Adding audio to a video using Obj-C plugin and AVAssetWriterInput - objective-c

I'm trying to take a video created using the iVidCap plugin and add audio to it. Basically the exact same thing as in this question: Writing video + generated audio to AVAssetWriterInput, audio stuttering. I've used the code from this post as a basis to try and modify the file myself, but the app always crashes in endRecordingSession.
I'm not sure how I need to modify endRecordingSession to accomodate for the audio (the original plugin just creates a video file). Here is the function:
- (int) endRecordingSession: (VideoDisposition) action {
NSLog(#"Start endRecordingSession");
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(#"Auto released pool");
NSString *filePath;
BOOL success = false;
[videoWriterInput markAsFinished];
NSLog(#"Mark video writer input as finished");
//[audioWriterInput markAsFinished];
// Wait for the video status to become known.
// Is this really doing anything?
int status = videoWriter.status;
while (status == AVAssetWriterStatusUnknown) {
NSLog(#"Waiting for video to complete...");
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.5f];
status = videoWriter.status;
NSLog(#"Video completed");
#synchronized(self) {
success = [videoWriter finishWriting];
NSLog(#"Success: %#", success);
if (!success) {
// We failed to successfully finalize the video file.
NSLog(#"finishWriting returned NO");
} else {
// The video file was successfully written to the Documents folder.
filePath = [[self getDocumentsFileURL:videoFileName] path];
if (action == Save_Video_To_Album) {
// Move the video to an accessible location on the device.
NSLog(#"Temporary video filePath=%#", filePath);
if (UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum(filePath)) {
NSLog(#"Video IS compatible. Adding it to photo album.");
UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum(filePath, self, #selector(copyToPhotoAlbumCompleteFromVideo: didFinishSavingWithError: contextInfo:), nil);
} else {
NSLog(#"Video IS NOT compatible. Could not be added to the photo album.");
success = NO;
} else if (action == Discard_Video) {
NSLog(#"Video cancelled. Removing temporary video file: %#", filePath);
[self removeFile:filePath];
[self cleanupWriter];
isRecording = false;
[pool drain];
return success; }
Right now it crashes on [videoWriter finishWriting]. I tried adding [audioWriterInput markAsFinished], but then it crashes on that. I would contact the original poster since it seems like they got it working, but there doesn't seem to be a way to send private messages.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this to work or why it's crashing? I've tried my best to figure this out but I'm pretty new to Obj-C. I can post the rest of the code if needed (a lot of it is in the original post referenced earlier).

The issue might actually be in the writeAudioBuffer function.
If you copied the code from that post but didnlt change it then you will certainly have some problems.
You need to do something like this:
if ( ![self waitForAudioWriterReadiness]) {
NSLog(#"WARNING: writeAudioBuffer dropped frame after wait limit reached.");
return 0;
OSStatus status;
CMBlockBufferRef bbuf = NULL;
CMSampleBufferRef sbuf = NULL;
size_t buflen = n * nchans * sizeof(float);
CMBlockBufferRef tmp_bbuf = NULL;
status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(
if (status != noErr || !tmp_bbuf) {
NSLog(#"CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock error");
return -1;
// Copy the buffer so that we get a copy of the samples in memory.
// CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock does not actually copy the data!
status = CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous(kCFAllocatorDefault, tmp_bbuf, kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, 0, buflen, kCMBlockBufferAlwaysCopyDataFlag, &bbuf);
//CFRelease(tmp_bbuf); // causes abort?!
if (status != noErr) {
NSLog(#"CMBlockBufferCreateContiguous error");
return -1;
CMTime timestamp = CMTimeMake(sample_position_, 44100);
status = CMAudioSampleBufferCreateWithPacketDescriptions(
kCFAllocatorDefault, bbuf, TRUE, 0, NULL, audio_fmt_desc_, 1, timestamp, NULL, &sbuf);
sample_position_ += n;
if (status != noErr) {
NSLog(#"CMSampleBufferCreate error");
return -1;
BOOL r = [audioWriterInput appendSampleBuffer:sbuf];
if (!r) {
NSLog(#"appendSampleBuffer error");
//CFRelease(bbuf); // crashes, don't know why.. Is there a leak here?
return 0;
There are a few things to do with memory management that I am unsure on here.
