to be able to hot reload the changes as things progress. When I change some code and save, it reloads the page and prints the right value, but not when I'm hitting F5.
I tried to build the files and run the server with npm start but it didn't work.
Any advice ?

Extent Report: Name of output file does not change even when defined

Im not able to change the name of the outputfile from the extent reports. It does always create the report file called index.html.
In my code, i want to display the name + date/time.html
Here is the codeline for the path definition:
private const string ExtentReportPath = #".\ExtentReports\";
public void ExtentStart()
ExtentHtmlReporter htmlreporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter(ExtentReportPath + "UnlockInstruction_Test" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".html");
extent = new ExtentReports();
public void ExtentClose()
First solution ive found is:
I changed ExtentHtmlReporter to ExtentV3HtmlReporter.
But after using ExtentV3HtmlReporter, VS is displaying a warning which says, that this method is obsolete and wont be supported in the future.. so still waiting for a up to date solution.
From what I read the static name (index) is expected behavior to increase the efficiency of reporting.
You can add a unique name to the folder name instead of the file, so you would create sub-folders for each index file like this:
String path =System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//reports//"+time+"//index.html";
ExtentSparkReporter reporter = new ExtentSparkReporter(path);

How to create GlobalVariable during runtime in katalon using scriptmode?

I m new to katalon studio tool and trying to add GlobalVariable during runtime by taking "variable Name" & "Value" as inputs.
I m come across block of code which will help me in this. But i m facing difficulties in understanding this piece of code,because it uses metaprogramming in Groovy.
void addGlobalVariable(String name, def value) {
MetaClass mc = script.evaluate("internal.GlobalVariable").metaClass
String getterName = "get" + name.capitalize()
mc.static."$getterName" = { -> return value }
//mc.static."$name" = value
i am getting "InvocationTargetException" when i m running it.and also katalon IDE doesn't recognize these keywords "script","evaluate" & static.
you looking for clarity on this block code or you can suggest me any other possible solution.
After my test, the following code can achieve the effect:
1.Define a Keyword:
import com.kms.katalon.core.annotation.Keyword
package com.becelever.util
public class GlobalVariableUtils {
static void addGlobalVariable(String name, def value) {
GroovyShell shell1 = new GroovyShell()
MetaClass mc = shell1.evaluate("internal.GlobalVariable").metaClass
String getterName = "get" + name.capitalize()
mc.'static'."$getterName" = { -> return value }
mc.'static'."$name" = value
2.then invoke it and verify:
CustomKeywords.'com.becelever.util.GlobalVariableUtils.addGlobalVariable'('localURL', 'katalon.com')
Note: I found that the first letter of the variable could not be capitalized. For example, if I changed it to "LocalURL", it failed.
Auto-import the required libraries. You do this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+O.

Only show effective SQL string P6Spy

I'm using p6spy to log the sql statements generated by my program. The format for the outputted spy.log file looks like this:
current time|execution time|category|statement SQL String|effective SQL string
I'm just wondering if anyone knows if there's a way to alter the spy.properties file and have only the last column, the effective SQL string, output to the spy.log file? I've looked through the properties file but haven't found anything that seems to support this.
In spy.properties there is a property called logMessageFormat that you can set to a custom implementation of MessageFormattingStrategy. This works for any type of logger (i.e. file, slf4j etc.).
An example using Hibernate's pretty-printing SQL formatter:
package my.custom;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.util.BasicFormatterImpl;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.util.Formatter;
import com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.MessageFormattingStrategy;
public class PrettySqlFormat implements MessageFormattingStrategy {
private final Formatter formatter = new BasicFormatterImpl();
public String formatMessage(int connectionId, String now, long elapsed, String category, String prepared, String sql) {
return formatter.format(sql);
There is no such option provided to achieve it via configuration only yet. I think you have 2 options here:
fill a new bug/feature request report (which could bring benefit to others using p6spy as well) on: https://github.com/p6spy/p6spy/issues?state=open or
provide custom implementation.
For the later option, I believe you could achieve it via your own class (depending on the logger you use, let's assume you use Log4jLogger).
Well, if you check relevant part of the Log4jLogger github as well as sourceforge version, your implementation should be rather straightforward:
Implementation itself could look like this:
package com;
import com.p6spy.engine.logging.appender.Log4jLogger;
public class EffectiveSQLLog4jLogger extends Log4jLogger {
public void logText(String text) {
private String getEffectiveSQL(String text) {
if (null == text) {
return null;
final int idx = text.lastIndexOf("|");
// non-perfect detection of the exception logged case
if (-1 == idx) {
return text;
return text.substring(idx + 1); // not sure about + 1, but check and see :)
Please note the implementation should cover github (new project home, no version released yet) as well as sourceforge (original project home, released 1.3 version).
Please note: I didn't test the proposal myself, but it could be a good starting point and from the code review itself I'd say it could work.
I agree with #boberj, we are used to having logs with Hibernate formatter, but don't forget about batching, that's why I suggest to use:
import com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.MessageFormattingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.BasicFormatterImpl;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.Formatter;
* Created by Igor Dmitriev on 1/3/16
public class HibernateSqlFormatter implements MessageFormattingStrategy {
private final Formatter formatter = new BasicFormatterImpl();
public String formatMessage(int connectionId, String now, long elapsed, String category, String prepared, String sql) {
if (sql.isEmpty()) {
return "";
String template = "Hibernate: %s %s {elapsed: %sms}";
String batch = "batch".equals(category) ? ((elapsed == 0) ? "add batch" : "execute batch") : "";
return String.format(template, batch, formatter.format(sql), elapsed);
In p6Spy 3.9 this can be achieved quite simply. In spy.properties set
You can patch com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat.java
removing the prepared element and any reference to P6Util like so:
package com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender;
public class SingleLineFormat implements MessageFormattingStrategy {
public String formatMessage(final int connectionId, final String now, final long elapsed, final String category, final String prepared, final String sql) {
return now + "|" + elapsed + "|" + category + "|connection " + connectionId + "|" + sql;
Then compile just the file
javac com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat.java
And replace the existing class file in p6spy.jar with the new one.

SSIS ScriptTask change Value property of Variable

I try to simply change value of SSIS variable doing this code in ScriptTask:
string path = Dts.Connections["BazyPobrane"].ConnectionString.ToString();
string[] nameZIParray = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.ZIP");
string[] nameRARarray = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.RAR");
foreach (string nameZIP in nameZIParray) //search new ZIP
if (File.GetCreationTime(nameZIP) > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))
Dts.Variables["User::NazwaPliku"].Value = Path.GetFileName(nameZIP);
foreach (string nameRAR in nameRARarray) //search new RAR
if (File.GetCreationTime(nameRAR) > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))
Dts.Variables["User::NazwaPliku"].Value = Path.GetFileName(nameRAR);
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
After executing ScriptTask it simply don't change the variable Value. Debug mode seems fine. Maybe i miss some component settings?
Some things to check:
Are you sure the variable isn't changing? If you put a subsequent script task with a MessageBox in place, does it show the correct value?
I don't think you need the variable type, i.e. remove "user::"
Make sure the variable is in the ReadWriteVariables property, as suggested by #OcasoP
What's the scope of the variable? Make sure you don't have two copies at different scopes, or that at least the one you do have is visible from the scope of the script
You could try locking the variable before writing to it (which should be equivalent to (3) above)
Code example for the last point:
IDTSVariables100 variables = null;
this.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("NazwaPliku",ref variables);
variables[0].Value = myValue;
debug your script task adding MsgBox(variable_name) and see its value through the execution.
Best debugging option :)