Scrape and post results on my website - automation

I want to place a code on my website that will scrape the price of a product on another website then place the result on my website automatically. My website host does not support PHP. Is their away to do this? Maybe with JavaScript or a third party library? Checked google but could not get any answers, would really appreciate some help thanks.

You can check this options with perl. Almost every server in the world supports perl.
perl web scraper in google
If that is too complicated, check this other links with tutorials
Basic PHP Web Scraping Script Tutorial
PHP Web Page Scraping Tutorial


User registration in gatsby js

is their a way to let a website developed using Gatsby js, have user registration, user can have a profile and edit it, and user can add new article or item to the website ?
I know gatsby is static site generator. but I'm wondering if I can use Gatsby as a solution for such web application, and if not what are the tools I need to include to make it work ?
Not sure why you are getting downvoted.
Apart from the comment by #fabian-schultz, the keyword is you are looking for I believe is CMS.
Basically you just want some dynamic content in your website which is generated by a static site generator.
There are a lot of choices. For example, you can follow the official tutorial to use Netlify CMS with Gatsby.
Hope it's enough to get you started.

Can we create plugin for shopify in php?

I am trying to develop app/plugin for shopify in PHP. Shopify is fully develped in Ruby on Rails. There are so many apps developed for shopify that are installable. I tried to search plugin for shopify that are made in PHP but couldn't find.
My question is that can we create installable app/plugin in PHP for shopify? If yes then it will support for shopify? Please clarify me.
All your interaction with Shopify is via a RESTful API. You can create your App/Plugin in any language you want. It makes zero difference to Shopify, so long as you deal with the API correctly. .Net, Python, Ruby, PHP, Go, Javascript, take your pick.
There are a couple of open-source PHP example Apps floating around out there, suitable as a starting point for your copy&paste efforts. Working with Shopify API in PHP allows you to draw from PHP samples of connecting to any other common API out there, nothing special.

Using on a php page

HI trying to run an import io api on a php page and no data is detected.
Is it possible to obtain data from here
or similar web pages?
Yes, you can create an API to a PHP page. I have created an API for this website, without any issue.
You can also paginate nicely with this website, as the URL pattern is consistent and you do not need cookies.
If you would like to chat about a specific issue or website, I would suggest contacting for further help.

google now integration on website for Websiteupdates in Google Now

I am working on some integrations for Google Now.
The Schemas for Email-Notifications are clear,...
But bow I am searching for integrating our Website-News as well.
(I always get "website update-cards from Ryanair on my GNow)
But I cant seem to find the right schemas for it,... I dont even know if it is done by schema-markup-micromarkup-whatever lol
Any help or idea?
Thank you lots
Okay I have been wondering this same question for a while and these are what I have found.
Google Now doesn't support my PHP site but it does support another Drupal site of mine.
The only page that Google Now provides integration is here:
I found that quite some of the supported websites have rss.xml on its root.
So here's what I recommend to do: (I'm still trying so I'm not certain if the following methods are worth trying)
Use Drupal or other well-known CMS in case Google Now only supports a few kinds of websites.
Go to that page and try to get in contact with Google. (I haven't got replies yet though)
Try to add an rss.xml on your site's root and add a link to it at your default page. (I haven't got time to try it yet)

Create wordpress website Reader for an iOS device i:e showing notification/Reading content only if the site content/feed is updated

I have an idea to develop iOS App which update user if any feed is updated on wordpress website. Please tell the way/steps how i can achieve the same.
I have tried and searched on google but didn't got solution for my problem. This is one thing i got on youtube about web site reader : But, I doesn't have to developer such app which reads web site content, i would like to show notification as soon as feed on the web is updated.
This is the website ( ) whose reader i want to developer.
Please suggest me some solutions or logic which can help me to complete my task.
You've got several way to access the content of a Wordpress blog.
First and easiest solution is to use the basic RSS feed which is available on any Wordpress, and which is compatible with other kinds of websites.
With Wordpress, more specifically, you can use the XML-RPC API embed by the CMS.
This API need to be enable on the Wordpress website and every request will have to be authenticated with a real user to the Wordpress website (you can implement the registration process in the app or use a generic user in every installed app).
You have several library which handle the XML-RPC calls such as