Additionally be sure to use:
audioWriterInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = YES;


How to properly close a FFmpeg stream and AVFormatContext without leaking memory?

I have built an app that uses FFmpeg to connect to remote IP cameras in order to receive video and audio frames via RTSP 2.0.
The app is built using Xcode 10-11 and Objective-C with a custom FFmpeg build config.
The architecture is the following:
After closing Document_0 no FFmpeg objects should be leaked.
The closing process should stop-frame reading and destroy all objects which use FFmpeg.
Somehow Xcode's memory debugger shows two instances of MyApp.
macOS'es Activity Monitor doesn't show two instances of MyApp.
macOS'es Activity Monitor doesn't any instances of FFmpeg or other child processes.
The issue is not related to some leftover memory due to a late memory snapshot since it can be reproduced easily.
Xcode's memory debugger shows that the second instance only having RTSPObject's AVFormatContext and no other objects.
The second instance has an AVFormatContext and the RTPSObject still has a pointer to the AVFormatContext.
Opening and closing the second document Document_1 leads to the same problem and having two objects leaked. This means that there is a bug that creates scalable problems. More and more memory is used and unavailable.
Here is my termination code:
- (void)terminate
// * Video and audio frame provisioning termination *
[self stopVideoStream];
[self stopAudioStream];
// *
// * Video codec termination *
avcodec_free_context(&_videoCodecContext); // NULL pointer safe.
self.videoCodecContext = NULL;
// *
// * Audio codec termination *
avcodec_free_context(&_audioCodecContext); // NULL pointer safe.
self.audioCodecContext = NULL;
// *
if (self.packet)
// Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame.
av_packet_unref(&packet); // The documentation doesn't mention NULL safety.
self.packet = NULL;
if (self.currentAudioPacket)
self.currentAudioPacket = NULL;
// Free raw frame data.
av_freep(&_rawFrameData); // NULL pointer safe.
// Free the swscaler context swsContext.
self.isFrameConversionContextAllocated = NO;
sws_freeContext(scallingContext); // NULL pointer safe.
[self.audioPacketQueue removeAllObjects];
self.audioPacketQueue = nil;
self.audioPacketQueueLock = nil;
self.packetQueueLock = nil;
self.audioStream = nil;
BXLogInDomain(kLogDomainSources, kLogLevelVerbose, #"%s:%d: All streams have been terminated!", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// * Session context termination *
AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = self.sessionContext;
BOOL shouldProceedWithInputSessionTermination = self.isInputStreamOpen && self.shouldTerminateStreams && pFormatCtx;
NSLog(#"\nTerminating session context...");
if (shouldProceedWithInputSessionTermination)
// Discard all internally buffered data.
avformat_flush(pFormatCtx); // The documentation doesn't mention NULL safety.
// Close an opened input AVFormatContext and free it and all its contents.
// WARNING: Closing an non-opened stream will cause avformat_close_input to crash.
avformat_close_input(&pFormatCtx); // The documentation doesn't mention NULL safety.
NSLog(#"Logging leftovers - %p, %p %p", self.sessionContext, _sessionContext, pFormatCtx);
NSLog(#"Logging content = %c", *self.sessionContext);
//avformat_free_context(pFormatCtx); - Not needed because avformat_close_input is closing it.
self.sessionContext = NULL;
// *
IMPORTANT: The termination sequence is:
New frame will be read.
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput currentVideoFrameDurationSec]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput frameDuration:]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput currentCGImageRef]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput convertRawFrameToRGB]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput pixelBufferFromImage:]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput cleanup]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput dealloc]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput stopVideoStream]
-[(RTSPObject)StreamInput stopAudioStream]
Terminating session context...
