I am new to the programming world and learning iPhone app development. For one of my apps, I am downloading CSV data from Yahoo finance. I want to have it in a dictionary. After some searches, I found the CHCSV parser. My question is how to use it?
I copied the files into my project and tried its different methods. I know my approach is kind of silly. As a novice in these things, I would really appreciate it if someone can help me out. In the following code I am initializing a CHCSV object by passing in the CSV file. I guess the parse method is the right one to use. After that, I have no clue how to get a dictionary out of it.
#import "ifinance5ViewController.h"
#import "CHCSV.h"
#implementation ifinance5ViewController
#synthesize button1;
NSString *locfile = #"/Users/---/Desktop/array.csv";
NSError *anError = nil;
[CHCSV *csvfile]=[[CHCSV alloc]initWithContentsOfCSVFile:(NSString *)locfile usedEncoding:(NSStringEncoding *)NSASCIIStringEncoding error:(NSError **)anError];
[csvfile parse];
i need to save a .plist file NOT to documents, but to the core of program.
For example my program called "123" and if i save data, then send my app to my friend and he opens this app he could see saved data, no matter where he puts this program. I can't find solution to this problem, please help me.
I'm making mac app.
and i save plist with
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:FBCover1.text=
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",Cover1.attributedStringValue]
General answer:
If you're trying to do this on iPhone (you didn't tag this for iOS or MacOS), this isn't going to work as this will break your code signing.
If you're doing this on MacOS and you're using code signing, you'll have the same problem.
There may be places where you could save and share data, such as Game Center or DropBox or Box or some other cloud storage mechanism, but you'll need to pick up and make use of some additional API's or frameworks.
Specific answer just for you:
Instead of:
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:FBCover1.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",Cover1.attributedStringValue] toFile:#"/Users/admin/FBCover1.plist"];
which is big and ugly and I don't know what the heck it's doing, why not save your string this way?
NSString * stringToSave = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",Cover1.attributedStringValue];
NSError * error = nil;
BOOL success = [stringToSave writeToFile: #"/Users/admin/FBCovert1.txt" atomically: YES encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: #error];
NSLog( #"error in saving - %#", [error localizedDescription]);
This saves the raw string into a file.
If you want to do it as a plist, then create a NSDictionary and save your string as the value with some appropriate key.
Preamble: this is an awful idea. What you should do is create a document-based application and pass your document backwards and forwards.
Literal answer:
You can use NSBundle to get the path of the resources folder within your application bundle with something like:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]
The resources folder is where application resources, such as plists, are meant to go. You're supposed to consider your application bundle as read-only in general but that's as good a choice as any if you want to hack away.
I'm new to Xcode and I'm trying to understand how things work, studying from books, reading tutorials etc.. and I got a minor problem
when I create a new project using " Command Line Tool" if I manually create the class interface, implementation and then write the codes to the main it works perfectly
however, as you know when a project is created through CommandLineTool it only provides main.m
I click on the file -> add new file and select objective-c class, name the class and then it provides me classname.m and classname.h and when I write the codes they don't work, the main somehow doesn't see the other files I mean main and class.h and class.m are not connected I think because when I start writing
classname *newclassname= [[classname alloc] init];
the classname doesn't show up so any suggestions what am I doing wrong?
I am sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance
Objective-C is case sensitive so take care when writing classname or Classname, check that for all the code. Also the convention is to use Uppercase for class names and lowercase for variables and instances. Variables are usually written with camelCase so newclassname will be newClassname:
Classname *newClassname= [[Classname alloc] init];
Seems like you need this one:
#import "classname.h"
I'm having this weird issue when building my project. The problem is as follows:
My friend and I are working on a project and we're exactly using the same xcode, cocos2d and box2d versions.
His project compiles (builds) fine while mine gives this error when I do:
cassert file not found.
I took a copy of his xcode.project but no problems whatsoever.
I hope this code summarizes better what I'm trying to say:
#import bla bla //the usual required files
#class myOwnClass1;
#class myOwnClass2;
myOwnClass1 *test1;
myOwnClass2 *test2;
Now I wanna include the GameLayer.h in either myOwnClass1.h or myOwnClass2.h using #import but it would give me the error!
If I did #class GameLayer; no problems at all.
The thing is in my friend's project he's doing the #import without the error, which is super weird (at least for me)
P.S. I know that changing the .m to .mm would solve it but, again, in my friend's project he's using the .m
I guess there is a mismatch of compiler settings between your project and your friend's.
In short: cassert is a C++ header file; you definitely need a C++ compiler to compile it.
Now, my guess is that in your friend's project, the GameLayer.m file is marked as a C++ file, though it has got a .m extension.
