Is using nibs to construct views good practice? [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 10 years ago.
I just read a comment saying something like
Yet another reason never to use nibs
Is it such bad practice to use nibs to construct your views in iOS? I think it's a fine system, enables you to construct views quickly without writing a lot of code. I've been working with nibs for a while now and never saw much downsides to their use.
So my question is: should I use nibs or code my views, and why?

I think the statement "never to use nibs" is ridiculous. You just have to know when to use them and when to avoid them. They're great for complex but static views, where you would waste a lot of time getting the coordinates and sizes right. For dynamic GUIs of course you should use code instead.
However, some people might fear that the GUI is out of their control, if they don't create it themselves by code and see every detail. But that's a subjective point.
One sure downside is, that xibs are hard to merge if you use source control. Xib files are actually XML files and when you change something in the GUI, a lot of references are added, removed or changed in the background. This will then result in conflicts that are very difficult to resolve.
Another one might be performance reasons. Loading your GUI from a nib file is slightly slower (in some cases) then creating it directly in code. Some people suggest not to use any nibs for the GUI that has to be loaded at application launch to shorten the launch time. But I'm not sure if there is a significant difference or not.

I prefer using NIBs wherever possible!
My reasons are:
Easy to maintain and in need of a change I can view the result right away.
Now that IPhone5 has a new resolution - things were really easy to do in the NIB
Easy to use
Less code to write
I even make SMALL popup views there and set the container view to hidden.
then I show/hide these popup views with containerView.hidden = YES/NO;


Storyboard/nib or not [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Recently I have been thinking maybe I should try out Storyboard in XCode.
I have always programmatically done my views in XCode since I didn't quite like the Interface Builder in the past. I wanted to know exactly what was happening in my apps, so I never really used any interface builders.
So I want to hear experiences of people who have used both, advantages and disadvantages.
I like managing all my UIViewControllers programmatically. But when I set up the UIViews, I kinda have to run my simulator multiple times to check if I have placed my view on the right pixel.
So I like the Interface Builders for the fact that I can see where my views will be positioned.
What do you think?
In the apps I have I actually use a combination of both.
If you're used to doing everything programatically then you will probably find it easier to start off with doing separate xibs.
Doing it that way means that any flow of the VCs is still done programatically like you are already doing.
The main advantage that you get from using a Storyboard is that you can create the flow of the app using IB as well as the UI of each VC. Oh, you can also create custom UITableViewCells within the table it is related to also.
Once you have got used to doing everything with XIBs you should find it easy to move on to Storyboard stuff.
Having said that, there isn't a chain of... Code < XIBs < Storyboard.
They should be sued to complement each other.
I've made a few apps using Storyboards and they worked brilliantly. Just before Christmas I started another app and the requirements of the app lead me down a path of explicitly using XIBs and no storyboard at all.
I've also made apps where the majority of the app uses storyboard but then there are certain common places that all use the same VC or all use the same UIView subclass and for those I have created my own separate XIB files.
It really depends what you are doing but either way, if you can do it in code then most of the time it is actually a lot easier and just as powerful in IB.
(with the exclusion of View drawing etc...)
The new StoryBoard interface is quite nice and intuitive. It still gives you fine-grained control however, without you needing to do everything programmatically. I think it is definitely much more efficient, and it might take about an hour to get used to it is definitely worth the time, from my perspective.
For apps that see repeated interface tweaks Interface Builder has been such a time saver for me - especially for projects with picky clients. The learning curve isn't really that steep if you already know how to code the same things manually which it sounds like you do. I'd say go for it and you won't regret it. I haven't.