Logging leftovers - 0x109ec6400, 0x109ec6400 0x109ec6400
Logging content = \330
-[Document dealloc]
Changing the order of object releases (The AVFormatContext has been freed first but it didn't lead to any change).
Calling RTSPObject's cleanup method much sooner to give FFmpeg more time to handle object releases.
Reading a lot of SO answers and FFmpeg documentation to find a clean cleanup process or newer code which might highlight why the object release doesn't happen properly.
I am currently reading the documentation on AVFormatContext since I believe that I am forgetting to release something. This believe is based on the memory debuggers output that AVFormatContext is still around.
Here is my creation code:
#pragma mark # Helpers - Start
- (NSError *)openInputStreamWithVideoStreamId:(int)videoStreamId
// NSLog(#"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // RTSP
self.status = StreamProvisioningStatusStarting;
AVCodec *decoderCodec;
NSString *rtspURL = self.streamURL;
NSString *errorMessage = nil;
NSError *error = nil;
self.sessionContext = NULL;
self.sessionContext = avformat_alloc_context();
AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = self.sessionContext;
if (!pFormatCtx)
// Create approp error.
return error;
// MUST be called before avformat_open_input().
self.sessionOptions = 0;
if (self.usesTcp)
// "rtsp_transport" - Set RTSP transport protocols.
// Allowed are: udp_multicast, tcp, udp, http.
av_dict_set(&_sessionOptions, "rtsp_transport", "tcp", 0);
av_dict_set(&_sessionOptions, "rtsp_transport", "tcp", 0);
// Open an input stream and read the header with the demuxer options.
// WARNING: The stream must be closed with avformat_close_input()
if (avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, rtspURL.UTF8String, NULL, &_sessionOptions) != 0)
// WARNING: Note that a user-supplied AVFormatContext (pFormatCtx) will be freed on failure.
self.isInputStreamOpen = NO;
// Create approp error.
return error;
self.isInputStreamOpen = YES;
// user-supplied AVFormatContext pFormatCtx might have been modified.
self.sessionContext = pFormatCtx;
// Retrieve stream information.
if (avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx,NULL) < 0)
// Create approp error.
return error;
// Find the first video stream
int streamCount = pFormatCtx->nb_streams;
if (streamCount == 0)
// Create approp error.
return error;
int noStreamsAvailable = pFormatCtx->streams == NULL;
if (noStreamsAvailable)
// Create approp error.
return error;
// Result. An Index can change, an identifier shouldn't.
self.selectedVideoStreamId = STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
self.selectedAudioStreamId = STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
// Fallback.
int firstVideoStreamIndex = STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
int firstAudioStreamIndex = STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
self.selectedVideoStreamIndex = STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
self.selectedAudioStreamIndex = STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
for (int i = 0; i < streamCount; i++)
// Looking for video streams.
AVStream *stream = pFormatCtx->streams[i];
if (!stream) { continue; }
AVCodecParameters *codecPar = stream->codecpar;
if (!codecPar) { continue; }
if (codecPar->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
if (stream->id == videoStreamId)
self.selectedVideoStreamId = videoStreamId;
self.selectedVideoStreamIndex = i;
if (firstVideoStreamIndex == STREAM_NOT_FOUND)
firstVideoStreamIndex = i;
// Looking for audio streams.
if (codecPar->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)
if (stream->id == audioStreamId)
self.selectedAudioStreamId = audioStreamId;
self.selectedAudioStreamIndex = i;
if (firstAudioStreamIndex == STREAM_NOT_FOUND)
firstAudioStreamIndex = i;
// Use first video and audio stream available (if possible).
if (self.selectedVideoStreamIndex == STREAM_NOT_FOUND && useFirstStreamAvailable && firstVideoStreamIndex != STREAM_NOT_FOUND)
self.selectedVideoStreamIndex = firstVideoStreamIndex;
self.selectedVideoStreamId = pFormatCtx->streams[firstVideoStreamIndex]->id;
if (self.selectedAudioStreamIndex == STREAM_NOT_FOUND && useFirstStreamAvailable && firstAudioStreamIndex != STREAM_NOT_FOUND)
self.selectedAudioStreamIndex = firstAudioStreamIndex;
self.selectedAudioStreamId = pFormatCtx->streams[firstAudioStreamIndex]->id;
if (self.selectedVideoStreamIndex == STREAM_NOT_FOUND)
// Create approp error.
return error;
// See AVCodecID for codec listing.
