Detect tap event on any component? - sencha-touch-2

Please let me know the code. I tried from the Ajax Listener which is defined in the app.js.But I want to detect user's tap in my application by just writing some tap listener in app.js. Any idea what tap listener should I write? The AJAX listener is:
Ext.Ajax.on('requestcomplete',function(connection,options) {


Even listener stops working when app is running in the background

I am making a React Native app which talks to Spotify via this module:
The module has an event listener which allows us to listen to Spotify player state changes, for example:
import { remote as SpotifyRemote } from "react-native-spotify-remote";
// and in a React component:
SpotifyRemote.addListener("playerStateChanged", (state) => {
The above works as long as our RN app is in focus. However, when the app is in the background (i.e. we are on a different app or the phone is locked), the event listner no longer gets triggered.
I am expecting the event listener to get triggered even when the app is running in the background but it isn't doing that.
Is there anyway to make this work even the app is not in focus? Thank you!

React-native hide numeric keyboard on API respond

I have a react native compnent that shows a popup message at the bottom of my mobile screen with data from my API http request. Trying to hide the numeric keyboard to be able to see the popup that is behind the keyboard. Calling keyboard.dismiss() when the API response comes does nothing.
Expecting keyboard to be dismissed while using import { Keyboard } from 'react-native' and calling the keyboard.dismiss() from the API response.
You are calling keyboard.dismiss() from an async () method, that's why the keyboard is not hiding.
You will have to call keyboard.dismiss() from the main thread.

How can I detect the browser back button with Vue?

In my component I need to do some logic when the user is navigate to my component using browser "back" button.
Maybe there is a property in vue router or something similar?
How can I detect the browser back button with Vue?
You can use popstate event,
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) {
// do something

child_added on stackNavigator dont fire componentWillUnmount

StackNavigator does not trigger the componentWillUnmount event, so two listeners remain open.
Is there any way to capture the "OnTabChange" event to stop the listener?
If the user changes quickly from one tab to another, would this be the best option?
I have also thought about creating a listener in the App.js file so that it emits a message (with the snapshot) and capture this event by the screen that listener listens to.
I was think to made a listener in App.js like
firebase.authFirebaseListener = auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
.on('child_added', snapshotFavorites => {
## Send a signal with snapshotFavorites
## to refresh data if current screen need it.
componentWillUnmount() {
I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but I used react-navigation-is-focused-hoc and added a listener to the page I wanted to trigger ComponentWillMount and detect changes.
Give it a look, I used in the exact way the tutorial of it says in github.

Clear Previous Expo Push Notifications

I have my app in Expo pushing a notification when somebody sends a message, but if that person sends multiple messages a second notification is pushed.
Is there anything I can do to clear the previous notification, or simply update the notification instead of adding a second notification to the list?
Basically I need to force an override or dismiss previous notifications.
The approach I was hoping to use was to add a listener which cleared notifications before appending, but it seems that this only works when the app is in the foreground.
Is there a recommended approach to this currently?
You can clear any or all previous notifications in expo-notifications. Your question is not clear but I am guessing you want to clear all previous notification if new notification is received. You have to spot the best place when to clear notifications on your code. But here are some tips (use the following code in the useEffect hook) -
// This listener is fired whenever a user taps on or interacts with a notification (works when app is foregrounded, backgrounded, or killed)
responseListener.current =
Notifications.addNotificationResponseReceivedListener((response) => {
If you want to dismiss specific notification in that case, use dismissNotificationAsync(identifier: string): Promise method.
Just in case, if you want to dismiss all notifications when receiving a new one while the app is foregrounded (use the following code in the useEffect hook).
// This listener is fired whenever a notification is received while the app is foregrounded
notificationListener.current =
Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener((notification) => {
// setNotification(notification);
You can use Notifications.dismissAllNotificationsAsync() method or dismissNotificationAsync(identifier: string): Promise method anywhere you like but you need to spot where to best use them.
_handleNotification = (notification) => {
this.setState({notification: notification});
console.log('get notification', this.state.notification);
let localnotificationId = this.state.notification.notificationId;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000)
This is how I do in NodeJS