LinkedIn connection search by first name and last name - api

Is there way to search first name and last name for linkedin connection filter using LinkedIn API?
Suppose I am authenticated by linkedIn and show connection in popup.LinkedIn connection response only 500 connection one time request. So I do paging 500 connection. But I want to send invitations to two persons, so I want to give search widget by first name and last name from my LinkedIn connections.

You could use the People Search API to search on first and last name, restricting the search to just your connections:,F
In terms of 'filtering' the returned values to remove the current user making the call from the result set, you should check for the returned user's relationship to the viewer:,first-name,last-name,relation-to-viewer:(distance)))?first-name=Clair&last-name=Smith&facet=network,F
Then check the results, and remove the users that have a relation-to-user of 0.


Instagram: Limit results on User Search

I am trying to search for a user using the APIs provided by Instagram and I want to limit number of users returned in the API call. Currently, I am getting a list of all the users who match the query string.
I tried passing the count parameter but that is not working and I am still getting a list of all users.
Is there a way to limit the number of users returned in the response and to provide pagination? If not, what is the maximum number of users that can be returned?
API Used:
use &count= it works:
this API call will return 3 results.

restrict the autocomplete search results to a user input.

I want to restrict the autocomplete search results to the areas and places of a specific city. Ex: user select his city in a first "autocomplete" and the the second "autocomplete" show airports of this input. Thanks you in advance.
Set onchange attribute to the first select box which calls a function when user select a value.
The function should send an ajax request to the server.
in server side, query airports under the specific city and respond the details.
4.Again in client side, parse the response and suggest it.

AtTask API get assigned users

We have multiple people assigned to a single ticket but when using the assignedToID field, it just returns the first user?.. Why is it not returning an array of user ids?
I know this is off-topic but is it possible to get user's name also and not just id?
To get a list of users you can user assignmentsListString
to pull user names instead of IDs you should be able to use

fetching user media from instagram api without user id

I did what #krisrak told me to do. I used two API calls.
One to search for the username with
and i got the user id from there to perform the second API call
The second call was
This worked perfectly until I searched a certain username and I was given another. So I want to know if there's a sort of where clause to use to get the username I want from a list of results gotten. So my 1st call would now be
to enable me get all results.
If there is no match, then that username probably does not exists, go to and check if it exists. You may have to ignore and display that username does not exist.
BTW to get all the results, just remove count=1, then it will return a bunch of usernames that match similar search, usually the first one will be the exact match, so thats the reason count=1 is used to match a particular username.

Is there a way to return the search term with the Foursquare user search API?

I'm doing bulk user lookups via email address (e.g. users/search?,, etc), but I noticed that it's not returning the email addresses with the search results. Is there anyway to do this?
Alternatively, I could do a single email address search per request, or do a user lookup by id on all the results I get back, but these options seem wasteful and inefficient.
User email is not one of the fields that the API returns for /users, see:
Usually API's don't return emails in the clear.