on(release) {...} or myButton.onRelease = function() {...} - action script 2 issues - actionscript-2

I am having real confusion with some flash banners I'm creating and making the button into a clickable object which opens a web page.
I have been using this code for a while below, which works...
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");
And I placed this code on actual button within the actions panel
However I have been told the code above is very old and that I should use action script like below...
buttonInstance.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");
So I've tried to get this method below to work but nothing happens when I click the button, and I get one error, this...
So in a nutshell I cannot get this newer code to work! Ahh
Can anyone please help me understand where I am going wrong?
I have tried placing the new code in the Scene 1 of my actions. No worky..
And I've also tried placing the code below, actually on my button within the actions panel...
this.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");
Still not working.
My scene settings are alway this...
Any help would be great thanks.

You need to place the code below on the same timeline as the instance of the button (as you tried). And the instancename of the button must be "buttonInstance".
You can set the instance name in the properties panel when the button is selected.
buttonInstance.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");


Vue: Why is my dialog not showing up when the right condition is set?

EDIT: I answered my own question. I don't know how to mark this as resolved, since SO doesn't allow me to vote my own answer right now. Thanks everyone.
I am trying to create a confirmation box (asking to remove a layout) in which the user has to press confirm or cancel - confirm means 'yes, remove the layout and close the confirmation box', cancel means 'just close the box'.
The confirmation box opens when a user presses RemoveButton - this means that RemoveButton doesn't do the job of "removing" until confirm is pressed. Clicking the RemoveButton should make the dialog to show up.
The problem is the my dialog is not showing up. I ran Chrome dev tool and made sure that setShowRemoveLayoutDialog(true) is working, but removeLayoutDialog is not opening. Even when I set a dev tool breakpoint on public removeLayout(layoutName: string), the dev tool could never reach it.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
(We don't have to talk about CSS here since it is already built by my other teammates)
(I cannot do .confirm(confirm message) because it will trigger a no-alert error for lint. So I have to insert it into template and make a div or element for that).
Thank you!
This is my Vue/html template:
<RemoveButton #press="setShowRemoveLayoutDialog(true)">
<removeLayoutDialog v-if="showRemoveLayoutDialog"
This is my <script>:
export default class ThisClass {
public showRemoveLayoutDialog = false;
public removeLayout(layoutName: string) {
this.showRemoveLayoutDialog = false;
public setShowRemoveLayoutDialog(isShown: boolean) {
this.showRemoveLayoutDialog = isShown;
I realized that having the dialog inside the button was the problem.
Instead of having <button ... <dialog></dialog> </button>, having <button><dialog> solved the problem.

Wix element comes on and off when I hover on it?

I'm building a website using Wix.com and I'm trying to add a feature with code. I want a button to appear only when I hover over a document on the page. So far the button appears the way I want, but when I try to click on it, it keeps flickering so it's hard for me to click it.
I'm pretty new to this so I just tried basic debugging But still I don't know why this is happening. Also, I couldn't find much help from Wix forum
here are the code and a screenshot from the site (code examples is the button)
let rollLeft = {
"duration": 200,
"direction": "left"
let rollRight = {
"duration": 200,
"direction": "right"
$w.onReady(function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here...
export function document15_mouseIn(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
$w('#button1').show("roll", rollLeft);
export function document15_mouseOut(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
$w('#button1').hide("roll", rollRight);
Without seeing it in action this is a bit of a guess, but it looks like when you move to the button, you leave the pdf, causing the button to hide.
I can think of at least two ways to get around this:
Add a delay to the effect options to give a user enough time to click the button before it starts to disappear.
Add a transparent box beneath the file icon and the button. Use that box to trigger the show and the hide on hover, instead of the file icon. That way the hide won't trigger when the user tries to click the button.

Durandal view no more displayed if user click quickly on menus

I use Durandal 2.0 & Breeze in my SPA.
I have a sidebar menu for my drivers (Chauffeurs) where user can click on submenus (Récents, Disponibles, Indisponibles) for calling my view with different parameters. This will fill a koGrid with data. The data is fetched in the activate call and the binding of the koGrid is done in the compositionComplete.
Everything goes well most of the time. Things goes wrong when I click very quickly on submenus (calling the same view). Example: I click on 'Récents' and immediately (without waiting for the view to display) I click on 'Disponibles'.
I have the following for the activate:
var activate = function (filterParam) {
pagedDataSource.getDataFunction = getData;
pagedDataSource.getPredicatesFunction = getPredicates;
return pagedDataSource.reload();
And I have the following code for the compositionComplete:
var compositionComplete = function (view) {
bindEventToList(view, '.kgCellText', gotoDetails);
$('#mySearchGrid').attr('data-bind', 'koGrid: gridOptions');
ko.applyBindings(vm, document.getElementById('mySearchGrid'));
When I trace the activity, I noted that if user click quickly on submenus, the activate does not have the time to finish and is called again (for the second click of the user) and the compositionComplete does not execute. Then after that, nothing more happened visually. It seems blocked.
Any idea how can I prevent this problem?
The migration to the latest Durandal version 2.0.1 fixed the problem.

How to refresh on closing dijit.dialog

I'm using dijit.dialog to show the popup dialog. How do I refresh the parent page on closing dijit.Dialog? Please advise. thanks
You need to add a listener to the hide event, and you need location.reload(). It will be a lot easier to answer your question if you post some code and list what you've tried already.
Here's a jsfiddle illustrating how to use location.reload() when a dijit/Dialog closes with Dojo 1.8.
The relevant code:
d.on('hide', function() {
You can use code as below, you just need to now your modal object's name.
var dialog = registry.byId("modalDialogObjectName");
var url = dialog.get("href");
dialog.set("href", url);

how to attach an event to dojox.mobile.heading 'back' button

In addition to the 'back' button functioning as expected, I need to asynchronously invoke a function to update some db tables and refresh the UI.
Prior to making this post, I did some research and tried the following on this...
<h1 data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.Heading" id="hdgSettings" data-dojo-props="label:'Settings',back:'Done',moveTo:'svStart',fixed:'top'"></h1>
dojo.connect(dijit.registry.byId("hdgSettings"), "onclick",
function() {
if (gblLoggerOn) WL.Logger.debug(">> hdgSettings(onclick) fired...");
Since my heading doesn't have any other widgets than the 'back' button, I thought that attaching this event to it would solve my problem... it did nothing. So I changed it to this...
dojo.connect(dijit.registry.byId("hdgSettings")._body, "onclick",
function() {
if (gblLoggerOn) WL.Logger.debug(">> hdgSettings(onclick) fired...");
As it turns out, the '._body' attribute must be shared by the Accordion widget that I just happen to use as my app's main UI component, and any attempt to interact w the Accordion rendered my entire app useless.
As a last resort, I guess I could simply forgo using the built-in 'back' button, and simply place my own tabBarButton on the heading to control my app's transition and event processing.
If the community suggests that I use my own tabBarButton, then so be it, however there has to be a way to cleanly attach an event to the built-in 'back' button support.
The following should do the trick:
var backButton = dijit.registry.byId("hdgSettings").backButton;
if (backButton) {
dojo.connect(backButton, "onClick", function() { ... });
The code above should be executed via a dojo/ready call, to avoid using dijit's widget registry before it gets filled. See http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/ready.html.
Note the capitalization of the event name: "onClick" (not "onclick").
Not knowing what Dojo version you use (please always include the Dojo version information when asking questions), I kept your pre-AMD syntax, which is not recommended with recent Dojo versions (1.8, 1.9). See http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.9/modern_dojo/ for details.