Is it really so terrible to use global variables? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I've been developing in Objective-C for a long time, mostly games, and lots of people have commented that I frequently use global variables. For example, in my .m file before the #implementation I mostly have:
int y=1;
NSString *ran;
Now, I know I have to use properties, but I've found it much clearer for me to use this global variable, and I'm keeping them safe.
Except for the fact that it is not object oriented and/or not acceptable, does it affect any other facet of my app, like processor operation?
In my games I have something like 40 booleans in 1 class that are shared by almost ALL methods. I find it almost impossible to write getter/setter, or use properties for all of them, and I am comfortable with my way. But is it so wrong?
Is there another way to deal with many booleans that change in real time frequently, and are shared by all methods?
Is this so terrible to use globals? (I dont need to be considered as good Objective-C user…)
Global variables are generally considered bad practice because they lead to coding problems in the long run. If you find yourself able to maintain your code, then go ahead.
But eventually, you'll work on a project big enough where it will cause problems. Why not learn to get along without them now on the easier projects?
ObjC's not much different from its relatives in this regard.
The problem is that the program is very difficult to use in other contexts. That is, it can be a better choice to reimplement a program entirely rather than making the one with 40 globals reusable (and retesting everything).
40 Booleans for one class is also a llllloooooooot. Read your code -- look for patterns. Make smaller, more easily reusable implementations if you want to get away from the globals. Many devs consider them huge maintenance pains (war stories!). I could easily see myself having trouble trying to understand the program flow of such a program.
Even packing your 40 bools into a C struct and putting an instance of that struct in your ObjC class will be one huge improvement which is simple to implement.
If you have had no problems maintaining these programs, consider it a blessing! …but it will not be a favorite design for other people that will read, extend, or maintain said program.
As with most development practices, global variables have their place, BUT they reduce how refactorable, readable and debuggable the code is. Imagine the following scenarios:
a program that has an error in one function, but the error is caused by a global variable. Which other location produced the bad value? It's nearly impossible to tell.
someone who didn't write the code wants to change something, but has no idea where the global values are coming from. The way to figure out how the program works is to understand EVERY place the global variable is used. This is much more difficult than if you had simply encapsulated your functionality appropriately.
one piece of code is repeated over and over again (every method has access to your global so they all use it, but in just barely different ways). Requirements change and you need to change how that works slightly. You now have to change 143 different places in the code. (one time I had to do this was when the software changed from the English system to metric. 30 different code locations all using DIFFERENT conversion values to do the same thing)
On the other hand, if you have performance issues, there are times when having a global will speed things up, but it's much better to code for readability, refractorability and debuggability and then refactor if necessary for performance.

OO - resource spending and design confusion? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
sometimes i'm using OO des. and sometimes procedural style and everytime i use oop i feel like wasting resources on nothing. say i have a situation where i need to grab some values from datasource, a pool of bannerinfo. For the further work i can declare a banner class and decorators for additional functionality, but why would i do such a hard sequence - i got to grab, instantiate objects, fill them, wrap and so on, rather then just: grab data, run procedural code on data; yeah in many times oop just helps to organize logic and make decisions flexible, but on the other hand it's a waste of time on design (i experience a lot of problems solving simple stuff while putting them into oop style) and obviously a waste of machine resources. i'm kinda stuck in that mindset, im young but i've already seen some projects in oop - i wouldn't say that they're easy-understandable; that idead of oop is pretty charming - organising, making logically, but...
So, would you mind to point out some difference between situations when i should use oop/procedural styles. I'll appriciate any links to additional literature on that topic.Thanks!.
That data you're grabbing has a structure to it, i.e. the order in which the fields show up within each record in the data source. The code you want to run on that data is closely bound to that structure (i.e. the code is not going to apply to other data structures, and if the data structure changes you certainly want to change the code). So it makes sense to keep the data and behaviour together from a "mental information management" point of view, and object are a great way to do this.
What if your program grows, and you want to iterate through bannerinfo in multiple places within the project? Of course you could create a routine available from the whole program which does what you want on the bannerinfo, and call that from each point where you need it. But what if you then think of other things you want to do with a bannerinfo? Of course you could just create another routine available from the whole program, but it would be completely separate from the first. What if these two routines had some code in common that you could push out to a separate routine, would you create yet another routine available from the whole program, even though it's only used by the other two?
With OOP you'd have a class with two public methods, and one private one for that third routine. Why is this different to having three routines available to the whole program? The answer is clutter. You can create as many additional methods on that class, and it won't add clutter to the parts where you're not using that particular class as they won't be available. If the data structure of bannerinfo changes, you only need to go to one place to make the changes.
Of course there's more, but I hope this helps demonstrate where OOP can be useful. Its all about making it easy to manage. If your specifc problem doesn't care for that because it is a one-off, or will never grow, then there's not necessarily any benefit.
Final note: whether the benefit is worth the effort also depends on other factors such as how comfortable you are with using objects, what you're trying to do with them (inheritance can get murky), and also on the language and syntax itself.
"grab data, run procedural code on data"
I don't see how dealing with data can be easier with procedural. With OOP you can do stuff like
$users = $db->from('users')->where('score',100,'>')->getMany();
Or with an ORM:
$user = $orm->entity('User')->findOne($id);
$user->setPassword('abc123'); // set a new password
About showing the data (also called 'the view' in MVC architecture), I have to agree that decorators can be annoying. But if you use a templating engine, things are easy as they can get. You didn't mention which language you are using, but if you are into PHP you can use Twig
Personally, I feel more comfortable with OOP even in small projects, where you don't even do things like unit-testing. But I think the best of OOP comes when you need maintainability, collaboration, reusability, etc.