// * Video codec setup:
// 1. Find the decoder for the video stream with the gived codec id.
AVStream *stream = pFormatCtx->streams[self.selectedVideoStreamIndex];
if (!stream)
// Create approp error.
return error;
AVCodecParameters *codecPar = stream->codecpar;
if (!codecPar)
// Create approp error.
return error;
decoderCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(codecPar->codec_id);
if (decoderCodec == NULL)
// Create approp error.
return error;
// Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream.
// WARNING: The resulting AVCodecContext should be freed with avcodec_free_context().
// Replaced:
// self.videoCodecContext = pFormatCtx->streams[self.selectedVideoStreamIndex]->codec;
// With:
self.videoCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(decoderCodec);
self.videoCodecContext->thread_count = 4;
NSString *description = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:decoderCodec->long_name];
// 2. Open codec.
if (avcodec_open2(self.videoCodecContext, decoderCodec, NULL) < 0)
// Create approp error.
return error;
// * Audio codec setup:
if (self.selectedAudioStreamIndex > -1)
[self setupAudioDecoder];
// Allocate a raw video frame data structure. Contains audio and video data.
self.rawFrameData = av_frame_alloc();
self.outputWidth = self.videoCodecContext->width;
self.outputHeight = self.videoCodecContext->height;
if (!isInitProcess)
// Triggering notifications in init process won't change UI since the object is created locally. All
// objects which need data access to this object will not be able to get it. Thats why we don't notifiy anyone about the changes.
[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:NSNotification.rtspVideoStreamSelectionChanged
object:nil userInfo: self.selectedVideoStream];
[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:NSNotification.rtspAudioStreamSelectionChanged
object:nil userInfo: self.selectedAudioStream];
return nil;
The initial architecture allowed using any given thread. Most of the below code would mostly run on the main thread. This solution was not appropriate since the opening of the stream input can take several seconds for which the main thread is blocked while waiting for a network response inside FFmpeg. To solve this issue I have implemented the following solution:
Creation and the initial setup are only allowed on the background_thread (see code snippet "1" below).
Changes are allowed on the current_thread(Any).
Termination is allowed on the current_thread(Any).
After removing main thread checks and dispatch_asyncs to background threads, leaking has stopped and I can't reproduce the issue anymore:
// Code that produces the issue.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// 1 - Create and do initial setup.
// This block creates the issue.
[self.rtspObject = [[RTSPObject alloc] initWithURL: ... ];
[self.rtspObject openInputStreamWithVideoStreamId: ...
audioStreamId: ...
useFirst: ...
inInit: ...];
I still don't understand why Xcode's memory debugger says that this block is retained?
Any advice or idea is welcome.
If you use av_format_open_input to open a file, you must use avformat_close_input to free it. Using free_context will leak all io related allocations.