To verify that, open your project's (and your friend's) project.pbxproj file in a text editor and look for the GameLayer.m file. You will get this kind of entry:
347F5D94158BA4840058BC21 /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
as you see, the lastKnownFileType key says sourcecode.c.objc: this identifies an Objective-C file. If you see sourcecode.cpp.objcpp, that means objective c++.
Hope this helps clarifying it.
For some reason it turned out that creating a new project from scratch solved the problem, I'll mark this as the correct answer for now unless someone else has another opinion.
Here is how I fixed the issue. Cleaning up and recreating the project didn't seem to be a good idea for me.
There are a couple of answers on the web for this issue but they in each didn't help me solve the problem. One is on SO at
cassert file not found but i use Box2d template and the other is on cocos2d-iphone forum,
Combining the two suggestions kind of worked for me -
Rename all YOUR (not cocos2d or box2d files, just your project files) from .m to .mm
Make sure that on each of the files, on the right pane, “Type” option is set to “Default – Objective C++ Source”
There was another issue for me specifically, may not be an issue for you, I was using the following signature for CCLabelTTF
CCLabelTTF *title = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Hello" dimensions:CGSizeMake(720.0f, 880.0f) alignment:UITextAlignmentLeft fontName:#"Arial" fontSize:34];
This is deprecated and caused errors all over the place. I am now using the following slightly modified version and the errors fixed -
CCLabelTTF *title = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Hello" dimensions:CGSizeMake(720.0f, 880.0f) hAlignment:kCCTextAlignmentRight fontName:#"Arial" fontSize:34];
My most recent writeup of this fix can be found at - http://indiangamer.com/how-i-fixed-the-cocos2d-box2d-include-file-not-found-error/
When I create a new project with Xcode 4.4 and add these lines:
NSDictionary *test = #{ #"key" : #"test value" };
NSString *value = test[#"key"];
NSLog(#"value is: %#", value);
it compiles with no warnings and executes as expected.
Adding the same lines to an existing project produces the compiler error:
NSString *value = test[#"key"]; <-- Expected method to read dictionary element not found on object of type 'NSDictionary *'
I compared both projects' target build settings but nothing leapt out at me.
The new project that successfully compiled was for OSX. I tried another new one for iOS with the above lines and it fails to compile, same as my pre-existing (iOS) project.
This has nothing to do with old vs. new project, but rather is a factor of the SDK you use. The problem you're running into is that while this is a compiler feature, it requires SDK support. The iOS 5 SDK does not provide that support, though the iOS 6 SDK does.
For that reason, now you should just use the iOS 6 SDK. Read on if you want to use object subscripting with the iOS 5 SDK.
All you need to do is add a header file so that the compiler will try the call. There's no need to add an implementation; it's handled automatically by arclite. (If you are not using ARC, you will have to force the linker to include arclite. But you still don't have to actually switch to it.)
Create a new interface file, NSObject+subscripts.h.
#interface NSDictionary(subscripts)
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
#interface NSMutableDictionary(subscripts)
- (void)setObject:(id)obj forKeyedSubscript:(id <NSCopying>)key;
#interface NSArray(subscripts)
- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
#interface NSMutableArray(subscripts)
- (void)setObject:(id)obj atIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
I've put this chunk on github.
Note: I used to suggest adding the required methods to NSObject before explaining how to add them only to the relevant objects. In retrospect, I believe this was an error on my part; it led to errors being caught at runtime rather than compile time, unlike the approach now presented here. That approach is still on my blog, but I now believe it to be more of a cool hack than a useful approach.
Peter Steinberger, Using Subscripting With Xcode 4.4 and iOS 4.3+
Messing round a little in Xcode, and I was trying to get my app to look at the users music library with the use of MPMediaPickerController.
Following Apples documentation, I added the MediaPlayer.framework to the project, and in my header I've imported , giving me something like this:
#import <GameKit/GameKit.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h>
#interface HelloMusic : UIViewController
So far so simple. Now, as far as I'm aware I should be able to do
MPMediaPickerController *mp = [[MPMediaPickerController alloc] init];
in my main file and set about launching my picker. Unfortunately XCode stubbronly refuses to admit that there is such a thing as an MPMediaPickerController - if I type MP and hit escape to get code complations I am without any of the MPMedia family. Annoyingly Xcode does recognise any MPMovie... class (from the same framework!). If I try and run the app it compiles fine so it must at least recognise the header from the framework, then chunters along until I get to the assignment of MPMediaPickerController, at which point I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, with a console output of
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:
pthread_mutexattr_destroy$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm3sys5MutexC2Eb in image
I'm... certain I'm doing something beyond stupid, but I'm stuck nevertheless.
As the class reference states, it's declared in MPMediaPickerController.h. As such, simply adding...
#import <MediaPlayer/MPMediaPickerController.h>
...should solve your problems. :-)