Why not use Interface Builder [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
I have seen some people who refuse to use Interface Builder and prefer to make everything using code. Isn't this a bit tedious and doesn't it take longer? Why would people do that?
This is usually a holdover from working in other environments with other UI builders. A lot of UI builder programs are viewed as newbie hand-holding at best and outright harmful at worst. Interface Builder is unusual in that it's actually the preferred way to create interfaces for the platform.
Some people don't like mixing code functionality in interface designs. Another example is when flash devs would include lots of code snippets directly in the stage (fla files), rather than in separate .as files. With xib it's not as big of a problem, since they are xml and can be merged quite easily when using source control. I personally like using xib's because we have a team of devs and designers -- splitting up the work load is nice. The designers can easily port their photoshop/fireworks designs into xibs and we can focus on the functionality.
Sometimes you want to do something that the UI builder can't quite handle (these situations aren't common, but they do come up now and then). Sometimes you may feel you have better control over what's happening when you write the code yourself. Me, I prefer to let the UI builders do it as much as possible, but sometimes it doesn't always work that nicely, and I sometimes have had to write the code myself.
Possibly because the Interface Builder is another tool to understand. Also, it's useful to know how to do things programmatically in case nibs don't give you enough functionality.

Common design by obfuscation practices? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are some common practices you have seen used in the design by obfuscation crowd? I find it interesting to be on projects that are not allowed to be rewritten while, that would be the faster and most efficient solution to the problem.
My favorites always revolve around variables...leaving ones in the code that are no longer used, then giving them all meaningless names. Of course, you have to be careful to avoid nearly all convention if you really want to obfuscate. So, a perfect one would be to have two similarly used variables, one named myVar1, and another named myVarOne. Stuff like that...
Another one is to include un-used controls that are only visible within the code. I stared at one ASP.NET site for a good hour trying to figure out why a FormView was dropped into it..(there was no answer to that).
I once worked on perl code where the author decided to have most of the subs receive a single hash as a variable and returned that same hash with data added or removed. Basically one global hash used to pass data through the different code paths.
It looked something like this:
my $hash = ();
$hash->{'CUSTID'} = 1001;
$hash = GetAccounts($hash);
if ($hash->{'AccountTotal'} > 100) {
$hash = getTotals($hash);
$hash->{'Acct_Sbkt_Marker'} = 'R1';
$hash->{'Acct_Invr_Marker'} = 'BT';
$hash = removeInvalidAccount($hash);
To this day I can't figure out what design pattern he was trying to implement with this.
I remember the $hash would be lined up nicely.
We had one person we worked with store files in a folder call /kensington in order to "hide" them. It just contained some xml files that he didnt want seen and figured people wouldn't look in there.
No or useless comments in the code along with no useful documentation.
I worked with a programmer that used to write hugely complex conditions that when met would call a method that simply did a system out. He did this dozens of times throughout the entire app. Still not sure why....
And there I was thinking that well designed code should stand up on its own to be read, not deciphered.
I understand that people who care about obfuscation are encouraged to use tools like dotfuscator and its equivalents in other environments. Obfuscation in the sense of making the code harder to decompile though, not just making it a pain to work with.
Why anyone would deliberately design horrible code (except to demonstrate the gotchas) is beyond me.