ZXing can't write png output

I never experienced that issue, I was able to use the same code 3 month ago. After updating to macOS High Sierra, I can't run this code with the ZXing library. Not sure if it's linked but here what I have:
IIOImageWriteSession:113: cannot create: '/Users/****/Desktop/'
error = 1 (Operation not permitted)
NSError * error = nil;
ZXMultiFormatWriter * writer = [ZXMultiFormatWriter writer];
ZXBitMatrix* result = [writer encode:#"AM233X05987"
if (result) {
CGImageRef image = [[ZXImage imageWithMatrix:result] cgimage];
CFURLRef url = (__bridge CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:#"/Users/****/Desktop/test.PNG"];
CGImageDestinationRef destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(url, kUTTypePNG, 1, NULL);
if (!destination) {
NSLog(#"Failed to create CGImageDestination" );
return NO;
CGImageDestinationAddImage(destination, image, nil);
if (!CGImageDestinationFinalize(destination)) {
NSLog(#"Failed to write image to /Users/alex/Desktop/Barcodes/");
return NO;
} else {
NSString * errorMessage = [error localizedDescription];
NSLog(#"%#", errorMessage);
Finally found the origin of the problem, it turns out this is because the App is Sandboxed. Turning off Sandbox fixed the issue.
To get this with Sandbox ON, a solution is to put up a Save panel and, if it returns OK, saving the file to the Save panel's URL.

Find out if Mac is Force Touch - capable

Is it possible to find out if a Mac is Force Touch capable - either via a built-in Trackpad, like the new MacBook, or a Bluetooth device like the Magic Trackpad 2?
I'd like to present preferences specific to Force Touch if the Mac is Force Touch capable, but not display (or disable) those preferences if Force Touch is not available.
In the portion after the separator, you see the options I have in mind in the pic linked here. (sorry, embedding the pic itself didn't work).
So, not showing the preferences wouldn't restrict users who don't have force touch, it would just let users who have it configure how it should work, and those settings would be useless to users who don't have it.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Thank you and kind regards,
Edit: It's in Objective-C.
I figured it out:
+ (BOOL)isForceTouchCapable
if (![[self class] isAtLeastElCapitan])
return NO;
io_iterator_t iterator;
//get default HIDDevice dictionary
CFMutableDictionaryRef mDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOHIDDeviceKey);
//add manufacturer "Apple Inc." to dict
CFDictionaryAddValue(mDict, CFSTR(kIOHIDManufacturerKey), CFSTR("Apple Inc."));
//get matching services, depending on dict
IOReturn ioReturnValue = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, mDict, &iterator);
BOOL result = YES;
if (ioReturnValue != kIOReturnSuccess)
NSLog(#"error getting matching services for force touch devices");
//recursively go through each device found and its children and grandchildren, etc.
result = [[self class] _containsForceTouchDevice:iterator];
return result;
+ (BOOL)_containsForceTouchDevice:(io_iterator_t)iterator
io_object_t object = 0;
BOOL success = NO;
while ((object = IOIteratorNext(iterator)))
CFMutableDictionaryRef result = NULL;
kern_return_t state = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(object, &result, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
if (state == KERN_SUCCESS && result != NULL)
if (CFDictionaryContainsKey(result, CFSTR("DefaultMultitouchProperties")))
CFDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryGetValue(result, CFSTR("DefaultMultitouchProperties"));
CFTypeRef val = NULL;
if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(dict, CFSTR("ForceSupported"), &val))
Boolean aBool = CFBooleanGetValue(val);
if (aBool) //supported
success = YES;
if (result != NULL)
if (success)
} else
io_iterator_t childIterator = 0;
kern_return_t err = IORegistryEntryGetChildIterator(object, kIOServicePlane, &childIterator);
if (!err)
success = [[self class] _containsForceTouchDevice:childIterator];
} else
success = NO;
return success;
Just call + (BOOL)isForceTouchCapable and it will return YES if a Force Touch device is available (a Magic Trackpad 2 or a built in force-touch-trackpad) or NO if there isn't.
For those interested in how this came to be, I wrote about it on my blog with an example project.

How to get the Start Timecode (SMPTE) of a Quicktime-Movie in Objective-C in 64-bit?

I've been pulling my hair out over this.
I've found a few things here, but nothing actually seems to work. And the documentation is really limited.
What I'm trying to figure out here is how to get the start time code of a Quicktime movie in Objective-C from the timecode track, and getting a human-readable output from that.
