How to change the starting page of Windows 8 app? - windows-8

I would like to change the starting page of my app. Instead of Page1.xaml I want page2.xaml to open by default when the app starts. Is there any way to do this??

You can find the answer in this post. You have to change it in the App.xaml.cs in the OnLaunched method


Custom Slider control in windows store 8 app

I want to edit the default style of Slider control in windows 8 app.
Need to customize the slider as per my requirement.
I want the slider like the following
I tried with the style given in this link , but it only supports windows8.1 app, but mine is windows 8 app.
Can anybody help me to edit the default style.
Thank you.

Changing Taskbar menu icon in nodewebkit app dynamically

I am working on a nodewebkit app. Looking for a functionality where in I can change task-bar icon of app to notify users, similar to what Skype does when a new message is received by user.
Is there any way it can be done in Nodewebkit?
Initially I tried changing window.icon in package.json file, but then I came to know that it is used only once, i.e. on app load. So that did not work.
Anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance
Window.requestAttention(Boolean attention) is what I was looking for.
It worked for me.
Thanks to Dhiraj, It gave me an additional feature for icon.

Reposistioning Icons in Windows Store apps

I'm using a set of icons inside my Windows Store App for some functionality, I want to code for rearranging according to user wish like how we see in Windows 8 Start Screen. I want guidance and some resources for it, Do you have any suggestions?
Check out JQuery's GridView. Like Nate said. There are apps in the store that demonstrates the gridview. See CodeShow app. It's made from Javascript though.

Programmatically change page background in Windows 8 Metro App

I'm new to Windows 8 development and I'm stuck on the this question. Basically, I have main page and I want change its background image every time when application is started. Please help !!!!
Create a Uri in your ViewModel, and have your Background's ImageBrush bind to this Uri. Then, on app startup, have your app just change the Uri to whatever new image you want, using whatever logic you want.
Also, when using ImageSource as you mentioned in the comments, you should be using SetSource.

Add to home function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How could I create a shortcut on desktop in iOS through an app
I want to know if it's possible with the iOS API to put a web page on the home screen (in Objective-C). A specific event to catch ? A "magic" function ? :)
Thanks :)
Nope, apps can not do anything outside their sandbox.
As the answer to this question explains, you can launch your page you want to save in Safari and provide users with instructions to save the page from there, then use a url to switch apps back to your app from Safari afterwards, but you can't add a webapp to the springboard from your app itself