UI Automation inserting text into textfield containing text - ios-ui-automation

I have been using setValue() for inserting text into text fields, but setValue() replaces any text that is already in the text field. I want to add more text to the existing text in the text field. Is there a way to do so?
I am using xcode 4.5, and tuneup for automation.

I think UIAutomation is not very much fully developed to have exclusive functions for each operations, its still under development and till the date they provided functions which are almost complete.
So...There is no any function provided by UIAutomation to append text in textField. But this can be solved by programming code like:
pseudo code:
take existing value in temporary string
append new/extra test using '+' operator
setValue with new formed string.
Hope you get that.


Does a DCL Fonts Reference Exist?

I'm was going reviewing a few autolisp and dcl tutorials (afralisp & autolisp-exchange) to brush up on the dcl code. To cut to the question, I see that the text can be underlined by the mnemonic in afralisp and the & in autolisp-exchange.
Is there a better way to underline a string of characters?
Can a string be made bold, italicized, or strike-though with this
file type?
If the above is true, is there a reference webpage that has a list of fonts that can be used with the dcl file type?
This webpage may contain the solution, but I haven't seen how: AutoDesk.com
In short, you cannot arbitrarily change the GUI font face or style using standard DCL.
The ability to underline text is purely an exploit of the mnemonic property which allows DCL controls to be manipulated using keys on the keyboard which correspond to the underlined letters as opposed to using the mouse to click such controls.
Whilst DCL text has the is_bold property, this has never worked (and likely never will). One alternative is to feign bold text using the set_tile function in conjunction with an image tile; or you can use the fixed_width_font property, but, as the name implies, this will change the text to use a fixed width font (the exact font cannot be changed).
One other possibility is to display text using the vector_image function applied to an image tile, as I demonstrate in the 'About' dialog for my Incremental Numbering Suite application.

QlikView Text Object Formatting

I am unable to format the text in a text object. For example, I need headers in bold, while the body of the text could be normal. Can I get any hints on this?
I know this can be achieved via extension objects, but I do not have any experience creating them.
This is not currently possible in QlikView 11. It has been an open development request for quite some time.
You have two options:
Use multiple text objects and lay them over each other (i.e. make the topmost one bold and its background transparent).
Use an extension object, however, this then restricts you to AJAX/WebView for your document. There is an existing extension (written by Stefan Walther) that has this capability here (git repo).

With WxWidgets, is the wxTextCtrl one-size-fits-all?

When working with guis of different kinds, I am used to the distinction of text field or text entry box versus text box. That is there is one type of object for the multi-line word processor style text box and another type of object for a single line, quite often non-scrollable text field / text entry box. Does wxTextCtrl serve both purposes? I know it does the text box but is it also the correct choice for the text field/text entry box?
There are actually 2 types of text boxes for multi-line entry as pointed out in the answers. What really interests me are widgets specific for single line entry versus widgets specific for multi-line entry.
wxTextCtrl serves for both single and multiline entry. It is quite powerful but not exactly 'word processor style'. Closer to that would be wxRichTextCtrl.
wxComboBox uses wxTextEntry ( as does wxTextCtrl in single-line mode ). Although wxTextEntry is not offered as a control itself - it does not inherit from wxControl - if you like it so much you might be able to build something using it. But it seems like a lot of trouble for benefits that I do not see.
wxTextCtrl is a single line text control (what is called "entry" in other frameworks) by default. If you specify wxTE_MULTILINE style when creating it (this style can't be changed later), it becomes -- surprise -- a multi-line control, i.e. what is called "area" in other places.

QTP not able to fetch Text property when the Text is too large

I'm facing an issue in which QTP is not fetching text property of a WinObject when the Text is too large. In other cases it's properly fetching the Text property.
Note: It's not fetching Text property in Object Spy as well as at run time using method GetROProperty.
See the below screen print in which it's working fine because the Text is not too large.
But in Response Tab the text is too large & so it's not able to fetch the Text property. See the below screen print.
QTP had this limitation in version 9.0 on text length to be about 16,383 characters.
I am not sure whether this limitation exists in current versions as well.
I had come across this recently, to read all text from WinObject use the following piece of code (this worked for me),

Silverlight 4 RichtTextBox - how do I get the text without the formatting?

How do I get the text out of a Silverlight 4 RichTextBox without the formatting? I know the Xaml property will give me the XAML but I just want the text.
This is a little late, but I will post anyway. There is a trick that involves selecting all the text in code and then accessing the Text propety of the TextSelection object. Like so:
var plainText = myRichTextBox.Selection.Text;
I am using it in my apps and although it is not the prettiest solution, it works. Found it here:
If you just want text, why not use TextBox instead?
There are various third-party components that support this kind of functionality (unfortunately paid). For example, Telerik's RadRichTextBox supports both highlighting and exporting rich text content as plain text, latter trough component called TxtFormatProvider.