I've found this:
SMPTE TimeCode from Quick Time
It works perfectly in 32-bit mode. But it doesn't work in 64-bit mode because of the Quicktime API. The software I need to incorporate it into already has been and must continue to run 64-bit.
I'm losing my mind here. Anyone out there know about these APIs?
Ultimately, the goal here is to figure out the start timecode of the Quicktime because its needed to set the OFFSET in FCP-X XML files. Without it, the video files are brought in without audio (or, really, its just slipped a lot).
Use AVFoundation framework instead of QuickTime. The player initialisation is well explained in the documentation:
Once your AVAsset is loaded in memory, you can extract the first sample frame number (timeStampFrame) by reading the content of the timecode track if present:
long timeStampFrame = 0;
for (AVAssetTrack * track in [_asset tracks]) {
if ([[track mediaType] isEqualToString:AVMediaTypeTimecode]) {
AVAssetReader *assetReader = [AVAssetReader assetReaderWithAsset:_asset error:nil];
AVAssetReaderTrackOutput *assetReaderOutput = [AVAssetReaderTrackOutput assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack:track outputSettings:nil];
if ([assetReader canAddOutput:assetReaderOutput]) {
[assetReader addOutput:assetReaderOutput];
if ([assetReader startReading] == YES) {
int count = 0;
while ( [assetReader status]==AVAssetReaderStatusReading ) {
CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer = [assetReaderOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
if (sampleBuffer == NULL) {
if ([assetReader status] == AVAssetReaderStatusFailed)
CMBlockBufferRef blockBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBuffer);
size_t length = CMBlockBufferGetDataLength(blockBuffer);
if (length>0) {
unsigned char *buffer = malloc(length);
memset(buffer, 0, length);
CMBlockBufferCopyDataBytes(blockBuffer, 0, length, buffer);
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
timeStampFrame = (timeStampFrame << 8) + buffer[i];
if (count == 0) {
NSLog(#"No sample in the timecode track: %#", [assetReader error]);
NSLog(#"Processed %d sample", count);
if ([assetReader status] != AVAssetReaderStatusCompleted)
[assetReader cancelReading];
This is a little more tricky than the QuickTime API and there must be some improvement to the code above but it works for me.

Recommended way to copy arbitrary files using Cocoa

I need to copy file from one OS X volume to another OS X volume. While an *.app isn't strictly speaking a file but a folder, user expect them to be a unit. Thus, if user selects a file, the app should not show its folder's contents, but copy it as a unit.
Therefore I ask, if there exists a recommended way to copy files using pure Cocoa code.
Optional: Which command line tool provides help and could be utilized by a Cocoa application.
NSFileManager is your friend:
NSError *error = nil;
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:#"path/to/source" toPath:#"path/to/destination" error:&error])
// copy succeeded
// copy failed, print error
You can also use FSCopyObjectAsync function. You can display file copy progress and you can also cancel file copy using FSCopyObjectAsync().
Take a look at FSFileOperation example code.
This sample shows how to copy and move both files and folders. It
shows both the synchronous and asynchronous (using CFRunLoop) use of
the FSFileOperation APIs. In addition, it shows path and FSRef
variants of the API and how to get status out of the callbacks. The
API is conceptually similar to the FSVolumeOperation APIs introduced
in Mac OS X 10.2.
Example of FSCopyObjectAsync:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface AsyncCopyController : NSObject {
-(OSStatus)copySource : (NSString *)aSource ToDestination: (NSString *)aDestDir setDelegate : (id)object;
//delegate method
-(void)didReceiveCurrentPath : (NSString *)curremtItemPath bytesCompleted : (unsigned long long)floatBytesCompleted currentStageOfFileOperation : (unsigned long)stage;
-(void)didCopyOperationComplete : (BOOL)boolean;
-(void)didReceiveCopyError : (NSString *)Error;
#import "AsyncCopyController.h"
static Boolean copying= YES;
#implementation AsyncCopyController
static void statusCallback (FSFileOperationRef fileOp,
const FSRef *currentItem,
FSFileOperationStage stage,
OSStatus error,
CFDictionaryRef statusDictionary,
void *info )
NSLog(#"Callback got called. %ld", error);
id delegate;
if (info)
delegate = (id)info;
if (error!=0) {
if (error==-48) {
[delegate didReceiveCopyError:#"Duplicate filename and version or Destination file already exists or File found instead of folder"];
CFURLRef theURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef( kCFAllocatorDefault, currentItem );
NSString* currentPath = [(NSURL *)theURL path];
// NSLog(#"currentPath %#", currentPath);
// If the status dictionary is valid, we can grab the current values to
// display status changes, or in our case to update the progress indicator.
if (statusDictionary)
CFNumberRef bytesCompleted;
bytesCompleted = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(statusDictionary,
CGFloat floatBytesCompleted;
CFNumberGetValue (bytesCompleted, kCFNumberMaxType,
// NSLog(#"Copied %d bytes so far.",
// (unsigned long long)floatBytesCompleted);
if (info)
[delegate didReceiveCurrentPath :currentPath bytesCompleted :floatBytesCompleted currentStageOfFileOperation:stage];
NSLog(#"stage %d", stage);
if (stage == kFSOperationStageComplete) {
NSLog(#"Finished copying the file");
if (info)
[delegate didCopyOperationComplete:YES];
// Would like to call a Cocoa Method here...
if (!copying) {
copying = NO;
-(OSStatus)copySource : (NSString *)aSource ToDestination: (NSString *)aDestDir setDelegate : (id)object
copying = YES;
CFRunLoopRef runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
NSLog(#"%#", runLoop);
FSFileOperationRef fileOp = FSFileOperationCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
require(fileOp, FSFileOperationCreateFailed);
OSStatus status = FSFileOperationScheduleWithRunLoop(fileOp,
runLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
if (status) {
NSLog(#"Failed to schedule operation with run loop: %#", status);
return status;
require_noerr(status, FSFileOperationScheduleWithRunLoopFailed);
if (status) {
NSLog(#"Failed to schedule operation with run loop: %#", status);
//return NO;
// Create a filesystem ref structure for the source and destination and
// populate them with their respective paths from our NSTextFields.
FSRef source;
FSRef destination;
// Used FSPathMakeRefWithOptions instead of FSPathMakeRef
// because I needed to use the kFSPathMakeRefDefaultOptions
// to deal with file paths to remote folders via a /Volume reference
status = FSPathMakeRefWithOptions((const UInt8 *)[aSource fileSystemRepresentation],
require_noerr(status, FSPathMakeRefWithOptionsaSourceFailed);
Boolean isDir = true;
status = FSPathMakeRefWithOptions((const UInt8 *)[aDestDir fileSystemRepresentation],
require_noerr(status, FSPathMakeRefWithOptionsaDestDirFailed);
// Needed to change from the original to use CFStringRef so I could convert
// from an NSString (aDestFile) to a CFStringRef (targetFilename)
FSFileOperationClientContext clientContext;
// The FSFileOperation will copy the data from the passed in clientContext so using
// a stack based record that goes out of scope during the operation is fine.
if (object)
clientContext.version = 0; = (void *) object;
clientContext.retain = CFRetain;
clientContext.release = CFRelease;
clientContext.copyDescription = CFCopyDescription;
// Start the async copy.
status = FSCopyObjectAsync (fileOp,
&destination, // Full path to destination dir
NULL,// Use the same filename as source
object != NULL ? &clientContext : NULL);
NSLog(#"Failed to begin asynchronous object copy: %d", status);
if (status) {
NSString * errMsg = [NSString stringWithFormat:#" - %#", status];
NSLog(#"Failed to begin asynchronous object copy: %d", status);
if (object)
[object release];
return status;
FSCopyObjectAsync is Deprecated in OS X v10.8
copyfile(3) is alternative for FSCopyObjectAsync. Here is example of copyfile(3) with Progress Callback.